mirror of
synced 2025-02-17 18:02:45 +00:00
Create initial packing layer
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 455 additions and 2 deletions
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,434 @@
import { isArray } from "@vue/shared";
import HotkeyVue from "components/Hotkey.vue";
import SpacerVue from "components/layout/Spacer.vue";
import { setUpDailyProgressTracker } from "data/common";
import { main } from "data/projEntry";
import { createBar } from "features/bars/bar";
import { createBuyable, GenericBuyable } from "features/buyable";
import { createClickable } from "features/clickables/clickable";
import { jsx, showIf } from "features/feature";
import { createHotkey } from "features/hotkey";
import { createMilestone, GenericMilestone } from "features/milestones/milestone";
import MainDisplayVue from "features/resources/MainDisplay.vue";
import { createResource, trackBest, trackTotal, Resource } from "features/resources/resource";
import { createLayer, BaseLayer } from "game/layers";
import { createSequentialModifier } from "game/modifiers";
import { noPersist, persistent } from "game/persistence";
import Decimal, { DecimalSource, format, formatWhole } from "util/bignum";
import { Direction } from "util/common";
import { render, renderRow } from "util/vue";
import { computed, ComputedRef, unref } from "vue";
import metal from "./metal";
import oil from "./oil";
import { createCollapsibleMilestones } from "data/common"
import { globalBus } from "game/events";
const id = "packing"
const day = 24;
const layer = createLayer(id, function (this: BaseLayer) {
const name = "Packing the Sleigh";
const color = "lightblue";
const packedPresents = createResource<DecimalSource>(0, "packed presents");
const bestPresents = trackBest(packedPresents);
const totalPresents = trackTotal(packedPresents);
const totalPresentsResource = createResource<DecimalSource>(computed(() => totalPresents.value), "total packed presents");
const sledSpace = 64e6;
const packingResets = persistent<number>(0);
const resetPacking = createClickable(() => ({
display: {
description: "Do it all again, but better"
visibility: () => showIf(Decimal.lt(packedPresents.value, 8e9) && Decimal.lte(remainingSize.value, 0)),
onClick() {
packedPresents.value = 0;
const packingProgress = persistent<DecimalSource>(0);
const packingProgressBar = createBar(() => ({
direction: Direction.Right,
width: 100,
height: 10,
fillStyle: {
animation: "15s packing-bar linear infinite",
progress: () => packingProgress.value
const packPresent = createClickable(() => ({
display: {
description: jsx(() => (
Pack a present <HotkeyVue hotkey={packHotkey} />
</h3><br />
visibility: () => showIf(Decimal.gt(remainingSize.value, 0)),
canClick: () => Decimal.gte(packingProgress.value, 1),
onClick() {
if (Decimal.lt(packingProgress.value, 1)) {
packedPresents.value = Decimal.add(packedPresents.value, 1);
packingProgress.value = 0;
const packHotkey = createHotkey(() => ({
key: "p",
description: "Pack a present",
onPress() { if (packPresent.canClick.value) packPresent.onClick(); },
enabled: noPersist(main.days[day - 1].opened)
const packingDensity = computed(() => {
switch(packingResets.value) {
default: return 0.6;
case 1: return 0.7;
case 2: return 0.85;
case 3: return 1;
const packedPresentsSize = computed(() => Decimal.times(packedPresents.value, 0.008).dividedBy(packingDensity.value));
const remainingSize = computed(() => Decimal.sub(sledSpace, packedPresentsSize.value));
const elfPackingSpeed = createSequentialModifier(() => [
const computedElfPackingSpeed = computed(() => elfPackingSpeed.apply(1));
const loaderPackingSpeed = createSequentialModifier(() => [
const computedLoaderPackingSpeed = computed(() => loaderPackingSpeed.apply(1000));
const helpers = {
elf: createBuyable(() => ({
visibility: () => showIf(Decimal.gte(totalPresents.value, 10)),
cost() { return Decimal.pow(1.2, this.amount.value).times(10).floor() },
resource: totalPresentsResource,
display: jsx(() => (
<div><h3>Hire an elf assistant</h3></div>
Packs {format(computedElfPackingSpeed.value)} presents per second
<div><br />
Amount: {formatWhole(helpers.elf.amount.value)}</div>
<div><br />
Currently packing {format(Decimal.times(helpers.elf.amount.value, computedElfPackingSpeed.value))} presents per second</div>
<div>Requires: {formatWhole(unref(helpers.elf.cost!))} {helpers.elf.resource!.displayName}</div>
style: {
width: "200px"
loader: createBuyable(() => ({
visibility: () => showIf(false),
metalCost: computed(() => Decimal.pow(1.5, helpers.loader.amount.value).times(1e40) ),
oilCost: computed(() => Decimal.pow(1.5, helpers.loader.amount.value).times(1e20) ),
canPurchase(this: GenericBuyable & {metalCost: ComputedRef<DecimalSource>, oilCost: ComputedRef<DecimalSource>}) {
return Decimal.gte(metal.metal.value, this.metalCost.value)
&& Decimal.gte(oil.oil.value, this.oilCost.value)
display: jsx(() => (
<div><h3>Build a loader</h3></div>
Loads {format(computedLoaderPackingSpeed.value)} presents per second
<div><br />
Amount: {formatWhole(helpers.loader.amount.value)}</div>
<div><br />
Currently packing {format(Decimal.times(helpers.loader.amount.value, computedLoaderPackingSpeed.value))} persents per second</div>
Cost: {displayCost(metal.metal, helpers.loader.metalCost.value, metal.metal.displayName)},
{displayCost(oil.oil, helpers.loader.oilCost.value, oil.oil.displayName)}</div>
} as {
elf: GenericBuyable,
loader: GenericBuyable & {metalCost: ComputedRef<DecimalSource>, oilCost: ComputedRef<DecimalSource>}
const packingMilestones: Record<string, GenericMilestone> = {
logBoost: createMilestone(() => ({
display: {
requirement: `25 ${packedPresents.displayName}`,
effectDisplay: "Trees size is raised to the 1.25th power"
shouldEarn: () => Decimal.gte(packedPresents.value, 25)
boxBoost: createMilestone(() => ({
display: {
requirement: `120 ${packedPresents.displayName}`,
effectDisplay: "Boxes are 10% bigger"
shouldEarn: () => Decimal.gte(packedPresents.value, 120),
visibility: () => showIf(packingMilestones.logBoost.earned.value)
})) ,
clothBoost: createMilestone(() => ({
display: {
requirement: `600 ${packedPresents.displayName}`,
effectDisplay: "Sheep grow 10x as much wool"
shouldEarn: () => Decimal.gte(packedPresents.value, 600),
visibility: () => showIf(packingMilestones.boxBoost.earned.value)
})) ,
oilBoost: createMilestone(() => ({
display: {
requirement: `2,800 ${packedPresents.displayName}`,
effectDisplay: "Triple drill power"
shouldEarn: () => Decimal.gte(packedPresents.value, 2800),
visibility: () => showIf(packingMilestones.clothBoost.earned.value)
})) ,
coalBoost: createMilestone(() => ({
display: {
requirement: `14,000 ${packedPresents.displayName}`,
effectDisplay: "Coal producer costs grow half as fast"
shouldEarn: () => Decimal.gte(packedPresents.value, 14000),
visibility: () => showIf(packingMilestones.oilBoost.earned.value)
})) ,
metalBoost: createMilestone(() => ({
display: {
requirement: `69,200 ${packedPresents.displayName}`,
effectDisplay: "Raise ore purity to the 1.5th power"
shouldEarn: () => Decimal.gte(packedPresents.value, 69200),
visibility: () => showIf(packingMilestones.coalBoost.earned.value)
})) ,
wrappingPaperBoost: createMilestone(() => ({
display: {
requirement: `340,000 ${packedPresents.displayName}`,
effectDisplay: "Double the strength of wrapping paper bonuses"
shouldEarn: () => Decimal.gte(packedPresents.value, 340000),
visibility: () => showIf(packingMilestones.metalBoost.earned.value)
})) ,
oreBoost: createMilestone(() => ({
display: {
requirement: `1,670,000 ${packedPresents.displayName}`,
effectDisplay: "Ore mining speed multiplies ore gain"
shouldEarn: () => Decimal.gte(packedPresents.value, 1670000),
visibility: () => showIf(packingMilestones.wrappingPaperBoost.earned.value)
})) ,
ribbonBoost: createMilestone(() => ({
display: {
requirement: `8,230,000 ${packedPresents.displayName}`,
effectDisplay: "Ribbons are 90% cheaper"
shouldEarn: () => Decimal.gte(packedPresents.value, 8230000),
visibility: () => showIf(packingMilestones.oreBoost.earned.value)
})) ,
secondaryDyeBoost: createMilestone(() => ({
display: {
requirement: `40,400,000 ${packedPresents.displayName}`,
effectDisplay: "Double the second effect of each secondary dye"
shouldEarn: () => Decimal.gte(packedPresents.value, 40400000),
visibility: () => showIf(packingMilestones.ribbonBoost.earned.value)
})) ,
paperBoost: createMilestone(() => ({
display: {
requirement: `199,000,000 ${packedPresents.displayName}`,
effectDisplay: "Produce 10x as much paper"
shouldEarn: () => Decimal.gte(packedPresents.value, 199000000),
visibility: () => showIf(packingMilestones.secondaryDyeBoost.earned.value)
})) ,
primaryDyeBoost: createMilestone(() => ({
display: {
requirement: `977,000,000 ${packedPresents.displayName}`,
effectDisplay: "Quintuple primary dye gain"
shouldEarn: () => Decimal.gte(packedPresents.value, 977000000),
visibility: () => showIf(packingMilestones.paperBoost.earned.value)
})) ,
wrappingPaperBoost2: createMilestone(() => ({
display: {
requirement: `664,000 ${packedPresents.displayName}`,
effectDisplay: "Double the strength of wrapping paper bonuses, again"
shouldEarn: () => Decimal.gte(packedPresents.value, 664000) && packingResets.value >= 1,
visibility: () => showIf(packingResets.value >= 1)
})) ,
coalBoost2: createMilestone(() => ({
display: {
requirement: `6,360,000 ${packedPresents.displayName}`,
effectDisplay: "Coal producers grow half as fast, again"
shouldEarn: () => Decimal.gte(packedPresents.value, 6360000) && packingResets.value >= 1,
visibility: () => showIf(packingMilestones.wrappingPaperBoost2.earned.value)
})) ,
oreBoost2: createMilestone(() => ({
display: {
requirement: `60,900,000 ${packedPresents.displayName}`,
effectDisplay: "Ore mining speed multiplies ore gain, again"
shouldEarn: () => Decimal.gte(packedPresents.value, 60900000) && packingResets.value >= 1,
visibility: () => showIf(packingMilestones.coalBoost2.earned.value)
})) ,
primaryDyeBoost2: createMilestone(() => ({
display: {
requirement: `584,000,000 ${packedPresents.displayName}`,
effectDisplay: "Quintuple primary dye gain, again"
shouldEarn: () => Decimal.gte(packedPresents.value, 584000000) && packingResets.value >= 1,
visibility: () => showIf(packingMilestones.oreBoost2.earned.value)
})) ,
ribbonBoost2: createMilestone(() => ({
display: {
requirement: `734,000 ${packedPresents.displayName}`,
effectDisplay: "Ribbons are 90% cheaper, again"
shouldEarn: () => Decimal.gte(packedPresents.value, 734000) && packingResets.value >= 2,
visibility: () => showIf(packingMilestones.primaryDyeBoost2.earned.value)
})) ,
boxesBoost2: createMilestone(() => ({
display: {
requirement: `7,200,000 ${packedPresents.displayName}`,
effectDisplay: "Boxes are 10% bigger, again"
shouldEarn: () => Decimal.gte(packedPresents.value, 7200000) && packingResets.value >= 2,
visibility: () => showIf(packingMilestones.ribbonBoost2.earned.value)
})) ,
secondaryDyeBoost2: createMilestone(() => ({
display: {
requirement: `70,700,000 ${packedPresents.displayName}`,
effectDisplay: "Double the second effect of each secondary dye, again"
shouldEarn: () => Decimal.gte(packedPresents.value, 70700000) && packingResets.value >= 2,
visibility: () => showIf(packingMilestones.boxesBoost2.earned.value)
})) ,
paperBoost2: createMilestone(() => ({
display: {
requirement: `693,000,000 ${packedPresents.displayName}`,
effectDisplay: "Produce another 10x as much paper"
shouldEarn: () => Decimal.gte(packedPresents.value, 693000000) && packingResets.value >= 2,
visibility: () => showIf(packingMilestones.secondaryDyeBoost2.earned.value)
})) ,
oilBoost2: createMilestone(() => ({
display: {
requirement: `820,000 ${packedPresents.displayName}`,
effectDisplay: "Triple drill power, again"
shouldEarn: () => Decimal.gte(packedPresents.value, 820000) && packingResets.value >= 3,
visibility: () => showIf(packingMilestones.paperBoost2.earned.value)
})) ,
clothBoost2: createMilestone(() => ({
display: {
requirement: `8,150,000 ${packedPresents.displayName}`,
effectDisplay: "Sheep grow 10x as much wool, again"
shouldEarn: () => Decimal.gte(packedPresents.value, 8150000) && packingResets.value >= 3,
visibility: () => showIf(packingMilestones.oilBoost2.earned.value)
})) ,
logsBoost2: createMilestone(() => ({
display: {
requirement: `81,000,000 ${packedPresents.displayName}`,
effectDisplay: "Raise tree size to the 1.25th power, again"
shouldEarn: () => Decimal.gte(packedPresents.value, 81000000) && packingResets.value >= 3,
visibility: () => showIf(packingMilestones.clothBoost2.earned.value)
})) ,
metalBoost2: createMilestone(() => ({
display: {
requirement: `800,000,000 ${packedPresents.displayName}`,
effectDisplay: "Raise ore purity to the 1.5th power, again"
shouldEarn: () => Decimal.gte(packedPresents.value, 800000000) && packingResets.value >= 3,
visibility: () => showIf(packingMilestones.logsBoost2.earned.value)
const { collapseMilestones, display: milestonesDisplay } =
const { trackerDisplay } = setUpDailyProgressTracker({
resource: packedPresents,
ignoreTotal: true,
goal: 8e9,
background: {
gradient: "packing-bar",
duration: "15s"
textColor: "var(--feature-foreground)",
globalBus.on("update", diff => {
if (Decimal.lt(main.day.value, day)) {
if (Decimal.gte(packingProgress.value, 1)) {
packingProgress.value = 1;
else {
packingProgress.value = Decimal.add(packingProgress.value, diff);
if (packPresent.isHolding.value) {
if (Decimal.lt(remainingSize.value, 0)) {
packedPresents.value = Decimal.add(
Decimal.times(helpers.elf.amount.value, computedElfPackingSpeed.value),
Decimal.times(helpers.loader.amount.value, computedLoaderPackingSpeed.value)
return {
display: jsx(() => (
<SpacerVue />
<MainDisplayVue resource={packedPresents} color={color} />
<SpacerVue />
<SpacerVue />
<SpacerVue />
minimizedDisplay: jsx(() => (<div>{name} <span class="desc">{formatWhole(packedPresents.value)} {packedPresents.displayName}</span></div>))
export default layer;
function displayCost(
res: Resource<DecimalSource> | Resource<DecimalSource>[],
cost: DecimalSource,
label: string
) {
const affordable = (isArray(res) ? res : [res]).every(res => Decimal.gte(res.value, cost));
return (
<span class={affordable ? "" : "unaffordable"}>
{format(cost)} {label}
@ -77,4 +77,21 @@
yellow 10px 20px
@keyframes packing-bar {
from {
background: 0 0 / 170px 170px repeat repeating-linear-gradient(-45deg,
rgb(255, 76, 76) 0 10px, white 10px 20px,
rgb(65, 255, 95) 20px 30px, white 30px 40px,
rgb(76, 76, 255) 40px 50px, white 50px 60px
to {
background: 170px 0 / 170px 170px repeat repeating-linear-gradient(-45deg,
rgb(255, 76, 76) 0 10px, white 10px 20px,
rgb(65, 255, 95) 20px 30px, white 30px 40px,
rgb(76, 76, 255) 40px 50px, white 50px 60px
@ -55,6 +55,7 @@ import toysSymbol from "./symbols/truck.png";
import advFactorySymbol from "./symbols/teddyBear.png";
import advManagementSymbol from "./symbols/workshopMansion.png";
import wrappingPaperSymbol from "./symbols/wrappingPaper.png";
import packing from "./layers/packing";
export interface Day extends VueFeature {
day: number;
@ -500,7 +501,7 @@ export const main = createLayer("main", function (this: BaseLayer) {
createDay(() => ({
day: 24,
shouldNotify: false,
layer: null, // "packing the presents"
layer: "packing",
symbol: "",
story: "",
completedStory: "",
@ -615,7 +616,8 @@ export const getInitialLayers = (
Add table
Reference in a new issue