mirror of
synced 2025-03-14 01:51:40 +00:00
some progress on management
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 363 additions and 41 deletions
@ -417,7 +417,7 @@ export function setUpDailyProgressTracker(options: {
display: VueFeature | CoercableComponent;
usingLog?: Ref<boolean>;
ignoreTotal?: boolean
ignoreTotal?: boolean;
}) {
const total = options.ignoreTotal ? options.resource : trackTotal(options.resource);
const progressFunc = () => {
@ -453,8 +453,8 @@ export function setUpDailyProgressTracker(options: {
{main.day.value === options.day ? (
Reach {formatWhole(options.goal)} {options.ignoreTotal ? "" : ("total ")}{options.resource.displayName} to
complete the day
Reach {formatWhole(options.goal)} {options.ignoreTotal ? "" : "total "}
{options.resource.displayName} to complete the day
) : (
<>{options.name} Complete!</>
@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ import { formatWhole } from "util/break_eternity";
import { Direction } from "util/common";
import { render, renderCol, renderRow } from "util/vue";
import { computed, ref } from "vue";
import management from "./management";
import metal from "./metal";
import paper from "./paper";
import plastic from "./plastic";
@ -363,6 +364,11 @@ const layer = createLayer(id, function (this: BaseLayer) {
multiplier: 2,
description: "Shepherding for Dummies",
enabled: paper.upgrades.clothUpgrade.bought
createMultiplicativeModifier(() => ({
multiplier: () => Decimal.add(trees.computedAutoCuttingAmount.value, 1).log10().add(1),
description: "Holly Level 3",
enabled: management.elfTraining.cutterElfTraining.milestones[2].earned
const computedShearingAmount = computed(() => shearingAmount.apply(1));
@ -383,6 +389,11 @@ const layer = createLayer(id, function (this: BaseLayer) {
multiplier: 2,
description: "Shepherding for Dummies",
enabled: paper.upgrades.clothUpgrade.bought
createMultiplicativeModifier(() => ({
multiplier: () => Decimal.add(trees.computedAutoCuttingAmount.value, 1).log10().add(1),
description: "Holly Level 3",
enabled: management.elfTraining.cutterElfTraining.milestones[2].earned
const computedSpinningAmount = computed(() => spinningAmount.apply(1));
@ -1,21 +1,33 @@
import Spacer from "components/layout/Spacer.vue";
import { createCollapsibleMilestones } from "data/common";
import Sqrt from "components/math/Sqrt.vue";
import { createCollapsibleMilestones, createCollapsibleModifierSections } from "data/common";
import { main } from "data/projEntry";
import { createBar, GenericBar } from "features/bars/bar";
import { createClickable } from "features/clickables/clickable";
import { jsx, JSXFunction, showIf } from "features/feature";
import { createMilestone, GenericMilestone } from "features/milestones/milestone";
import { createLayer } from "game/layers";
import { DefaultValue, Persistent, persistent } from "game/persistence";
import { persistent } from "game/persistence";
import Decimal, { DecimalSource, format, formatWhole } from "util/bignum";
import { Direction } from "util/common";
import { render, renderGrid } from "util/vue";
import { computed, ComputedRef, Ref } from "vue";
import { computed, ComputedRef, ref, Ref } from "vue";
import { createTabFamily } from "features/tabs/tabFamily";
import { createTab } from "features/tabs/tab";
import elves from "./elves";
import trees from "./trees";
import { globalBus } from "game/events";
import { createMultiplicativeModifier, createSequentialModifier, Modifier } from "game/modifiers";
import Modal from "components/Modal.vue";
import { createBuyable } from "features/buyable";
import { createUpgrade } from "features/upgrades/upgrade";
import coal from "./coal";
import paper from "./paper";
import boxes from "./boxes";
import metal from "./metal";
import cloth from "./cloth";
import plastic from "./plastic";
import dyes from "./dyes";
const id = "management";
const day = 12;
@ -31,11 +43,12 @@ const layer = createLayer(id, () => {
height: 25,
fillStyle: `backgroundColor: ${color}`,
progress: () =>
main.day.value === day ? totalElfLevels.value / (elves.totalElves.value * 10) : 1,
main.day.value === day ? totalElfLevels.value / (elves.totalElves.value * 5) : 1,
display: jsx(() =>
main.day.value === day ? (
{formatWhole(totalElfLevels.value)}/{formatWhole(elves.totalElves.value * 10)}
{formatWhole(totalElfLevels.value)}/{formatWhole(elves.totalElves.value * 5)}{" "}
elf levels
) : (
@ -50,7 +63,32 @@ const layer = createLayer(id, () => {
return elfLevel;
const globalXPModifier = createSequentialModifier(() => []);
const teaching = createUpgrade(() => ({
display: {
title: "Teach the Elves",
"The Elves probably need to be taught if they're to do better. Maybe you'll build a school so you can teach them?"
resource: trees.logs,
cost: 1e21
const classroomUpgrade = createUpgrade(() => ({
display: {
title: "Add a Classroom?",
"Yay, you have a school. Too bad it has pretty much nothing in it. Maybe you could add some classrooms to make it less boring and more enticing to the Elves?"
resources: boxes.boxes,
cost: 1e13
const globalXPModifier = createSequentialModifier(() => [
createMultiplicativeModifier(() => ({
multiplier: () => classroomEffect.value,
description: "Classroom Effect",
enabled: () => classroomUpgrade.bought.value
const globalXPModifierComputed = globalXPModifier.apply(1);
// Training core function
function createElfTraining(
@ -63,9 +101,13 @@ const layer = createLayer(id, () => {
...modifiers: Modifier[]
) {
const exp = persistent<DecimalSource>(0);
const expRequiredForNextLevel = computed(() => Infinity);
const level = computed(() => 0);
const expToNextLevel = computed(() => 0);
const expRequiredForNextLevel = computed(() => Decimal.pow(10, level.value).mul(1e4));
const level = computed(() =>
Decimal.mul(9, exp.value).div(1e4).add(1).log10().floor().toNumber()
const expToNextLevel = computed(() =>
Decimal.sub(exp.value, Decimal.pow(10, level.value).sub(1).div(9).mul(1e4))
const bar = createBar(() => ({
direction: Direction.Right,
width: 100,
@ -90,14 +132,26 @@ const layer = createLayer(id, () => {
title: elf.name,
description: jsx(() => (
{elf.name} is currently at level {formatWhole(level.value)}! They have{" "}
{format(exp.value)}/{format(exp.value)} XP. They work{" "}
{formatWhole(elf.computedAutoBuyCooldown.value)} times per second, gaining
about{" "}
Decimal.mul(elfXPGainComputed.value, elf.computedAutoBuyCooldown.value)
)}{" "}
{elf.name} is currently at level {formatWhole(level.value)}! They have
achieved a total of {format(exp.value)} XP, and have{" "}
{format(expToNextLevel.value)}/{format(expRequiredForNextLevel.value)} XP.
They buy buyables {formatWhole(elf.computedAutoBuyCooldown.value)} times per
second, gaining{" "}
{Decimal.gte(level.value, schools.amount.value)
? 0
: format(
)}{" "}
XP/sec.{" "}
{Decimal.gte(level.value, schools.amount.value) ? (
<div style="color: red">
This elf cannot gain any XP because it has exceeded the maximum
level from schools.
) : undefined}
{currentShown.value !== elf.name
? "Click to see this elf's milestones."
: undefined}
@ -119,7 +173,8 @@ const layer = createLayer(id, () => {
timeForExp: elf.computedAutoBuyCooldown,
amountOfTimesDone: elf.amountOfTimesDone,
return click;
@ -127,44 +182,45 @@ const layer = createLayer(id, () => {
// Elf Milestones
const cutterElfMilestones = [
createMilestone(() => ({
display: {
display: () => ({
requirement: "Holly Level 1",
effectDisplay: "???"
shouldEarn: () => Decimal.gte(cutterElfTraining.level.value, 1)
effectDisplay: "Cutting speed multiplies log gain."
shouldEarn: () => cutterElfTraining.level.value >= 1
createMilestone(() => ({
display: {
requirement: "Holly Level 2",
effectDisplay: "???"
effectDisplay: "Holly now buys max."
visibility: showIf(cutterElfMilestones[0].earned.value),
shouldEarn: () => Decimal.gte(cutterElfTraining.level.value, 2)
shouldEarn: () => cutterElfTraining.level.value >= 2
createMilestone(() => ({
display: {
requirement: "Holly Level 3",
effectDisplay: "???"
"Cutting speed multiplies cloth gain, wool gain (increasing the requirement as well), and sheep gain."
visibility: showIf(cutterElfMilestones[1].earned.value),
shouldEarn: () => Decimal.gte(cutterElfTraining.level.value, 3)
shouldEarn: () => cutterElfTraining.level.value >= 3
] as Array<GenericMilestone>;
const planterElfMilestones = [
createMilestone(() => ({
display: {
requirement: "Ivy Level 1",
effectDisplay: "???"
effectDisplay: "Planters are now twice as efficent."
shouldEarn: () => Decimal.gte(planterElfTraining.level.value, 1)
shouldEarn: () => planterElfTraining.level.value >= 1
createMilestone(() => ({
display: {
requirement: "Ivy Level 2",
effectDisplay: "???"
effectDisplay: "Ivy now buys max."
visibility: showIf(planterElfMilestones[0].earned.value),
shouldEarn: () => Decimal.gte(planterElfTraining.level.value, 2)
shouldEarn: () => planterElfTraining.level.value >= 2
createMilestone(() => ({
display: {
@ -172,7 +228,7 @@ const layer = createLayer(id, () => {
effectDisplay: "???"
visibility: showIf(planterElfMilestones[1].earned.value),
shouldEarn: () => Decimal.gte(planterElfTraining.level.value, 3)
shouldEarn: () => planterElfTraining.level.value >= 3
createMilestone(() => ({
display: {
@ -180,7 +236,7 @@ const layer = createLayer(id, () => {
effectDisplay: "???"
visibility: showIf(planterElfMilestones[2].earned.value),
shouldEarn: () => Decimal.gte(planterElfTraining.level.value, 4)
shouldEarn: () => planterElfTraining.level.value >= 4
createMilestone(() => ({
display: {
@ -188,7 +244,7 @@ const layer = createLayer(id, () => {
effectDisplay: "???"
visibility: showIf(planterElfMilestones[3].earned.value),
shouldEarn: () => Decimal.gte(planterElfTraining.level.value, 5)
shouldEarn: () => planterElfTraining.level.value >= 5
] as Array<GenericMilestone>;
const expanderElfMilestones = [
@ -197,7 +253,7 @@ const layer = createLayer(id, () => {
requirement: "Hope Level 1",
effectDisplay: "???"
shouldEarn: () => Decimal.gte(expandersElfTraining.level.value, 3)
shouldEarn: () => expandersElfTraining.level.value >= 1
] as Array<GenericMilestone>;
const heatedCutterElfMilestones = [] as Array<GenericMilestone>;
@ -309,9 +365,10 @@ const layer = createLayer(id, () => {
globalBus.on("update", () => {
if (main.day.value < day) return;
for (const elf of Object.values(elfTraining)) {
const times = Math.floor(elf.amountOfTimesDone.value);
if (times >= 1) {
if (times >= 1 && Decimal.lt(elf.level.value, schools.amount.value)) {
elf.amountOfTimesDone.value -= times;
elf.exp.value = Decimal.mul(elf.elfXPGainComputed.value, times).add(elf.exp.value);
@ -323,6 +380,142 @@ const layer = createLayer(id, () => {
{currentElfDisplay.value.name}'s milestones: {currentElfDisplay.value.disp()}
const schoolCost = computed(() => {
const schoolFactor = Decimal.pow(10, schools.amount.value);
return {
wood: schoolFactor.mul(1e21),
coal: schoolFactor.mul(1e32),
paper: schoolFactor.mul(1e19),
boxes: schoolFactor.mul(1e13),
metalIngots: schoolFactor.mul(1e12),
cloth: schoolFactor.mul(1e4),
plastic: schoolFactor.mul(1e6),
dye: Decimal.add(schools.amount.value, 1).mul(10000)
const schools = createBuyable(() => ({
display: jsx(() => (
<h3>Build a School</h3>
You gotta start somewhere, right? Each school increases the maximum level for
elves by 1. Maximum of 5.
<div>You have {formatWhole(schools.amount.value)} schools.</div>
They are currently letting elves learn up to level{" "}
Costs {format(schoolCost.value.wood)} logs, {format(schoolCost.value.coal)}{" "}
coal, {format(schoolCost.value.paper)} paper, {format(schoolCost.value.boxes)}{" "}
boxes, {format(schoolCost.value.metalIngots)} metal ingots,{" "}
{format(schoolCost.value.cloth)} cloth, {format(schoolCost.value.plastic)}{" "}
plastic, and requires {format(schoolCost.value.dye)} of red, yellow, and blue
canPurchase(): boolean {
return (
schoolCost.value.wood.lte(trees.logs.value) &&
schoolCost.value.coal.lte(coal.coal.value) &&
schoolCost.value.paper.lte(paper.paper.value) &&
schoolCost.value.boxes.lte(boxes.boxes.value) &&
schoolCost.value.metalIngots.lte(metal.metal.value) &&
schoolCost.value.cloth.lte(cloth.cloth.value) &&
schoolCost.value.plastic.lte(plastic.plastic.value) &&
schoolCost.value.dye.lte(dyes.dyes.blue.amount.value) &&
schoolCost.value.dye.lte(dyes.dyes.red.amount.value) &&
onPurchase() {
trees.logs.value = Decimal.sub(trees.logs.value, schoolCost.value.wood);
coal.coal.value = Decimal.sub(coal.coal.value, schoolCost.value.coal);
paper.paper.value = Decimal.sub(paper.paper.value, schoolCost.value.paper);
boxes.boxes.value = Decimal.sub(boxes.boxes.value, schoolCost.value.boxes);
metal.metal.value = Decimal.sub(metal.metal.value, schoolCost.value.metalIngots);
cloth.cloth.value = Decimal.sub(cloth.cloth.value, schoolCost.value.cloth);
plastic.plastic.value = Decimal.sub(plastic.plastic.value, schoolCost.value.plastic);
this.amount.value = Decimal.add(this.amount.value, 1);
purchaseLimit: 5,
visibility: computed(() => showIf(teaching.bought.value)),
style: "width: 600px"
const classroomCost = computed(() => {
const classroomFactor = Decimal.add(schools.amount.value, 1).pow(1.5);
return {
wood: classroomFactor.mul(1e21),
coal: classroomFactor.mul(1e32),
paper: classroomFactor.mul(1e19),
boxes: classroomFactor.mul(1e13),
metalIngots: classroomFactor.mul(1e12),
cloth: classroomFactor.mul(1e4),
plastic: classroomFactor.mul(1e6),
dye: classroomFactor.mul(10000)
const classroomEffect = computed(() => {
return Decimal.add(classrooms.amount.value, 1).sqrt();
const classrooms = createBuyable(() => ({
display: jsx(() => (
<h3>Build a Classroom</h3>
Hopefully it makes the school a bit less boring. Multiplies elves' XP gain by{" "}
<Sqrt>Classrooms + 1</Sqrt>.
<div>You have {formatWhole(schools.amount.value)} classrooms.</div>
They are currently multiplying elves' XP gain by {format(classroomEffect.value)}
Costs {format(classroomCost.value.wood)} logs,{" "}
{format(classroomCost.value.coal)} coal, {format(classroomCost.value.paper)}{" "}
paper, {format(classroomCost.value.boxes)} boxes,{" "}
{format(classroomCost.value.metalIngots)} metal ingots,{" "}
{format(classroomCost.value.cloth)} cloth, {format(classroomCost.value.plastic)}{" "}
plastic, and requires {format(classroomCost.value.dye)} of red, yellow, and blue
canPurchase(): boolean {
return (
classroomCost.value.wood.lte(trees.logs.value) &&
classroomCost.value.coal.lte(coal.coal.value) &&
classroomCost.value.paper.lte(paper.paper.value) &&
classroomCost.value.boxes.lte(boxes.boxes.value) &&
classroomCost.value.metalIngots.lte(metal.metal.value) &&
classroomCost.value.cloth.lte(cloth.cloth.value) &&
classroomCost.value.plastic.lte(plastic.plastic.value) &&
classroomCost.value.dye.lte(dyes.dyes.blue.amount.value) &&
classroomCost.value.dye.lte(dyes.dyes.red.amount.value) &&
onPurchase() {
trees.logs.value = Decimal.sub(trees.logs.value, classroomCost.value.wood);
coal.coal.value = Decimal.sub(coal.coal.value, classroomCost.value.coal);
paper.paper.value = Decimal.sub(paper.paper.value, classroomCost.value.paper);
boxes.boxes.value = Decimal.sub(boxes.boxes.value, classroomCost.value.boxes);
metal.metal.value = Decimal.sub(metal.metal.value, classroomCost.value.metalIngots);
cloth.cloth.value = Decimal.sub(cloth.cloth.value, classroomCost.value.cloth);
plastic.plastic.value = Decimal.sub(plastic.plastic.value, classroomCost.value.plastic);
this.amount.value = Decimal.add(this.amount.value, 1);
visibility: computed(() => showIf(classroomUpgrade.bought.value)),
style: "width: 600px"
const tabs = createTabFamily({
training: () => ({
tab: createTab(() => ({
@ -341,6 +534,17 @@ const layer = createLayer(id, () => {
display: "Elf Training"
teaching: () => ({
tab: createTab(() => ({
display: jsx(() => (
{render(schools)} {render(classrooms)}{" "}
{renderGrid([teaching, classroomUpgrade])}
display: "The Schools"
info: () => ({
tab: createTab(() => ({
display: jsx(() => (
@ -354,6 +558,85 @@ const layer = createLayer(id, () => {
display: "Info"
const [generalTab, generalTabCollapsed] = createCollapsibleModifierSections(() => [
title: "Global XP Gain",
modifier: globalXPModifier,
unit: " XP"
title: "Holly XP Gain per Action",
modifier: cutterElfTraining.elfXPGain,
unit: " XP"
title: "Ivy XP Gain per Action",
modifier: planterElfTraining.elfXPGain,
unit: " XP"
title: "Hope XP Gain per Action",
modifier: expandersElfTraining.elfXPGain,
unit: " XP"
title: "Jack XP Gain per Action",
modifier: heatedCutterElfTraining.elfXPGain,
unit: " XP"
title: "Mary XP Gain per Action",
modifier: heatedPlanterElfTraining.elfXPGain,
unit: " XP"
title: "Noel XP Gain per Action",
modifier: fertilizerElfTraining.elfXPGain,
unit: " XP"
title: "Joy XP Gain per Action",
modifier: smallfireElfTraining.elfXPGain,
unit: " XP"
title: "Faith XP Gain per Action",
modifier: bonfireElfTraining.elfXPGain,
unit: " XP"
title: "Snowball XP Gain per Action",
modifier: kilnElfTraining.elfXPGain,
unit: " XP"
title: "Star XP Gain per Action",
modifier: paperElfTraining.elfXPGain,
unit: " XP"
title: "Bell XP Gain per Action",
modifier: boxElfTraining.elfXPGain,
unit: " XP"
title: "Gingersnap XP Gain per Action",
modifier: clothElfTraining.elfXPGain,
unit: " XP"
const showModifiersModal = ref(false);
const modifiersModal = jsx(() => (
onUpdate:modelValue={(value: boolean) => (showModifiersModal.value = value)}
header: () => <h2>{name} Modifiers</h2>,
body: generalTab
return {
@ -362,17 +645,31 @@ const layer = createLayer(id, () => {
display: jsx(() => (
{import.meta.env.DEV ? (
{main.day.value === day
? `Get all elves to level 10.`
: `${name} Complete!`}
{main.day.value === day ? `Get all elves to level 5.` : `${name} Complete!`}{" "}
style="display: inline-block;"
onClick={() => (showModifiersModal.value = true)}
Check Modifiers
) : undefined}
) : (
"The day is still being developed, please wait patiently."
@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ import cloth from "./cloth";
import coal from "./coal";
import dyes from "./dyes";
import elves from "./elves";
import management from "./management";
import paper from "./paper";
import workshop from "./workshop";
const id = "trees";
@ -370,6 +371,11 @@ const layer = createLayer(id, function (this: BaseLayer) {
multiplier: 4,
description: "Lumberjack Plaid",
enabled: cloth.treesUpgrades.treesUpgrade3.bought
createMultiplicativeModifier(() => ({
multiplier: 2,
description: "Ivy Level 1",
enabled: management.elfTraining.planterElfTraining.milestones[0].earned
]) as WithRequired<Modifier, "description" | "revert">;
const computedAutoPlantingAmount = computed(() => autoPlantingAmount.apply(0));
@ -432,6 +438,13 @@ const layer = createLayer(id, function (this: BaseLayer) {
description: "Is Blue Dye just Water?",
enabled: dyes.upgrades.blueDyeUpg.bought
createMultiplicativeModifier(() => ({
multiplier: computed(() =>
Decimal.add(computedAutoCuttingAmount.value, 1).log10().plus(1)
description: "Holly Level 1",
enabled: management.elfTraining.cutterElfTraining.milestones[0].earned
createExponentialModifier(() => ({
exponent: 1.2,
description: "100% Foundation Completed",
@ -703,6 +716,7 @@ const layer = createLayer(id, function (this: BaseLayer) {
minWidth: 700,
display: jsx(() => (
Add table
Reference in a new issue