import{_ as a,c as t,o as r,a5 as l,j as e}from"./chunks/framework.CK8QU5WH.js";const w=JSON.parse('{"title":"The Small Web","description":"","frontmatter":{"alias":"The IndieWeb, Personal Web, Personal Websites, IndieWeb","public":"true","slug":"the-small-web","title":"The Small Web","prev":false,"next":false},"headers":[],"relativePath":"garden/the-small-web/","filePath":"garden/the-small-web/"}'),i={name:"garden/the-small-web/"},s=l('

The Small Web

Referenced by: This Knowledge Hub

Small personal websites created by individuals

The small web as a whole is Freeform

Browsing the small web

Building personal websites

IndieWeb contains various resources

Free hosting for static websites:


Microsub is a proposed protocol to support this

This also allows your personal website to be the one source of truth for your posted content

Multiple streams can be hosted by one site/person so people can subscribe to the kind of content they're interested in

How viable would it be to include chat messages in a stream as well?

Digital Gardens

These sites may be useful to occasionally check up on rather than get notifications from on every post/change

The future

The Internet is a series of webs talks about transitioning from our current consolidated web back to the indie web

Why people want the small web

There are tools these days that make making websites incredibly easy

Hosting can be expensive, but static websites are cheap

',32),o=e("iframe",{width:"560",height:"315",src:"",title:"",frameBorder:"0",allowFullScreen:""},null,-1),n=e("iframe",{width:"560",height:"315",src:"",title:"",frameBorder:"0",allowFullScreen:""},null,-1),h=[s,o,n];function d(b,c,u,p,m,g){return r(),t("div",null,h)}const k=a(i,[["render",d]]);export{w as __pageData,k as default};