import{_ as s,c as i,o as a,a5 as n}from"./chunks/framework.CK8QU5WH.js";const g=JSON.parse('{"title":"Basic layer breakdown","description":"","frontmatter":{},"headers":[],"relativePath":"public/gamedevtree/docs/","filePath":"public/gamedevtree/docs/"}'),e={name:"public/gamedevtree/docs/"},t=n(`

Basic layer breakdown

This is a very minimal layer with minimal features. Most things will require additional features.

    p: {
        startData() { return {                  // startData is a function that returns default data for a layer. 
            unlocked: false,                    // You can add more variables here to add them to your layer.
            points: new Decimal(0),             // "points" is the internal name for the main resource of the layer.

        color: "#FE0102",                       // The color for this layer, which affects many elements
        resource: "prestige points",            // The name of this layer's main prestige resource
        row: 0,                                 // The row this layer is on (0 is the first row)

        baseResource: "points",                 // The name of the resource your prestige gain is based on
        baseAmount() {return player.points},    // A function to return the current value of that resource

        requires: new Decimal(200),            // The amount of the base needed to  gain 1 of the prestige currency.
                                                // Also the amount required to unlock the layer.
        type: "normal",                         // Determines the formula used for calculating prestige currency.
        exponent: 0.5,                          // "normal" prestige gain is (currency^exponent)

        gainMult() {                            // Returns your multiplier to your gain of the prestige resource
            return new Decimal(1)               // Factor in any bonuses multiplying gain here
        gainExp() {                             // Returns your exponent to your gain of the prestige resource
            return new Decimal(1)

        layerShown() {return true},             // Returns a bool for if this layer's node should be visible in the tree.
`,3),h=[t];function l(k,p,r,E,d,o){return a(),i("div",null,h)}const c=s(e,[["render",l]]);export{g as __pageData,c as default};