import{_ as i,c as e,o as t,a9 as s}from"./chunks/framework.D8PMdl4T.js";const f=JSON.parse('{"title":"mod.js","description":"","frontmatter":{},"headers":[],"relativePath":"public/kronos/docs/","filePath":"public/kronos/docs/","lastUpdated":1701136977000}'),a={name:"public/kronos/docs/"},n=s(`


Most of the non-layer code and data that you're likely to edit is here in mod.js. Everything in mod.js will not be altered by updates, besides the addition of new things.

Here's a breakdown of what's in it:

// (The ones here are examples, all official functions are already taken care of)
var doNotCallTheseFunctionsEveryTick = ["doReset", "buy", "onPurchase", "blowUpEverything"]
function addedPlayerData() { return {
	weather: "Yes",
	happiness: new Decimal(72),

Less important things beyond this point!

`,10),o=[n];function l(h,r,p,d,u,c){return t(),e("div",null,o)}const y=i(a,[["render",l]]);export{f as __pageData,y as default};