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import{_ as t,c as n,o,a as e,b as a}from"./app.4f01bb88.js";const y='{"title":"Introduction","description":"","frontmatter":{"title":"Introduction"},"headers":[],"relativePath":"guide/"}',i={},r=e("h1",{id:"introduction",tabindex:"-1"},[a("Introduction "),e("a",{class:"header-anchor",href:"#introduction","aria-hidden":"true"},"#")],-1),s=e("p",null,"Profectus is a web-based game engine. You can write your content using many built in features, write your own features, and build up complex gameplay quickly and easily.",-1),c=e("p",null,"The purpose of creating profectus was to create an easy to use engine that does not create a ceiling for a programmer's personal growth. This engine will grow in complexity with you, empowering you to create increasingly complex designs and mechanics.",-1),d=[r,s,c];function u(l,p,_,h,g,m){return o(),n("div",null,d)}var w=t(i,[["render",u]]);export{y as __pageData,w as default};