addLayer("e", { name: "experience", symbol: "E", color: experienceColor, branches: [ 'u' ], row: 1, position: 0, resource: "experience", baseResource: "updates", infoboxes: { lore: { title: "experience", body: "Look, maybe that idea just wasn't very good. You just saw a comment online that gave you this idea for a much better game! You can't even bear to think of your current game now that this new idea is in your head!

" + "Don't worry, though, you're sure your time spent on that last idea will surely help you on this one." } }, resetDescription: "Start Over for ", startData() { return { unlocked: false, total: new Decimal(0), points: new Decimal(0), exp: new Decimal(0) }}, layerShown() { return player[this.layer].unlocked || }, type: "normal", requires: new Decimal(5), baseAmount() { return player.u.points }, exponent: 2, gainMult() { mult = new Decimal(1).mul(buyableEffect("f", 13)).mul(buyableEffect("a", 21)) if (hasUpgrade("f", 11) && hasUpgrade("g", 12) && !inChallenge("d", 11)) mult = mult.mul(upgradeEffect("f", 11)) return mult }, gainExp() { return new Decimal(1) }, roundUpCost: true, onPrestige(gain) { if (hasMilestone("d", 1)) addPoints("c", getResetGain("c")) }, doReset(resettingLayer) { if (['r', 's', 'a', 't', 'd', 'l'].includes(resettingLayer)) { const shouldKeepUpgrades = { 11: hasMilestone("r", 2), 12: hasMilestone("r", 0), 13: hasMilestone("r", 0), 21: hasMilestone("r", 4), 22: hasMilestone("r", 5), 23: hasMilestone("r", 6) } const upgradesToKeep = [] for (let upgrade of player[this.layer].upgrades) { if (shouldKeepUpgrades[upgrade]) { upgradesToKeep.push(upgrade) } } layerDataReset(this.layer) player[this.layer].upgrades = upgradesToKeep } }, resetsNothing() { return hasMilestone("s", 5) }, effect() { return player.e.points.pow(buyableEffect("s", 11)).sqrt().add(1) }, effectDescription() { return `multiplying base productivity by ${format(this.effect())}x.` }, hotkeys: [ { key: "e", description: "Press E to scrap your game and start over", onPress() { if (canReset(this.layer)) doReset(this.layer) } } ], tabFormat: [ ["infobox", "lore"], "main-display", ["display-text", () => `Your total experience is also delaying the productivity slow down by ${format("a", 12)))} hours.`], "blank", "prestige-button", "blank", "upgrades" ], upgrades: { rows: 2, cols: 3, 11: { title: "Learn a new programming language", description: "Wow! This programming language is so much easier to write in! Total experience now effects update gain", cost: new Decimal(2), effect() { return } }, 12: { title: "Contact publisher", description: "Use your experience to contact a publisher, unlocking an adjacent prestige layer", cost: new Decimal(10) }, 13: { title: "Contact ad company", description: "Use your experience to contact an ad provider, unlocking passive cash generation", cost: new Decimal(25), unlocked() { return hasUpgrade("e", 12) } }, 21: { title: "Read Game Programming Patterns", description: "This treasure trove of a book makes me twice as productive", cost: new Decimal(100), unlocked() { return hasUpgrade("e", 12) } }, 22: { title: "Subscribe to Sebastian Lague", description: "Just being subscribed infuses you with enough knowledge to make you twice as productive", cost: new Decimal(200), unlocked() { return hasUpgrade("e", 12) } }, 23: { title: "Play Davey Wreden's games", description: "Davey Wreden's insights on the relationships between games and their creators and players make you once again twice as productive", cost: new Decimal(250), unlocked() { return hasUpgrade("e", 12) } } } })