206 lines
6.3 KiB
206 lines
6.3 KiB
import { fixOldSave, getInitialLayers } from "data/projEntry";
import projInfo from "data/projInfo.json";
import { globalBus } from "game/events";
import { addLayer, layers, removeLayer } from "game/layers";
import type { Player } from "game/player";
import player, { stringifySave } from "game/player";
import settings, { loadSettings } from "game/settings";
import LZString from "lz-string";
import { ref, shallowReactive } from "vue";
export type LoadablePlayerData = Omit<Partial<Player>, "id"> & { id: string; error?: unknown };
export function setupInitialStore(player: Partial<Player> = {}): Player {
return Object.assign(
id: `${projInfo.id}-0`,
name: "Default Save",
tabs: projInfo.initialTabs.slice(),
time: Date.now(),
autosave: true,
offlineProd: true,
offlineTime: 0,
timePlayed: 0,
keepGoing: false,
modID: projInfo.id,
modVersion: projInfo.versionNumber,
layers: {}
) as Player;
export function save(playerData?: Player): string {
const stringifiedSave = LZString.compressToUTF16(stringifySave(playerData ?? player));
localStorage.setItem((playerData ?? player).id, stringifiedSave);
return stringifiedSave;
export async function load(): Promise<void> {
// Load global settings
try {
let save = localStorage.getItem(settings.active);
if (save == null) {
await loadSave(newSave());
save = decodeSave(save);
if (save == null) {
throw "Unable to determine save encoding";
const player = JSON.parse(save);
if (player.modID !== projInfo.id) {
await loadSave(newSave());
player.id = settings.active;
await loadSave(player);
} catch (e) {
console.error("Failed to load save. Falling back to new save.\n", e);
await loadSave(newSave());
export function decodeSave(save: string) {
if (save[0] === "{") {
// plaintext. No processing needed
} else if (save[0] === "e") {
// Assumed to be base64, which starts with e
save = decodeURIComponent(escape(atob(save)));
} else if (save[0] === "ᯡ") {
// Assumed to be lz, which starts with ᯡ
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion
save = LZString.decompressFromUTF16(save)!;
} else {
console.warn("Unable to determine preset encoding", save);
return null;
return save;
export function newSave(): Player {
const id = getUniqueID();
const player = setupInitialStore({ id });
return player;
export function getUniqueID(): string {
let id,
i = 0;
do {
id = `${projInfo.id}-${i++}`;
} while (localStorage.getItem(id) != null);
return id;
export const loadingSave = ref(false);
export async function loadSave(playerObj: Partial<Player>): Promise<void> {
console.info("Loading save", playerObj);
loadingSave.value = true;
for (const layer in layers) {
const l = layers[layer];
if (l != null) {
getInitialLayers(playerObj).forEach(layer => addLayer(layer, playerObj));
playerObj = setupInitialStore(playerObj);
if (
playerObj.offlineProd &&
playerObj.time != null &&
playerObj.time &&
playerObj.devSpeed !== 0
) {
if (playerObj.offlineTime == null) playerObj.offlineTime = 0;
playerObj.offlineTime += Math.min(
playerObj.offlineTime + (Date.now() - playerObj.time) / 1000,
projInfo.offlineLimit * 3600
playerObj.time = Date.now();
if (playerObj.modVersion !== projInfo.versionNumber) {
fixOldSave(playerObj.modVersion, playerObj);
playerObj.modVersion = projInfo.versionNumber;
Object.assign(player, playerObj);
settings.active = player.id;
const cachedSaves = shallowReactive<Record<string, LoadablePlayerData | undefined>>({});
export function getCachedSave(id: string) {
if (cachedSaves[id] == null) {
let save = localStorage.getItem(id);
if (save == null) {
cachedSaves[id] = { error: `Save doesn't exist in localStorage`, id };
} else if (save === "dW5kZWZpbmVk") {
cachedSaves[id] = { error: `Save is undefined`, id };
} else {
try {
save = decodeSave(save);
if (save == null) {
console.warn("Unable to determine preset encoding", save);
cachedSaves[id] = { error: "Unable to determine preset encoding", id };
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion
return cachedSaves[id]!;
cachedSaves[id] = { ...JSON.parse(save), id };
} catch (error) {
cachedSaves[id] = { error, id };
console.warn(`Failed to load info about save with id ${id}:\n${error}\n${save}`);
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion
return cachedSaves[id]!;
export function clearCachedSaves() {
Object.keys(cachedSaves).forEach(key => delete cachedSaves[key]);
export function clearCachedSave(id: string) {
cachedSaves[id] = undefined;
setInterval(() => {
if (player.autosave) {
}, 1000);
window.onbeforeunload = () => {
if (player.autosave) {
declare global {
* Augment the window object so the save, hard reset, and deleteLowerSaves functions can be accessed from the console.
interface Window {
save: VoidFunction;
hardReset: VoidFunction;
deleteLowerSaves: VoidFunction;
window.save = save;
export const hardReset = (window.hardReset = async () => {
await loadSave(newSave());
export const deleteLowerSaves = (window.deleteLowerSaves = () => {
const index = Object.values(settings.saves).indexOf(player.id) + 1;
.forEach(id => localStorage.removeItem(id));
settings.saves = settings.saves.slice(0, index);