Renderables no longer get wrapped in computed refs, because JSX.Elements don't like that (desyncs with the DOM) Relatedly, a lot of display functions got fairly simplified, removing unnecessary local components Added `MaybeGetter` utility type for something that may be a getter function or a static value (but not a ref) Made Achievement.vue use a Renderable for the display. The object of components can still be passed to `createAchievement` Made Challenge.vue use a Renderable for the display. The object of components can still be passed to `createChallenge` Fixed some issues introduced by the rewrite that broke particles systems
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<div class="field">
<span class="field-title" v-if="title"><Title /></span>
<script setup lang="tsx">
import "components/common/fields.css";
import { MaybeGetter } from "util/computed";
import { render, Renderable } from "util/vue";
import { ref, toRef, unref, watch } from "vue";
import VueNextSelect from "vue-next-select";
import "vue-next-select/dist/index.css";
export type SelectOption = { label: string; value: unknown };
const props = defineProps<{
title?: MaybeGetter<Renderable>;
modelValue?: unknown;
options: SelectOption[];
placeholder?: string;
closeOnSelect?: boolean;
const emit = defineEmits<{
(e: "update:modelValue", value: unknown): void;
const Title = () => props.title ? render(props.title, el => <span>{el}</span>) : <></>;
const value = ref<SelectOption | null>(
props.options.find(option => option.value === props.modelValue) ?? null
watch(toRef(props, "modelValue"), modelValue => {
if (unref(value) !== modelValue) {
value.value = props.options.find(option => option.value === modelValue) ?? null;
function onUpdate(value: SelectOption) {
emit("update:modelValue", value.value);
.vue-select {
width: 50%;
border-radius: var(--border-radius);
.field-buttons .vue-select {
width: unset;
.vue-dropdown {
border-color: var(--outline);
.vue-dropdown {
background: var(--raised-background);
.vue-dropdown-item {
color: var(--foreground);
.vue-dropdown-item * {
transition-duration: 0s;
.vue-dropdown-item.highlighted {
background-color: var(--highlighted);
.vue-dropdown-item.highlighted.selected {
background-color: var(--bought);
.vue-input input {
font-size: inherit;
.vue-input input::placeholder {
color: var(--link);