236 lines
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236 lines
7.3 KiB
import Col from "components/layout/Column.vue";
import Row from "components/layout/Row.vue";
import type { CoercableComponent, GenericComponent, JSXFunction } from "features/feature";
import { Component as ComponentKey, GatherProps, jsx, Visibility } from "features/feature";
import type { ProcessedComputable } from "util/computed";
import { DoNotCache } from "util/computed";
import type { Component, ComputedRef, DefineComponent, PropType, Ref, ShallowRef } from "vue";
import {
} from "vue";
export function coerceComponent(
component: CoercableComponent,
defaultWrapper = "span"
): DefineComponent {
if (typeof component === "function") {
return defineComponent({ render: component });
if (typeof component === "string") {
if (component.length > 0) {
component = component.trim();
if (component.charAt(0) !== "<") {
component = `<${defaultWrapper}>${component}</${defaultWrapper}>`;
return defineComponent({ template: component });
return defineComponent({ render: () => ({}) });
return component;
export interface VueFeature {
[ComponentKey]: GenericComponent;
[GatherProps]: () => Record<string, unknown>;
export function render(object: VueFeature | CoercableComponent): JSX.Element | DefineComponent {
if (isCoercableComponent(object)) {
if (typeof object === "function") {
return (object as JSXFunction)();
return coerceComponent(object);
const Component = object[ComponentKey];
return <Component {...object[GatherProps]()} />;
export function renderRow(...objects: (VueFeature | CoercableComponent)[]): JSX.Element {
return <Row>{objects.map(render)}</Row>;
export function renderCol(...objects: (VueFeature | CoercableComponent)[]): JSX.Element {
return <Col>{objects.map(render)}</Col>;
export function renderJSX(object: VueFeature | CoercableComponent): JSX.Element {
if (isCoercableComponent(object)) {
if (typeof object === "function") {
return (object as JSXFunction)();
if (typeof object === "string") {
return <>{object}</>;
// TODO why is object typed as never?
const Comp = object as DefineComponent;
return <Comp />;
const Component = object[ComponentKey];
return <Component {...object[GatherProps]()} />;
export function renderRowJSX(...objects: (VueFeature | CoercableComponent)[]): JSX.Element {
return <Row>{objects.map(renderJSX)}</Row>;
export function renderColJSX(...objects: (VueFeature | CoercableComponent)[]): JSX.Element {
return <Col>{objects.map(renderJSX)}</Col>;
export function joinJSX(objects: JSX.Element[], joiner: JSX.Element): JSX.Element {
return objects.reduce((acc, curr) => (
export function isCoercableComponent(component: unknown): component is CoercableComponent {
if (typeof component === "string") {
return true;
} else if (typeof component === "object") {
if (component == null) {
return false;
return "render" in component || "component" in component;
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
} else if (typeof component === "function" && (component as any)[DoNotCache] === true) {
return true;
return false;
export function setupHoldToClick(
onClick?: Ref<((e?: MouseEvent | TouchEvent) => void) | undefined>,
onHold?: Ref<VoidFunction | undefined>
): {
start: (e: MouseEvent | TouchEvent) => void;
stop: VoidFunction;
handleHolding: VoidFunction;
} {
const interval = ref<NodeJS.Timer | null>(null);
const event = ref<MouseEvent | TouchEvent | undefined>(undefined);
function start(e: MouseEvent | TouchEvent) {
if (!interval.value) {
interval.value = setInterval(handleHolding, 250);
event.value = e;
function stop() {
if (interval.value) {
interval.value = null;
function handleHolding() {
if (onHold && onHold.value) {
} else if (onClick && onClick.value) {
return { start, stop, handleHolding };
export function getFirstFeature<
T extends VueFeature & { visibility: ProcessedComputable<Visibility> }
features: T[],
filter: (feature: T) => boolean
): {
firstFeature: Ref<T | undefined>;
collapsedContent: JSXFunction;
hasCollapsedContent: Ref<boolean>;
} {
const filteredFeatures = computed(() =>
feature => unref(feature.visibility) === Visibility.Visible && filter(feature)
return {
firstFeature: computed(() => filteredFeatures.value[0]),
collapsedContent: jsx(() => renderCol(...filteredFeatures.value.slice(1))),
hasCollapsedContent: computed(() => filteredFeatures.value.length > 1)
export function computeComponent(
component: Ref<ProcessedComputable<CoercableComponent>>,
defaultWrapper = "div"
): ShallowRef<Component | ""> {
const comp = shallowRef<Component | "">();
watchEffect(() => {
comp.value = coerceComponent(unwrapRef(component), defaultWrapper);
return comp as ShallowRef<Component | "">;
export function computeOptionalComponent(
component: Ref<ProcessedComputable<CoercableComponent | undefined> | undefined>,
defaultWrapper = "div"
): ShallowRef<Component | "" | null> {
const comp = shallowRef<Component | "" | null>(null);
watchEffect(() => {
const currComponent = unwrapRef(component);
comp.value = currComponent == null ? null : coerceComponent(currComponent, defaultWrapper);
return comp;
export function wrapRef<T>(ref: Ref<ProcessedComputable<T>>): ComputedRef<T> {
return computed(() => unwrapRef(ref));
export function unwrapRef<T>(ref: Ref<ProcessedComputable<T>>): T {
return unref<T>(unref(ref));
export function setRefValue<T>(ref: Ref<T | Ref<T>>, value: T) {
if (isRef(ref.value)) {
ref.value.value = value;
} else {
ref.value = value;
export type PropTypes =
| typeof Boolean
| typeof String
| typeof Number
| typeof Function
| typeof Object
| typeof Array;
// TODO Unfortunately, the typescript engine gives up on typing completely when you use this method,
// Even though it has the same typing as when doing it manually
export function processedPropType<T>(...types: PropTypes[]): PropType<ProcessedComputable<T>> {
if (!types.includes(Object)) {
return types as PropType<ProcessedComputable<T>>;
export function trackHover(element: VueFeature): Ref<boolean> {
const isHovered = ref(false);
const elementGatherProps = element[GatherProps].bind(element);
element[GatherProps] = () => ({
onPointerenter: () => (isHovered.value = true),
onPointerleave: () => (isHovered.value = false)
return isHovered;