2022-07-15 01:17:01 -05:00

337 lines
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import Modal from "components/Modal.vue";
import type {
} from "features/feature";
import { jsx, setDefault } from "features/feature";
import { globalBus } from "game/events";
import type { Persistent } from "game/persistence";
import { persistent } from "game/persistence";
import player from "game/player";
import type { Emitter } from "nanoevents";
import { createNanoEvents } from "nanoevents";
import type {
} from "util/computed";
import { processComputable } from "util/computed";
import { createLazyProxy } from "util/proxies";
import type { InjectionKey, Ref } from "vue";
import { ref, shallowReactive, unref } from "vue";
/** A feature's node in the DOM that has its size tracked. */
export interface FeatureNode {
rect: DOMRect;
observer: MutationObserver;
element: HTMLElement;
* An injection key that a {@link ContextComponent} will use to provide a function that registers a {@link FeatureNode} with the given id and HTML element.
export const RegisterNodeInjectionKey: InjectionKey<(id: string, element: HTMLElement) => void> =
* An injection key that a {@link ContextComponent} will use to provide a function that unregisters a {@link FeatureNode} with the given id.
export const UnregisterNodeInjectionKey: InjectionKey<(id: string) => void> =
* An injection key that a {@link ContextComponent} will use to provide a ref to a map of all currently registered {@link FeatureNode}s.
export const NodesInjectionKey: InjectionKey<Ref<Record<string, FeatureNode | undefined>>> =
* An injection key that a {@link ContextComponent} will use to provide a ref to a bounding rect of the Context.
export const BoundsInjectionKey: InjectionKey<Ref<DOMRect | undefined>> = Symbol("Bounds");
/** All types of events able to be sent or emitted from a layer's emitter. */
export interface LayerEvents {
* Sent every game tick, before the update event. Intended for "generation" type actions.
* @param diff The delta time since last tick, in ms.
preUpdate: (diff: number) => void;
* Sent every game tick. Intended for "automation" type actions.
* @param diff The delta time since last tick, in ms.
update: (diff: number) => void;
* Sent every game tick, after the update event. Intended for checking state.
* @param diff The delta time since last tick, in ms.
postUpdate: (diff: number) => void;
* A reference to all the current layers.
* It is shallow reactive so it will update when layers are added or removed, but not interfere with the existing refs within each layer.
export const layers: Record<string, Readonly<GenericLayer> | undefined> = shallowReactive({});
declare global {
/** Augment the window object so the layers can be accessed from the console. */
interface Window {
layers: Record<string, Readonly<GenericLayer> | undefined>;
window.layers = layers;
declare module "@vue/runtime-dom" {
/** Augment CSS Properties to allow for setting the layer color CSS variable. */
interface CSSProperties {
"--layer-color"?: string;
/** An object representing the position of some entity. */
export interface Position {
/** The X component of the entity's position. */
x: number;
/** The Y component of the entity's position. */
y: number;
* An object that configures a {@link Layer}.
* Even moreso than features, the developer is expected to include extra properties in this object.
* All {@link game/persistence.Persistent} refs must be included somewhere within the layer object.
export interface LayerOptions {
/** The color of the layer, used to theme the entire layer's display. */
color?: Computable<string>;
* The layout of this layer's features.
* When the layer is open in {@link game/player.PlayerData.tabs}, this is the content that is display.
display: Computable<CoercableComponent>;
/** An object of classes that should be applied to the display. */
classes?: Computable<Record<string, boolean>>;
/** Styles that should be applied to the display. */
style?: Computable<StyleValue>;
* The name of the layer, used on minimized tabs.
* Defaults to {@link}.
name?: Computable<string>;
* Whether or not the layer can be minimized.
* Defaults to true.
minimizable?: Computable<boolean>;
* Whether or not to force the go back button to be hidden.
* If true, go back will be hidden regardless of {@link data/projInfo.allowGoBack}.
forceHideGoBack?: Computable<boolean>;
* A CSS min-width value that is applied to the layer.
* Can be a number, in which case the unit is assumed to be px.
* Defaults to 600px.
minWidth?: Computable<number | string>;
/** The properties that are added onto a processed {@link LayerOptions} to create a {@link Layer} */
export interface BaseLayer {
* The ID of the layer.
* Populated from the {@link createLayer} parameters.
* Used for saving and tracking open tabs.
id: string;
/** A persistent ref tracking if the tab is minimized or not. */
minimized: Persistent<boolean>;
/** An emitter for sending {@link LayerEvents} events for this layer. */
emitter: Emitter<LayerEvents>;
/** A function to register an event listener on {@link emitter}. */
on: OmitThisParameter<Emitter<LayerEvents>["on"]>;
/** A function to emit a {@link LayerEvents} event to this layer. */
emit: <K extends keyof LayerEvents>(...args: [K, ...Parameters<LayerEvents[K]>]) => void;
/** A map of {@link FeatureNode}s present in this layer's {@link ContextComponent} component. */
nodes: Ref<Record<string, FeatureNode | undefined>>;
/** An unit of game content. Displayed to the user as a tab or modal. */
export type Layer<T extends LayerOptions> = Replace<
T & BaseLayer,
color: GetComputableType<T["color"]>;
display: GetComputableType<T["display"]>;
classes: GetComputableType<T["classes"]>;
style: GetComputableType<T["style"]>;
name: GetComputableTypeWithDefault<T["name"], string>;
minWidth: GetComputableTypeWithDefault<T["minWidth"], 600>;
minimizable: GetComputableTypeWithDefault<T["minimizable"], true>;
forceHideGoBack: GetComputableType<T["forceHideGoBack"]>;
/** A type that matches any valid {@link Layer} object. */
export type GenericLayer = Replace<
name: ProcessedComputable<string>;
minWidth: ProcessedComputable<number>;
minimizable: ProcessedComputable<boolean>;
* When creating layers, this object a map of layer ID to a set of any created persistent refs in order to check they're all included in the final layer object.
export const persistentRefs: Record<string, Set<Persistent>> = {};
* When creating layers, this array stores the layers currently being created, as a stack.
export const addingLayers: string[] = [];
* Lazily creates a layer with the given options.
* @param id The ID this layer will have. See {@link}.
* @param optionsFunc Layer options.
export function createLayer<T extends LayerOptions>(
id: string,
optionsFunc: OptionsFunc<T, BaseLayer>
): Layer<T> {
return createLazyProxy(() => {
const layer = {} as T & Partial<BaseLayer>;
const emitter = (layer.emitter = createNanoEvents<LayerEvents>());
layer.on = emitter.on.bind(emitter);
layer.emit = emitter.emit.bind(emitter) as <K extends keyof LayerEvents>(
...args: [K, ...Parameters<LayerEvents[K]>]
) => void;
layer.nodes = ref({}); = id;
persistentRefs[id] = new Set();
layer.minimized = persistent(false);
Object.assign(layer, as BaseLayer));
if (
addingLayers[addingLayers.length - 1] == null ||
addingLayers[addingLayers.length - 1] !== id
) {
throw `Adding layers stack in invalid state. This should not happen\nStack: ${addingLayers}\nTrying to pop ${}`;
processComputable(layer as T, "color");
processComputable(layer as T, "display");
processComputable(layer as T, "name");
setDefault(layer, "name",;
processComputable(layer as T, "minWidth");
setDefault(layer, "minWidth", 600);
processComputable(layer as T, "minimizable");
setDefault(layer, "minimizable", true);
return layer as unknown as Layer<T>;
* Enables a layer object, so it will be updated every tick.
* Note that accessing a layer/its properties does NOT require it to be enabled.
* For dynamic layers you can call this function and {@link removeLayer} as necessary. Just make sure {@link data/projEntry.getInitialLayers} will provide an accurate list of layers based on the player data object.
* For static layers just make {@link data/projEntry.getInitialLayers} return all the layers.
* @param layer The layer to add.
* @param player The player data object, which will have a data object for this layer.
export function addLayer(
layer: GenericLayer,
player: { layers?: Record<string, Record<string, unknown>> }
): void {"Adding layer",;
if (layers[]) {
"Attempted to add layer with same ID as existing layer",,
setDefault(player, "layers", {});
if (player.layers[] == null) {
player.layers[] = {};
layers[] = layer;
globalBus.emit("addLayer", layer, player.layers[]);
* Convenience method for getting a layer by its ID with correct typing.
* @param layerID The ID of the layer to get.
export function getLayer<T extends GenericLayer>(layerID: string): T {
return layers[layerID] as T;
* Disables a layer, so it will no longer be updated every tick.
* Note that accessing a layer/its properties does NOT require it to be enabled.
* @param layer The layer to remove.
export function removeLayer(layer: GenericLayer): void {"Removing layer",;
globalBus.emit("removeLayer", layer);
layers[] = undefined;
* Convenience method for removing and immediately re-adding a layer.
* This is useful for layers with dynamic content, to ensure persistent refs are correctly configured.
* @param layer Layer to remove and then re-add
export function reloadLayer(layer: GenericLayer): void {
// Re-create layer
addLayer(layer, player);
* Utility function for creating a modal that display's a {@link LayerOptions.display}.
* Returns the modal itself, which can be rendered anywhere you need, as well as a function to open the modal.
* @param layer The layer to display in the modal.
export function setupLayerModal(layer: GenericLayer): {
openModal: VoidFunction;
modal: JSXFunction;
} {
const showModal = ref(false);
return {
openModal: () => (showModal.value = true),
modal: jsx(() => (
onUpdate:modelValue={value => (showModal.value = value)}
header: () => <h2>{unref(}</h2>,
body: unref(layer.display)
globalBus.on("update", function updateLayers(diff) {
Object.values(layers).forEach(layer => {
layer?.emit("preUpdate", diff);
Object.values(layers).forEach(layer => {
layer?.emit("update", diff);
Object.values(layers).forEach(layer => {
layer?.emit("postUpdate", diff);