import{_ as e,c as a,o as t,a5 as n}from"./chunks/framework.Mb1uu3dm.js";const f=JSON.parse('{"title":"Command Palettes","description":"","frontmatter":{"public":"true","slug":"command-palettes","title":"Command Palettes","prev":false,"next":false},"headers":[],"relativePath":"garden/command-palettes/","filePath":"garden/command-palettes/","lastUpdated":1718337270000}'),l={name:"garden/command-palettes/"},o=n('
Command palettes are a design pattern where apps expose functionality through a search bar
Typing what you want is almost certainly easier and faster than finding the action in some submenu or remembering an arcane hotkey
Artificial Intelligence will make command palettes increasingly powerful
Maggie Appleton discusses this pattern in her article on Command K Bars
Many softwares I use have some form of command palette