Update to Profectus 0.7 #1
1 changed files with 0 additions and 480 deletions
@ -1,480 +0,0 @@
/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any */
import Column from "components/layout/Column.vue";
import Row from "components/layout/Row.vue";
import Clickable from "features/clickables/Clickable.vue";
import { getUniqueID, Visibility } from "features/feature";
import type { Persistent, State } from "game/persistence";
import { persistent } from "game/persistence";
import { isFunction } from "util/common";
import { MaybeGetter, processGetter } from "util/computed";
import { createLazyProxy } from "util/proxies";
import {
} from "util/vue";
import type { CSSProperties, MaybeRef, MaybeRefOrGetter, Ref } from "vue";
import { computed, unref } from "vue";
/** A symbol used to identify {@link Grid} features. */
export const GridType = Symbol("Grid");
/** A type representing a MaybeRefOrGetter value for a cell in the grid. */
export type CellMaybeRefOrGetter<T> =
| MaybeRefOrGetter<T>
| ((row: number, col: number, state: State) => T);
export type ProcessedCellRefOrGetter<T> =
| MaybeRef<T>
| ((row: number, col: number, state: State) => T);
* Represents a cell within a grid. These properties will typically be accessed via a cell proxy that calls functions on the grid to get the properties for a specific cell.
* @see {@link createGridProxy}
export interface GridCell extends VueFeature {
/** Which roe in the grid this cell is from. */
row: number;
/** Which col in the grid this cell is from. */
col: number;
/** Whether this cell can be clicked. */
canClick: boolean;
/** The initial persistent state of this cell. */
startState: State;
/** The persistent state of this cell. */
state: State;
/** The main text that appears in the display. */
display: MaybeGetter<Renderable>;
/** A function that is called when the cell is clicked. */
onClick?: (e?: MouseEvent | TouchEvent) => void;
/** A function that is called when the cell is held down. */
onHold?: VoidFunction;
* An object that configures a {@link Grid}.
export interface GridOptions extends VueFeatureOptions {
/** The number of rows in the grid. */
rows: MaybeRefOrGetter<number>;
/** The number of columns in the grid. */
cols: MaybeRefOrGetter<number>;
/** A getter for the visibility of a cell. */
getVisibility?: CellMaybeRefOrGetter<Visibility | boolean>;
/** A getter for if a cell can be clicked. */
getCanClick?: CellMaybeRefOrGetter<boolean>;
/** A getter for the initial persistent state of a cell. */
getStartState: MaybeRefOrGetter<State> | ((row: number, col: number) => State);
/** A getter for the CSS styles for a cell. */
getStyle?: CellMaybeRefOrGetter<CSSProperties>;
/** A getter for the CSS classes for a cell. */
getClasses?: CellMaybeRefOrGetter<Record<string, boolean>>;
/** A getter for the display component for a cell. */
| Renderable
| ((row: number, col: number, state: State) => Renderable)
| {
getTitle?: Renderable | ((row: number, col: number, state: State) => Renderable);
getDescription: Renderable | ((row: number, col: number, state: State) => Renderable);
/** A function that is called when a cell is clicked. */
onClick?: (row: number, col: number, state: State, e?: MouseEvent | TouchEvent) => void;
/** A function that is called when a cell is held down. */
onHold?: (row: number, col: number, state: State) => void;
/** An object that represents a feature that is a grid of cells that all behave according to the same rules. */
export interface Grid extends VueFeature {
/** A function that is called when a cell is clicked. */
onClick?: (row: number, col: number, state: State, e?: MouseEvent | TouchEvent) => void;
/** A function that is called when a cell is held down. */
onHold?: (row: number, col: number, state: State) => void;
/** A getter for determine the visibility of a cell. */
getVisibility?: ProcessedCellRefOrGetter<Visibility | boolean>;
/** A getter for determine if a cell can be clicked. */
getCanClick?: ProcessedCellRefOrGetter<boolean>;
/** The number of rows in the grid. */
rows: MaybeRef<number>;
/** The number of columns in the grid. */
cols: MaybeRef<number>;
/** A getter for the initial persistent state of a cell. */
getStartState: MaybeRef<State> | ((row: number, col: number) => State);
/** A getter for the CSS styles for a cell. */
getStyle?: ProcessedCellRefOrGetter<CSSProperties>;
/** A getter for the CSS classes for a cell. */
getClasses?: ProcessedCellRefOrGetter<Record<string, boolean>>;
/** A getter for the display component for a cell. */
getDisplay: Renderable | ((row: number, col: number, state: State) => Renderable);
/** Get the auto-generated ID for identifying a specific cell of this grid that appears in the DOM. Will not persist between refreshes or updates. */
getID: (row: number, col: number, state: State) => string;
/** Get the persistent state of the given cell. */
getState: (row: number, col: number) => State;
/** Set the persistent state of the given cell. */
setState: (row: number, col: number, state: State) => void;
/** A dictionary of cells within this grid. */
cells: GridCell[][];
/** The persistent state of this grid, which is a dictionary of cell states. */
cellState: Persistent<Record<number, Record<number, State>>>;
/** A symbol that helps identify features of the same type. */
type: typeof GridType;
function getCellRowHandler(grid: Grid, row: number) {
return new Proxy({} as GridCell[], {
get(target, key) {
if (key === "length") {
return unref(grid.cols);
if (typeof key !== "number" && typeof key !== "string") {
const keyNum = typeof key === "number" ? key : parseInt(key);
if (Number.isFinite(keyNum) && keyNum < unref(grid.cols)) {
if (keyNum in target) {
return target[keyNum];
return (target[keyNum] = getCellHandler(grid, row, keyNum));
set(target, key, value) {
console.warn("Cannot set grid cells", target, key, value);
return false;
ownKeys() {
return [...new Array(unref(grid.cols)).fill(0).map((_, i) => "" + i), "length"];
has(target, key) {
if (key === "length") {
return true;
if (typeof key !== "number" && typeof key !== "string") {
return false;
const keyNum = typeof key === "number" ? key : parseInt(key);
if (!Number.isFinite(keyNum) || keyNum >= unref(grid.cols)) {
return false;
return true;
getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, key) {
if (typeof key !== "number" && typeof key !== "string") {
const keyNum = typeof key === "number" ? key : parseInt(key);
if (key !== "length" && (!Number.isFinite(keyNum) || keyNum >= unref(grid.cols))) {
return {
configurable: true,
enumerable: true,
writable: false
* Returns traps for a proxy that will get the properties for the specified cell
* @param id The grid cell ID to get properties from.
* @see {@link getGridHandler}
* @see {@link createGridProxy}
function getCellHandler(grid: Grid, row: number, col: number): GridCell {
const keys = [
] as const;
const cache: Record<string, Ref<unknown>> = {};
return new Proxy({} as GridCell, {
// The typing in this function is absolutely atrocious in order to support custom properties
get(target, key, receiver) {
switch (key) {
case "wrappers":
return [];
case VueFeature:
return true;
case "row":
return row;
case "col":
return col;
case "startState": {
if (typeof grid.getStartState === "function") {
return grid.getStartState(row, col);
return unref(grid.getStartState);
case "state": {
return grid.getState(row, col);
case "id":
return (target.id = target.id ?? getUniqueID("gridcell"));
case "components":
return [
computed(() => (
if (typeof key === "symbol") {
return (grid as any)[key];
key = key.slice(0, 1).toUpperCase() + key.slice(1);
let prop = (grid as any)[`get${key}`];
if (isFunction(prop)) {
if (!(key in cache)) {
cache[key] = computed(() =>
prop.call(receiver, row, col, grid.getState(row, col))
return cache[key].value;
} else if (prop != null) {
return unref(prop);
prop = (grid as any)[`on${key}`];
if (isFunction(prop)) {
return () => prop.call(receiver, row, col, grid.getState(row, col));
} else if (prop != null) {
return prop;
// Revert key change
key = key.slice(0, 1).toLowerCase() + key.slice(1);
prop = (grid as any)[key];
if (isFunction(prop)) {
return () => prop.call(receiver, row, col, grid.getState(row, col));
return (grid as any)[key];
set(target, key, value) {
if (typeof key !== "string") {
return false;
key = `set${key.slice(0, 1).toUpperCase() + key.slice(1)}`;
if (key in grid && isFunction((grid as any)[key]) && (grid as any)[key].length <= 3) {
(grid as any)[key].call(grid, row, col, value);
return true;
} else {
console.warn(`No setter for "${key}".`, target);
return false;
ownKeys() {
return keys;
has(target, key) {
return (keys as readonly (string | symbol)[]).includes(key);
getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, key) {
if ((keys as readonly (string | symbol)[]).includes(key)) {
return {
configurable: true,
enumerable: true,
writable: false
function convertCellMaybeRefOrGetter<T>(
value: NonNullable<CellMaybeRefOrGetter<T>>
): ProcessedCellRefOrGetter<T>;
function convertCellMaybeRefOrGetter<T>(
value: CellMaybeRefOrGetter<T> | undefined
): ProcessedCellRefOrGetter<T> | undefined;
function convertCellMaybeRefOrGetter<T>(
value: CellMaybeRefOrGetter<T>
): ProcessedCellRefOrGetter<T> {
if (typeof value === "function" && value.length > 0) {
return value;
return processGetter(value) as MaybeRef<T>;
* Lazily creates a grid with the given options.
* @param optionsFunc Grid options.
export function createGrid<T extends GridOptions>(optionsFunc: () => T) {
const cellState = persistent<Record<number, Record<number, State>>>({}, false);
return createLazyProxy(() => {
const options = optionsFunc();
const {
getDisplay: _getDisplay,
} = options;
let getDisplay;
if (typeof _getDisplay === "object" && !isJSXElement(_getDisplay)) {
const { getTitle, getDescription } = _getDisplay;
getDisplay = function (row: number, col: number, state: State) {
const title = typeof getTitle === "function" ? getTitle(row, col, state) : getTitle;
const description =
typeof getDescription === "function"
? getDescription(row, col, state)
: getDescription;
return (
} else {
getDisplay = _getDisplay;
const grid = {
type: GridType,
...(props as Omit<typeof props, keyof VueFeature | keyof GridOptions>),
...vueFeatureMixin("grid", options, () => (
{new Array(unref(grid.rows)).fill(0).map((_, row) => (
{new Array(unref(grid.cols))
.map((_, col) => render(grid.cells[row][col]))}
cells: new Proxy({} as GridCell[][], {
get(target, key: PropertyKey) {
if (key === "length") {
return unref(grid.rows);
if (typeof key !== "number" && typeof key !== "string") {
const keyNum = typeof key === "number" ? key : parseInt(key);
if (Number.isFinite(keyNum) && keyNum < unref(grid.rows)) {
if (!(keyNum in target)) {
target[keyNum] = getCellRowHandler(grid, keyNum);
return target[keyNum];
set(target, key, value) {
console.warn("Cannot set grid cells", target, key, value);
return false;
ownKeys(): string[] {
return [...new Array(unref(grid.rows)).fill(0).map((_, i) => "" + i), "length"];
has(target, key) {
if (key === "length") {
return true;
if (typeof key !== "number" && typeof key !== "string") {
return false;
const keyNum = typeof key === "number" ? key : parseInt(key);
if (!Number.isFinite(keyNum) || keyNum >= unref(grid.rows)) {
return false;
return true;
getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, key) {
if (typeof key !== "number" && typeof key !== "string") {
const keyNum = typeof key === "number" ? key : parseInt(key);
if (
key !== "length" &&
(!Number.isFinite(keyNum) || keyNum >= unref(grid.rows))
) {
return {
configurable: true,
enumerable: true,
writable: false
rows: processGetter(rows),
cols: processGetter(cols),
getVisibility: convertCellMaybeRefOrGetter(getVisibility ?? true),
getCanClick: convertCellMaybeRefOrGetter(getCanClick ?? true),
typeof getStartState === "function" && getStartState.length > 0
? getStartState
: processGetter(getStartState),
getStyle: convertCellMaybeRefOrGetter(getStyle),
getClasses: convertCellMaybeRefOrGetter(getClasses),
getID: function (row: number, col: number): string {
return grid.id + "-" + row + "-" + col;
getState: function (row: number, col: number): State {
cellState.value[row] ??= {};
if (cellState.value[row][col] != null) {
return cellState.value[row][col];
return grid.cells[row][col].startState;
setState: function (row: number, col: number, state: State) {
cellState.value[row] ??= {};
cellState.value[row][col] = state;
onClick == null
? undefined
: function (row, col, state, e) {
if (grid.cells[row][col].canClick !== false) {
onClick.call(grid, row, col, state, e);
onHold == null
? undefined
: function (row, col, state) {
if (grid.cells[row][col].canClick !== false) {
onHold.call(grid, row, col, state);
} satisfies Grid;
return grid;
Reference in a new issue