import{_ as s,c as a,o as n,d as e}from"./app.c95a51e0.js";const u=JSON.parse('{"title":"Grids","description":"","frontmatter":{},"headers":[],"relativePath":"public/kronos/docs/","lastUpdated":null}'),l={name:"public/kronos/docs/"},o=e(`


Grids are an easier way of making a group of similar clickables. They all have the same behavior, but are different based on their data.

NOTE: Gridables are similar to clickables in some respects, but are fundamentally different from normal TMT components in quite a few ways. Be sure to keep these in mind:

Useful functions for dealing with grids:

The grid should be formatted like this:

grid: {
    rows: 4, // If these are dynamic make sure to have a max value as well!
    cols: 5,
    getStartData(id) {
        return 0
    getUnlocked(id) { // Default
        return true
    getCanClick(data, id) {
        return true
    onClick(data, id) { 
    getDisplay(data, id) {
        return data 



`,10),t=[o];function p(r,i,c,d,y,F){return n(),a("div",null,t)}const g=s(l,[["render",p]]);export{u as __pageData,g as default};