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My Projects
72 words, ~0 minute read.
Tagged by:
Advent IncrementalBabble BudsCapture the CitadelDice ArmorGame Dev TreeIncremental SocialKronosOpti-SpeechPlanar PioneersProfectusV-ecs
I like making games and tools!
- [Planar Pioneers](/garden/planar-pioneers/index.md) ([play](https://thepaperpilot.org/planar))
- [Advent Incremental](/garden/advent-incremental/index.md) ([play](https://thepaperpilot.org/advent))
- [Game Dev Tree](/garden/game-dev-tree/index.md) ([play](https://thepaperpilot.org/gamedevtree))
- [Dice Armor](/garden/dice-armor/index.md)
- [Capture the Citadel](/garden/capture-the-citadel/index.md)
- I have more you can find on [my Itch.io page](https://thepaperpilot.itch.io/)
- ... And several more in development! Most aren't going to have their own pages on here, but a long-term project of mine called [Kronos](/garden/kronos/index.md) is the exception!
## Tools (and other non-games)
- [Profectus](/garden/profectus/index.md)
- [Incremental Social](/garden/incremental-social/index.md)
- [Babble Buds](/garden/babble-buds/index.md)
- [V-ecs](/garden/v-ecs/index.md)
- [Opti-Speech](/garden/opti-speech/index.md)