Update source code links and references to incremental.social

This commit is contained in:
thepaperpilot 2024-02-18 09:52:22 -06:00
parent a82a57c3dc
commit 44a689afb4
7 changed files with 20 additions and 26 deletions

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@ -21,8 +21,8 @@ module.exports = {
themeConfig: {
logo: "/favicon.svg",
editLink: {
pattern: "https://github.com/profectus-engine/profectus-docs/edit/main/docs/:path",
editLinkText: "Edit this page on GitHub"
pattern: "https://code.incremental.social/profectus/profectus-docs/edit/main/docs/:path",
editLinkText: "Edit this page on Incremental Social"
nav: [
{ text: "Guide", link: "/guide/", activeMatch: "^/guide/" },
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ module.exports = {
socialLinks: [
{ icon: "discord", link: "https://discord.gg/yJ4fjnjU54" },
{ icon: "github", link: "https://github.com/profectus-engine/Profectus" }
{ icon: { svg: '<svg id="erAGSmQsg5F1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" viewBox="0 0 334.73599 164" shape-rendering="geometricPrecision" text-rendering="geometricPrecision"><g transform="translate(-1.000199-.435301)"><path d="M271.24983,105.65061q-.36,4.08-.31,8.47.05,4.56-4.49,8.19-9.11,7.28-17.84-.35c-5.3-4.65-3.99-10.34-4.42-16.25-11.33-3.3-21.65-12.470005-22.8-24.590005q-.53-5.59-.95-11.21-.04-.52-.53-.64c-4.87-1.23-7.99-2.08-10.29-6.94-3.9-8.23.79-15.35,8.92-18.12.175893-.059771.287747-.229624.27-.41-.74-8.02-1.4-15.08,1.56-22.79c3.11-8.09,9.57-14.26,17.53-17.62q4.11-1.73,10.44-2.07q8.68-.46,17.4-.26q16.85.37,26.28,13.59c6.43,9.02,5.96,18.48,5.03,29.16q-.,3.61,12.56,22.82-1.42,24.78-.330958.046125-.58496.316783-.61.65-.38,5.39-.17,11.34-2.1,16.46q-5.7,15.160005-22.12,19.310005Z" fill="#6b438b"/><path d="M142.39,41.700605l-31,11.57c-.187231.072269-.39801.046259-.563762-.069568s-.265293-.306667-.266238-.510432l.01-19.31q0-.55.51-.74q23.03-8.68,46.02-17.25c2.57-.96,4.78-.76,7.42-.75.129956,0,.254589.051625.346482.143518s.143518.216526.143518.346482v132.320005c.000017.211265-.084586.413735-.23491.56218s-.353842.230494-.56509.22782l-19.99-.01q-1.17,0-1.17-1.16v-104.910005c.000142-.1604-.078229-.310715-.209821-.40243s-.299742-.113219-.450179-.05757Z" fill="#eceff4"/><path d="M59.21,74.480605h33.95c.222782,0,.436439.0885.59397.24603s.24603.371188.24603.59397l-.01,18.96c0,.222782-.0885.436439-.24603.59397s-.371188.24603-.59397.24603l-33.88.03c-.222782,0-.436439.0885-.59397.24603s-.24603.371188-.24603.59397l-.08,38.580005c0,.222782-.0885.436439-.24603.59397s-.371188.24603-.59397.24603l-20.11-.01c-.222782,0-.436439-.0885-.59397-.24603s-.24603-.371188-.24603-.59397l-.01-38.580005c0-.222782-.0885-.436439-.24603-.59397s-.371188-.24603-.59397-.24603h-33.87c-.222782,0-.436439-.0885-.59397-.24603s-.24603-.371188-.24603-.59397l.02-19.02c0-.222782.0885-.436439.24603-.59397s.371188-.24603.59397-.24603l33.86.02c.222782,0,.436439-.0885.59397-.24603s.24603-.371188.24603-.59397v-35.79c0-.222782.0885-.436439.24603-.59397s.371188-.24603.59397-.24603l20.13-.02c.222782,0,.436439.0885.59397.24603s.24603.371188.24603.59397v35.83c0,.222782.0885.436439.24603.59397s.371188.24603.59397.24603Z" fill="#eceff4"/><path d="M244.18983,105.71061c.43,5.91-.88,11.6,4.42,16.25q8.73,7.63,17.84.35q4.54-3.63,4.49-8.19-.05-4.39.31-8.47q24.6,4,42.34,20.72l-.18,37.49-110.93.01-.09-37.61q17.53-16.43,41.8-20.55Z" fill="#533566"/><path d="M202.38983,126.26061l.09,37.61-21.38-.49c-.35821-.009824-.690529-.18897-.89563-.482816s-.258668-.667556-.14437-1.007184q7.21-21.29,22.33-35.63Z" fill="#6b438b"/><path d="M313.58983,126.37061q12.71,12.03,19.9,29.52q1.79,4.36,2.23," fill="#6b438b"/></g></svg>' }, link: "https://code.incremental.social/profectus/Profectus" }
sidebar: {
"/guide/": [
@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ module.exports = {
{ text: "Updating Profectus", link: "/guide/getting-started/updating" },
{ text: "Your First Layer", link: "/guide/getting-started/first-layer" },
{ text: "Example Projects", link: "/guide/getting-started/examples" },
{ text: "Profectus Changelog", link: "https://github.com/profectus-engine/Profectus/blob/main/CHANGELOG.md" }
{ text: "Profectus Changelog", link: "https://code.incremental.social/profectus/Profectus/blob/main/CHANGELOG.md" }

View file

@ -52,3 +52,7 @@ body {
.vp-doc h3 + h4 {
margin-top: 16px;
.VPSocialLink > svg {
width: 30px !important;

View file

@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ This is a project that's still under development but is a good resource for thin
## TMT-Demo <Badge type="tip" text="Profectus 0.6" />
[View Source](https://github.com/profectus-engine/tmt-demo) | [View Project](https://profectus-engine.github.io/TMT-Demo/)
[View Source](https://code.incremental.social/profectus/TMT-Demo) | [View Project](https://profectus.pages.incremental.social//TMT-Demo/)
A project loosely based off the Demo project for TMT. Uses most of the different features of Profectus, but doesn't have any real gameplay.

View file

@ -9,13 +9,13 @@ For local development, you will need the following tools:
- [git](https://git-scm.com/downloads)
- [node](https://nodejs.org/en/download/)
Create a new project from the [Profectus repository](https://github.com/profectus-engine/Profectus) by clicking the "Use this template" button. Then, clone the repository locally using the provided link.
Create a new project from the [Profectus repository](https://code.incremental.social/profectus/Profectus) by clicking the "Use this template" button. Then, clone the repository locally using the provided link.
::: info
The template repository allows easy creation of multiple projects from one repository. However, updating an existing project to a newer version of Profectus can be challenging. Consider [updating Profectus](./updating.md) _before_ starting development to avoid issues with unrelated histories.
It's recommended to create a new Git branch for development, allowing you to push changes without affecting the live build. The GitHub workflow will automatically rebuild the page when you push to the `main` branch.
It's recommended to create a new Git branch for development, allowing you to push changes without affecting the live build. The workflows will automatically rebuild the page when you push it to the `main` branch.
Next, install Profectus' dependencies by running `npm install`. Run `npm run dev` to start a local server hosting your project. The site will automatically reload as you modify files.
@ -23,19 +23,9 @@ Also, follow the steps to [update Profectus](./updating.md) before starting to m
### Deploying
Using Git, the repository's workflow action automates deployment. However, you need to grant write permissions for the action in the repository settings. Go to Actions, General, Workflow permissions, and select "Read and write permissions".
Actions should be enabled by default on new repositories. To deploy, push changes to the main branch. The site will be updated automatically in a few minutes. Check progress or errors from the Actions tab on your repository.
![workflow permissions](./workflow-perms.png)
To deploy, push changes to the main branch. The site will be updated automatically in a few minutes. Check progress or errors from the Actions tab on your repository.
![actions button](./actionsbutton.png)
Enable GitHub Pages in the repo settings to host the generated site. Select the `gh-pages` branch. Perform this step once. This will automatically start another GitHub action to deploy the website.
![github pages](./gh-pages.png)
Upon action completion, your project should be available at `https://<YOUR_GITHUB_USERNAME>.github.io/<YOUR_REPO_NAME>/`. For example, the TMT Demo project hosted at https://github.com/profectus-engine/TMT-Demo is available at https://profectus-engine.github.io/TMT-Demo/.
Upon action completion, you will now have a `pages` branch which is automatically available at `https://<YOUR_GITHUB_USERNAME>.pages.incremental.social/<YOUR_REPO_NAME>/`. For example, the TMT Demo project hosted at https://code.incremental.social/profectus/TMT-Demo is available at https://profectus.pages.incremental.social//TMT-Demo/.
### Visual Studio Code Setup

View file

@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
# Updating Profectus
## Github
## Incremental Social Code Forge
Due to Profectus being a template repository, your projects do not share a git history with Profectus. To update changes, you will need to run the following:
git remote add template https://github.com/profectus-engine/Profectus
git remote add template https://code.incremental.social/profectus/Profectus
git fetch --all
git merge template/main --allow-unrelated-histories
@ -18,4 +18,4 @@ The sidebar has a tab labeled "Version Control", which you can use to merge all
## Glitch
Unfortunately, Glitch does not provide any method by which to update a project from a Github repository. If you've only changed things in the data folder you may consider creating a new project, importing the current version of Profectus, and then placing your data folder in the new project.
Unfortunately, Glitch does not provide any method by which to update a project from a git repository. If you've only changed things in the data folder you may consider creating a new project, importing the current version of Profectus, and then placing your data folder in the new project.

View file

@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ features:
- title: Easy to Use
details: Everything is written to be as intuitive to use as possible, through consistent design.
- title: Helpful
details: Built with TypeScript to guide you as you write. Seamlessly deploy your project with pre-configured github workflows, and more.
details: Built with TypeScript to guide you as you write. Seamlessly deploy your project with pre-configured workflows and more.
- title: Incremental
details: Designed to actively encourage you to become better at programming. The engine will never limit you.

View file

@ -9,13 +9,13 @@
"build": "vitepress build docs",
"generate": "tsc --project ./profectus-theme && vue-docgen -c docgen.config.js && cd profectus && vue-typedoc --logLevel Verbose --plugin ../typedoc-theme/index.js --theme profectus --plugin typedoc-plugin-markdown --plugin typedoc-plugin-mdn-links --skipErrorChecking && cd .. && rm docs/api/modules/main.md && node postProcess.js"
"repository": "git+https://github.com/profectus-engine/profectus-docs.git",
"repository": "git+https://code.incremental.social/profectus/profectus-docs.git",
"author": "thepaperpilot",
"license": "ISC",
"bugs": {
"url": "https://github.com/profectus-engine/profectus-docs/issues"
"url": "https://code.incremental.social/profectus/profectus-docs/issues"
"homepage": "https://github.com/profectus-engine/profectus-docs#readme",
"homepage": "https://code.incremental.social/profectus/profectus-docs#readme",
"dependencies": {
"vitepress": "^1.0.0-rc.22"