import fs from "fs"; import util from 'node:util'; import child_process from 'node:child_process'; const exec = util.promisify(child_process.exec); import { Feed } from 'feed'; (async () => { const feed = new Feed({ title: "The Paper Pilot's Digital Garden Changelog", description: "A feed of updates made to my digital garden!", id: "", link: "", language: "en", // optional, used only in RSS 2.0, possible values: // image: "", // favicon: "", copyright: `All rights reserved ${new Date().getFullYear()}, The Paper Pilot`, // updated: new Date(2013, 6, 14), // optional, default = today // generator: "awesome", // optional, default = 'Feed for Node.js' feedLinks: { rss: "", json: "", // atom: "" }, author: { name: "The Paper Pilot", email: "", link: "" } }); const stdout = await exec('git log --after="2024-09-22T0:0:0+0000" --pretty=%H origin/master -- content/garden') .then(res => res.stdout) .catch(err => console.warn(`Error calculating git history:\n${err}`)); if (!stdout) { return; } await Promise.all(stdout.split("\n").filter(p => p).map(hash => new Promise(async (resolve) => { const { stdout: fullTime } = await exec(`git show --quiet --format=%ad ${hash}`); let { stdout: changes } = await exec(`git show --format="" --stat --relative ${hash} .`, { cwd: 'content/garden' }); changes = changes.replaceAll(/\/, ''); changes = changes.replaceAll( /(\| +[0-9]+ \+*)(-+)/g, '$1$2'); changes = changes.replaceAll( /(\| +[0-9]+ )(\++)/g, '$1$2'); const lines = changes.split('\n'); const summary = lines[lines.length - 2]; changes = lines.slice(0, -2).map(line => { const [page, changes] = line.split("|").map(p => p.trim()); return `
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