mirror of
synced 2025-02-16 09:41:41 +00:00
Beta v1.2 Alpha 1
This commit is contained in:
6 changed files with 317 additions and 33 deletions
@ -15,6 +15,13 @@
<div class="vl"></div>
<div v-if="player.tab=='changelog'" class="col right">
<button class="back" onclick="showTab('tree')">←</button><br><br>
<h3>Beta v1.2 Alpha 1</h3>
<li>Implemented the two Row 5 layers</li>
<li>Added a new option</li>
<li>Rebalanced a few things at the end of row 4</li>
<li>Balanced up to 1 of each Row 5 reset</li>
<h3>Beta v1.1</h3>
<li>Cleaned up a few things</li>
@ -211,6 +218,8 @@
<span v-if="player.q.unl">Q: Quirk reset</span><br>
<span v-if="player.hb.unl">Ctrl+B: Hyper-Booster reset</span><br>
<span v-if="player.ss.unl">Shift+S: Subspace reset</span><br>
<span v-if="player.m.unl">M: Magic reset</span><br>
<span v-if="player.ba.unl">A: Balance reset</span><br>
<div v-if="player.tab=='options'" class="col right">
<button class="back" onclick="showTab('tree')">←</button><br><br><br><br><br>
@ -220,12 +229,13 @@
<td><button class="opt" onclick="hardReset()">HARD RESET</button></td>
<td><button class="opt" onclick="exportSave()">Export</button></td>
<td><button class="opt" onclick="exportSave()">Export to clipboard</button></td>
<td><button class="opt" onclick="importSave()">Import</button></td>
<td><button class="opt" onclick="toggleOpt('autosave')">Autosave: {{ player.autosave?"ON":"OFF" }}</button></td>
<td><button class="opt" onclick="adjustMSDisp()">Show Milestones: {{ player.msDisplay.toUpperCase() }}</button></td>
<td><button class="opt" onclick="toggleOpt('offlineProd')">Offline Prod: {{ player.offlineProd?"ON":"OFF" }}</button></td>
@ -275,6 +285,13 @@
<td id="q" v-if="layerUnl('q')"><button onclick="showTab('q')" v-bind:tooltip="((player.g.power.gte(tmp.layerReqs.q)||player.q.unl)&&layerUnl('q')) ? (formatWhole(player.q.points)+' quirks') : ('Reach '+format(tmp.layerReqs.q)+' generator power to unlock')" v-bind:class="{ treeNode: true, q: true, locked: (player.g.power.lt(tmp.layerReqs.q)&&!player.q.unl), can: (player.g.power.gte(tmp.layerReqs.q)||player.q.unl) }">Q</button></td>
<td id="ss" v-if="layerUnl('ss')"><button onclick="showTab('ss')" v-bind:tooltip="((player.s.points.gte(tmp.layerReqs.ss)||player.ss.unl)&&layerUnl('ss')) ? (formatWhole(player.ss.points)+' subspace energy') : ('Reach '+format(tmp.layerReqs.ss)+' space energy to unlock')" v-bind:class="{ treeNode: true, ss: true, locked: (player.s.points.lt(tmp.layerReqs.ss)&&!player.ss.unl), can: (player.s.points.gte(tmp.layerReqs.ss)||player.ss.unl) }">SS</button></td>
<td><button class="treeNode hidden"></button></td>
<td id="m" v-if="layerUnl('m')"><button onclick="showTab('m')" v-bind:tooltip="((player.h.points.gte(tmp.layerReqs.m)||player.m.unl)&&layerUnl('m')) ? (formatWhole(player.m.points)+' magic') : ('Reach '+format(tmp.layerReqs.m)+' hindrance spirit to unlock')" v-bind:class="{ treeNode: true, m: true, locked: (player.h.points.lt(tmp.layerReqs.m)&&!player.m.unl), can: (player.h.points.gte(tmp.layerReqs.m)||player.m.unl) }">M</button></td>
<td id="ba" v-if="layerUnl('ba')"><button onclick="showTab('ba')" v-bind:tooltip="((player.q.points.gte(tmp.layerReqs.ba)||player.ba.unl)&&layerUnl('ba')) ? (formatWhole(player.ba.points)+' balance energy') : ('Reach '+format(tmp.layerReqs.ba)+' quirks to unlock')" v-bind:class="{ treeNode: true, ba: true, locked: (player.q.points.lt(tmp.layerReqs.ba)&&!player.ba.unl), can: (player.q.points.gte(tmp.layerReqs.ba)||player.ba.unl) }">BA</button></td>
<canvas id="treeCanvas" class="canvas"></canvas>
@ -365,6 +382,27 @@
<tr><td v-if="milestoneShown(player.ss.best.gte(1), true)" v-bind:class="{ milestone: player.ss.best.lt(1), milestoneDone: player.ss.best.gte(1) }">1 Subspace Energy<br>Automatically purchase Space Buildings <button v-if="player.ss.best.gte(1)" class="smallUpg can s" onclick="toggleAuto('s', 'Build')">{{player.s.autoBuild?"ON":"OFF"}}</button></td></tr>
<div v-if="layer=='m'">
<div class="upgRow">
<div v-for="id in 3">
<button v-bind:class="{ upg: true, bought: spellActive(id), can: ((player.m.points.gte(1))&&player.m.unl&&!spellActive(id)), locked: (!(player.m.points.gte(1)||spellActive(id))), m: true }" v-on:click="activateSpell(id)">{{SPELL_NAMES[id]}}<br>Time Left: {{format(player.m.spellTimes[id])}}<br>Effect: {{getSpellDesc(id)}}</button>
You have {{formatWhole(player.m.hexes)}} Hexes, which are multiplying Hindrance Spirit & Quirk gain by {{format(tmp.hexEff)}}<br><br>
<tr><td v-if="milestoneShown(player.m.best.gte(1))" v-bind:class="{ milestone: player.m.best.lt(1), milestoneDone: player.m.best.gte(1) }">1 Magic<br>Keep row 4 milestones on reset</td></tr>
<div v-if="layer=='ba'">
<br>You have {{format(player.ba.power)}} Balance Power, which is multiplying Hindrance Spirit & Quirk gain by {{format(tmp.balEff)}}<br><br>
You have {{format(player.ba.positivity)}} Positivity<br>
You have {{format(player.ba.negativity)}} Negativity<br>
Your Positivity & Negativity are multiplying Balance Power gain by {{format(tmp.balEff2)}}<br><br>
<tr><td v-if="milestoneShown(player.ba.best.gte(1))" v-bind:class="{ milestone: player.ba.best.lt(1), milestoneDone: player.ba.best.gte(1) }">1 Balance Energy<br>Keep row 4 milestones on reset</td></tr>
<button v-if="LAYER_TYPE[layer]=='normal'" v-bind:class="{ [layer]: true, reset: true, locked: tmp.layerAmt[layer].lt(tmp.layerReqs[layer]), can: tmp.layerAmt[layer].gte(tmp.layerReqs[layer]) }" v-on:click="doReset(layer)">+{{formatWhole(tmp.resetGain[layer])}} {{LAYER_RES[layer]}}<br>Next at {{ (LAYER_RES_CEIL.includes(layer) ? formatWhole(tmp.nextAt[layer]) : format(tmp.nextAt[layer])) }} {{ LAYER_AMT_NAMES[layer] }}</button>
<button v-if="LAYER_TYPE[layer]=='static'" v-bind:class="{ [layer]: true, reset: true, locked: tmp.layerAmt[layer].lt(tmp.nextAt[layer]), can: tmp.layerAmt[layer].gte(tmp.nextAt[layer]) }" v-on:click="doReset(layer)">+{{formatWhole(tmp.resetGain[layer])}} {{LAYER_RES[layer]}}<br>Req: {{(LAYER_RES_CEIL.includes(layer) ? formatWhole(tmp.nextAt[layer]) : format(tmp.nextAt[layer]))}} {{ LAYER_AMT_NAMES[layer] }}</button>
@ -44,6 +44,14 @@ function drawTree() {
drawTreeBranch("e", "ss")
drawTreeBranch("s", "ss")
if (layerUnl('m')) {
drawTreeBranch("hb", "m")
drawTreeBranch("h", "m")
if (layerUnl('ba')) {
drawTreeBranch("q", "ba")
drawTreeBranch("ss", "ba")
needCanvasUpdate = false;
@ -13,8 +13,9 @@ function getStartPlayer() {
time: Date.now(),
autosave: true,
msDisplay: "always",
offlineProd: true,
versionType: "beta",
version: 1.1,
version: 1.2,
timePlayed: 0,
hasNaN: false,
points: new Decimal(10),
@ -117,10 +118,31 @@ function getStartPlayer() {
subspace: new Decimal(0),
upgrades: [],
m: {
unl: false,
points: new Decimal(0),
best: new Decimal(0),
spellTimes: {
1: 0,
2: 0,
3: 0,
hexes: new Decimal(0),
upgrades: [],
ba: {
unl: false,
points: new Decimal(0),
best: new Decimal(0),
power: new Decimal(0),
positivity: new Decimal(0),
negativity: new Decimal(0),
upgrades: [],
const LAYERS = ["p", "b", "g", "e", "t", "s", "sb", "h", "q", "hb", "ss"]
const LAYERS = ["p", "b", "g", "e", "t", "s", "sb", "h", "q", "hb", "ss", "m", "ba"]
const LAYER_REQS = {
p: new Decimal(10),
@ -134,6 +156,8 @@ const LAYER_REQS = {
q: new Decimal("1e512"),
hb: new Decimal(12),
ss: new Decimal(36),
m: new Decimal(1e80),
ba: new Decimal(1e130),
const LAYER_RES = {
@ -148,6 +172,8 @@ const LAYER_RES = {
q: "quirks",
hb: "hyper-boosters",
ss: "subspace energy",
m: "magic",
ba: "balance energy",
const LAYER_RES_CEIL = ["sb", "hb", "ss"]
@ -164,6 +190,8 @@ const LAYER_TYPE = {
q: "normal",
hb: "static",
ss: "static",
m: "normal",
ba: "normal",
const LAYER_EXP = {
@ -178,6 +206,8 @@ const LAYER_EXP = {
q: new Decimal(0.0075),
hb: new Decimal(2.5),
ss: new Decimal(1.1),
m: new Decimal(0.01),
ba: new Decimal(0.00667),
const LAYER_BASE = {
@ -202,7 +232,9 @@ const LAYER_ROW = {
q: 3,
hb: 3,
ss: 3,
future_layer: 4,
m: 4,
ba: 4,
future_layer: 5,
const ROW_LAYERS = [
@ -210,6 +242,7 @@ const ROW_LAYERS = [
@ -224,7 +257,7 @@ const ORDER_UP = [
const LAYER_EFFS = {
b: function() {
if (tmp.hcActive ? tmp.hcActive[11] : true) return new Decimal(1);
return Decimal.pow(Decimal.add(2, tmp.atbb).max(0), player.b.points.plus(getFreeBoosters())).max(0)
return Decimal.pow(Decimal.add(2, tmp.atbb).max(0), player.b.points.plus(getFreeBoosters()).times(getBoosterPower())).max(0)
g: function() { return Decimal.pow(Decimal.add(2, tmp.atgb).max(0), player.g.points.times(getGenPow())).sub(1).times(getGenPowerGainMult()).max(0) },
t: function() { return {
@ -239,6 +272,11 @@ const LAYER_EFFS = {
hb: function() { return Decimal.pow(1.6, player.hb.points.pow(getHyperBoosterExp()).times(getHyperBoosterPow())) },
ss: function() { return player.ss.points.pow(2.5).times(getSubspaceGainMult()) },
ba: function() { return {
power: player.ba.points.pow(0.2),
pos: player.ba.points.pow(0.7),
neg: player.ba.points.pow(0.65).times(0.4),
const LAYER_UPGS = {
@ -369,14 +407,14 @@ const LAYER_UPGS = {
32: {
desc: "Add free Boosters based on your Generator Power.",
cost: new Decimal(1263),
cost: new Decimal(1261),
unl: function() { return player.hb.upgrades.includes(14) },
currently: function() { return player.g.power.plus(1).log10().sqrt().floor() },
effDisp: function(x) { return "+"+formatWhole(x) },
33: {
desc: "Add 100 free Boosters.",
cost: new Decimal(1270),
cost: new Decimal(1269),
unl: function() { return player.hb.upgrades.includes(14) },
@ -910,7 +948,7 @@ const LAYER_UPGS = {
13: {
desc: "This layer behaves as if you chose it first.",
cost: new Decimal(2),
unl: function() { return player.hb.order>0||(player.ss.upgrades.includes(15))||player.hb.upgrades.includes(13) },
unl: function() { return player.hb.order>0||(player.ss.upgrades.includes(15))||player.hb.upgrades.includes(13)||(player.m.unl||player.ba.unl) },
14: {
desc: "Unlock 3 new Booster Upgrades.",
@ -948,7 +986,7 @@ const LAYER_UPGS = {
15: {
desc: "This layer behaves as if you chose it first.",
cost: new Decimal(3),
unl: function() { return player.ss.order>0||(player.hb.upgrades.includes(13))||player.ss.upgrades.includes(15) },
unl: function() { return player.ss.order>0||(player.hb.upgrades.includes(13))||player.ss.upgrades.includes(15)||(player.m.unl||player.ba.unl) },
21: {
desc: "Unlock 5 new Generator Upgrades.",
@ -978,6 +1016,14 @@ const LAYER_UPGS = {
unl: function() { return false },
m: {
rows: 0,
cols: 0,
ba: {
rows: 0,
cols: 0,
const TAB_REQS = {
@ -997,6 +1043,8 @@ const TAB_REQS = {
q: function() { return (player.q.unl||player.g.power.gte(tmp.layerReqs.q))&&layerUnl('q') },
hb: function() { return (player.hb.unl||player.sb.points.gte(tmp.layerReqs.hb))&&layerUnl('hb') },
ss: function() { return (player.ss.unl||player.s.points.gte(tmp.layerReqs.ss))&&layerUnl('ss') },
m: function() { return (player.m.unl||player.h.points.gte(tmp.layerReqs.m))&&layerUnl('m') },
ba: function() { return (player.ba.unl||player.q.points.gte(tmp.layerReqs.ba))&&layerUnl('ba') },
@ -1011,6 +1059,8 @@ const LAYER_AMT_NAMES = {
q: "generator power",
hb: "super-boosters",
ss: "space energy",
m: "hindrance spirit",
ba: "quirks",
function getLayerAmt(layer) {
@ -1031,6 +1081,12 @@ function getLayerAmt(layer) {
case "ss":
return player.s.points;
case "m":
return player.h.points;
case "ba":
return player.q.points;
return amt
@ -1060,6 +1116,9 @@ function getLayerEffDesc(layer) {
case "ss":
return "which are generating "+format(eff)+" Subspace/sec"
case "ba":
return "which are generating "+format(eff.power)+" Balance Power, "+format(eff.pos)+" Positivity, and "+format(eff.neg)+" Negativity every second"
@ -1073,6 +1132,7 @@ function load() {
else player = JSON.parse(atob(get))
player.tab = "tree"
offTime.remain = (Date.now()-player.time)/1000
if (!player.offlineProd) offTime.remain = 0
player.time = Date.now()
@ -1132,36 +1192,40 @@ function versionCheck() {
function checkForVars() {
let start = getStartPlayer()
if (player.autosave===undefined) player.autosave = true;
if (player.b===undefined) player.b = getStartPlayer().b
if (player.g===undefined) player.g = getStartPlayer().g
if (player.b===undefined) player.b = start.b
if (player.g===undefined) player.g = start.g
if (player.p.best===undefined) player.p.best = player.p.points
if (player.b.best===undefined) player.b.best = player.b.points
if (player.b.auto===undefined) player.b.auto = false
if (player.g.best===undefined) player.g.best = player.g.points
if (player.g.auto===undefined) player.g.auto = false
if (player.e === undefined) player.e = getStartPlayer().e
if (player.e === undefined) player.e = start.e
if (player.e.order === undefined) player.e.order = 0
if (player.e.auto===undefined) player.e.auto = false
if (player.t === undefined) player.t = getStartPlayer().t
if (player.t === undefined) player.t = start.t
if (player.t.auto===undefined) player.t.auto = false
if (player.t.autoCap===undefined) player.t.autoCap = false
if (player.s === undefined) player.s = getStartPlayer().s
if (player.s === undefined) player.s = start.s
if (player.s.buildings[4] === undefined) player.s.buildings[4] = new Decimal(0);
if (player.s.buildings[5] === undefined) player.s.buildings[5] = new Decimal(0);
if (player.s.auto === undefined) player.s.auto = false
if (player.s.autoBuild === undefined) player.s.autoBuild = false
if (player.sb === undefined) player.sb = getStartPlayer().sb
if (player.sb === undefined) player.sb = start.sb
if (player.sb.auto === undefined) player.sb.auto = false
if (player.timePlayed === undefined) player.timePlayed = 0
if (player.hasNaN === undefined) player.hasNaN = false
if (player.h === undefined) player.h = getStartPlayer().h
if (player.h === undefined) player.h = start.h
if (player.h.active === undefined) player.h.active = 0
if (player.h.time === undefined) player.h.time = 0
if (player.q === undefined) player.q = getStartPlayer().q
if (player.q === undefined) player.q = start.q
if (player.msDisplay === undefined) player.msDisplay = "always"
if (player.hb === undefined) player.hb = getStartPlayer().hb
if (player.ss === undefined) player.ss = getStartPlayer().ss
if (player.hb === undefined) player.hb = start.hb
if (player.ss === undefined) player.ss = start.ss
if (player.m === undefined) player.m = start.m
if (player.ba === undefined) player.ba = start.ba
if (player.offlineProd === undefined) player.offlineProd = true
function convertToDecimal() {
@ -1198,6 +1262,14 @@ function convertToDecimal() {
player.ss.points = new Decimal(player.ss.points)
player.ss.best = new Decimal(player.ss.best)
player.ss.subspace = new Decimal(player.ss.subspace)
player.m.points = new Decimal(player.m.points)
player.m.best = new Decimal(player.m.best)
player.m.hexes = new Decimal(player.m.hexes)
player.ba.points = new Decimal(player.ba.points)
player.ba.best = new Decimal(player.ba.best)
player.ba.power = new Decimal(player.ba.power)
player.ba.positivity = new Decimal(player.ba.positivity)
player.ba.negativity = new Decimal(player.ba.negativity)
function toggleOpt(name) {
@ -1339,11 +1411,15 @@ function getLayerGainMult(layer) {
if (player.q.upgrades.includes(22)) mult = mult.times(LAYER_UPGS.q[22].currently().h)
if (player.q.upgrades.includes(34)) mult = mult.times(LAYER_UPGS.q[34].currently())
if (player.q.upgrades.includes(44)) mult = mult.times(LAYER_UPGS.q[44].currently())
if (player.ba.unl) mult = mult.times(tmp.balEff)
if (player.m.unl) mult = mult.times(tmp.hexEff)
case "q":
if (player.h.challs.includes(12)) mult = mult.times(H_CHALLS[12].currently())
if (player.q.upgrades.includes(22)) mult = mult.times(LAYER_UPGS.q[22].currently().q)
if (player.q.upgrades.includes(34)) mult = mult.times(LAYER_UPGS.q[34].currently())
if (player.ba.unl) mult = mult.times(tmp.balEff)
if (player.m.unl) mult = mult.times(tmp.hexEff)
return mult
@ -1423,6 +1499,12 @@ function layerUnl(layer) {
case "ss":
return player.s.unl&&player.h.unl&&player.q.unl
case "m":
return player.h.unl&&player.hb.unl
case "ba":
return player.q.unl&&player.ss.unl
@ -1450,11 +1532,11 @@ function rowReset(row, layer) {
case 2:
player.b.points = new Decimal(0);
player.b.best = new Decimal(0);
player.b.best = player.m.best.gte(1)?player.b.best:new Decimal(0);
if (!player.t.best.gte(4)) player.b.upgrades = [];
player.g.points = new Decimal(0);
player.g.power = new Decimal(0);
player.g.best = new Decimal(0);
player.g.best = player.m.best.gte(1)?player.g.best:new Decimal(0);
if (!player.s.best.gte(4)) player.g.upgrades = [];
player.t.energy = new Decimal(0);
if (layer=="t"||layer=="e"||layer=="s") {
@ -1470,21 +1552,21 @@ function rowReset(row, layer) {
case 3:
player.t.points = new Decimal(0);
player.t.order = 0
if (player.h.best.lt(2)) player.t.best = new Decimal(0);
if (player.h.best.lt(2)&&player.m.best.lt(1)) player.t.best = new Decimal(0);
if (player.h.best.lt(4)) player.t.upgrades = [];
player.t.extCapsules = new Decimal(0);
player.e.order = 0
player.e.points = new Decimal(0);
if (player.h.best.lt(2)) player.e.best = new Decimal(0);
if (player.h.best.lt(2)&&player.m.best.lt(1)) player.e.best = new Decimal(0);
player.e.enhancers = new Decimal(0);
if (player.h.best.lt(4)) player.e.upgrades = [];
player.s = {
unl: player.s.unl,
order: 0,
points: new Decimal(0),
best: player.h.best.gte(2) ? player.s.best : new Decimal(0),
spent: player.q.best.gte(4) ? player.s.spent : new Decimal(0),
buildings: player.q.best.gte(4) ? player.s.buildings : ({
best: (player.h.best.gte(2)||player.m.best.gte(1)) ? player.s.best : new Decimal(0),
spent: (player.q.best.gte(4)&&(layer=="h"||layer=="q"||layer=="ss"||layer=="hb")) ? player.s.spent : new Decimal(0),
buildings: (player.q.best.gte(4)&&(layer=="h"||layer=="q"||layer=="ss"||layer=="hb")) ? player.s.buildings : ({
1: new Decimal(0),
2: new Decimal(0),
3: new Decimal(0),
@ -1500,7 +1582,7 @@ function rowReset(row, layer) {
auto: player.sb.auto,
order: 0,
points: new Decimal(0),
best: player.h.best.gte(2) ? player.sb.best : new Decimal(0),
best: (player.h.best.gte(2)||player.m.best.gte(1)) ? player.sb.best : new Decimal(0),
upgrades: player.h.best.gte(10) ? player.sb.upgrades : [],
player.h.time = 0
@ -1508,10 +1590,43 @@ function rowReset(row, layer) {
player.q.energy = new Decimal(0);
case 4:
player.h = start.h
player.q = start.q
player.hb = start.hb
player.ss = start.ss
player.h = {
unl: player.h.unl,
time: 0,
points: new Decimal(0),
best: (player.ba.best.gte(1)||player.m.best.gte(1))?player.h.best:new Decimal(0),
active: 0,
challs: [],
upgrades: [],
player.q = {
unl: player.q.unl,
points: new Decimal(0),
best: (player.ba.best.gte(1)||player.m.best.gte(1))?player.q.best:new Decimal(0),
layers: new Decimal(0),
energy: new Decimal(0),
time: new Decimal(0),
upgrades: [],
player.hb = {
unl: player.hb.unl,
order: player.hb.order,
points: new Decimal(0),
best: (player.ba.best.gte(1)||player.m.best.gte(1))?player.hb.best:new Decimal(0),
upgrades: [],
player.ss = {
unl: player.ss.unl,
order: player.ss.order,
points: new Decimal(0),
best: (player.ba.best.gte(1)||player.m.best.gte(1))?player.ss.best:new Decimal(0),
subspace: new Decimal(0),
upgrades: [],
case 5:
player.m = start.m
player.ba = start.ba
@ -1605,6 +1720,12 @@ function getFreeBoosters() {
return free
function getBoosterPower() {
let power = new Decimal(1)
if (spellActive(1)) power = power.times(tmp.spellEffs[1])
return power
function addToGenBase() {
let toAdd = new Decimal(0)
if (player.g.upgrades.includes(12)) toAdd = toAdd.plus(LAYER_UPGS.g[12].currently())
@ -1729,6 +1850,7 @@ function getCapPow() {
if (tmp.hcActive ? tmp.hcActive[41] : true) return new Decimal(0)
let pow = new Decimal(1)
if (player.q.upgrades.includes(33)) pow = pow.times(LAYER_UPGS.q[33].currently())
if (spellActive(2)) pow = pow.times(tmp.spellEffs[2])
return pow
@ -1980,7 +2102,9 @@ function getQuirkLayerMult() {
function getQuirkEnergyGainExp() {
return player.q.layers.sub(1)
let mult = new Decimal(1)
if (spellActive(3)) mult = mult.times(tmp.spellEffs[3])
return player.q.layers.sub(1).times(mult)
function getQuirkEnergyEff() {
@ -2172,6 +2296,79 @@ function getHyperBoosterPow() {
return pow;
function getBalancePowerEff() {
let eff = player.ba.power.plus(1).sqrt()
return eff;
function getBalanceTypesEff() {
let mod = player.ba.positivity.plus(1).log10().plus(1).div(player.ba.negativity.plus(1).log10().plus(1)).log10().abs().plus(1).pow(-1)
let pos = player.ba.positivity.plus(1).log10().plus(1)
let neg = player.ba.negativity.plus(1).log10().plus(1)
let eff = pos.times(neg).pow(mod)
return eff;
const SPELL_NAMES = {
1: "Spell 1",
2: "Spell 2",
3: "Spell 3",
const SPELL_DESCS = {
1: "Boosters are X% stronger",
2: "Time Capsules are X% stronger",
3: "Quirk Layers are X% more efficient",
const SPELL_BASE = {
1: 1.25,
2: 1.1,
3: 1.04,
function getSpellPower(x) {
let power = new Decimal(1);
return power;
function getSpellEff(x) {
let base = SPELL_BASE[x]
let power = getSpellPower(x)
let eff = Decimal.pow(base, power)
return eff
function getSpellDesc(x) {
let desc = SPELL_DESCS[x]
let eff = tmp.spellEffs[x]
return desc.replace("X", format(eff.sub(1).times(100)))
function getSpellTime() {
let time = 20
return time
function spellActive(x) {
if (!player.m.unl) return false
return player.m.spellTimes[x]>0
function activateSpell(x) {
if (!player.m.unl) return
if (spellActive(x)) return
if (player.m.points.lt(1)) return
player.m.points = player.m.points.sub(1)
player.m.spellTimes[x] = getSpellTime()
player.m.hexes = player.m.hexes.plus(1)
function getHexEff() {
let eff = player.m.hexes.plus(1).pow(5)
return eff;
function gameLoop(diff) {
diff = new Decimal(diff)
if (isNaN(diff.toNumber())) diff = new Decimal(0);
@ -2196,6 +2393,12 @@ function gameLoop(diff) {
if (player.q.best.gte(15)) player.e.points = player.e.points.plus(tmp.resetGain.e.times(diff)).max(0)
if (player.ss.unl) player.ss.subspace = player.ss.subspace.plus(tmp.layerEffs.ss.times(diff)).max(0)
if (player.ba.unl) {
player.ba.power = player.ba.power.plus(tmp.layerEffs.ba.power.times(tmp.balEff2).times(diff)).max(0)
player.ba.positivity = player.ba.positivity.plus(tmp.layerEffs.ba.pos.times(diff)).max(0)
player.ba.negativity = player.ba.negativity.plus(tmp.layerEffs.ba.neg.times(diff)).max(0)
if (player.m.unl) for (let i=1;i<=3;i++) player.m.spellTimes[i] = Decimal.sub(player.m.spellTimes[i], diff).max(0).toNumber()
if (player.b.auto&&player.t.best.gte(5)) doReset("b")
if (player.g.auto&&player.s.best.gte(5)) doReset("g")
@ -2229,6 +2432,7 @@ var saveInterval = setInterval(function() {
var interval = setInterval(function() {
if (player===undefined||tmp===undefined) return;
let diff = (Date.now()-player.time)/1000
if (!player.offlineProd) offTime.remain = 0
if (offTime.remain>0) {
offTime.speed = offTime.remain/5+1
diff += offTime.speed/50
@ -2247,6 +2451,9 @@ document.onkeydown = function(e) {
let key = e.key
if ((!LAYERS.includes(key))||ctrlDown||shiftDown) {
switch(key) {
case "a":
if (player.ba.unl) doReset("ba")
case "b":
if (ctrlDown && player.hb.unl) doReset("hb")
@ -51,4 +51,10 @@ function updateTemp() {
tmp.ssEff1 = getSubspaceEff1()
tmp.ssEff2 = getSubspaceEff2()
tmp.ssEff3 = getSubspaceEff3()
tmp.balEff = getBalancePowerEff()
tmp.balEff2 = getBalanceTypesEff()
tmp.hexEff = getHexEff()
if (!tmp.spellEffs) tmp.spellEffs = {}
for (let i=1;i<=3;i++) tmp.spellEffs[i] = getSpellEff(i)
@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ function loadVue() {
@ -27,6 +28,9 @@ function loadVue() {
@ -34,7 +38,8 @@ function loadVue() {
@ -235,6 +235,26 @@ h1, h2 {
text-shadow: 0px 0px 10px white;
.m {
background-color: #eb34c0;
color: black;
.m_txt {
color: #eb34c0;
text-shadow: 0px 0px 10px #eb34c0;
.ba {
background-color: #ebc88f;
color: black;
.ba_txt {
color: #ebc88f;
text-shadow: 0px 0px 10px #ebc88f;
#optionWheel {
position: absolute;
top: 0px;
Add table
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