import{_ as e,c as s,o as i,a5 as a}from"./chunks/framework.Mb1uu3dm.js";const f=JSON.parse('{"title":"Challenges","description":"","frontmatter":{},"headers":[],"relativePath":"public/lit/docs/","filePath":"public/lit/docs/","lastUpdated":1611269529000}'),t={name:"public/lit/docs/"},n=a(`


Challenges can have fully customizable win conditions. Useful functions for dealing with Challenges and implementing their effects:

Challenges are stored in the following format:

challenges: {
    rows: # of rows,
    cols: # of columns,
    11: {
        name: "Ouch",
        challengeDescription: "description of ouchie",
        goal: new Decimal(100),

Each challenge should have an id where the first digit is the row and the second digit is the column.

Individual Challenges can have these features:

The old goal system uses these features:

`,10),l=[n];function o(h,r,p,c,g,d){return i(),s("div",null,l)}const k=e(t,[["render",o]]);export{f as __pageData,k as default};