const layoutInfo = { startTab: "none", showTree: true, treeLayout: "" }; Vue.component("job", { props: ["layer", "data"], template: ` <span class="upgRow" v-bind:style="{ opacity: 0, animation: 'showJob .5s ' + layers[data].showJobDelay + 's forwards', marginBottom: '20px' }" v-if="tmp[data].layerShown"> <tree-node :layer='data' :abb='tmp[data].symbol' style="background-size: cover; background-position: center;" v-bind:class="data === 'flowers' && player[data].xp.lte(1) && player[data].resetTime > 20 ? 'tutorial' : ''"></tree-node> <!--suppress HtmlUnknownTag --> <div class="job-details" v-bind:style="[ === data ? { '--shadowColor': layers[data].color } : {}, player[data].timeLoopActive ? { '--innerShadowColor': layers[data].color } : {}, {'textAlign': 'left'}]"> <h2>{{ layers[data].jobName }}</h2> <span>Lv. {{ formatWhole(getJobLevel(data)) }}</span> <bar :layer='layer' :data='data' style="margin-top: 5px;"></bar> <span v-if="player.chapter > 1"> Time Loop <button class="smallUpg can" v-bind:style="{'background-color': tmp[data].color,margin: '10px'}" v-on:click="toggleTimeLoop(data)">{{ player[data].timeLoopActive ? "ON" : "OFF" }}</button> </span> </div> </span>` }); function toggleTimeLoop(layer) { if (player[layer].timeLoopActive) { player[layer].timeLoopActive = false; player.usedTimeSlots = player.usedTimeSlots.sub(1).clampMin(0); } else if (player.timeSlots.sub(player.usedTimeSlots).gte(1)) { player[layer].timeLoopActive = true; player.usedTimeSlots = player.usedTimeSlots.add(1); } } addLayer("tree-tab", { bars: { flowers: getJobProgressBar("flowers"), distill: getJobProgressBar("distill"), study: getJobProgressBar("study"), sands: getJobProgressBar("sands"), generators: getJobProgressBar("generators"), rituals: getJobProgressBar("rituals") }, tabFormat: () => player.chapter < 3 ? [ // TODO babble buds stage? ["column", [ ["infobox", "genesis", {"--lore-color": "white"}], player.chapter === 2 ? ["infobox", "discovery", {"--lore-color": "orange"}] : null, ]], "blank", "blank", player.chapter === 2 ? ["display-text", `You have <h2 style="color: white; text-shadow: white 0 0 10px">${formatWhole(player.timeSlots.sub(player.usedTimeSlots))}</h2> free time slots`] : null, "blank", player.chapter === 2 ? "blank" : null, ["job", "flowers"], ["job", "study"], ["job", "distill"], ["job", "sands"], ["job", "generators"], ["job", "rituals"] ] : { "Main": { content: [ // TODO babble buds stage? ["column", [ ["infobox", "genesis", {"--lore-color": "white"}], ["infobox", "discovery", {"--lore-color": "orange"}], ]], "blank", "blank", ["display-text", `You have <span style="color: white; text-shadow: white 0 0 10px">${formatWhole(player.timeSlots.sub(player.usedTimeSlots))}</span> free time slots`], "blank", "blank", ["job", "flowers"], ["job", "distill"], ["job", "study"], ["job", "sands"], ["job", "generators"], ["job", "rituals"] ] } }, infoboxes: { genesis: { title: "Chapter 1: Genesis", body: `[WIP, needs feedback from Hudson]<br/>Finally, I've found the <span style="color: ${flowersColor}">flowers</span>! The legends were true, I was able to confirm they're the real deal by reverting some scratches I received on the trek here.<br/><br/>I just can't believe I actually found them! I'm going to start collecting them right away. This field is plenty large enough, so I can start harnessing the <span style="color: ${flowersColor}">flowers</span> to speed up the harvesting process.` }, discovery: { title: "Chapter 2: Discovery", body: `[WIP, needs feedback from Hudson]<br/>The field is completely barren... Fortunately, I've collected enough <span style="color: ${flowersColor}">flowers</span> that I can finally create a time loop. Not only will this allow me to revert the field whenever it empties, it'll now open me up to close myself in the loop, effectively allowing it to run while the real me continues with my next task: <span style="color: ${studyColor}">Studying</span> the <span style="color: ${flowersColor}">flowers</span>, and eventually experimenting with how to further take advantage of the time altering properties of them.<br/><br/>It'll be prudent of me not to forget about collecting <span style="color: ${flowersColor}">flowers</span>, as I'll still need them as I move forward, and in general should balance the time I spend on every job I can do.` } } });