mirror of
synced 2025-03-14 01:51:40 +00:00
Created Dye Layer
This commit is contained in:
10 changed files with 636 additions and 13 deletions
@ -417,8 +417,9 @@ export function setUpDailyProgressTracker(options: {
display: VueFeature | CoercableComponent;
usingLog?: Ref<boolean>;
ignoreTotal?: boolean
}) {
const total = trackTotal(options.resource);
const total = options.ignoreTotal ? options.resource : trackTotal(options.resource);
const progressFunc = () => {
if (main.day.value !== options.day) return 1;
let progress = Decimal.add(total.value, 1);
@ -452,7 +453,7 @@ export function setUpDailyProgressTracker(options: {
{main.day.value === options.day ? (
Reach {formatWhole(options.goal)} total {options.resource.displayName} to
Reach {formatWhole(options.goal)} {options.ignoreTotal ? "" : ("total ")}{options.resource.displayName} to
complete the day
) : (
@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ import { unref } from "vue";
import paper from "./paper";
import plastic from "./plastic";
import trees from "./trees";
import dyes from "./dyes";
const id = "boxes";
const day = 6;
@ -144,7 +145,7 @@ const layer = createLayer(id, function (this: BaseLayer) {
cost() {
let v = this.amount.value;
v = Decimal.pow(0.95, paper.books.boxBook.amount.value).times(v);
return Decimal.pow(3, v).times(100);
return Decimal.pow(3, v).times(100).div(dyes.boosts.orange2.value);
visibility: () => showIf(logsUpgrade.bought.value)
})) as GenericBuyable & { resource: Resource };
@ -160,7 +161,7 @@ const layer = createLayer(id, function (this: BaseLayer) {
cost() {
let v = this.amount.value;
v = Decimal.pow(0.95, paper.books.boxBook.amount.value).times(v);
return Decimal.pow(5, v).times(1000);
return Decimal.pow(5, v).times(1000).div(dyes.boosts.orange2.value);;
visibility: () => showIf(ashUpgrade.bought.value)
})) as GenericBuyable & { resource: Resource };
@ -176,7 +177,7 @@ const layer = createLayer(id, function (this: BaseLayer) {
cost() {
let v = this.amount.value;
v = Decimal.pow(0.95, paper.books.boxBook.amount.value).times(v);
return Decimal.pow(7, v).times(1000);
return Decimal.pow(7, v).times(1000).div(dyes.boosts.orange2.value);
visibility: () => showIf(coalUpgrade.bought.value)
})) as GenericBuyable & { resource: Resource };
@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ import metal from "./metal";
import oil from "./oil";
import paper from "./paper";
import trees from "./trees";
import dyes from "./dyes";
interface BetterFertilizerUpgOptions {
canAfford: () => boolean;
@ -551,7 +552,7 @@ const layer = createLayer(id, function (this: BaseLayer) {
enabled: elves.elves.bonfireElf.bought
createMultiplicativeModifier(() => ({
multiplier: () => Decimal.div(buildKiln.amount.value, 100).add(1),
multiplier: () => Decimal.div(buildKiln.amount.value, 100).times(dyes.boosts.green2.value).add(1),
description: "Kiln Synergy",
enabled: elves.elves.kilnElf.bought
@ -643,7 +644,7 @@ const layer = createLayer(id, function (this: BaseLayer) {
enabled: elves.elves.bonfireElf.bought
createMultiplicativeModifier(() => ({
multiplier: () => Decimal.div(buildKiln.amount.value, 100).add(1),
multiplier: () => Decimal.div(buildKiln.amount.value, 100).times(dyes.boosts.green2.value).add(1),
description: "Kiln Synergy",
enabled: elves.elves.kilnElf.bought
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,553 @@
* @module
* @hidden
import Modal from "components/Modal.vue";
import MainDisplay from "features/resources/MainDisplay.vue";
import Spacer from "components/layout/Spacer.vue";
import { BuyableOptions, GenericBuyable, createBuyable } from "features/buyable";
import { jsx, JSXFunction, Visibility } from "features/feature";
import { createResource, Resource } from "features/resources/resource";
import { globalBus } from "game/events";
import { BaseLayer, createLayer } from "game/layers";
import { noPersist, persistent } from "game/persistence";
import Decimal, { DecimalSource, format, formatWhole } from "util/bignum";
import { computed, ComputedRef, ref, Ref, unref } from "vue";
import trees from "./trees";
import oil from "./oil";
import { coerceComponent, render, renderCol, renderRow } from "util/vue";
import { setUpDailyProgressTracker, createCollapsibleModifierSections } from "data/common";
import { createAdditiveModifier, createMultiplicativeModifier, createSequentialModifier, Modifier } from "game/modifiers";
import { WithRequired } from "util/common";
import { createUpgrade, GenericUpgrade } from "features/upgrades/upgrade";
import { createLazyProxy } from "util/proxies";
import coal from "./coal";
interface Dye {
name: string,
amount: Resource<DecimalSource>,
buyable: GenericBuyable,
toGenerate: WithRequired<Modifier, "description" | "revert">,
computedToGenerate: ComputedRef<DecimalSource>,
display: JSXFunction
type DyeUpg = "blueDyeUpg" | "redDyeUpg" | "yellowDyeUpg" | "yellowDyeUpg2" | "redDyeUpg2" | "blueDyeUpg2" | "coalUpg"
const id = "dyes";
const day = 11;
const layer = createLayer(id, function (this: BaseLayer) {
const name = "Dyes";
const color = "#D4D4F4";
function createDye(
optionsFunc: () => {
name: string;
color: string;
costs: {
base: Ref<DecimalSource> | DecimalSource;
root?: Ref<DecimalSource> | DecimalSource,
res: Resource<DecimalSource>
listedBoosts: {
visible: Ref<boolean> | boolean,
desc: Ref<string>
dyesToReset: {
name: string,
reset: VoidFunction
} & Partial<BuyableOptions>
): Dye {
return createLazyProxy(() => {
const options = optionsFunc();
const amount = createResource<DecimalSource>(0, optionsFunc().name);
const toGenerate = createSequentialModifier(() => [
createAdditiveModifier(() => ({
addend: () => Decimal.add(buyable.amount.value, 1),
description: `${options.name} Chambers`
createMultiplicativeModifier(() => ({
multiplier: boosts.orange1,
description: "Orange Dye Boost 1",
enabled: options.color == "red" || options.color == "yellow"
createMultiplicativeModifier(() => ({
multiplier: boosts.green1,
description: "Green Dye Boost 1",
enabled: options.color == "yellow" || options.color == "blue"
createMultiplicativeModifier(() => ({
multiplier: boosts.purple1,
description: "Purple Dye Boost 1",
enabled: options.color == "red" || options.color == "blue"
createMultiplicativeModifier(() => ({
multiplier: 2,
description: "Wetter Dyes",
enabled: () => upgrades.yellowDyeUpg.bought.value && options.color == "red" || options.color == "yellow" || options.color == "blue"
]) as WithRequired<Modifier, "description" | "revert">;
const computedToGenerate = computed(() => toGenerate.apply(0));
const buyable: GenericBuyable = createBuyable(() => ({
style: () => ({ backgroundColor: unref(buyable.canPurchase) ? color : "#545454", minWidth: "200px" }),
display: jsx(() => {
return (
<h3>{options.name} Chambers</h3>
Create {format(computedToGenerate.value)} {options.name}{options.dyesToReset.length > 0 ? ", but reset " + options.dyesToReset.map(dye => dye.name).join(", ") : ""}.
<span class="white-space: pre-wrap">
Currently: {options.listedBoosts.filter(b => unref(b.visible)).map(b => render(jsx(() => <div>{unref(b.desc)}</div>)))}
Cost: {options.costs.map(c => render(jsx(() =>
{format(unref(Decimal.pow(unref(buyable.cost) ?? Decimal.dInf, unref(c.root ?? 1)).times(unref(c.base))))}
{" "}{c.res.displayName}<br/>
cost() {
let v = buyable.amount.value;
if (Decimal.gte(v, 25)) v = Decimal.pow(v, 2).div(20) // intentional price jump #2
if (Decimal.gte(v, 10)) v = Decimal.pow(v, 2).div(5); // intentional price jump
return Decimal.div(v, 10).plus(1);
canPurchase: computed((cost?: DecimalSource) => {
if (unref(buyable.visibility) != Visibility.Visible) return false;
const trueCost = cost ?? unref(buyable.cost) ?? Decimal.dInf;
return options.costs.every(c => Decimal.div(c.res.value, unref(c.base)).root(unref(c.root ?? 1)).gte(trueCost));
onPurchase(cost?: DecimalSource) {
const trueCost = cost ?? unref(buyable.cost) ?? Decimal.dInf;
options.costs.forEach(c => {
c.res.value = Decimal.sub(c.res.value, Decimal.pow(trueCost, unref(c.root ?? 1)).times(unref(c.base)));
amount.value = Decimal.add(amount.value, computedToGenerate.value);
buyable.amount.value = Decimal.add(buyable.amount.value, 1);
options.dyesToReset.forEach(dye => dye.reset());
return {
name: options.name,
display: jsx(() => (
<div class="col" style="max-width: 200px">
<MainDisplay resource={amount} color={options.color} style="margin-bottom: 0" />
<Spacer />
const dyes: Record<"red" | "yellow" | "blue" | "orange" | "green" | "purple", Dye> = {
red: createDye(() => ({
name: "Red Dye",
color: "red",
costs: [
base: '2e18',
root: 5,
res: trees.logs
base: computed(() => upgrades.yellowDyeUpg2.bought.value ? '2.5e5' : '5e5'),
root: 2,
res: oil.oil
listedBoosts: [
visible: true,
desc: computed(() => `Increase effective Oil Pumps by ${format(boosts.red1.value)} (does not impact coal consumption)`)
dyesToReset: [],
yellow: createDye(() => ({
name: "Yellow Dye",
color: "yellow",
costs: [
base: '1e18',
root: 5,
res: trees.logs
base: computed(() => upgrades.yellowDyeUpg2.bought.value ? '5e5' : '1e6'),
root: 2,
res: oil.oil
listedBoosts: [
visible: true,
desc: computed(() => `Multiply Paper \& Plastic gain by ${format(boosts.yellow1.value)}`)
dyesToReset: [],
blue: createDye(() => ({
name: "Blue Dye",
color: "blue",
costs: [
base: '5e17',
root: 5,
res: trees.logs
base: computed(() => upgrades.yellowDyeUpg2.bought.value ? '1e6' : '2e6'),
root: 2,
res: oil.oil
listedBoosts: [
visible: true,
desc: computed(() => `Add ${formatWhole(boosts.blue1.value)} trees to the forest (after all other modifiers).`)
dyesToReset: [],
orange: createDye(() => ({
name: "Orange Dye",
color: "orange",
costs: [
base: 15,
root: 2,
res: dyes.red.amount
base: 10,
root: 2,
res: dyes.yellow.amount
listedBoosts: [
visible: true,
desc: computed(() => `Multiply Red and Yellow Dye gain by ${format(boosts.orange1.value)}`)
visible: true,
desc: computed(() => `Divide Box buyable costs by ${format(boosts.orange2.value)}.`)
dyesToReset: [{
name: "Red Dye",
reset() {
dyes.red.amount.value = 0;
dyes.red.buyable.amount.value = 0;
}, {
name: "Yellow Dye",
reset() {
dyes.yellow.amount.value = 0;
dyes.yellow.buyable.amount.value = 0;
green: createDye(() => ({
name: "Green Dye",
color: "green",
costs: [
base: 15,
root: 2,
res: dyes.yellow.amount
base: 10,
root: 2,
res: dyes.blue.amount
listedBoosts: [
visible: true,
desc: computed(() => `Multiply Yellow and Blue Dye gain by ${format(boosts.green1.value)}`)
visible: true,
desc: computed(() => `Kiln synergy to Coal and Ash gain is ${formatWhole(Decimal.sub(boosts.green2.value, 1).times(100))}% stronger.`)
dyesToReset: [{
name: "Yellow Dye",
reset() {
dyes.yellow.amount.value = 0;
dyes.yellow.buyable.amount.value = 0;
name: "Blue Dye",
reset() {
dyes.blue.amount.value = 0;
dyes.blue.buyable.amount.value = 0;
purple: createDye(() => ({
name: "Purple Dye",
color: "purple",
costs: [
base: 15,
root: 2,
res: dyes.blue.amount
base: 10,
root: 2,
res: dyes.red.amount
listedBoosts: [
visible: true,
desc: computed(() => `Multiply Red and Blue Dye gain by ${format(boosts.purple1.value)}`)
visible: true,
desc: computed(() => `Multiply Smelting Speed and Ore Purity by ${format(boosts.purple2.value)}`)
dyesToReset: [{
name: "Blue Dye",
reset() {
dyes.blue.amount.value = 0;
dyes.blue.buyable.amount.value = 0;
}, {
name: "Red Dye",
reset() {
dyes.red.amount.value = 0;
dyes.red.buyable.amount.value = 0;
const boosts = {
red1: computed(() => Decimal.pow(Decimal.add(dyes.red.amount.value, 1).log2().plus(1).log2().div(2), upgrades.blueDyeUpg2.bought.value ? 1.5 : 1)),
yellow1: computed(() => Decimal.add(dyes.yellow.amount.value, 1).log2().plus(1)),
blue1: computed(() => Decimal.add(dyes.blue.amount.value, 1).log2().sqrt().times(5e6)),
orange1: computed(() => Decimal.pow(2, Decimal.add(dyes.orange.amount.value, 1).log2().sqrt()).pow(upgrades.coalUpg.bought.value ? 1.2 : 1)),
orange2: computed(() => Decimal.add(dyes.orange.amount.value, 1).log2().plus(1)),
green1: computed(() => Decimal.pow(2, Decimal.add(dyes.green.amount.value, 1).log2().sqrt()).pow(upgrades.coalUpg.bought.value ? 1.2 : 1)),
green2: computed(() => Decimal.add(dyes.green.amount.value, 1).log2().plus(1).pow(upgrades.coalUpg.bought.value ? 2 : 1)),
purple1: computed(() => Decimal.pow(2, Decimal.add(dyes.purple.amount.value, 1).log2().sqrt()).pow(upgrades.coalUpg.bought.value ? 1.2 : 1)),
purple2: computed(() => Decimal.add(dyes.purple.amount.value, 1).log2().plus(1)),
const [generalTab, generalTabCollapsed] = createCollapsibleModifierSections(() => [
title: "Red Dye Creation",
modifier: dyes.red.toGenerate,
base: 0
title: "Yellow Dye Creation",
modifier: dyes.yellow.toGenerate,
base: 0
title: "Blue Dye Creation",
modifier: dyes.blue.toGenerate,
base: 0
title: "Orange Dye Creation",
modifier: dyes.orange.toGenerate,
base: 0
title: "Green Dye Creation",
modifier: dyes.green.toGenerate,
base: 0
title: "Purple Dye Creation",
modifier: dyes.purple.toGenerate,
base: 0
const upgrades: Record<DyeUpg, GenericUpgrade> = {
blueDyeUpg: createUpgrade(() => ({
visibility: () => (Decimal.add(dyes.orange.amount.value, dyes.green.amount.value).add(dyes.purple.amount.value).gte(1) || upgrades.blueDyeUpg.bought.value) ? Visibility.Visible : Visibility.Hidden,
display: {
title: "Is Blue Dye just Water?",
description: "Multiply Log gain by log(Auto Cutting Amount)+1."
cost: 1000,
resource: dyes.blue.amount,
onPurchase() {
dyes.blue.amount.value = 0;
dyes.blue.buyable.amount.value = 0;
redDyeUpg: createUpgrade(() => ({
visibility: () => (Decimal.add(dyes.orange.amount.value, dyes.green.amount.value).add(dyes.purple.amount.value).gte(10) || upgrades.redDyeUpg.bought.value) ? Visibility.Visible : Visibility.Hidden,
display: {
title: "Glistening Paint",
description: "Multiply Ore Purity by log(Cloth)+1."
cost: 1500,
resource: dyes.red.amount,
onPurchase() {
dyes.red.amount.value = 0;
dyes.red.buyable.amount.value = 0;
yellowDyeUpg: createUpgrade(() => ({
visibility: () => (Decimal.add(dyes.orange.amount.value, dyes.green.amount.value).add(dyes.purple.amount.value).gte(100) || upgrades.yellowDyeUpg.bought.value) ? Visibility.Visible : Visibility.Hidden,
display: {
title: "Wetter Dyes",
description: "Double Red, Yellow, and Blue Dye gain, but reset their amounts."
cost: 2000,
resource: dyes.yellow.amount,
onPurchase() {
dyes.red.amount.value = 0;
dyes.red.buyable.amount.value = 0;
dyes.yellow.amount.value = 0;
dyes.yellow.buyable.amount.value = 0;
dyes.blue.amount.value = 0;
dyes.blue.buyable.amount.value = 0;
yellowDyeUpg2: createUpgrade(() => ({
visibility: () => upgrades.yellowDyeUpg.bought.value ? Visibility.Visible : Visibility.Hidden,
display: {
title: "Golden Wash",
description: "Halve the Oil cost of Red, Yellow, and Blue Dyes."
cost: 5000,
resource: dyes.yellow.amount,
onPurchase() {
dyes.yellow.amount.value = 0;
dyes.yellow.buyable.amount.value = 0;
redDyeUpg2: createUpgrade(() => ({
visibility: () => upgrades.redDyeUpg.bought.value ? Visibility.Visible : Visibility.Hidden,
display: {
title: "De Louvre",
description: "Multiply Smelting Speed by sqrt(Refineries+1)"
cost: 6000,
resource: dyes.red.amount,
onPurchase() {
dyes.red.amount.value = 0;
dyes.red.buyable.amount.value = 0;
blueDyeUpg2: createUpgrade(() => ({
visibility: () => upgrades.blueDyeUpg.bought.value ? Visibility.Visible : Visibility.Hidden,
display: {
title: "Hydrophobia",
description: "Raise Red Dye's effect ^1.5."
cost: 7500,
resource: dyes.blue.amount,
onPurchase() {
dyes.blue.amount.value = 0;
dyes.blue.buyable.amount.value = 0;
coalUpg: createUpgrade(() => ({
visibility: () => (upgrades.blueDyeUpg2.bought.value && upgrades.redDyeUpg2.bought.value && upgrades.yellowDyeUpg2.bought.value) ? Visibility.Visible : Visibility.Hidden,
display: {
title: "Denser Spectrum",
description: "Orange, Green, and Purple Dyes' first effect is raised ^1.2, and Green Dye's second effect is squared."
cost: "5e30",
resource: coal.coal,
onPurchase() {
dyes.red.amount.value = 0;
dyes.red.buyable.amount.value = 0;
dyes.yellow.amount.value = 0;
dyes.yellow.buyable.amount.value = 0;
dyes.blue.amount.value = 0;
dyes.blue.buyable.amount.value = 0;
const showModifiersModal = ref(false);
const modifiersModal = jsx(() => (
onUpdate:modelValue={(value: boolean) => (showModifiersModal.value = value)}
header: () => <h2>{name} Modifiers</h2>,
body: generalTab
const dyeSum = createResource<DecimalSource>(computed(() => Object.values(dyes).reduce<DecimalSource>((a,c) => Decimal.add(a, c.amount.value), 0)), "Sum of Dyes");
const { total: totalDyeSum, trackerDisplay } = setUpDailyProgressTracker({
resource: dyeSum,
goal: 6e4,
textColor: "var(--feature-foreground)",
modal: {
show: showModifiersModal,
display: modifiersModal
ignoreTotal: true
return {
minWidth: 700,
display: jsx(() => (
<Spacer />
{renderRow(dyes.red.display, dyes.yellow.display, dyes.blue.display)}
<Spacer />
{renderRow(dyes.orange.display, dyes.green.display, dyes.purple.display)}
<Spacer />
{renderRow(upgrades.redDyeUpg, upgrades.yellowDyeUpg, upgrades.blueDyeUpg)}
{renderRow(upgrades.redDyeUpg2, upgrades.yellowDyeUpg2, upgrades.blueDyeUpg2)}
export default layer;
@ -27,6 +27,9 @@ import { createBuyable, GenericBuyable } from "features/buyable";
import { main } from "../projEntry";
import oil from "./oil";
import boxes from "./boxes";
import cloth from "./cloth";
import plastic from "./plastic";
import dyes from "./dyes";
const id = "metal";
const day = 7;
@ -65,6 +68,16 @@ const layer = createLayer(id, function (this: BaseLayer) {
multiplier: 2,
description: "Carry metal in boxes",
enabled: boxes.row2Upgrades.metalUpgrade.bought
createMultiplicativeModifier(() => ({
multiplier: dyes.boosts.purple2,
description: "Purple Dye Boost 2",
enabled: () => Decimal.gte(dyes.dyes.purple.amount.value, 1)
createMultiplicativeModifier(() => ({
multiplier: () => Decimal.add(cloth.cloth.value, 1).log10().plus(1),
description: "Glistening Paint",
enabled: dyes.upgrades.redDyeUpg.bought
const computedOrePurity = computed(() => orePurity.apply(0.1));
@ -85,6 +98,16 @@ const layer = createLayer(id, function (this: BaseLayer) {
Decimal.mul(oil.activeSmelter.value, oil.oilEffectiveness.value).add(1),
description: "Oil Smelter",
enabled: () => Decimal.gt(oil.activeSmelter.value, 0)
createMultiplicativeModifier(() => ({
multiplier: dyes.boosts.purple2,
description: "Purple Dye Boost 2",
enabled: () => Decimal.gte(dyes.dyes.purple.amount.value, 1)
createMultiplicativeModifier(() => ({
multiplier: () => Decimal.add(plastic.activeRefinery.value, 1).sqrt(),
description: "De Louvre",
enabled: dyes.upgrades.redDyeUpg2.bought
const computedAutoSmeltSpeed = computed(() => autoSmeltSpeed.apply(0));
@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ import { createMilestone, GenericMilestone } from "features/milestones/milestone
import { formatGain } from "util/bignum";
import plastic from "./plastic";
import paper from "./paper";
import dyes from "./dyes";
const id = "oil";
const day = 9;
@ -223,7 +224,8 @@ const layer = createLayer(id, function (this: BaseLayer) {
Decimal.pow(row2Upgrades[3].bought.value ? 4 : 5, activePump.value)
const pumpOil = computed(() =>
Decimal.pow(activePump.value, 2)
Decimal.add(activePump.value, computedExtraOilPumps.value)
.mul(Decimal.add(activeHeavy2.value, 1))
@ -753,6 +755,15 @@ const layer = createLayer(id, function (this: BaseLayer) {
const computedOilSubstitution = computed(() => oilSubstitution.apply(0));
const extraOilPumps = createSequentialModifier(() => [
createAdditiveModifier(() => ({
addend: dyes.boosts.red1,
description: "Red Dye Boost 1",
enabled: () => Decimal.gte(dyes.dyes.red.amount.value, 1)
const computedExtraOilPumps = computed(() => extraOilPumps.apply(0));
const [generalTab, generalTabCollapsed] = createCollapsibleModifierSections(() => [
title: "Coal Consumption",
@ -799,6 +810,14 @@ const layer = createLayer(id, function (this: BaseLayer) {
visible() {
return Decimal.gt(computedOilSubstitution.value, 0);
title: "Extra Oil Pumps",
modifier: extraOilPumps,
base: 0,
visible() {
return Decimal.gt(computedExtraOilPumps.value, 0)
const showModifiersModal = ref(false);
@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ import coal from "./coal";
import elves from "./elves";
import plastic from "./plastic";
import trees from "./trees";
import dyes from "./dyes";
const id = "paper";
const day = 5;
@ -243,6 +244,11 @@ const layer = createLayer(id, function (this: BaseLayer) {
multiplier: 10,
description: "Felt Elbow Pads",
enabled: cloth.paperUpgrades.paperUpgrade4.bought
createMultiplicativeModifier(() => ({
multiplier: dyes.boosts.yellow1,
description: "Yellow Dye Boost 1",
enabled: () => Decimal.gte(dyes.dyes.yellow.amount.value, 1)
]) as WithRequired<Modifier, "description" | "revert">;
@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ import { computed, ref, unref } from "vue";
import boxes from "./boxes";
import metal from "./metal";
import oil from "./oil";
import dyes from "./dyes";
const id = "plastic";
const day = 10;
@ -251,6 +252,11 @@ const layer = createLayer(id, function (this: BaseLayer) {
multiplier: () => oil.oilEffectiveness.value,
description: "Effectiveness",
enabled: () => Decimal.lt(oil.oilEffectiveness.value, 1)
createMultiplicativeModifier(() => ({
multiplier: dyes.boosts.yellow1,
description: "Yellow Dye Boost 1",
enabled: () => Decimal.gte(dyes.dyes.yellow.amount.value, 1)
const computedPlasticGain = computed(() => plasticGain.apply(0));
@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ import coal from "./coal";
import elves from "./elves";
import paper from "./paper";
import workshop from "./workshop";
import dyes from "./dyes";
const id = "trees";
const day = 1;
@ -76,6 +77,11 @@ const layer = createLayer(id, function (this: BaseLayer) {
multiplier: 4,
description: "Lumberjack Boots",
enabled: cloth.treesUpgrades.treesUpgrade1.bought
createAdditiveModifier(() => ({
addend: dyes.boosts.blue1,
description: "Blue Dye Boost 1",
enabled: () => Decimal.gte(dyes.dyes.blue.amount.value, 1)
]) as WithRequired<Modifier, "description" | "revert">;
const trees = createResource(
@ -419,6 +425,11 @@ const layer = createLayer(id, function (this: BaseLayer) {
description: "Felt-Gripped Axe",
enabled: cloth.treesUpgrades.treesUpgrade4.bought
createMultiplicativeModifier(() => ({
multiplier: computed(() => Decimal.add(computedAutoCuttingAmount.value, 1).log10().plus(1)),
description: "Is Blue Dye just Water?",
enabled: dyes.upgrades.blueDyeUpg.bought
createExponentialModifier(() => ({
exponent: 1.2,
description: "100% Foundation Completed",
@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ import metal from "./layers/metal";
import cloth from "./layers/cloth";
import oil from "./layers/oil";
import plastic from "./layers/plastic";
import dyes from "./layers/dyes";
export interface Day extends VueFeature {
day: number;
@ -247,10 +248,10 @@ export const main = createLayer("main", function (this: BaseLayer) {
createDay(() => ({
day: 11,
shouldNotify: false,
layer: null, // "dyes"
symbol: "",
story: "",
completedStory: ""
layer: "dyes",
symbol: "", // TODO: Add symbol for dyes
story: "To make toys, we're going to need some color to make them look nice and enticing! We can't just give kids clear toys after all! To add some color to our toys, we'll need some dyes!",
completedStory: "After all that effort, you finally have a rainbow of dyes to choose from! Now the children won't be able to resist the toys you have to offer, once you get them made of course..."
createDay(() => ({
day: 12,
@ -426,7 +427,8 @@ export const getInitialLayers = (
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