Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/Acamaeda/The-Modding-Tree.git synced 2025-03-21 21:51:48 +00:00

refactor(utils.js): extracted some regions to their own file

This commit is contained in:
flammehawk 2021-01-06 21:56:06 +01:00
parent e6164a95d6
commit 654199f7ee
6 changed files with 502 additions and 511 deletions

View file

@ -19,6 +19,10 @@
<script src="js/technical/systemComponents.js"></script>
<script src="js/components.js"></script>
<script src="js/technical/canvas.js"></script>
<script src="js/utils/NumberFormating.js"></script>
<script src="js/utils/options.js"></script>
<script src="js/utils/save.js"></script>
<script src="js/utils/themes.js"></script>

View file

@ -1,454 +1,3 @@
// ************ Number formatting ************
function exponentialFormat(num, precision, mantissa = true) {
let e = num.log10().floor()
let m = num.div(Decimal.pow(10, e))
if(m.toStringWithDecimalPlaces(precision) == 10) {
m = new Decimal(1)
e = e.add(1)
e = (e.gte(10000) ? commaFormat(e, 0) : e.toStringWithDecimalPlaces(0))
if (mantissa)
return m.toStringWithDecimalPlaces(precision)+"e"+e
else return "e"+e
function commaFormat(num, precision) {
if (num === null || num === undefined) return "NaN"
if (num.mag < 0.001) return (0).toFixed(precision)
return num.toStringWithDecimalPlaces(precision).replace(/(\d)(?=(\d\d\d)+(?!\d))/g, "$1,")
function regularFormat(num, precision) {
if (num === null || num === undefined) return "NaN"
if (num.mag < 0.001) return (0).toFixed(precision)
return num.toStringWithDecimalPlaces(precision)
function fixValue(x, y = 0) {
return x || new Decimal(y)
function sumValues(x) {
x = Object.values(x)
if (!x[0]) return new Decimal(0)
return x.reduce((a, b) => Decimal.add(a, b))
function format(decimal, precision=2,) {
decimal = new Decimal(decimal)
if (isNaN(decimal.sign)||isNaN(decimal.layer)||isNaN(decimal.mag)) {
player.hasNaN = true;
return "NaN"
if (decimal.sign<0) return "-"+format(decimal.neg(), precision)
if (decimal.mag == Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY) return "Infinity"
if (decimal.gte("eeee1000")) {
var slog = decimal.slog()
if (slog.gte(1e6)) return "F" + format(slog.floor())
else return Decimal.pow(10, slog.sub(slog.floor())).toStringWithDecimalPlaces(3) + "F" + commaFormat(slog.floor(), 0)
else if (decimal.gte("1e100000")) return exponentialFormat(decimal, 0, false)
else if (decimal.gte("1e1000")) return exponentialFormat(decimal, 0)
else if (decimal.gte(1e9)) return exponentialFormat(decimal, precision)
else if (decimal.gte(1e3)) return commaFormat(decimal, 0)
else return regularFormat(decimal, precision)
function formatWhole(decimal) {
decimal = new Decimal(decimal)
if (decimal.gte(1e9)) return format(decimal, 2)
if (decimal.lte(0.98) && !decimal.eq(0)) return format(decimal, 2)
return format(decimal, 0)
function formatTime(s) {
if (s<60) return format(s)+"s"
else if (s<3600) return formatWhole(Math.floor(s/60))+"m "+format(s%60)+"s"
else if (s<86400) return formatWhole(Math.floor(s/3600))+"h "+formatWhole(Math.floor(s/60)%60)+"m "+format(s%60)+"s"
else if (s<31536000) return formatWhole(Math.floor(s/84600)%365)+"d " + formatWhole(Math.floor(s/3600)%24)+"h "+formatWhole(Math.floor(s/60)%60)+"m "+format(s%60)+"s"
else return formatWhole(Math.floor(s/31536000))+"y "+formatWhole(Math.floor(s/84600)%365)+"d " + formatWhole(Math.floor(s/3600)%24)+"h "+formatWhole(Math.floor(s/60)%60)+"m "+format(s%60)+"s"
function toPlaces(x, precision, maxAccepted) {
x = new Decimal(x)
let result = x.toStringWithDecimalPlaces(precision)
if (new Decimal(result).gte(maxAccepted)) {
result = new Decimal(maxAccepted-Math.pow(0.1, precision)).toStringWithDecimalPlaces(precision)
return result
// ************ Save stuff ************
function save() {
localStorage.setItem(modInfo.id, btoa(JSON.stringify(player)))
function startPlayerBase() {
return {
tab: layoutInfo.startTab,
navTab: (layoutInfo.showTree ? "tree-tab" : "none"),
time: Date.now(),
autosave: true,
notify: {},
msDisplay: "always",
offlineProd: true,
versionType: modInfo.id,
version: VERSION.num,
beta: VERSION.beta,
timePlayed: 0,
keepGoing: false,
hasNaN: false,
hideChallenges: false,
showStory: true,
points: modInfo.initialStartPoints,
subtabs: {},
lastSafeTab: (layoutInfo.showTree ? "none" : layoutInfo.startTab)
function getStartPlayer() {
playerdata = startPlayerBase()
if (addedPlayerData) {
extradata = addedPlayerData()
for (thing in extradata)
playerdata[thing] = extradata[thing]
playerdata.infoboxes = {}
for (layer in layers){
playerdata[layer] = getStartLayerData(layer)
if (layers[layer].tabFormat && !Array.isArray(layers[layer].tabFormat)) {
playerdata.subtabs[layer] = {}
playerdata.subtabs[layer].mainTabs = Object.keys(layers[layer].tabFormat)[0]
if (layers[layer].microtabs) {
if (playerdata.subtabs[layer] == undefined) playerdata.subtabs[layer] = {}
for (item in layers[layer].microtabs)
playerdata.subtabs[layer][item] = Object.keys(layers[layer].microtabs[item])[0]
if (layers[layer].infoboxes) {
if (playerdata.infoboxes[layer] == undefined) playerdata.infoboxes[layer] = {}
for (item in layers[layer].infoboxes)
playerdata.infoboxes[layer][item] = false
return playerdata
function getStartLayerData(layer){
layerdata = {}
if (layers[layer].startData)
layerdata = layers[layer].startData()
if (layerdata.unlocked === undefined) layerdata.unlocked = true
if (layerdata.total === undefined) layerdata.total = new Decimal(0)
if (layerdata.best === undefined) layerdata.best = new Decimal(0)
if (layerdata.resetTime === undefined) layerdata.resetTime = 0
layerdata.buyables = getStartBuyables(layer)
if(layerdata.clickables == undefined) layerdata.clickables = getStartClickables(layer)
layerdata.spentOnBuyables = new Decimal(0)
layerdata.upgrades = []
layerdata.milestones = []
layerdata.achievements = []
layerdata.challenges = getStartChallenges(layer)
return layerdata
function getStartBuyables(layer){
let data = {}
if (layers[layer].buyables) {
for (id in layers[layer].buyables)
if (isPlainObject(layers[layer].buyables[id]))
data[id] = new Decimal(0)
return data
function getStartClickables(layer){
let data = {}
if (layers[layer].clickables) {
for (id in layers[layer].clickables)
if (isPlainObject(layers[layer].clickables[id]))
data[id] = ""
return data
function getStartChallenges(layer){
let data = {}
if (layers[layer].challenges) {
for (id in layers[layer].challenges)
if (isPlainObject(layers[layer].challenges[id]))
data[id] = 0
return data
function fixSave() {
defaultData = getStartPlayer()
fixData(defaultData, player)
for(layer in layers)
if (player[layer].best !== undefined) player[layer].best = new Decimal (player[layer].best)
if (player[layer].total !== undefined) player[layer].total = new Decimal (player[layer].total)
if (layers[layer].tabFormat && !Array.isArray(layers[layer].tabFormat)) {
if(!Object.keys(layers[layer].tabFormat).includes(player.subtabs[layer].mainTabs)) player.subtabs[layer].mainTabs = Object.keys(layers[layer].tabFormat)[0]
if (layers[layer].microtabs) {
for (item in layers[layer].microtabs)
if(!Object.keys(layers[layer].microtabs[item]).includes(player.subtabs[layer][item])) player.subtabs[layer][item] = Object.keys(layers[layer].microtabs[item])[0]
function fixData(defaultData, newData) {
for (item in defaultData){
if (defaultData[item] == null) {
if (newData[item] === undefined)
newData[item] = null
else if (Array.isArray(defaultData[item])) {
if (newData[item] === undefined)
newData[item] = defaultData[item]
fixData(defaultData[item], newData[item])
else if (defaultData[item] instanceof Decimal) { // Convert to Decimal
if (newData[item] === undefined)
newData[item] = defaultData[item]
newData[item] = new Decimal(newData[item])
else if ((!!defaultData[item]) && (typeof defaultData[item] === "object")) {
if (newData[item] === undefined || (typeof defaultData[item] !== "object"))
newData[item] = defaultData[item]
fixData(defaultData[item], newData[item])
else {
if (newData[item] === undefined)
newData[item] = defaultData[item]
function load() {
let get = localStorage.getItem(modInfo.id);
if (get===null || get===undefined) player = getStartPlayer()
else player = Object.assign(getStartPlayer(), JSON.parse(atob(get)))
if (player.offlineProd) {
if (player.offTime === undefined) player.offTime = { remain: 0 }
player.offTime.remain += (Date.now() - player.time) / 1000
player.time = Date.now();
function setupModInfo() {
modInfo.changelog = changelog
modInfo.winText = winText ? winText : `Congratulations! You have reached the end and beaten this game, but for now...`
function fixNaNs() {
function NaNcheck(data) {
for (item in data){
if (data[item] == null) {
else if (Array.isArray(data[item])) {
else if (data[item] !== data[item] || data[item] === decimalNaN){
if (NaNalert === true || confirm ("Invalid value found in player, named '" + item + "'. Please let the creator of this mod know! Would you like to try to auto-fix the save and keep going?")){
NaNalert = true
data[item] = (data[item] !== data[item] ? 0 : decimalZero)
else {
player.autosave = false;
NaNalert = true;
else if (data[item] instanceof Decimal) { // Convert to Decimal
else if ((!!data[item]) && (data[item].constructor === Object)) {
function exportSave() {
let str = btoa(JSON.stringify(player))
const el = document.createElement("textarea");
el.value = str;
el.setSelectionRange(0, 99999);
function importSave(imported=undefined, forced=false) {
if (imported===undefined) imported = prompt("Paste your save here")
try {
tempPlr = Object.assign(getStartPlayer(), JSON.parse(atob(imported)))
if(tempPlr.versionType != modInfo.id && !forced && !confirm("This save appears to be for a different mod! Are you sure you want to import?")) // Wrong save (use "Forced" to force it to accept.)
player = tempPlr;
player.versionType = modInfo.id
} catch(e) {
function versionCheck() {
let setVersion = true
if (player.versionType===undefined||player.version===undefined) {
player.versionType = modInfo.id
player.version = 0
if (setVersion) {
if (player.versionType == modInfo.id && VERSION.num > player.version) {
player.keepGoing = false
if (fixOldSave) fixOldSave(player.version)
player.versionType = getStartPlayer().versionType
player.version = VERSION.num
player.beta = VERSION.beta
var saveInterval = setInterval(function() {
if (player===undefined) return;
if (gameEnded&&!player.keepGoing) return;
if (player.autosave) save();
}, 5000)
// ************ Themes ************
const themes = {
1: "aqua"
const theme_names = {
aqua: "Aqua"
function changeTheme() {
let aqua = player.theme == "aqua"
colors_theme = colors[player.theme || "default"]
document.body.style.setProperty('--background', aqua ? "#001f3f" : "#0f0f0f")
document.body.style.setProperty('--background_tooltip', aqua ? "rgba(0, 15, 31, 0.75)" : "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.75)")
document.body.style.setProperty('--color', aqua ? "#bfdfff" : "#dfdfdf")
document.body.style.setProperty('--points', aqua ? "#dfefff" : "#ffffff")
document.body.style.setProperty("--locked", aqua ? "#c4a7b3" : "#bf8f8f")
function getThemeName() {
return player.theme ? theme_names[player.theme] : "Default"
function switchTheme() {
if (player.theme === undefined) player.theme = themes[1]
else {
player.theme = themes[Object.keys(themes)[player.theme] + 1]
if (!player.theme) delete player.theme
// ************ Options ************
function toggleOpt(name) {
if (name == "oldStyle" && styleCooldown>0) return;
player[name] = !player[name]
if (name == "hqTree") changeTreeQuality()
if (name == "oldStyle") updateStyle()
var styleCooldown = 0;
function updateStyle() {
styleCooldown = 1;
let css = document.getElementById("styleStuff")
css.href = player.oldStyle?"oldStyle.css":"style.css"
needCanvasUpdate = true;
function changeTreeQuality() {
var on = player.hqTree
document.body.style.setProperty('--hqProperty1', on ? "2px solid" : "4px solid")
document.body.style.setProperty('--hqProperty2a', on ? "-4px -4px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25) inset" : "-4px -4px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) inset")
document.body.style.setProperty('--hqProperty2b', on ? "0px 0px 20px var(--background)" : "")
document.body.style.setProperty('--hqProperty3', on ? "2px 2px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25)" : "none")
function toggleAuto(toggle) {
player[toggle[0]][toggle[1]] = !player[toggle[0]][toggle[1]]
function adjustMSDisp() {
let displays = ["always", "automation", "incomplete", "never"];
player.msDisplay = displays[(displays.indexOf(player.msDisplay)+1)%4]
function milestoneShown(layer, id) {
complete = player[layer].milestones.includes(id)
auto = layers[layer].milestones[id].toggles
switch(player.msDisplay) {
case "always":
return true;
case "automation":
return (auto)||!complete
case "incomplete":
return !complete
case "never":
return false;
return false;
// ************ Big Feature related ************
function respecBuyables(layer) {
@ -464,79 +13,79 @@ function canAffordUpgrade(layer, id) {
let upg = tmp[layer].upgrades[id]
if (tmp[layer].upgrades[id].canAfford !== undefined) return tmp[layer].upgrades[id].canAfford
let cost = tmp[layer].upgrades[id].cost
return canAffordPurchase(layer, upg, cost)
return canAffordPurchase(layer, upg, cost)
function hasUpgrade(layer, id){
function hasUpgrade(layer, id) {
return (player[layer].upgrades.includes(toNumber(id)) || player[layer].upgrades.includes(id.toString()))
function hasMilestone(layer, id){
function hasMilestone(layer, id) {
return (player[layer].milestones.includes(toNumber(id)) || player[layer].milestones.includes(id.toString()))
function hasAchievement(layer, id){
function hasAchievement(layer, id) {
return (player[layer].achievements.includes(toNumber(id)) || player[layer].achievements.includes(id.toString()))
function hasChallenge(layer, id){
function hasChallenge(layer, id) {
return (player[layer].challenges[id])
function maxedChallenge(layer, id){
function maxedChallenge(layer, id) {
return (player[layer].challenges[id] >= tmp[layer].challenges[id].completionLimit)
function challengeCompletions(layer, id){
function challengeCompletions(layer, id) {
return (player[layer].challenges[id])
function getBuyableAmount(layer, id){
function getBuyableAmount(layer, id) {
return (player[layer].buyables[id])
function setBuyableAmount(layer, id, amt){
function setBuyableAmount(layer, id, amt) {
player[layer].buyables[id] = amt
function getClickableState(layer, id){
function getClickableState(layer, id) {
return (player[layer].clickables[id])
function setClickableState(layer, id, state){
function setClickableState(layer, id, state) {
player[layer].clickables[id] = state
function upgradeEffect(layer, id){
function upgradeEffect(layer, id) {
return (tmp[layer].upgrades[id].effect)
function challengeEffect(layer, id){
function challengeEffect(layer, id) {
return (tmp[layer].challenges[id].rewardEffect)
function buyableEffect(layer, id){
function buyableEffect(layer, id) {
return (tmp[layer].buyables[id].effect)
function clickableEffect(layer, id){
function clickableEffect(layer, id) {
return (tmp[layer].clickables[id].effect)
function achievementEffect(layer, id){
function achievementEffect(layer, id) {
return (tmp[layer].achievements[id].effect)
function canAffordPurchase(layer, thing, cost) {
if (thing.currencyInternalName){
if (thing.currencyInternalName) {
let name = thing.currencyInternalName
if (thing.currencyLocation){
return !(thing.currencyLocation[name].lt(cost))
if (thing.currencyLocation) {
return !(thing.currencyLocation[name].lt(cost))
else if (thing.currencyLayer){
else if (thing.currencyLayer) {
let lr = thing.currencyLayer
return !(player[lr][name].lt(cost))
return !(player[lr][name].lt(cost))
else {
return !(player[name].lt(cost))
@ -561,17 +110,16 @@ function buyUpg(layer, id) {
let pay = layers[layer].upgrades[id].pay
if (pay !== undefined)
run(pay, layers[layer].upgrades[id])
else {
let cost = tmp[layer].upgrades[id].cost
if (upg.currencyInternalName){
if (upg.currencyInternalName) {
let name = upg.currencyInternalName
if (upg.currencyLocation){
if (upg.currencyLocation) {
if (upg.currencyLocation[name].lt(cost)) return
upg.currencyLocation[name] = upg.currencyLocation[name].sub(cost)
else if (upg.currencyLayer){
else if (upg.currencyLayer) {
let lr = upg.currencyLayer
if (player[lr][name].lt(cost)) return
player[lr][name] = player[lr][name].sub(cost)
@ -583,7 +131,7 @@ function buyUpg(layer, id) {
else {
if (player[layer].points.lt(cost)) return
player[layer].points = player[layer].points.sub(cost)
player[layer].points = player[layer].points.sub(cost)
@ -620,11 +168,11 @@ function clickClickable(layer, id) {
// Function to determine if the player is in a challenge
function inChallenge(layer, id){
function inChallenge(layer, id) {
let challenge = player[layer].activeChallenge
if (!challenge) return false
id = toNumber(id)
if (challenge==id) return true
if (challenge == id) return true
if (layers[layer].challenges[challenge].countsAs)
return tmp[layer].challenges[challenge].countsAs.includes(id)
@ -681,7 +229,7 @@ function notifyLayer(name) {
player.notify[name] = 1
function subtabShouldNotify(layer, family, id){
function subtabShouldNotify(layer, family, id) {
let subtab = {}
if (family == "mainTabs") subtab = tmp[layer].tabFormat[id]
else subtab = tmp[layer].microtabs[family][id]
@ -690,7 +238,7 @@ function subtabShouldNotify(layer, family, id){
else return subtab.shouldNotify
function subtabResetNotify(layer, family, id){
function subtabResetNotify(layer, family, id) {
let subtab = {}
if (family == "mainTabs") subtab = tmp[layer].tabFormat[id]
else subtab = tmp[layer].microtabs[family][id]
@ -700,7 +248,7 @@ function subtabResetNotify(layer, family, id){
function nodeShown(layer) {
if (layerShown(layer)) return true
switch(layer) {
switch (layer) {
case "idk":
return player.idk.unlocked
@ -724,17 +272,17 @@ function toNumber(x) {
return x
function updateMilestones(layer){
for (id in layers[layer].milestones){
if (!(hasMilestone(layer, id)) && layers[layer].milestones[id].done()){
function updateMilestones(layer) {
for (id in layers[layer].milestones) {
if (!(hasMilestone(layer, id)) && layers[layer].milestones[id].done()) {
if (tmp[layer].milestonePopups || tmp[layer].milestonePopups === undefined) doPopup("milestone", tmp[layer].milestones[id].requirementDescription, "Milestone Gotten!", 3, tmp[layer].color);
function updateAchievements(layer){
for (id in layers[layer].achievements){
function updateAchievements(layer) {
for (id in layers[layer].achievements) {
if (isPlainObject(layers[layer].achievements[id]) && !(hasAchievement(layer, id)) && layers[layer].achievements[id].done()) {
if (layers[layer].achievements[id].onComplete) layers[layer].achievements[id].onComplete()
@ -767,16 +315,16 @@ function addTime(diff, layer) {
else data.timePlayed = time
document.onkeydown = function(e) {
if (player===undefined) return;
if (gameEnded&&!player.keepGoing) return;
document.onkeydown = function (e) {
if (player === undefined) return;
if (gameEnded && !player.keepGoing) return;
let shiftDown = e.shiftKey
let ctrlDown = e.ctrlKey
let key = e.key
if (ctrlDown) key = "ctrl+" + key
if (onFocused) return
if (ctrlDown && hotkeys[key]) e.preventDefault()
if (hotkeys[key]) {
if (player[hotkeys[key].layer].unlocked)
@ -787,16 +335,15 @@ function focused(x) {
onFocused = x
function prestigeButtonText(layer)
function prestigeButtonText(layer) {
if (layers[layer].prestigeButtonText !== undefined)
return layers[layer].prestigeButtonText()
else if(tmp[layer].type == "normal")
return `${ player[layer].points.lt(1e3) ? (tmp[layer].resetDescription !== undefined ? tmp[layer].resetDescription : "Reset for ") : ""}+<b>${formatWhole(tmp[layer].resetGain)}</b> ${tmp[layer].resource} ${tmp[layer].resetGain.lt(100) && player[layer].points.lt(1e3) ? `<br><br>Next at ${ (tmp[layer].roundUpCost ? formatWhole(tmp[layer].nextAt) : format(tmp[layer].nextAt))} ${ tmp[layer].baseResource }` : ""}`
else if(tmp[layer].type== "static")
return `${tmp[layer].resetDescription !== undefined ? tmp[layer].resetDescription : "Reset for "}+<b>${formatWhole(tmp[layer].resetGain)}</b> ${tmp[layer].resource}<br><br>${player[layer].points.lt(30) ? (tmp[layer].baseAmount.gte(tmp[layer].nextAt)&&(tmp[layer].canBuyMax !== undefined) && tmp[layer].canBuyMax?"Next:":"Req:") : ""} ${formatWhole(tmp[layer].baseAmount)} / ${(tmp[layer].roundUpCost ? formatWhole(tmp[layer].nextAtDisp) : format(tmp[layer].nextAtDisp))} ${ tmp[layer].baseResource }
else if (tmp[layer].type == "normal")
return `${player[layer].points.lt(1e3) ? (tmp[layer].resetDescription !== undefined ? tmp[layer].resetDescription : "Reset for ") : ""}+<b>${formatWhole(tmp[layer].resetGain)}</b> ${tmp[layer].resource} ${tmp[layer].resetGain.lt(100) && player[layer].points.lt(1e3) ? `<br><br>Next at ${(tmp[layer].roundUpCost ? formatWhole(tmp[layer].nextAt) : format(tmp[layer].nextAt))} ${tmp[layer].baseResource}` : ""}`
else if (tmp[layer].type == "static")
return `${tmp[layer].resetDescription !== undefined ? tmp[layer].resetDescription : "Reset for "}+<b>${formatWhole(tmp[layer].resetGain)}</b> ${tmp[layer].resource}<br><br>${player[layer].points.lt(30) ? (tmp[layer].baseAmount.gte(tmp[layer].nextAt) && (tmp[layer].canBuyMax !== undefined) && tmp[layer].canBuyMax ? "Next:" : "Req:") : ""} ${formatWhole(tmp[layer].baseAmount)} / ${(tmp[layer].roundUpCost ? formatWhole(tmp[layer].nextAtDisp) : format(tmp[layer].nextAtDisp))} ${tmp[layer].baseResource}
else if(tmp[layer].type == "none")
else if (tmp[layer].type == "none")
return ""
return "You need prestige button text"
@ -804,7 +351,7 @@ function prestigeButtonText(layer)
function isFunction(obj) {
return !!(obj && obj.constructor && obj.call && obj.apply);
function isPlainObject(obj) {
return (!!obj) && (obj.constructor === Object)
@ -819,8 +366,8 @@ var activePopups = [];
var popupID = 0;
// Function to show popups
function doPopup(type="none",text="This is a test popup.",title="",timer=3, color="") {
switch(type) {
function doPopup(type = "none", text = "This is a test popup.", title = "", timer = 3, color = "") {
switch (type) {
case "achievement":
popupTitle = "Achievement Unlocked!";
popupType = "achievement-popup"
@ -834,28 +381,28 @@ function doPopup(type="none",text="This is a test popup.",title="",timer=3, colo
popupType = "default-popup"
if(title != "") popupTitle = title;
if (title != "") popupTitle = title;
popupMessage = text;
popupTimer = timer;
popupTimer = timer;
activePopups.push({"time":popupTimer,"type":popupType,"title":popupTitle,"message":(popupMessage+"\n"),"id":popupID, "color":color})
activePopups.push({ "time": popupTimer, "type": popupType, "title": popupTitle, "message": (popupMessage + "\n"), "id": popupID, "color": color })
//Function to reduce time on active popups
function adjustPopupTime(diff) {
for(popup in activePopups) {
for (popup in activePopups) {
activePopups[popup].time -= diff;
if(activePopups[popup]["time"] < 0) {
activePopups.splice(popup,1); // Remove popup when time hits 0
if (activePopups[popup]["time"] < 0) {
activePopups.splice(popup, 1); // Remove popup when time hits 0
function run(func, target, args=null){
if (!!(func && func.constructor && func.call && func.apply)){
let bound = func.bind(target)
function run(func, target, args = null) {
if (!!(func && func.constructor && func.call && func.apply)) {
let bound = func.bind(target)
return bound(args)

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@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
function exponentialFormat(num, precision, mantissa = true) {
let e = num.log10().floor()
let m = num.div(Decimal.pow(10, e))
if (m.toStringWithDecimalPlaces(precision) == 10) {
m = new Decimal(1)
e = e.add(1)
e = (e.gte(10000) ? commaFormat(e, 0) : e.toStringWithDecimalPlaces(0))
if (mantissa)
return m.toStringWithDecimalPlaces(precision) + "e" + e
else return "e" + e
function commaFormat(num, precision) {
if (num === null || num === undefined) return "NaN"
if (num.mag < 0.001) return (0).toFixed(precision)
return num.toStringWithDecimalPlaces(precision).replace(/(\d)(?=(\d\d\d)+(?!\d))/g, "$1,")
function regularFormat(num, precision) {
if (num === null || num === undefined) return "NaN"
if (num.mag < 0.001) return (0).toFixed(precision)
return num.toStringWithDecimalPlaces(precision)
function fixValue(x, y = 0) {
return x || new Decimal(y)
function sumValues(x) {
x = Object.values(x)
if (!x[0]) return new Decimal(0)
return x.reduce((a, b) => Decimal.add(a, b))
function format(decimal, precision = 2,) {
decimal = new Decimal(decimal)
if (isNaN(decimal.sign) || isNaN(decimal.layer) || isNaN(decimal.mag)) {
player.hasNaN = true;
return "NaN"
if (decimal.sign < 0) return "-" + format(decimal.neg(), precision)
if (decimal.mag == Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY) return "Infinity"
if (decimal.gte("eeee1000")) {
var slog = decimal.slog()
if (slog.gte(1e6)) return "F" + format(slog.floor())
else return Decimal.pow(10, slog.sub(slog.floor())).toStringWithDecimalPlaces(3) + "F" + commaFormat(slog.floor(), 0)
else if (decimal.gte("1e100000")) return exponentialFormat(decimal, 0, false)
else if (decimal.gte("1e1000")) return exponentialFormat(decimal, 0)
else if (decimal.gte(1e9)) return exponentialFormat(decimal, precision)
else if (decimal.gte(1e3)) return commaFormat(decimal, 0)
else return regularFormat(decimal, precision)
function formatWhole(decimal) {
decimal = new Decimal(decimal)
if (decimal.gte(1e9)) return format(decimal, 2)
if (decimal.lte(0.98) && !decimal.eq(0)) return format(decimal, 2)
return format(decimal, 0)
function formatTime(s) {
if (s < 60) return format(s) + "s"
else if (s < 3600) return formatWhole(Math.floor(s / 60)) + "m " + format(s % 60) + "s"
else if (s < 86400) return formatWhole(Math.floor(s / 3600)) + "h " + formatWhole(Math.floor(s / 60) % 60) + "m " + format(s % 60) + "s"
else if (s < 31536000) return formatWhole(Math.floor(s / 84600) % 365) + "d " + formatWhole(Math.floor(s / 3600) % 24) + "h " + formatWhole(Math.floor(s / 60) % 60) + "m " + format(s % 60) + "s"
else return formatWhole(Math.floor(s / 31536000)) + "y " + formatWhole(Math.floor(s / 84600) % 365) + "d " + formatWhole(Math.floor(s / 3600) % 24) + "h " + formatWhole(Math.floor(s / 60) % 60) + "m " + format(s % 60) + "s"
function toPlaces(x, precision, maxAccepted) {
x = new Decimal(x)
let result = x.toStringWithDecimalPlaces(precision)
if (new Decimal(result).gte(maxAccepted)) {
result = new Decimal(maxAccepted - Math.pow(0.1, precision)).toStringWithDecimalPlaces(precision)
return result

js/utils/options.js Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
// ************ Options ************
function toggleOpt(name) {
if (name == "oldStyle" && styleCooldown > 0)
player[name] = !player[name];
if (name == "hqTree")
if (name == "oldStyle")
var styleCooldown = 0;
function updateStyle() {
styleCooldown = 1;
let css = document.getElementById("styleStuff");
css.href = player.oldStyle ? "oldStyle.css" : "style.css";
needCanvasUpdate = true;
function changeTreeQuality() {
var on = player.hqTree;
document.body.style.setProperty('--hqProperty1', on ? "2px solid" : "4px solid");
document.body.style.setProperty('--hqProperty2a', on ? "-4px -4px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25) inset" : "-4px -4px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) inset");
document.body.style.setProperty('--hqProperty2b', on ? "0px 0px 20px var(--background)" : "");
document.body.style.setProperty('--hqProperty3', on ? "2px 2px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25)" : "none");
function toggleAuto(toggle) {
player[toggle[0]][toggle[1]] = !player[toggle[0]][toggle[1]];
function adjustMSDisp() {
let displays = ["always", "automation", "incomplete", "never"];
player.msDisplay = displays[(displays.indexOf(player.msDisplay) + 1) % 4];
function milestoneShown(layer, id) {
complete = player[layer].milestones.includes(id);
auto = layers[layer].milestones[id].toggles;
switch (player.msDisplay) {
case "always":
return true;
case "automation":
return (auto) || !complete;
case "incomplete":
return !complete;
case "never":
return false;
return false;

js/utils/save.js Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,278 @@
// ************ Save stuff ************
function save() {
localStorage.setItem(modInfo.id, btoa(JSON.stringify(player)));
function startPlayerBase() {
return {
tab: layoutInfo.startTab,
navTab: (layoutInfo.showTree ? "tree-tab" : "none"),
time: Date.now(),
autosave: true,
notify: {},
msDisplay: "always",
offlineProd: true,
versionType: modInfo.id,
version: VERSION.num,
beta: VERSION.beta,
timePlayed: 0,
keepGoing: false,
hasNaN: false,
hideChallenges: false,
showStory: true,
points: modInfo.initialStartPoints,
subtabs: {},
lastSafeTab: (layoutInfo.showTree ? "none" : layoutInfo.startTab)
function getStartPlayer() {
playerdata = startPlayerBase();
if (addedPlayerData) {
extradata = addedPlayerData();
for (thing in extradata)
playerdata[thing] = extradata[thing];
playerdata.infoboxes = {};
for (layer in layers) {
playerdata[layer] = getStartLayerData(layer);
if (layers[layer].tabFormat && !Array.isArray(layers[layer].tabFormat)) {
playerdata.subtabs[layer] = {};
playerdata.subtabs[layer].mainTabs = Object.keys(layers[layer].tabFormat)[0];
if (layers[layer].microtabs) {
if (playerdata.subtabs[layer] == undefined)
playerdata.subtabs[layer] = {};
for (item in layers[layer].microtabs)
playerdata.subtabs[layer][item] = Object.keys(layers[layer].microtabs[item])[0];
if (layers[layer].infoboxes) {
if (playerdata.infoboxes[layer] == undefined)
playerdata.infoboxes[layer] = {};
for (item in layers[layer].infoboxes)
playerdata.infoboxes[layer][item] = false;
return playerdata;
function getStartLayerData(layer) {
layerdata = {};
if (layers[layer].startData)
layerdata = layers[layer].startData();
if (layerdata.unlocked === undefined)
layerdata.unlocked = true;
if (layerdata.total === undefined)
layerdata.total = new Decimal(0);
if (layerdata.best === undefined)
layerdata.best = new Decimal(0);
if (layerdata.resetTime === undefined)
layerdata.resetTime = 0;
layerdata.buyables = getStartBuyables(layer);
if (layerdata.clickables == undefined)
layerdata.clickables = getStartClickables(layer);
layerdata.spentOnBuyables = new Decimal(0);
layerdata.upgrades = [];
layerdata.milestones = [];
layerdata.achievements = [];
layerdata.challenges = getStartChallenges(layer);
return layerdata;
function getStartBuyables(layer) {
let data = {};
if (layers[layer].buyables) {
for (id in layers[layer].buyables)
if (isPlainObject(layers[layer].buyables[id]))
data[id] = new Decimal(0);
return data;
function getStartClickables(layer) {
let data = {};
if (layers[layer].clickables) {
for (id in layers[layer].clickables)
if (isPlainObject(layers[layer].clickables[id]))
data[id] = "";
return data;
function getStartChallenges(layer) {
let data = {};
if (layers[layer].challenges) {
for (id in layers[layer].challenges)
if (isPlainObject(layers[layer].challenges[id]))
data[id] = 0;
return data;
function fixSave() {
defaultData = getStartPlayer();
fixData(defaultData, player);
for (layer in layers) {
if (player[layer].best !== undefined)
player[layer].best = new Decimal(player[layer].best);
if (player[layer].total !== undefined)
player[layer].total = new Decimal(player[layer].total);
if (layers[layer].tabFormat && !Array.isArray(layers[layer].tabFormat)) {
if (!Object.keys(layers[layer].tabFormat).includes(player.subtabs[layer].mainTabs))
player.subtabs[layer].mainTabs = Object.keys(layers[layer].tabFormat)[0];
if (layers[layer].microtabs) {
for (item in layers[layer].microtabs)
if (!Object.keys(layers[layer].microtabs[item]).includes(player.subtabs[layer][item]))
player.subtabs[layer][item] = Object.keys(layers[layer].microtabs[item])[0];
function fixData(defaultData, newData) {
for (item in defaultData) {
if (defaultData[item] == null) {
if (newData[item] === undefined)
newData[item] = null;
else if (Array.isArray(defaultData[item])) {
if (newData[item] === undefined)
newData[item] = defaultData[item];
fixData(defaultData[item], newData[item]);
else if (defaultData[item] instanceof Decimal) { // Convert to Decimal
if (newData[item] === undefined)
newData[item] = defaultData[item];
newData[item] = new Decimal(newData[item]);
else if ((!!defaultData[item]) && (typeof defaultData[item] === "object")) {
if (newData[item] === undefined || (typeof defaultData[item] !== "object"))
newData[item] = defaultData[item];
fixData(defaultData[item], newData[item]);
else {
if (newData[item] === undefined)
newData[item] = defaultData[item];
function load() {
let get = localStorage.getItem(modInfo.id);
if (get === null || get === undefined)
player = getStartPlayer();
player = Object.assign(getStartPlayer(), JSON.parse(atob(get)));
if (player.offlineProd) {
if (player.offTime === undefined)
player.offTime = { remain: 0 };
player.offTime.remain += (Date.now() - player.time) / 1000;
player.time = Date.now();
function setupModInfo() {
modInfo.changelog = changelog;
modInfo.winText = winText ? winText : `Congratulations! You have reached the end and beaten this game, but for now...`;
function fixNaNs() {
function NaNcheck(data) {
for (item in data) {
if (data[item] == null) {
else if (Array.isArray(data[item])) {
else if (data[item] !== data[item] || data[item] === decimalNaN) {
if (NaNalert === true || confirm("Invalid value found in player, named '" + item + "'. Please let the creator of this mod know! Would you like to try to auto-fix the save and keep going?")) {
NaNalert = true;
data[item] = (data[item] !== data[item] ? 0 : decimalZero);
else {
player.autosave = false;
NaNalert = true;
else if (data[item] instanceof Decimal) { // Convert to Decimal
else if ((!!data[item]) && (data[item].constructor === Object)) {
function exportSave() {
let str = btoa(JSON.stringify(player));
const el = document.createElement("textarea");
el.value = str;
el.setSelectionRange(0, 99999);
function importSave(imported = undefined, forced = false) {
if (imported === undefined)
imported = prompt("Paste your save here");
try {
tempPlr = Object.assign(getStartPlayer(), JSON.parse(atob(imported)));
if (tempPlr.versionType != modInfo.id && !forced && !confirm("This save appears to be for a different mod! Are you sure you want to import?")) // Wrong save (use "Forced" to force it to accept.)
player = tempPlr;
player.versionType = modInfo.id;
} catch (e) {
function versionCheck() {
let setVersion = true;
if (player.versionType === undefined || player.version === undefined) {
player.versionType = modInfo.id;
player.version = 0;
if (setVersion) {
if (player.versionType == modInfo.id && VERSION.num > player.version) {
player.keepGoing = false;
if (fixOldSave)
player.versionType = getStartPlayer().versionType;
player.version = VERSION.num;
player.beta = VERSION.beta;
var saveInterval = setInterval(function () {
if (player === undefined)
if (gameEnded && !player.keepGoing)
if (player.autosave)
}, 5000);

js/utils/themes.js Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
// ************ Themes ************
const themes = {
1: "aqua"
const theme_names = {
aqua: "Aqua"
function changeTheme() {
let aqua = player.theme == "aqua";
colors_theme = colors[player.theme || "default"];
document.body.style.setProperty('--background', aqua ? "#001f3f" : "#0f0f0f");
document.body.style.setProperty('--background_tooltip', aqua ? "rgba(0, 15, 31, 0.75)" : "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.75)");
document.body.style.setProperty('--color', aqua ? "#bfdfff" : "#dfdfdf");
document.body.style.setProperty('--points', aqua ? "#dfefff" : "#ffffff");
document.body.style.setProperty("--locked", aqua ? "#c4a7b3" : "#bf8f8f");
function getThemeName() {
return player.theme ? theme_names[player.theme] : "Default";
function switchTheme() {
if (player.theme === undefined)
player.theme = themes[1];
else {
player.theme = themes[Object.keys(themes)[player.theme] + 1];
if (!player.theme)
delete player.theme;