mirror of
synced 2025-03-14 01:51:40 +00:00
Oil prototype
This commit is contained in:
7 changed files with 1250 additions and 52 deletions
@ -5,5 +5,8 @@
"editor.defaultFormatter": "esbenp.prettier-vscode",
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@ -482,4 +482,4 @@ export function setUpDailyProgressTracker(options: {
@ -44,8 +44,9 @@ const layer = createLayer(id, function (this: BaseLayer) {
width: 100,
height: 10,
style: "margin-top: 8px",
borderStyle: "border-color: black",
baseStyle: "margin-top: 0",
fillStyle: "margin-top: 0; transition-duration: 0s",
fillStyle: "margin-top: 0; transition-duration: 0s; background: black",
progress: () => Decimal.div(breedingProgress.value, computedBreedingCooldown.value)
const breeding = createClickable(() => ({
@ -79,8 +80,9 @@ const layer = createLayer(id, function (this: BaseLayer) {
width: 100,
height: 10,
style: "margin-top: 8px",
borderStyle: "border-color: black",
baseStyle: "margin-top: 0",
fillStyle: "margin-top: 0; transition-duration: 0s",
fillStyle: "margin-top: 0; transition-duration: 0s; background: black",
progress: () => Decimal.div(shearingProgress.value, computedShearingCooldown.value)
const shearing = createClickable(() => ({
@ -114,8 +116,9 @@ const layer = createLayer(id, function (this: BaseLayer) {
width: 100,
height: 10,
style: "margin-top: 8px",
borderStyle: "border-color: black",
baseStyle: "margin-top: 0",
fillStyle: "margin-top: 0; transition-duration: 0s",
fillStyle: "margin-top: 0; transition-duration: 0s; background: black",
progress: () => Decimal.div(spinningProgress.value, computedSpinningCooldown.value)
const spinning = createClickable(() => ({
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ import {
} from "game/modifiers";
import { createUpgrade, Upgrade } from "features/upgrades/upgrade";
import { createUpgrade, Upgrade, UpgradeOptions } from "features/upgrades/upgrade";
import elves from "./elves";
import paper from "./paper";
import boxes from "./boxes";
@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ import metal from "./metal";
import { cloneWithoutLoc } from "@babel/types";
import cloth from "./cloth";
import { WithRequired } from "util/common";
import oil from "./oil";
interface BetterFertilizerUpgOptions {
canAfford: () => boolean;
@ -53,6 +54,16 @@ interface UnlockKilnUpgOptions {
style: StyleValue;
visibility: () => Visibility;
interface EfficientSmeltherUpgOptions {
resource: Resource;
cost: DecimalSource;
display: {
title: string;
description: string;
style: StyleValue;
visibility: () => Visibility;
const id = "coal";
const day = 3;
@ -144,8 +155,8 @@ const layer = createLayer(id, function (this: BaseLayer) {
activeFires.value = buildFire.amount.value;
const fireResource = createResource(buildFire.amount, "small fires");
const activeBonfires = persistent<DecimalSource>(0);
const bonfireLogs = computed(() => Decimal.times(activeBonfires.value, 10000));
const bonfireCoal = computed(() => Decimal.times(activeBonfires.value, 10));
@ -302,7 +313,7 @@ const layer = createLayer(id, function (this: BaseLayer) {
const activeDrills = persistent<DecimalSource>(0);
const drillCoal = computed(() => Decimal.times(activeDrills.value, 5e7));
const drillCoal = computed(() => Decimal.times(Decimal.pow(activeDrills.value, oil.row2Upgrades[1].bought.value ? 2 : 1), 5e7).times(metal.efficientDrill.bought.value ? 2 : 1));
const buildDrill = createBuyable(() => ({
resource: metal.metal,
cost() {
@ -472,6 +483,18 @@ const layer = createLayer(id, function (this: BaseLayer) {
visibility: () => showIf(unlockBonfire.bought.value)
const row2upgrades = [dedicatedCutters, dedicatedPlanters, betterFertilizer, unlockKiln];
const efficientSmelther: Upgrade<EfficientSmeltherUpgOptions> = createUpgrade(() => ({
resource: coal,
cost: 1e19,
display: {
title: "Efficient Crucibles",
description: "Double auto smelting speed and triple metal gain from auto smelting"
style: { color: colorText },
visibility: () => showIf(oil.depthMilestones[4].earned.value)
const row3upgrades = [efficientSmelther];
const heatedCutters = createBuyable(() => ({
resource: noPersist(coal),
@ -666,7 +689,17 @@ const layer = createLayer(id, function (this: BaseLayer) {
description: "3 Elves Trained",
enabled: elves.milestones[2].earned,
supportLowNumbers: true
createMultiplicativeModifier(() => ({
multiplier: () => Decimal.mul(oil.depth.value, 0.25).add(1),
description: "5m Well Depth",
enabled: oil.depthMilestones[0].earned,
createMultiplicativeModifier(() => ({
multiplier: oil.extractorCoal,
description: "Heavy Extractor",
enabled: () => Decimal.gt(oil.activeExtractor.value, 0)
]) as WithRequired<Modifier, "description" | "revert">;
const computedCoalGain = computed(() => coalGain.apply(0));
@ -861,6 +894,7 @@ const layer = createLayer(id, function (this: BaseLayer) {
@ -947,6 +981,7 @@ const layer = createLayer(id, function (this: BaseLayer) {
<Spacer />
@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ import { createUpgrade, GenericUpgrade } from "features/upgrades/upgrade";
import { noPersist } from "game/persistence";
import { createBuyable, GenericBuyable } from "features/buyable";
import { main } from "../projEntry";
import oil from "./oil";
const id = "metal";
const day = 7;
@ -67,9 +68,32 @@ const layer = createLayer(id, function (this: BaseLayer) {
addend: () => Decimal.times(industrialCrucible.amount.value, 10),
description: "Industrial Crucibles",
enabled: () => Decimal.gte(industrialCrucible.amount.value, 1)
createMultiplicativeModifier(() => ({
multiplier: 2,
description: "Efficient Crucibles",
enabled: coal.efficientSmelther.bought
createMultiplicativeModifier(() => ({
multiplier: () => Decimal.mul(oil.activeSmelter.value, oil.oilEffectiveness.value).add(1),
description: "Oil Smelter",
enabled: () => Decimal.gt(oil.activeSmelter.value, 0)
const computedAutoSmeltSpeed = computed(() => autoSmeltSpeed.apply(0));
const autoSmeltMulti = createSequentialModifier(() => [
createMultiplicativeModifier(() => ({
multiplier: 3,
description: "Efficient Crucibles",
enabled: coal.efficientSmelther.bought
createMultiplicativeModifier(() => ({
multiplier: () => Decimal.add(oil.activeBurner.value, 1).mul(oil.oilEffectiveness.value),
description: "Blaster Burner",
enabled: oil.row2Upgrades[2].bought
const computedAutoSmeltMulti = computed(() => autoSmeltMulti.apply(1));
const coalCost = 1e10;
const smeltableOre = computed(() =>
@ -106,9 +130,9 @@ const layer = createLayer(id, function (this: BaseLayer) {
minHeight: "unset"
function smeltOre(amount: DecimalSource) {
function smeltOre(amount: DecimalSource, multi: DecimalSource = 1) {
const [metalGain, oreConsumption, coalConsumption] = [
Decimal.times(amount, computedOrePurity.value),
Decimal.times(amount, computedOrePurity.value).times(multi),
Decimal.times(amount, coalCost)
@ -122,7 +146,17 @@ const layer = createLayer(id, function (this: BaseLayer) {
addend: () => oreDrill.amount.value,
description: "Mining Drills",
enabled: () => Decimal.gte(oreDrill.amount.value, 1)
createMultiplicativeModifier(() => ({
multiplier: () => Decimal.mul(oil.depth.value, 0.05).add(1),
description: "25m Well Depth",
enabled: oil.depthMilestones[2].earned,
createMultiplicativeModifier(() => ({
multiplier: oil.extractorOre,
description: "Heavy Extractor",
enabled: () => Decimal.gt(oil.activeExtractor.value, 0)
const computedOreAmount = computed(() => oreAmount.apply(1));
const oreSpeed = createSequentialModifier(() => [
@ -140,9 +174,19 @@ const layer = createLayer(id, function (this: BaseLayer) {
multiplier: 2.5,
description: "Mining Drills",
enabled: () => Decimal.gte(oreDrill.amount.value, 1)
createMultiplicativeModifier(() => ({
multiplier: 2,
description: "Efficient Drills",
enabled: efficientDrill.bought
createMultiplicativeModifier(() => ({
multiplier: 2,
description: "Oil the Mining Drills",
enabled: oil.row2Upgrades[1].bought
const computedOreSpeed = computed(() => oreSpeed.apply(1));
const computedOreSpeed = computed(() => oreSpeed.apply(Decimal.recip(maxOreProgress)));
const oreProgress = persistent<DecimalSource>(0);
const maxOreProgress = 10;
const oreBar = createBar(() => ({
@ -150,7 +194,7 @@ const layer = createLayer(id, function (this: BaseLayer) {
height: 25,
direction: Direction.Right,
fillStyle: { backgroundColor: color },
progress: () => Decimal.div(oreProgress.value, maxOreProgress)
progress: () => oreProgress.value
const oreGain = createSequentialModifier(() => [
@ -160,9 +204,6 @@ const layer = createLayer(id, function (this: BaseLayer) {
createMultiplicativeModifier(() => ({
multiplier: computedOreSpeed
createMultiplicativeModifier(() => ({
multiplier: Decimal.reciprocate(maxOreProgress)
const computedOreGain = computed(() => oreGain.apply(0));
const netOreGain = createSequentialModifier(() => [
@ -175,6 +216,7 @@ const layer = createLayer(id, function (this: BaseLayer) {
const computedNetOreGain = computed(() => netOreGain.apply(0));
const simplePickaxe = createUpgrade(() => ({
resource: noPersist(metal),
@ -206,7 +248,7 @@ const layer = createLayer(id, function (this: BaseLayer) {
visibility: () =>
crucible.bought.value ||
Decimal.div(bestOre.value, computedOrePurity.value).plus(bestMetal.value).gte(1)
Decimal.div(bestOre.value, computedOrePurity.value).plus(bestMetal.value).gte(1)
})) as GenericUpgrade;
const coalDrill = createUpgrade(() => ({
@ -220,13 +262,12 @@ const layer = createLayer(id, function (this: BaseLayer) {
visibility: () =>
Decimal.gte(oreDrill.amount.value, 1) &&
(coalDrill.bought.value ||
Decimal.times(computedOreAmount.value, computedOreSpeed.value)
(coalDrill.bought.value ||
Decimal.times(computedOreAmount.value, computedOreSpeed.value)
onPurchase() {
main.days[2].recentlyUpdated.value = true;
@ -248,6 +289,16 @@ const layer = createLayer(id, function (this: BaseLayer) {
Cost: 50 ${metal.displayName}<br/>${format(1e11)} ${coal.coal.displayName}`
const efficientDrill = createUpgrade(() => ({
resource: noPersist(metal),
cost: 100000,
display: {
title: "Efficient Drills",
description: `Use metal and a bunch of R&D to make drilling stuff faster. Double coal and ore mining speed.`
visibilty: () => showIf(oil.depthMilestones[4].earned.value)
const oreDrill = createBuyable(() => ({
resource: noPersist(metal),
@ -267,9 +318,9 @@ const layer = createLayer(id, function (this: BaseLayer) {
visibility: () =>
Decimal.gte(oreDrill.amount.value, 1) ||
Decimal.div(bestOre.value, computedOrePurity.value)
Decimal.div(bestOre.value, computedOrePurity.value)
style: { width: "200px" }
})) as GenericBuyable;
@ -291,8 +342,8 @@ const layer = createLayer(id, function (this: BaseLayer) {
visibility: () =>
Decimal.gte(industrialCrucible.amount.value, 1) ||
Decimal.gte(oreDrill.amount.value, 4) ||
Decimal.gte(bestOre.value, 50)
Decimal.gte(oreDrill.amount.value, 4) ||
Decimal.gte(bestOre.value, 50)
style: { width: "200px" }
})) as GenericBuyable;
@ -321,29 +372,38 @@ const layer = createLayer(id, function (this: BaseLayer) {
globalBus.on("update", diff => {
oreProgress.value = Decimal.times(diff, computedOreSpeed.value).plus(oreProgress.value);
const oreGain = oreProgress.value.div(maxOreProgress).trunc();
oreProgress.value = oreProgress.value.minus(oreGain.times(maxOreProgress));
const oreGain = oreProgress.value.trunc();
oreProgress.value = oreProgress.value.minus(oreGain);
ore.value = Decimal.add(ore.value, Decimal.times(oreGain, computedOreAmount.value));
if (autoSmeltEnabled.value) {
Decimal.times(industrialCrucible.amount.value, 10).times(diff)
Decimal.times(computedAutoSmeltSpeed.value, diff)
), computedAutoSmeltMulti.value
const [generalTab, generalTabCollapsed] = createCollapsibleModifierSections(() => [
title: "Automatic Smelting",
title: "Auto Smelt Speed",
modifier: autoSmeltSpeed,
base: 0,
unit: "/s",
visible() {
return Decimal.gt(industrialCrucible.amount.value, 0);
title: "Auto Smelt Multiplier",
modifier: autoSmeltMulti,
base: 1,
visible() {
return Decimal.gt(computedAutoSmeltMulti.value, 1);
title: "Metal per Ore",
modifier: orePurity,
@ -357,7 +417,8 @@ const layer = createLayer(id, function (this: BaseLayer) {
title: "Mining Speed",
modifier: oreSpeed,
base: 1
base: 0.1,
unit: "/s",
const showModifiersModal = ref(false);
@ -399,6 +460,7 @@ const layer = createLayer(id, function (this: BaseLayer) {
@ -418,14 +480,14 @@ const layer = createLayer(id, function (this: BaseLayer) {
{autoSmeltEnabled.value && Decimal.gte(industrialCrucible.amount.value, 1)
? `+${formatLimit(
[computedAutoSmeltSpeed.value, "smelting speed"],
[computedOreGain.value, "ore gain"],
[Decimal.div(coal.computedCoalGain.value, coalCost), "coal gain"]
[computedAutoSmeltSpeed.value, "smelting speed"],
[computedOreGain.value, "ore gain"],
[Decimal.div(coal.computedCoalGain.value, coalCost), "coal gain"]
Decimal.mul(computedOrePurity.value, computedAutoSmeltMulti.value)
: undefined}
@ -437,7 +499,7 @@ const layer = createLayer(id, function (this: BaseLayer) {
title="Auto Smelt"
onUpdate:modelValue={value => (autoSmeltEnabled.value = value)}
onUpdate:modelValue={(value: boolean) => (autoSmeltEnabled.value = value)}
) : undefined}
@ -454,11 +516,11 @@ const layer = createLayer(id, function (this: BaseLayer) {
<Spacer />
Currently mining {format(computedOreAmount.value)} ore every{" "}
{format(Decimal.div(maxOreProgress, computedOreSpeed.value))} seconds
{format(Decimal.recip(computedOreSpeed.value))} seconds
<Spacer />
{renderRow(simplePickaxe, doublePickaxe, crucible, coalDrill, industrialFurnace)}
{renderRow(simplePickaxe, doublePickaxe, crucible, coalDrill, industrialFurnace, efficientDrill)}
{renderRow(oreDrill, industrialCrucible, hotterForge)}
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ import paper from "./layers/paper";
import boxes from "./layers/boxes";
import metal from "./layers/metal";
import cloth from "./layers/cloth";
import oil from "./layers/oil";
export interface Day extends VueFeature {
day: number;
@ -225,10 +226,10 @@ export const main = createLayer("main", function (this: BaseLayer) {
createDay(() => ({
day: 9,
shouldNotify: false,
layer: null, // "oil"
layer: "oil",
symbol: "",
story: "",
completedStory: ""
story: "Looks like you just need one more thing before the toy factory can get running: plastic! Every toy nowadays is made with plastic! But wait, how are you going to get plastic? What can make plastic? Wait that's right, oil! You figured out you might as well repurpose your coal and ore drills into something that can get you oil, unfortunately you'll need to mine much deeper that you're currently doing before, so let's get to work!",
completedStory: "It took a while, but you finally got enough oil for the next step! You deserve a good rest after all these digging work - tomorrow will be a busy day! Good Job!"
createDay(() => ({
day: 10,
@ -409,7 +410,7 @@ export const main = createLayer("main", function (this: BaseLayer) {
export const getInitialLayers = (
/* eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars */
player: Partial<PlayerData>
): Array<GenericLayer> => [main, trees, workshop, coal, elves, paper, boxes, metal, cloth];
): Array<GenericLayer> => [main, trees, workshop, coal, elves, paper, boxes, metal, cloth, oil];
* A computed ref whose value is true whenever the game is over.
Add table
Reference in a new issue