import{d as n}from"./chunks/";import{M as o,q as i,Q as e,K as r,u as a,ag as s,p as l}from"./chunks/framework.Sr2_9k8k.js";const c=e("h1",{class:"p-name"},"/now",-1),d=["innerHTML"],h=s('
This "now page" offers a big picture glimpse into what I’m focused on at this point in my life. What is a now page?
I'm building (at least) a mockup for Orchard, an app for message gardening into a Network of Knowledge.
Ultimately, I think this project could have some implications on how this digital garden operates, so I've decided to stop further indieweb integrations like webmentions for now. I'd like to see a server be able to bridge indieweb and agentic fediverse posts, and start using the agentic fediverse posts as my new source of truth.
I'm running and improving the social media site Incremental Social, along with CardboardEmpress.
I'd like to make it host an iroh node for hosting agentic fediverse content, managing a keypair for each account (with options for migration).
I'm working on a multiplayer incremental game called Chromatic Lattice . It's still largely in the concept phase, and may even be built on the Agentic Fediverse.
I'm working on a long single player narratively driven incremental game called Kronos . This is a very long-term project.
',12),w=JSON.parse('{"title":"/now","description":"","frontmatter":{"public":"true","slug":"now","title":"/now","prev":false,"next":false},"headers":[],"relativePath":"now/","filePath":"now/"}'),m={name:"now/"},b=Object.assign(m,{setup(p){const t=o();return(g,f)=>(l(),i("div",null,[c,e("p",null,[r("186 words, ~1 minute read. "),e("span",{innerHTML:a(n)[`site/${a(t).page.value.relativePath}`]},null,8,d)]),h]))}});export{w as __pageData,b as default};