import{_ as e,q as s,p as i,ag as t}from"./chunks/framework.DvHfxfnp.js";const k=JSON.parse('{"title":"Milestones","description":"","frontmatter":{},"headers":[],"relativePath":"public/lit/docs/","filePath":"public/lit/docs/"}'),a={name:"public/lit/docs/"},n=t(`


Milestones are awarded to the player when they meet a certain goal, and give some benefit. Milestones should be formatted like this:

milestones: {
    0: {
        requirementDescription: "123 waffles",
        effectDescription: "blah",
        done() { return player.w.points.gte(123) }

You can use hasMilestone(layer, id) to determine if the player has a given milestone

Milestone features:

Disaable milestone popups by adding milestonePopups: false to the layer.

`,7),l=[n];function o(h,p,r,d,c,g){return i(),s("div",null,l)}const m=e(a,[["render",o]]);export{k as __pageData,m as default};