public: "true"
slug: "garden-rss"
title: "Garden-RSS"
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59 words, ~0 minute read.
Referenced by:
FreeformThe Small WebThis Knowledge Hub
A theoretical alternative to RSS that's better for [Freeform](/garden/freeform/index.md) websites (and [Digital Gardens](/garden/digital-gardens/index.md) specifically )
Why is it useful?
- [Feeds are not fit for gardening](https://v5.chriskrycho.com/essays/feeds-are-not-fit-for-gardening/)
- Describes the issues with RSS for [Digital Gardens](/garden/digital-gardens/index.md)
- Proposes creating an alternative, which they call `grdn`
How should it work?
- Could display changes similar to git diffs
Existing Work
- [`grdn` Specification](https://github.com/chriskrycho/grdn/blob/main/SPEC.md)
- [Proposal to build set of extensions to RSS](https://forum.summerofprotocols.com/t/pig-rss-all-the-things/383)