import{_ as e,o as s,c as a,Q as t}from"./chunks/framework.1169fbc9.js";const m=JSON.parse('{"title":"mod.js","description":"","frontmatter":{},"headers":[],"relativePath":"public/gamedevtree/docs/","filePath":"public/gamedevtree/docs/","lastUpdated":1621388509000}'),n={name:"public/gamedevtree/docs/"},o=t(`


All of the code and data that you're likely to edit is here in mod.js! Everything in mod.js will not be altered by updates, besides the addition of new things.

Here's a breakdown of what's in it:

// (The ones here are examples, all official functions are already taken care of)
var doNotCallTheseFunctionsEveryTick = ["doReset", "buy", "onPurchase", "blowUpEverything"]
// (The ones here are examples, all official functions are already taken care of)
var doNotCallTheseFunctionsEveryTick = ["doReset", "buy", "onPurchase", "blowUpEverything"]
function addedPlayerData() { return {
	weather: "Yes",
	happiness: new Decimal(72),
function addedPlayerData() { return {
	weather: "Yes",
	happiness: new Decimal(72),

Less important things beyond this point!

`,10),l=[o];function i(p,r,c,d,u,h){return s(),a("div",null,l)}const f=e(n,[["render",i]]);export{m as __pageData,f as default};