- Removed `jsx()` and `JSXFunction`. You can now use `JSX.Element` like any other `Computable` value - `joinJSX` now always requires a joiner. Just pass the array of elements or wrap them in `<>` and `</>` if there's no joiner - Removed `coerceComponent`, `computeComponent`, and `computeOptionalComponent`; just use the `render` function now - It's recommended to now do `<MyComponent />` instead of `<component :is="myComponent" />` - All features no longer take the options as a type parameter, and all generic forms have been removed as a result - Fixed `forceHideGoBack` not being respected - Removed `deepUnref` as now things don't get unreffed before being passed into vue components by default - Moved MarkNode to new wrapper, and removed existing `mark` properties - Moved Tooltip to new wrapper, and made it take an options function instead of raw object - VueFeature component now wraps all vue features, and applies styling, classes, and visibility in the wrapping div. It also adds the Node component so features don't need to - `mergeAdjacent` now works with grids (perhaps should've used scss to reduce the amount of css this took) - `CoercableComponent` renamed to `Renderable` since it should be used with `render` - Replaced `isCoercableComponent` with `isJSXElement` - Replaced `Computable` and `ProcessedComputable` with the vue built-ins `MaybeRefOrGetter` and `MaybeRef` - `convertComputable` renamed to `processGetter` - Also removed `GetComputableTypeWithDefault` and `GetComputableType`, which can similarly be replaced - `dontMerge` is now a property on rows and columns rather than an undocumented css class you'd have to include on every feature within the row or column - Fixed saves manager not being imported in addiction warning component - Created `vueFeatureMixin` for simplifying the vue specific parts of a feature. Passes the component's properties in explicitly and directly from the feature itself - All features should now return an object that includes props typed to omit the options object and satisfies the feature. This will ensure type correctness and pass-through custom properties. (see existing features for more thorough examples of changes) - Replaced decorators with mixins, which won't require casting. Bonus amount decorators converted into generic bonus amount mixin. Removed effect decorator - All `render` functions now return `JSX.Element`. The `JSX` variants (e.g. `renderJSX`) (except `joinJSX`) have been removed - Moved all features that use the clickable component into the clickable folder - Removed `small` property from clickable, since its a single css rule (`min-height: unset`) (you could add a small css class and pass small to any vue feature's classes property, though) - Upgrades now use the clickable component - Added ConversionType symbol - Removed setDefault, just use `??=` - Added isType function that uses a type symbol to check - General cleanup
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import { createHotkey, hotkeys } from "features/hotkey";
import { afterEach, describe, expect, test } from "vitest";
import { Ref, ref } from "vue";
import "../utils";
function createSuccessHotkey(key: string, triggered: Ref<boolean>) {
hotkeys[key] = createHotkey(() => ({
description: "",
key: key,
onPress: () => (triggered.value = true)
function createFailHotkey(key: string) {
hotkeys[key] = createHotkey(() => ({
description: "Fail test",
onPress: () => expect(true).toBe(false)
function mockKeypress(key: string, shiftKey = false, ctrlKey = false) {
const event = new KeyboardEvent("keydown", { key, shiftKey, ctrlKey });
return event;
function testHotkey(pass: string, fail: string, key: string, shiftKey = false, ctrlKey = false) {
const triggered = ref(false);
createSuccessHotkey(pass, triggered);
mockKeypress(key, shiftKey, ctrlKey);
describe("Hotkeys fire correctly", () => {
afterEach(() => {
Object.keys(hotkeys).forEach(key => delete hotkeys[key]);
test("Lower case letters", () => testHotkey("a", "A", "a"));
test.each([["A"], ["shift+a"], ["shift+A"]])("Upper case letters using %s as key", key => {
testHotkey(key, "a", "A", true);
[0, ")"],
[1, "!"],
[2, "@"],
[3, "#"],
[4, "$"],
[5, "%"],
[6, "^"],
[7, "&"],
[8, "*"],
[9, "("]
])("Handle number %i and it's 'capital', %s", (number, symbol) => {
test("Triggering number", () =>
testHotkey(number.toString(), symbol, number.toString(), true));
test.each([symbol, `shift+${number}`, `shift+${symbol}`])(
"Triggering symbol using %s as key",
key => testHotkey(key, number.toString(), symbol, true)
test("Ctrl modifier", () => testHotkey("ctrl+a", "a", "a", false, true));
test.each(["shift+ctrl+a", "ctrl+shift+a", "shift+ctrl+A", "ctrl+shift+A"])(
"Shift and Ctrl modifiers using %s as key",
key => {
const triggered = ref(false);
createSuccessHotkey(key, triggered);
mockKeypress("a", true, true);
test.each(["shift+ctrl+1", "ctrl+shift+1", "shift+ctrl+!", "ctrl+shift+!"])(
"Shift and Ctrl modifiers using %s as key",
key => {
const triggered = ref(false);
createSuccessHotkey(key, triggered);
mockKeypress("!", true, true);