import{_ as e,q as a,p as t,ag as i}from"./chunks/framework.DvHfxfnp.js";const m=JSON.parse('{"title":"2.0 format changes","description":"","frontmatter":{},"headers":[],"relativePath":"public/lit/Old Things/","filePath":"public/lit/Old Things/"}'),l={name:"public/lit/Old Things/"},n=i('
- Temp format is changed from
to temp[layer].something
, for consistency - Challenges are now saved as an object with the amount of completions in each spot. (This will break saves.)
in Challenges and Upgrades no longer takes an argument, and neither does effect
for Buyables- Buyable cost can take an argument for amount of buyables, but it needs to function if no argument is supplied (it should do the cost for the next purchase).
- Generation of Points now happens in the main game loop (not in a layer update function), enabled by
in game.js. - Changed
to layerDataReset
, which takes an array of names of values to keep
In addition, many names were changed, mostly expanding abbreviations:
All instances of:
- chall -> challenge
- unl -> unlocked
- upg -> upgrade (besides CSS)
- amt -> amount
- desc -> description
- resCeil -> roundUpCost
- order -> unlockOrder
- incr_order -> increaseUnlockOrder
- desc -> challengeDescription
- reward -> rewardDescription
- effect -> rewardEffect
- effectDisplay -> rewardDisplay
- active -> challengeActive
',7),o=[n];function s(r,c,d,g,h,p){return t(),a("div",null,o)}const u=e(l,[["render",s]]);export{m as __pageData,u as default};