generated from incremental-social/The-Modding-Tree
Remove "next", add ranks, remove js/Demo/
This commit is contained in:
9 changed files with 179 additions and 779 deletions
@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
let modInfo = {
name: "The Modding Tree",
id: "modbase",
pointsName: "points",
modFiles: ["Demo/layers/c.js", "Demo/layers/f.js", "Demo/layers/a.js", "Demo/demoTree.js"],
discordName: "",
discordLink: "",
initialStartPoints: new Decimal (10), // Used for hard resets and new players
offlineLimit: 1, // In hours
// Set your version in num and name
let VERSION = {
num: "2.6.6",
name: "Fixed Reality",
let changelog = `<h1>Changelog:</h1><br>
- Added things.<br>
- Added stuff.`
let winText = `Congratulations! You have reached the end and beaten this game, but for now...`
// If you add new functions anywhere inside of a layer, and those functions have an effect when called, add them here.
// (The ones here are examples, all official functions are already taken care of)
var doNotCallTheseFunctionsEveryTick = ["doReset", "buy", "onPurchase", "blowUpEverything"]
function getStartPoints(){
return new Decimal(modInfo.initialStartPoints)
// Determines if it should show points/sec
function canGenPoints(){
return hasUpgrade("c", 11)
// Calculate points/sec!
function getPointGen() {
return new Decimal(0)
let gain = new Decimal(1)
if (hasUpgrade("c", 12)) gain = gain.times(upgradeEffect("c", 12))
return gain
// You can add non-layer related variables that should to into "player" and be saved here, along with default values
function addedPlayerData() { return {
weather: "Yes",
happiness: new Decimal(72),
// Display extra things at the top of the page
var displayThings = [
function() {if (player.points.eq(69)) return "Tee hee!"},
function() {if ( return `You have ${player.f.points} farm points. (Which do nothing.)`},
function() {if (inChallenge("c", 11)) return "The game is currently <h1>0%</h1> harder."},
// Determines when the game "ends"
function isEndgame() {
return player.points.gte(new Decimal("11"))
// Less important things beyond this point!
// Style for the background, can be a function
var backgroundStyle = {
// You can change this if you have things that can be messed up by long tick lengths
function maxTickLength() {
return(3600) // Default is 1 hour which is just arbitrarily large
// Use this if you need to undo inflation from an older version. If the version is older than the version that fixed the issue,
// you can cap their current resources with this.
function fixOldSave(oldVersion){
@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
// treeLayout will override the default tree's layout if used
var layoutInfo = {
startTab: "c",
startNavTab: "tree-tab",
showTree: true,
//treeLayout: ""
// A "ghost" layer which offsets f in the tree
addNode("spook", {
row: 1,
layerShown: "ghost",
// A "ghost" layer which offsets f in the tree
addNode("g", {
symbol: "TH",
branches: [["c", "red", 4]],
color: '#6d3678',
layerShown: true,
canClick() {return player.points.gte(10)},
tooltip: "Thanos your points",
tooltipLocked: "Thanos your points",
onClick() {player.points = player.points.div(2)
// A "ghost" layer which offsets f in the tree
addNode("h", {
branches: ["g"],
layerShown: true,
tooltip() {return "Restore your points to " + player.c.otherThingy},
tooltipLocked() {return "Restore your points to " + player.c.otherThingy},
row: "side",
canClick() {return},
onClick() {player.points = new Decimal(player.c.otherThingy)}
addLayer("tree-tab", {
tabFormat: [["tree", function() {return (layoutInfo.treeLayout ? layoutInfo.treeLayout : TREE_LAYERS)}]],
previousTab: "",
leftTab: true,
style() {return {'background-color': '#222222'}},
@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
// A side layer with achievements, with no prestige
addLayer("a", {
startData() { return {
unlocked: true,
points: new Decimal(0),
color: "yellow",
resource: "achievement power",
row: "side",
tooltip() { // Optional, tooltip displays when the layer is locked
return ("Achievements")
achievementPopups: true,
achievements: {
11: {
image: "discord.png",
name: "Get me!",
done() {return true}, // This one is a freebie
goalTooltip: "How did this happen?", // Shows when achievement is not completed
doneTooltip: "You did it!", // Showed when the achievement is completed
12: {
name: "Impossible!",
done() {return false},
goalTooltip: "Mwahahaha!", // Shows when achievement is not completed
doneTooltip: "HOW????", // Showed when the achievement is completed
textStyle: {'color': '#04e050'},
13: {
name: "EIEIO",
done() {return player.f.points.gte(1)},
tooltip: "Get a farm point.\n\nReward: The dinosaur is now your friend (you can max Farm Points).", // Showed when the achievement is completed
onComplete() {console.log("Bork bork bork!")}
midsection: ["grid", "blank"],
grid: {
maxRows: 3,
rows: 2,
cols: 2,
getStartData(id) {
return id
getUnlocked(id) { // Default
return true
getCanClick(data, id) {
return player.points.eq(10)
getStyle(data, id) {
return {'background-color': '#'+ (data*1234%999999)}
onClick(data, id) { // Don't forget onHold
getTitle(data, id) {
return "Gridable #" + id
getDisplay(data, id) {
return data
@ -1,396 +0,0 @@
var testTree = [["f", "c"],
["g", "spook", "h"]]
addLayer("c", {
layer: "c", // This is assigned automatically, both to the layer and all upgrades, etc. Shown here so you know about it
name: "Candies", // This is optional, only used in a few places, If absent it just uses the layer id.
symbol: "C", // This appears on the layer's node. Default is the id with the first letter capitalized
position: 0, // Horizontal position within a row. By default it uses the layer id and sorts in alphabetical order
startData() { return {
unlocked: true,
points: new Decimal(0),
best: new Decimal(0),
total: new Decimal(0),
buyables: {}, // You don't actually have to initialize this one
beep: false,
thingy: "pointy",
otherThingy: 10,
drop: "drip",
color: "#4BDC13",
requires: new Decimal(10), // Can be a function that takes requirement increases into account
resource: "lollipops", // Name of prestige currency
baseResource: "points", // Name of resource prestige is based on
baseAmount() {return player.points}, // Get the current amount of baseResource
type: "normal", // normal: cost to gain currency depends on amount gained. static: cost depends on how much you already have
exponent: 0.5, // Prestige currency exponent
base: 5, // Only needed for static layers, base of the formula (b^(x^exp))
roundUpCost: false, // True if the cost needs to be rounded up (use when baseResource is static?)
// For normal layers, gain beyond [softcap] points is put to the [softcapPower]th power
softcap: new Decimal(1e100),
softcapPower: new Decimal(0.5),
canBuyMax() {}, // Only needed for static layers with buy max
gainMult() { // Calculate the multiplier for main currency from bonuses
mult = new Decimal(1)
if (hasUpgrade(this.layer, 166)) mult = mult.times(2) // These upgrades don't exist
if (hasUpgrade(this.layer, 120)) mult = mult.times(upgradeEffect(this.layer, 120))
return mult
gainExp() { // Calculate the exponent on main currency from bonuses
return new Decimal(1)
row: 0, // Row the layer is in on the tree (0 is the first row)
effect() {
return { // Formulas for any boosts inherent to resources in the layer. Can return a single value instead of an object if there is just one effect
waffleBoost: (true == false ? 0 : Decimal.pow(player[this.layer].points, 0.2)),
icecreamCap: (player[this.layer].points * 10)
effectDescription() { // Optional text to describe the effects
eff = this.effect();
eff.waffleBoost = eff.waffleBoost.times(buyableEffect(this.layer, 11).first)
return "which are boosting waffles by "+format(eff.waffleBoost)+" and increasing the Ice Cream cap by "+format(eff.icecreamCap)
coolInfo: {
title: "Lore",
titleStyle: {'color': '#FE0000'},
body: "DEEP LORE!",
bodyStyle: {'background-color': "#0000EE"}
milestones: {
0: {requirementDescription: "3 Lollipops",
done() {return player[this.layer].best.gte(3)}, // Used to determine when to give the milestone
effectDescription: "Unlock the next milestone",
1: {requirementDescription: "4 Lollipops",
unlocked() {return hasMilestone(this.layer, 0)},
done() {return player[this.layer].best.gte(4)},
effectDescription: "You can toggle beep and boop (which do nothing)",
toggles: [
["c", "beep"], // Each toggle is defined by a layer and the data toggled for that layer
["f", "boop"]],
style() {
if(hasMilestone(this.layer, return {
'background-color': '#1111DD'
challenges: {
11: {
name: "Fun",
completionLimit: 3,
challengeDescription() {return "Makes the game 0% harder<br>"+challengeCompletions(this.layer, + "/" + this.completionLimit + " completions"},
unlocked() { return player[this.layer] },
goalDescription: 'Have 20 points I guess',
canComplete() {
return player.points.gte(20)
rewardEffect() {
let ret = player[this.layer].points.add(1).tetrate(0.02)
return ret;
rewardDisplay() { return format(this.rewardEffect())+"x" },
countsAs: [12, 21], // Use this for if a challenge includes the effects of other challenges. Being in this challenge "counts as" being in these.
rewardDescription: "Says hi",
onComplete() {console.log("hiii")}, // Called when you successfully complete the challenge
onEnter() {console.log("So challenging")},
onExit() {console.log("Sweet freedom!")},
upgrades: {
11: {
title: "Generator of Genericness",
description: "Gain 1 Point every second.",
cost: new Decimal(1),
unlocked() { return player[this.layer].unlocked }, // The upgrade is only visible when this is true
branches: [12],
tooltip: "hi",
12: {
description: "Point generation is faster based on your unspent Lollipops.",
cost: new Decimal(1),
unlocked() { return (hasUpgrade(this.layer, 11))},
effect() { // Calculate bonuses from the upgrade. Can return a single value or an object with multiple values
let ret = player[this.layer].points.add(1).pow(player[this.layer].upgrades.includes(24)?1.1:(player[this.layer].upgrades.includes(14)?0.75:0.5))
if (ret.gte("1e20000000")) ret = ret.sqrt().times("1e10000000")
return ret;
effectDisplay() { return format(this.effect())+"x" }, // Add formatting to the effect
13: {
unlocked() { return (hasUpgrade(this.layer, 12))},
onPurchase() { // This function triggers when the upgrade is purchased
player[this.layer].unlockOrder = 0
style() {
if (hasUpgrade(this.layer, return {
'background-color': '#1111dd'
else if (!canAffordUpgrade(this.layer, {
return {
'background-color': '#dd1111'
} // Otherwise use the default
canAfford(){return player.points.lte(7)},
pay(){player.points = player.points.add(7)},
fullDisplay: "Only buyable with less than 7 points, and gives you 7 more. Unlocks a secret subtab."
22: {
title: "This upgrade doesn't exist",
description: "Or does it?.",
currencyLocation() {return player[this.layer].buyables}, // The object in player data that the currency is contained in
currencyDisplayName: "exhancers", // Use if using a nonstandard currency
currencyInternalName: 11, // Use if using a nonstandard currency
cost: new Decimal(3),
unlocked() { return player[this.layer].unlocked }, // The upgrade is only visible when this is true
buyables: {
showRespec: true,
respec() { // Optional, reset things and give back your currency. Having this function makes a respec button appear
player[this.layer].points = player[this.layer].points.add(player[this.layer].spentOnBuyables) // A built-in thing to keep track of this but only keeps a single value
doReset(this.layer, true) // Force a reset
respecText: "Respec Thingies", // Text on Respec button, optional
respecMessage: "Are you sure? Respeccing these doesn't accomplish much.",
11: {
title: "Exhancers", // Optional, displayed at the top in a larger font
cost(x) { // cost for buying xth buyable, can be an object if there are multiple currencies
if (x.gte(25)) x = x.pow(2).div(25)
let cost = Decimal.pow(2, x.pow(1.5))
return cost.floor()
effect(x) { // Effects of owning x of the items, x is a decimal
let eff = {}
if (x.gte(0)) eff.first = Decimal.pow(25, x.pow(1.1))
else eff.first = Decimal.pow(1/25, x.times(-1).pow(1.1))
if (x.gte(0)) eff.second = x.pow(0.8)
else eff.second = x.times(-1).pow(0.8).times(-1)
return eff;
display() { // Everything else displayed in the buyable button after the title
let data = tmp[this.layer].buyables[]
return "Cost: " + format(data.cost) + " lollipops\n\
Amount: " + player[this.layer].buyables[] + "/4\n\
Adds + " + format(data.effect.first) + " things and multiplies stuff by " + format(data.effect.second)
unlocked() { return player[this.layer].unlocked },
canAfford() {
return player[this.layer].points.gte(tmp[this.layer].buyables[].cost)},
buy() {
cost = tmp[this.layer].buyables[].cost
player[this.layer].points = player[this.layer].points.sub(cost)
player[this.layer].buyables[] = player[this.layer].buyables[].add(1)
player[this.layer].spentOnBuyables = player[this.layer].spentOnBuyables.add(cost) // This is a built-in system that you can use for respeccing but it only works with a single Decimal value
buyMax() {}, // You'll have to handle this yourself if you want
style: {'height':'222px'},
purchaseLimit: new Decimal(4),
sellOne() {
let amount = getBuyableAmount(this.layer,
if (amount.lte(0)) return // Only sell one if there is at least one
setBuyableAmount(this.layer,, amount.sub(1))
player[this.layer].points = player[this.layer].points.add(this.cost)
doReset(resettingLayer){ // Triggers when this layer is being reset, along with the layer doing the resetting. Not triggered by lower layers resetting, but is by layers on the same row.
if(layers[resettingLayer].row > this.row) layerDataReset(this.layer, ["points"])
layerShown() {return true}, // Condition for when layer appears on the tree
automate() {
}, // Do any automation inherent to this layer if appropriate
resetsNothing() {return false},
onPrestige(gain) {
}, // Useful for if you gain secondary resources or have other interesting things happen to this layer when you reset it. You gain the currency after this function ends.
hotkeys: [
{key: "c", description: "C: reset for lollipops or whatever", onPress(){if (canReset(this.layer)) doReset(this.layer)}},
{key: "ctrl+c", description: "Ctrl+c: respec things", onPress(){respecBuyables(this.layer)}, unlocked() {return hasUpgrade('c', '22')}} ,
increaseUnlockOrder: [], // Array of layer names to have their order increased when this one is first unlocked
microtabs: {
stuff: {
first: {
content: ["upgrades", ["display-text", function() {return "confirmed<br>" + player.c.drop}], ["drop-down", ["drop", ["drip", "drop"]]]]
second: {
embedLayer: "f",
content: [["upgrade", 11],
["row", [["upgrade", 11], "blank", "blank", ["upgrade", 11],]],
["display-text", function() {return "double confirmed"}]]
otherStuff: {
// There could be another set of microtabs here
bars: {
longBoi: {
fillStyle: {'background-color' : "#FFFFFF"},
baseStyle: {'background-color' : "#696969"},
textStyle: {'color': '#04e050'},
borderStyle() {return {}},
direction: RIGHT,
width: 300,
height: 30,
progress() {
return (player.points.add(1).log(10).div(10)).toNumber()
display() {
return format(player.points) + " / 1e10 points"
unlocked: true,
tallBoi: {
fillStyle: {'background-color' : "#4BEC13"},
baseStyle: {'background-color' : "#000000"},
textStyle: {'text-shadow': '0px 0px 2px #000000'},
borderStyle() {return {'border-width': "7px"}},
direction: UP,
width: 50,
height: 200,
progress() {
return player.points.div(100)
display() {
return formatWhole((player.points.div(1)).min(100)) + "%"
unlocked: true,
flatBoi: {
fillStyle: {'background-color' : "#FE0102"},
baseStyle: {'background-color' : "#222222"},
textStyle: {'text-shadow': '0px 0px 2px #000000'},
borderStyle() {return {}},
direction: UP,
width: 100,
height: 30,
progress() {
return player.c.points.div(50)
unlocked: true,
// Optional, lets you format the tab yourself by listing components. You can create your own components in v.js.
tabFormat: {
"main tab": {
buttonStyle() {return {'color': 'orange'}},
shouldNotify: true,
"prestige-button", "resource-display",
["blank", "5px"], // Height
["raw-html", function() {return "<button onclick='console.log(`yeet`); makeParticles(textParticle)'>'HI'</button>"}],
["display-text", "Name your points!"],
["text-input", "thingy"],
function() {return 'I have ' + format(player.points) + ' ' + player[this.layer].thingy + ' points!'},
{"color": "red", "font-size": "32px", "font-family": "Comic Sans MS"}],
"h-line", "milestones", "blank", "upgrades", "challenges"],
glowColor: "blue",
thingies: {
prestigeNotify: true,
style() {return {'background-color': '#222222'}},
buttonStyle() {return {'border-color': 'orange'}},
"buyables", "blank",
["row", [
["toggle", ["c", "beep"]], ["blank", ["30px", "10px"]], // Width, height
["display-text", function() {return "Beep"}], "blank", ["v-line", "200px"],
["column", [
["prestige-button", "", {'width': '150px', 'height': '80px'}],
["prestige-button", "", {'width': '100px', 'height': '150px'}],
], {'width': '600px', 'height': '350px', 'background-color': 'green', 'border-style': 'solid'}],
["display-image", "discord.png"],],
jail: {
style() {return {'background-color': '#222222'}},
content: [
["infobox", "coolInfo"],
["bar", "longBoi"], "blank",
["row", [
["column", [
["display-text", "Sugar level:", {'color': 'teal'}], "blank", ["bar", "tallBoi"]],
{'background-color': '#555555', 'padding': '15px'}],
["column", [
["display-text", "idk"],
["blank", ['0', '50px']], ["bar", "flatBoi"]
"blank", ["display-text", "It's jail because \"bars\"! So funny! Ha ha!"],["tree", testTree],
illuminati: {
unlocked() {return (hasUpgrade("c", 13))},
["raw-html", function() {return "<h1> C O N F I R M E D </h1>"}], "blank",
["microtabs", "stuff", {'width': '600px', 'height': '350px', 'background-color': 'brown', 'border-style': 'solid'}],
["display-text", "Adjust how many points H gives you!"],
["slider", ["otherThingy", 1, 30]], "blank", ["upgrade-tree", [[11],
[12, 22, 22, 11]]]
style() {return {
//'background-color': '#3325CC'
nodeStyle() {return { // Style on the layer node
'color': '#3325CC',
'text-decoration': 'underline',
'font-family': 'cursive'
glowColor: "orange", // If the node is highlighted, it will be this color (default is red)
componentStyles: {
"challenge"() {return {'height': '200px'}},
"prestige-button"() {return {'color': '#AA66AA'}},
tooltip() { // Optional, tooltip displays when the layer is unlocked
let tooltip = formatWhole(player[this.layer].points) + " " + this.resource
if (player[this.layer].buyables[11].gt(0)) tooltip += "<br><i><br><br><br>" + formatWhole(player[this.layer].buyables[11]) + " Exhancers</i>"
return tooltip
shouldNotify() { // Optional, layer will be highlighted on the tree if true.
// Layer will automatically highlight if an upgrade is purchasable.
return (player.c.buyables[11] == 1)
marked: "discord.png",
resetDescription: "Melt your points into ",
const textParticle = {
spread: 20,
gravity: 0,
time: 3,
speed: 0,
text: function() { return "<h1 style='color:yellow'>" + format(player.points)},
offset: 30,
fadeInTime: 1,
@ -1,147 +0,0 @@
// This layer is mostly minimal but it uses a custom prestige type and a clickable
addLayer("f", {
coolInfo: {
title: "Lore",
titleStyle: {'color': '#FE0000'},
body: "DEEP LORE!",
bodyStyle: {'background-color': "#0000EE"}
startData() { return {
unlocked: false,
points: new Decimal(0),
boop: false,
clickables: {[11]: "Start"}, // Optional default Clickable state
color: "#FE0102",
requires() {return new Decimal(10)},
resource: "farm points",
baseResource: "points",
baseAmount() {return player.points},
type: "static",
exponent: 0.5,
base: 3,
roundUpCost: true,
canBuyMax() {return false},
//directMult() {return new Decimal(player.c.otherThingy)},
row: 1,
layerShown() {return true},
branches: ["c"], // When this layer appears, a branch will appear from this layer to any layers here. Each entry can be a pair consisting of a layer id and a color.
tooltipLocked() { // Optional, tooltip displays when the layer is locked
return ("This weird farmer dinosaur will only see you if you have at least " + this.requires() + " points. You only have " + formatWhole(player.points))
midsection: [
"blank", ['display-image', ''],
["display-text", "Bork bork!"]
// The following are only currently used for "custom" Prestige type:
prestigeButtonText() { //Is secretly HTML
if (!this.canBuyMax()) return "Hi! I'm a <u>weird dinosaur</u> and I'll give you a Farm Point in exchange for all of your points and lollipops! (At least " + formatWhole(tmp[this.layer].nextAt) + " points)"
if (this.canBuyMax()) return "Hi! I'm a <u>weird dinosaur</u> and I'll give you <b>" + formatWhole(tmp[this.layer].resetGain) + "</b> Farm Points in exchange for all of your points and lollipops! (You'll get another one at " + formatWhole(tmp[this.layer].nextAtDisp) + " points)"
getResetGain() {
return getResetGain(this.layer, useType = "static")
getNextAt(canMax=false) { //
return getNextAt(this.layer, canMax, useType = "static")
canReset() {
return tmp[this.layer].baseAmount.gte(tmp[this.layer].nextAt)
// This is also non minimal, a Clickable!
clickables: {
masterButtonPress() {
if (getClickableState(this.layer, 11) == "Borkened...")
player[this.layer].clickables[11] = "Start"
masterButtonText() {return (getClickableState(this.layer, 11) == "Borkened...") ? "Fix the clickable!" : "Does nothing"}, // Text on Respec button, optional
11: {
title: "Clicky clicky!", // Optional, displayed at the top in a larger font
display() { // Everything else displayed in the buyable button after the title
let data = getClickableState(this.layer,
return "Current state:<br>" + data
unlocked() { return player[this.layer].unlocked },
canClick() {
return getClickableState(this.layer, !== "Borkened..."},
onClick() {
case "Start":
player[this.layer].clickables[] = "A new state!"
case "A new state!":
player[this.layer].clickables[] = "Keep going!"
case "Keep going!":
player[this.layer].clickables[] = "Maybe that's a bit too far..."
case "Maybe that's a bit too far...":
makeParticles(coolParticle, 4)
player[this.layer].clickables[] = "Borkened..."
player[this.layer].clickables[] = "Start"
style() {
case "Start":
return {'background-color': 'green'}
case "A new state!":
return {'background-color': 'yellow'}
case "Keep going!":
return {'background-color': 'orange'}
case "Maybe that's a bit too far...":
return {'background-color': 'red'}
return {}
const coolParticle = {
spread: 20,
gravity: 2,
time: 3,
rotation (id) {
return 20 * (id - 1.5) + (Math.random() - 0.5) * 10
dir() {
return (Math.random() - 0.5) * 10
speed() {
return (Math.random() + 1.2) * 8
onClick() {
onMouseOver() {
onMouseLeave() {
update() {
//this.width += 1
//setDir(this, 135)
layer: 'f',
@ -2,34 +2,53 @@ function getAlphaLevel(points = player.p.points) {
if (Decimal.eq(points, 0)) return new Decimal(0)
return Decimal.add(points, 10).div(11).log(1.1).add(1).floor().max(0)
function getNextAlphaCost(points = player.p.points) {
function getAlphaCost(points = player.p.points) {
return getAlphaLevel(points).pow_base(1.1).mul(11).sub(10)
function getAlphaEffect(points = player.p.points) {
return getAlphaLevel(points).mul(getAlphaRankEffect(points).add(0.05))
function getBetaLevel(points = player.p.points) {
if (Decimal.eq(points, 0)) return new Decimal(0)
return Decimal.add(points, 20).div(25).log(1.25).add(1).floor().max(0)
function getNextBetaCost(points = player.p.points) {
function getBetaCost(points = player.p.points) {
return getBetaLevel(points).pow_base(1.25).mul(25).sub(20)
function getBetaEffect(points = player.p.points) {
return getBetaLevel(points).mul(getBetaRankEffect(points).add(0.05)).add(1)
function getGammaLevel(points = player.p.points) {
if (Decimal.eq(points, 0)) return new Decimal(0)
return Decimal.add(points, 30).div(45).log(1.5).add(1).floor().max(0)
function getNextGammaCost(points = player.p.points) {
function getGammaCost(points = player.p.points) {
return getGammaLevel(points).pow_base(1.5).mul(45).sub(30)
function getGammaEffect(points = player.p.points) {
return getGammaLevel(points).div(getGammaRankEffect(points).add(1/15)).add(1)
function getDeltaLevel(points = player.p.points) {
if (Decimal.eq(points, 0)) return new Decimal(0)
return Decimal.add(points, 30).div(60).log(2).add(1).floor().max(0)
function getNextDeltaCost(points = player.p.points) {
function getDeltaCost(points = player.p.points) {
return getDeltaLevel(points).pow_base(2).mul(60).sub(30)
function getDeltaEffect(points = player.p.points) {
return getDeltaLevel(points).mul(getDeltaRankEffect(points).add(0.1)).add(1)
function getEpsilonLevel(points = player.p.points) {
if (Decimal.eq(points, 0)) return new Decimal(0)
return Decimal.mul(points, 3).add(100).div(250).log(2.5).add(1).floor().max(0)
function getNextEpsilonCost(points = player.p.points) {
function getEpsilonCost(points = player.p.points) {
return getEpsilonLevel(points).pow_base(2.5).mul(250).sub(100).div(3)
function getEpsilonEffect(points = player.p.points) {
return getEpsilonLevel(points).mul(getEpsilonRankEffect(points).add(0.025)).add(1)
function getTotalLevel() {
return getAlphaLevel().add(getBetaLevel()).add(getGammaLevel()).add(getDeltaLevel()).add(getEpsilonLevel())
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ let modInfo = {
id: "nif/pbic",
author: "Nif",
pointsName: "points",
modFiles: ["levels.js", "progress.js", "tree.js"],
modFiles: ["ranks.js", "levels.js", "progress.js", "tree.js"],
discordName: "",
discordLink: "",
@ -20,7 +20,8 @@ let VERSION = {
let changelog = `<h1>Changelog:</h1><br><br>
- Added progress points.<br>
- Added bars Alpha to Epsilon.<br>`
- Added bars Alpha to Epsilon.<br>
- Added Ranks.<br>`
let winText = `Download 100% complete.<br><br>You won! Congratulations!<br>Beyond this point may be unbalanced, proceed with caution!`
@ -41,11 +42,11 @@ function canGenPoints(){
function getPointGen() {
if(!canGenPoints()) return new Decimal(0)
let gain = getAlphaLevel().div(20)
gain = gain.mul(getBetaLevel().div(20).add(1))
gain = gain.mul(getGammaLevel().div(15).add(1))
gain = gain.mul(getDeltaLevel().div(10).add(1))
gain = gain.pow(getEpsilonLevel().div(40).add(1))
let gain = getAlphaEffect()
return gain
@ -33,10 +33,21 @@ addLayer("p", {
direction: RIGHT,
width: 300,
height: 50,
progress() { return player[this.layer].points.div(getNextAlphaCost()) },
progress() { return player[this.layer].points.div(getAlphaCost()) },
display() {
return "Alpha - Level " + getAlphaLevel() + " (" + player[this.layer].points + "/" + getNextAlphaCost()
+ ")<br>Effect: +" + getAlphaLevel().div(20) + " to point gen."
return "Alpha - Level " + getAlphaLevel() + " (" + player[this.layer].points + "/" + getAlphaCost()
+ ")<br>Effect: +" + getAlphaEffect() + " to point gen."
fillStyle: {backgroundColor: "#0c6949"}
alphaRank: {
direction: RIGHT,
width: 300,
height: 50,
progress() { return getAlphaLevel().div(getAlphaRankCost()) },
display() {
return "Alpha - Rank " + getAlphaRank() + " (" + getAlphaLevel() + "/" + getAlphaRankCost()
+ ")<br>Effect: +" + getAlphaRankEffect() + " to Alpha base."
fillStyle: {backgroundColor: "#0c6949"}
@ -44,10 +55,21 @@ addLayer("p", {
direction: RIGHT,
width: 300,
height: 50,
progress() { return player[this.layer].points.div(getNextBetaCost()) },
progress() { return player[this.layer].points.div(getBetaCost()) },
display() {
return "Beta - Level " + getBetaLevel() + " (" + player[this.layer].points + "/" + getNextBetaCost()
+ ")<br>Effect: x" + getBetaLevel().div(20).add(1) + " to point gen."
return "Beta - Level " + getBetaLevel() + " (" + player[this.layer].points + "/" + getBetaCost()
+ ")<br>Effect: x" + getBetaEffect() + " to point gen."
fillStyle: {backgroundColor: "#0c6949"}
betaRank: {
direction: RIGHT,
width: 300,
height: 50,
progress() { return getBetaLevel().div(getBetaRankCost()) },
display() {
return "Beta - Rank " + getBetaRank() + " (" + getBetaLevel() + "/" + getBetaRankCost()
+ ")<br>Effect: +" + getBetaRankEffect() + " to Beta base."
fillStyle: {backgroundColor: "#0c6949"}
@ -55,10 +77,21 @@ addLayer("p", {
direction: RIGHT,
width: 300,
height: 50,
progress() { return player[this.layer].points.div(getNextGammaCost()) },
progress() { return player[this.layer].points.div(getGammaCost()) },
display() {
return "Gamma - Level " + getGammaLevel() + " (" + player[this.layer].points + "/" + getNextGammaCost()
+ ")<br>Effect: x" + getGammaLevel().div(15).add(1) + " to point gen."
return "Gamma - Level " + getGammaLevel() + " (" + player[this.layer].points + "/" + getGammaCost()
+ ")<br>Effect: x" + getGammaEffect() + " to point gen."
fillStyle: {backgroundColor: "#0c6949"}
gammaRank: {
direction: RIGHT,
width: 300,
height: 50,
progress() { return getGammaLevel().div(getGammaRankCost()) },
display() {
return "Gamma - Rank " + getGammaRank() + " (" + getGammaLevel() + "/" + getGammaRankCost()
+ ")<br>Effect: +" + getGammaRankEffect() + " to Gamma base."
fillStyle: {backgroundColor: "#0c6949"}
@ -66,10 +99,21 @@ addLayer("p", {
direction: RIGHT,
width: 300,
height: 50,
progress() { return player[this.layer].points.div(getNextDeltaCost()) },
progress() { return player[this.layer].points.div(getDeltaCost()) },
display() {
return "Delta - Level " + getDeltaLevel() + " (" + player[this.layer].points + "/" + getNextDeltaCost()
+ ")<br>Effect: x" + getDeltaLevel().div(10).add(1) + " to point gen."
return "Delta - Level " + getDeltaLevel() + " (" + player[this.layer].points + "/" + getDeltaCost()
+ ")<br>Effect: x" + getDeltaEffect() + " to point gen."
fillStyle: {backgroundColor: "#0c6949"}
deltaRank: {
direction: RIGHT,
width: 300,
height: 50,
progress() { return getDeltaLevel().div(getDeltaRankCost()) },
display() {
return "Delta - Rank " + getDeltaRank() + " (" + getDeltaLevel() + "/" + getDeltaRankCost()
+ ")<br>Effect: +" + getDeltaRankEffect() + " to Delta base."
fillStyle: {backgroundColor: "#0c6949"}
@ -77,10 +121,21 @@ addLayer("p", {
direction: RIGHT,
width: 300,
height: 50,
progress() { return player[this.layer].points.div(getNextEpsilonCost()) },
progress() { return player[this.layer].points.div(getEpsilonCost()) },
display() {
return "Epsilon - Level " + getEpsilonLevel() + " (" + player[this.layer].points + "/" + getNextEpsilonCost()
+ ")<br>Effect: ^" + getEpsilonLevel().div(40).add(1) + " to point gen."
return "Epsilon - Level " + getEpsilonLevel() + " (" + player[this.layer].points + "/" + getEpsilonCost()
+ ")<br>Effect: ^" + getEpsilonEffect() + " to point gen."
fillStyle: {backgroundColor: "#0c6949"}
epsilonRank: {
direction: RIGHT,
width: 300,
height: 50,
progress() { return getEpsilonLevel().div(getEpsilonRankCost()) },
display() {
return "Epsilon - Rank " + getEpsilonRank() + " (" + getEpsilonLevel() + "/" + getEpsilonRankCost()
+ ")<br>Effect: +" + getEpsilonRankEffect() + " to Epsilon base."
fillStyle: {backgroundColor: "#0c6949"}
@ -90,17 +145,34 @@ addLayer("p", {
player[this.layer].levels.epsilon = player[this.layer].levels.epsilon.add(1)
tabFormat: [
microtabs: {
progress: {
level: {
content: [
["bar", "alpha"],
["bar", "beta"],
["bar", "gamma"],
["bar", "delta"],
["bar", "epsilon"],
["bar", "epsilon"]
rank: {
content: [
["bar", "alphaRank"],
["bar", "betaRank"],
["bar", "gammaRank"],
["bar", "deltaRank"],
["bar", "epsilonRank"],
tabFormat: [
["microtabs", "progress"],
layerShown(){return true}
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
function getAlphaRank(points = player.p.points) {
if (Decimal.eq(points, 0)) return new Decimal(0)
return getAlphaLevel(points).div(20).floor()
function getAlphaRankCost(points = player.p.points) {
return getAlphaRank(points).add(1).mul(20)
function getAlphaRankEffect(points = player.p.points) {
return getAlphaRank(points).div(100)
function getBetaRank(points = player.p.points) {
if (Decimal.eq(points, 0)) return new Decimal(0)
return getBetaLevel(points).div(20).floor()
function getBetaRankCost(points = player.p.points) {
return getBetaRank(points).add(1).mul(20)
function getBetaRankEffect(points = player.p.points) {
return getBetaRank(points).div(100)
function getGammaRank(points = player.p.points) {
if (Decimal.eq(points, 0)) return new Decimal(0)
return getGammaLevel(points).div(20).floor()
function getGammaRankCost(points = player.p.points) {
return getGammaRank(points).add(1).mul(20)
function getGammaRankEffect(points = player.p.points) {
return getGammaRank(points).div(200).mul(3)
function getDeltaRank(points = player.p.points) {
if (Decimal.eq(points, 0)) return new Decimal(0)
return getDeltaLevel(points).div(20).floor()
function getDeltaRankCost(points = player.p.points) {
return getDeltaRank(points).add(1).mul(20)
function getDeltaRankEffect(points = player.p.points) {
return getDeltaRank(points).div(50)
function getEpsilonRank(points = player.p.points) {
if (Decimal.eq(points, 0)) return new Decimal(0)
return getEpsilonLevel(points).div(20).floor()
function getEpsilonRankCost(points = player.p.points) {
return getEpsilonRank(points).add(1).mul(20)
function getEpsilonRankEffect(points = player.p.points) {
return getEpsilonRank(points).div(100)
function getTotalRank() {
return getAlphaRank().add(getBetaRank()).add(getGammaRank()).add(getDeltaRank()).add(getEpsilonRank())
Add table
Reference in a new issue