
487 lines
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import Collapsible from "components/layout/Collapsible.vue";
import { GenericAchievement } from "features/achievements/achievement";
import type { Clickable, ClickableOptions, GenericClickable } from "features/clickables/clickable";
import { createClickable } from "features/clickables/clickable";
import type { GenericConversion } from "features/conversion";
import type { CoercableComponent, JSXFunction, OptionsFunc, Replace } from "features/feature";
import { jsx, setDefault } from "features/feature";
import { Resource, displayResource } from "features/resources/resource";
import type { GenericTree, GenericTreeNode, TreeNode, TreeNodeOptions } from "features/trees/tree";
import { createTreeNode } from "features/trees/tree";
import type { GenericFormula } from "game/formulas/types";
import type { Modifier } from "game/modifiers";
import type { Persistent } from "game/persistence";
import { DefaultValue, persistent } from "game/persistence";
import player from "game/player";
import settings from "game/settings";
import type { DecimalSource } from "util/bignum";
import Decimal, { format, formatSmall, formatTime } from "util/bignum";
import { WithRequired, camelToTitle } from "util/common";
import type {
} from "util/computed";
import { convertComputable, processComputable } from "util/computed";
import { getFirstFeature, renderColJSX, renderJSX } from "util/vue";
import type { ComputedRef, Ref } from "vue";
import { computed, unref } from "vue";
import "./common.css";
/** An object that configures a {@link ResetButton} */
export interface ResetButtonOptions extends ClickableOptions {
/** The conversion the button uses to calculate how much resources will be gained on click */
conversion: GenericConversion;
/** The tree this reset button is apart of */
tree: GenericTree;
/** The specific tree node associated with this reset button */
treeNode: GenericTreeNode;
* Text to display on low conversion amounts, describing what "resetting" is in this context.
* Defaults to "Reset for ".
resetDescription?: Computable<string>;
/** Whether or not to show how much currency would be required to make the gain amount increase. */
showNextAt?: Computable<boolean>;
* The content to display on the button.
* By default, this includes the reset description, and amount of currency to be gained.
display?: Computable<CoercableComponent>;
* Whether or not this button can currently be clicked.
* Defaults to checking the current gain amount is greater than {@link minimumGain}
canClick?: Computable<boolean>;
* When {@link canClick} is left to its default, minimumGain is used to only enable the reset button when a sufficient amount of currency to gain is available.
minimumGain?: Computable<DecimalSource>;
/** A persistent ref to track how much time has passed since the last time this tree node was reset. */
resetTime?: Persistent<DecimalSource>;
* A button that is used to control a conversion.
* It will show how much can be converted currently, and can show when that amount will go up, as well as handle only being clickable when a sufficient amount of currency can be gained.
* Assumes this button is associated with a specific node on a tree, and triggers that tree's reset propagation.
export type ResetButton<T extends ResetButtonOptions> = Replace<
resetDescription: GetComputableTypeWithDefault<T["resetDescription"], Ref<string>>;
showNextAt: GetComputableTypeWithDefault<T["showNextAt"], true>;
display: GetComputableTypeWithDefault<T["display"], Ref<JSX.Element>>;
canClick: GetComputableTypeWithDefault<T["canClick"], Ref<boolean>>;
minimumGain: GetComputableTypeWithDefault<T["minimumGain"], 1>;
onClick: (event?: MouseEvent | TouchEvent) => void;
/** A type that matches any valid {@link ResetButton} object. */
export type GenericResetButton = Replace<
GenericClickable & ResetButton<ResetButtonOptions>,
resetDescription: ProcessedComputable<string>;
showNextAt: ProcessedComputable<boolean>;
display: ProcessedComputable<CoercableComponent>;
canClick: ProcessedComputable<boolean>;
minimumGain: ProcessedComputable<DecimalSource>;
* Lazily creates a reset button with the given options.
* @param optionsFunc A function that returns the options object for this reset button.
export function createResetButton<T extends ClickableOptions & ResetButtonOptions>(
optionsFunc: OptionsFunc<T>
): ResetButton<T> {
return createClickable(feature => {
const resetButton =, feature);
processComputable(resetButton as T, "showNextAt");
setDefault(resetButton, "showNextAt", true);
setDefault(resetButton, "minimumGain", 1);
if (resetButton.resetDescription == null) {
resetButton.resetDescription = computed(() =>, 1e3) ? "Reset for " : ""
} else {
processComputable(resetButton as T, "resetDescription");
if (resetButton.display == null) {
resetButton.display = jsx(() => (
{unref(resetButton.resetDescription as ProcessedComputable<string>)}
unref(resetButton.minimumGain as ProcessedComputable<DecimalSource>)
</b>{" "}
{unref(resetButton.showNextAt) != null ? (
<br />
{unref(resetButton.conversion.buyMax) ? "Next:" : "Req:"}{" "}
unref(resetButton.conversion.buyMax) ||, 1)
? unref(resetButton.conversion.currentAt)
: unref(resetButton.conversion.nextAt)
)}{" "}
) : null}
if (resetButton.canClick == null) {
resetButton.canClick = computed(() =>
unref(resetButton.minimumGain as ProcessedComputable<DecimalSource>)
const onClick = resetButton.onClick;
resetButton.onClick = function (event?: MouseEvent | TouchEvent) {
if (unref(resetButton.canClick) === false) {
if (resetButton.resetTime) {
resetButton.resetTime.value = resetButton.resetTime[DefaultValue];
return resetButton;
}) as unknown as ResetButton<T>;
/** An object that configures a {@link LayerTreeNode} */
export interface LayerTreeNodeOptions extends TreeNodeOptions {
/** The ID of the layer this tree node is associated with */
layerID: string;
/** The color to display this tree node as */
color: Computable<string>; // marking as required
/** Whether or not to append the layer to the tabs list.
* If set to false, then the tree node will instead always remove all tabs to its right and then add the layer tab.
* Defaults to true.
append?: Computable<boolean>;
/** A tree node that is associated with a given layer, and which opens the layer when clicked. */
export type LayerTreeNode<T extends LayerTreeNodeOptions> = Replace<
display: GetComputableTypeWithDefault<T["display"], T["layerID"]>;
append: GetComputableType<T["append"]>;
/** A type that matches any valid {@link LayerTreeNode} object. */
export type GenericLayerTreeNode = Replace<
display: ProcessedComputable<CoercableComponent>;
append?: ProcessedComputable<boolean>;
* Lazily creates a tree node that's associated with a specific layer, with the given options.
* @param optionsFunc A function that returns the options object for this tree node.
export function createLayerTreeNode<T extends LayerTreeNodeOptions>(
optionsFunc: OptionsFunc<T>
): LayerTreeNode<T> {
return createTreeNode(feature => {
const options =, feature);
setDefault(options, "display", camelToTitle(options.layerID));
processComputable(options as T, "append");
return {
onClick: unref((options as unknown as GenericLayerTreeNode).append)
? function () {
if (player.tabs.includes(options.layerID)) {
const index = player.tabs.lastIndexOf(options.layerID);
player.tabs.splice(index, 1);
} else {
: function () {
player.tabs.splice(1, 1, options.layerID);
}) as unknown as LayerTreeNode<T>;
/** An option object for a modifier display as a single section. **/
export interface Section {
/** The header for this modifier. **/
title: Computable<string>;
/** A subtitle for this modifier, e.g. to explain the context for the modifier. **/
subtitle?: Computable<string>;
/** The modifier to be displaying in this section. **/
modifier: WithRequired<Modifier, "description">;
/** The base value being modified. **/
base?: Computable<DecimalSource>;
/** The unit of measurement for the base. **/
unit?: string;
/** The label to call the base amount. Defaults to "Base". **/
baseText?: Computable<CoercableComponent>;
/** Whether or not this section should be currently visible to the player. **/
visible?: Computable<boolean>;
/** Determines if numbers larger or smaller than the base should be displayed as red. */
smallerIsBetter?: boolean;
* Takes an array of modifier "sections", and creates a JSXFunction that can render all those sections, and allow each section to be collapsed.
* Also returns a list of persistent refs that are used to control which sections are currently collapsed.
* @param sectionsFunc A function that returns the sections to display.
export function createCollapsibleModifierSections(
sectionsFunc: () => Section[]
): [JSXFunction, Persistent<Record<number, boolean>>] {
const sections: Section[] = [];
const processed:
| {
base: ProcessedComputable<DecimalSource | undefined>[];
baseText: ProcessedComputable<CoercableComponent | undefined>[];
visible: ProcessedComputable<boolean | undefined>[];
title: ProcessedComputable<string | undefined>[];
subtitle: ProcessedComputable<string | undefined>[];
| Record<string, never> = {};
let calculated = false;
function calculateSections() {
if (!calculated) {
processed.base = => convertComputable(s.base));
processed.baseText = => convertComputable(s.baseText));
processed.visible = => convertComputable(s.visible));
processed.title = => convertComputable(s.title));
processed.subtitle = => convertComputable(s.subtitle));
calculated = true;
return sections;
const collapsed = persistent<Record<number, boolean>>({}, false);
const jsxFunc = jsx(() => {
const sections = calculateSections();
let firstVisibleSection = true;
const sectionJSX =, i) => {
if (unref(processed.visible[i]) === false) return null;
const header = (
onClick={() => (collapsed.value[i] = !collapsed.value[i])}
style="cursor: pointer"
class={"modifier-toggle" + (unref(collapsed.value[i]) ? " collapsed" : "")}
{unref(processed.subtitle[i]) != null ? (
<span class="subtitle"> ({unref(processed.subtitle[i])})</span>
) : null}
const modifiers = unref(collapsed.value[i]) ? null : (
<div class="modifier-container">
<span class="modifier-description">
{renderJSX(unref(processed.baseText[i]) ?? "Base")}
<span class="modifier-amount">
{format(unref(processed.base[i]) ?? 1)}
{s.modifier.description == null
? null
: renderJSX(unref(s.modifier.description))}
const hasPreviousSection = !firstVisibleSection;
firstVisibleSection = false;
const base = unref(processed.base[i]) ?? 1;
const total = s.modifier.apply(base);
return (
{hasPreviousSection ? <br /> : null}
settings.alignUnits && s.unit != null ? "'" + s.unit + "'" : ""
<br />
<hr />
<div class="modifier-container">
<span class="modifier-description">Total</span>
s.smallerIsBetter === true
?, base ?? 1)
:, base ?? 1)
? "color: var(--danger)"
: ""
return <>{sectionJSX}</>;
return [jsxFunc, collapsed];
* Creates an HTML string for a span that writes some given text in a given color.
* @param textToColor The content to change the color of
* @param color The color to change the content to look like. Defaults to the current theme's accent 2 variable.
export function colorText(textToColor: string, color = "var(--accent2)"): JSX.Element {
return <span style={{ color }}>{textToColor}</span>;
* Creates a collapsible display of a list of achievements
* @param achievements A dictionary of the achievements to display, inserted in the order from easiest to hardest
export function createCollapsibleAchievements(achievements: Record<string, GenericAchievement>) {
// Achievements are typically defined from easiest to hardest, and we want to show hardest first
const orderedAchievements = Object.values(achievements).reverse();
const collapseAchievements = persistent<boolean>(true, false);
const lockedAchievements = computed(() =>
orderedAchievements.filter(m => m.earned.value === false)
const { firstFeature, collapsedContent, hasCollapsedContent } = getFirstFeature(
m => m.earned.value
const display = jsx(() => {
const achievementsToDisplay = [...lockedAchievements.value];
if (firstFeature.value) {
return renderColJSX(
jsx(() => (
? "Show other completed achievements"
: "Hide other completed achievements"
return {
collapseAchievements: collapseAchievements,
* Utility function for getting an ETA for when a target will be reached by a resource with a known (and assumed consistent) gain.
* @param resource The resource that will be increasing over time.
* @param rate The rate at which the resource is increasing.
* @param target The target amount of the resource to estimate the duration until.
export function estimateTime(
resource: Resource,
rate: Computable<DecimalSource>,
target: Computable<DecimalSource>
) {
const processedRate = convertComputable(rate);
const processedTarget = convertComputable(target);
return computed(() => {
const currRate = unref(processedRate);
const currTarget = unref(processedTarget);
if (Decimal.gte(resource.value, currTarget)) {
return "Now";
} else if (Decimal.lte(currRate, 0)) {
return "Never";
return formatTime(Decimal.sub(currTarget, resource.value).div(currRate));
* Utility function for displaying the result of a formula such that it will, when told to, preview how the formula's result will change.
* Requires a formula with a single variable inside.
* @param formula The formula to display the result of.
* @param showPreview Whether or not to preview how the formula's result will change.
* @param previewAmount The amount to _add_ to the current formula's variable amount to preview the change in result.
export function createFormulaPreview(
formula: GenericFormula,
showPreview: Computable<boolean>,
previewAmount: Computable<DecimalSource> = 1
) {
const processedShowPreview = convertComputable(showPreview);
const processedPreviewAmount = convertComputable(previewAmount);
if (!formula.hasVariable()) {
throw new Error("Cannot create formula preview if the formula does not have a variable");
return jsx(() => {
if (unref(processedShowPreview)) {
const curr = formatSmall(formula.evaluate());
const preview = formatSmall(
unref(formula.innermostVariable ?? 0),
return (
{curr} {preview}
return <>{formatSmall(formula.evaluate())}</>;