import{d as r}from"./chunks/";import{M as s,q as l,Q as e,K as i,u as a,ag as o,p as n}from"./chunks/framework.DvHfxfnp.js";const d=e("h1",{class:"p-name"},"My Personal Website",-1),h=["innerHTML"],p=o('
Referenced by:The Small Web

A Personal Websites for myself, available at

Tech Stack

I use Logseq to journal and collect my thoughts on various topics that interest me

My logseq files are synced to a private git repo which is added as a submodule to my website repo

A Node.js script pre-processes my logseq files into markdown files in the /garden path of the website

Vitepress builds a static site from the markdown files

Three.js is used to create the effect in the background

Microformats are used to markup the site for The IndieWeb

',15),_=JSON.parse('{"title":"My Personal Website","description":"","frontmatter":{"public":"true","slug":"my-personal-website","title":"My Personal Website","prev":false,"next":false},"headers":[],"relativePath":"garden/my-personal-website/","filePath":"garden/my-personal-website/"}'),c={name:"garden/my-personal-website/"},k=Object.assign(c,{setup(f){const t=s();return(g,m)=>(n(),l("div",null,[d,e("p",null,[i("422 words, ~2 minute read. "),e("span",{innerHTML:a(r)[`site/${a(t).page.value.relativePath}`]},null,8,h)]),p]))}});export{_ as __pageData,k as default};