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synced 2025-03-13 09:41:36 +00:00
1734 lines
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1734 lines
66 KiB
import Spacer from "components/layout/Spacer.vue";
import Sqrt from "components/math/Sqrt.vue";
import Modal from "components/Modal.vue";
import { createCollapsibleMilestones, createCollapsibleModifierSections } from "data/common";
import { main } from "data/projEntry";
import { createBar, GenericBar } from "features/bars/bar";
import { createBuyable, GenericBuyable } from "features/buyable";
import { createClickable } from "features/clickables/clickable";
import { jsx, showIf, Visibility } from "features/feature";
import { createMilestone, GenericMilestone } from "features/milestones/milestone";
import { createUpgrade } from "features/upgrades/upgrade";
import { globalBus } from "game/events";
import { createLayer } from "game/layers";
import {
} from "game/modifiers";
import { persistent } from "game/persistence";
import Decimal, { DecimalSource, format, formatTime, formatWhole } from "util/bignum";
import { Direction, WithRequired } from "util/common";
import { render, renderCol, renderGrid } from "util/vue";
import { computed, ComputedRef, ref, Ref, unref, watchEffect } from "vue";
import boxes from "./boxes";
import cloth from "./cloth";
import coal from "./coal";
import dyes from "./dyes";
import elves from "./elves";
import metal from "./metal";
import oil from "./oil";
import paper from "./paper";
import plastic from "./plastic";
import trees from "./trees";
import "./styles/management.css";
const id = "management";
const day = 12;
const advancedDay = 13;
const layer = createLayer(id, () => {
const name = "Management";
const color = "green"; // idk what to do
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Day Progress
const dayProgress = createBar(() => ({
direction: Direction.Right,
width: 600,
height: 25,
fillStyle: `backgroundColor: ${color}`,
progress: () =>
main.day.value === day
? day12Elves.reduce((acc, curr) => acc + Math.min(1, curr.level.value / 3), 0) /
: main.day.value === advancedDay && main.days[advancedDay - 1].opened.value
? day13Elves.reduce((acc, curr) => acc + Math.min(1, curr.level.value / 5), 0) /
: 1,
display: jsx(() =>
main.day.value === day ||
(main.day.value === advancedDay && main.days[advancedDay - 1].opened.value) ? (
main.day.value === advancedDay ? 80 : 36
/{main.day.value === advancedDay ? 80 : 36} elf levels
) : (
})) as GenericBar;
const totalElfLevels = computed(() => {
let elfLevel = 0;
for (const elf of Object.values(elfTraining)) {
elfLevel += elf.level.value;
return elfLevel;
const totalElfExp = computed(() =>
Object.values(elfTraining).reduce((acc, curr) => acc.add(curr.exp.value), new Decimal(0))
const level5Elves = computed(
() => Object.values(elfTraining).filter(elf => elf.level.value >= 5).length
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Upgrades
const teaching = createUpgrade(() => ({
display: {
title: "Teach the Elves",
"The Elves probably need to be taught if they're to do better. Maybe you'll build a school so you can teach them?"
resource: trees.logs,
cost: 1e21
const classroomUpgrade = createUpgrade(() => ({
display: {
title: "Add a Classroom?",
"Yay, you have a school. Too bad it has pretty much nothing in it. Maybe you could add some classrooms to make it less boring and more enticing to the Elves?"
visibility: () => showIf(teaching.bought.value),
resource: boxes.boxes,
style: "width: 150px",
cost: 1e13
const advancedUpgrade = createUpgrade(() => ({
display: {
title: "Advanced Training",
"Time for some advanced training! Now that all the elves know the basics, you have a foundation you can truly build off of. Everyone seems to be learning twice as quickly!"
visibility: () =>
showIf(main.day.value >= advancedDay && main.days[advancedDay - 1].opened.value),
resource: boxes.boxes,
style: "width: 150px",
cost: 1e25
const globalXPModifier = createSequentialModifier(() => [
createMultiplicativeModifier(() => ({
multiplier: classroomEffect,
description: "Classroom Effect",
enabled: classroomUpgrade.bought
createMultiplicativeModifier(() => ({
multiplier: 2,
description: "Advanced Training",
enabled: advancedUpgrade.bought
createMultiplicativeModifier(() => ({
multiplier: 2,
description: "Star Level 4",
enabled: paperElfMilestones[3].earned.value
createMultiplicativeModifier(() => ({
multiplier: 2,
description: "Carry experience in boxes???",
enabled: boxes.row3Upgrades.xpUpgrade.bought
]) as WithRequired<Modifier, "description" | "revert">;
const globalXPModifierComputed = computed(() => globalXPModifier.apply(1));
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Training core function
function createElfTraining(
elf: {
name: string;
computedAutoBuyCooldown: ComputedRef<DecimalSource>;
amountOfTimesDone: Ref<number>;
bought: Ref<boolean>;
milestones: Array<GenericMilestone>,
...modifiers: Modifier[]
) {
const exp = persistent<DecimalSource>(0);
let costMulti =
].indexOf(elf.name) + 1;
if (elf.name == "Star" || elf.name == "Bell") {
costMulti /= 3;
const costBase = 4000 * costMulti;
const expRequiredForNextLevel = computed(() => Decimal.pow(5, level.value).mul(costBase));
const level = computed(() =>
Decimal.affordGeometricSeries(exp.value, costBase, 5, 0)
const expToNextLevel = computed(() =>
Decimal.sub(exp.value, Decimal.sumGeometricSeries(level.value, costBase, 5, 0))
const bar = createBar(() => ({
direction: Direction.Right,
width: 160,
height: 14,
style: () => ({
"margin-top": "8px",
background: color,
currentShown.value == elf.name
? "0 0 12px black"
: focusTargets.value[elf.name]
? "0 0 12px white"
: ""
baseStyle: "margin-top: -1px",
fillStyle: () => ({
"margin-top": "-1px",
"transition-duration": "0s",
background: "white",
animation: focusTargets.value[elf.name] ? ".5s focused-xp-bar linear infinite" : ""
borderStyle: () =>
Decimal.gte(level.value, schools.amount.value) ? "border-color: red" : "",
progress: () => Decimal.div(expToNextLevel.value, expRequiredForNextLevel.value),
display: jsx(() =>
Decimal.gte(level.value, schools.amount.value) ? (
<>Limit reached</>
) : (
{format(expToNextLevel.value)}/{format(expRequiredForNextLevel.value)} XP
const { collapseMilestones: state, display: displayMilestone } =
createCollapsibleMilestones(milestones as Record<number, GenericMilestone>);
const elfXPGain = createSequentialModifier(() => [
createMultiplicativeModifier(() => ({
multiplier: globalXPModifierComputed,
description: "Global XP Multiplier"
createMultiplicativeModifier(() => ({
multiplier: focusMulti,
description: "Focus Multiplier",
enabled: () =>
Decimal.gt(focusTime.value, 0) && focusTargets.value[elf.name] == true
const elfXPGainComputed = computed(() => elfXPGain.apply(0.1));
const click = createClickable(() => ({
display: {
title: jsx(() => (
{elf.name} - LV {formatWhole(level.value)}
description: jsx(() => (
{elf.name} can buy buyables {formatWhole(elf.computedAutoBuyCooldown.value)}{" "}
times per second, gaining{" "}
{Decimal.gte(level.value, schools.amount.value)
? 0
: format(
)}{" "}
style: () => ({
width: "190px",
background: currentShown.value == elf.name ? "var(--accent2)" : ""
onClick() {
currentShown.value = elf.name;
canClick() {
return currentShown.value !== elf.name;
visibility: () => showIf(elf.bought.value),
name: elf.name,
timeForExp: elf.computedAutoBuyCooldown,
amountOfTimesDone: elf.amountOfTimesDone,
return click;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Elf milestones
const cutterElfMilestones = [
createMilestone(() => ({
display: {
requirement: "Holly Level 1",
effectDisplay: jsx(() => (
Multiply log gain by <sup>9</sup>
<Sqrt>Cutter amount</Sqrt>.
shouldEarn: () => cutterElfTraining.level.value >= 1
createMilestone(() => ({
display: {
requirement: "Holly Level 2",
effectDisplay: "Holly now buys max."
visibility: () => showIf(cutterElfMilestones[0].earned.value),
shouldEarn: () => cutterElfTraining.level.value >= 2
createMilestone(() => ({
display: {
requirement: "Holly Level 3",
effectDisplay: jsx(() => (
Multiply all cloth actions' effectiveness by log<sub>10</sub>(Cutter
visibility: () => showIf(cutterElfMilestones[1].earned.value),
shouldEarn: () => cutterElfTraining.level.value >= 3
createMilestone(() => ({
display: {
requirement: "Holly Level 4",
effectDisplay: "Multiply auto cutting amount by 1.1 per day completed"
visibility: () => showIf(cutterElfMilestones[2].earned.value && main.day.value >= 13),
shouldEarn: () => cutterElfTraining.level.value >= 4
createMilestone(() => ({
display: {
requirement: "Holly Level 5",
effectDisplay: "Unlock an elf that autobuys oil drills and extractors."
visibility: () => showIf(cutterElfMilestones[3].earned.value && main.day.value >= 13),
shouldEarn: () => cutterElfTraining.level.value >= 5
] as Array<GenericMilestone>;
const planterElfMilestones = [
createMilestone(() => ({
display: {
requirement: "Ivy Level 1",
effectDisplay: "Planters are now twice as efficent."
shouldEarn: () => planterElfTraining.level.value >= 1
createMilestone(() => ({
display: {
requirement: "Ivy Level 2",
effectDisplay: "Ivy now buys max."
visibility: () => showIf(planterElfMilestones[0].earned.value),
shouldEarn: () => planterElfTraining.level.value >= 2
createMilestone(() => ({
display: {
requirement: "Ivy Level 3",
effectDisplay: jsx(() => (
Auto planting speed is multiplied by 2
visibility: () => showIf(planterElfMilestones[1].earned.value),
shouldEarn: () => planterElfTraining.level.value >= 3
createMilestone(() => ({
display: {
requirement: "Ivy Level 4",
effectDisplay: "Divide planter cost by 10"
visibility: () => showIf(planterElfMilestones[2].earned.value && main.day.value >= 13),
shouldEarn: () => planterElfTraining.level.value >= 4
createMilestone(() => ({
display: {
requirement: "Ivy Level 5",
"The lesser of auto planting and cutting amounts is increased to match the greater"
visibility: () => showIf(planterElfMilestones[3].earned.value && main.day.value >= 13),
shouldEarn: () => planterElfTraining.level.value >= 5
] as Array<GenericMilestone>;
const expanderElfMilestones = [
createMilestone(() => ({
display: {
requirement: "Hope Level 1",
effectDisplay: "Forest size grows by trees planted per second raised to ^0.99"
shouldEarn: () => expandersElfTraining.level.value >= 1
createMilestone(() => ({
display: {
requirement: "Hope Level 2",
effectDisplay: "Hope now buys max."
visibility: () => showIf(expanderElfMilestones[0].earned.value),
shouldEarn: () => expandersElfTraining.level.value >= 2
createMilestone(() => ({
display: {
requirement: "Hope Level 3",
effectDisplay: "The workshop can be expanded past 100%, but costs scale faster."
visibility: () => showIf(expanderElfMilestones[1].earned.value),
shouldEarn: () => expandersElfTraining.level.value >= 3
createMilestone(() => ({
display: {
requirement: "Hope Level 4",
effectDisplay: "Unlock an elf that autobuys coal drills."
visibility: () => showIf(expanderElfMilestones[2].earned.value && main.day.value >= 13),
shouldEarn: () => expandersElfTraining.level.value >= 4,
onComplete() {
main.days[3].recentlyUpdated.value = true;
createMilestone(() => ({
display: {
requirement: "Hope Level 5",
effectDisplay: "Raise workshop expansion cost by 0.99"
visibility: () => showIf(expanderElfMilestones[3].earned.value && main.day.value >= 13),
shouldEarn: () => expandersElfTraining.level.value >= 5
] as Array<GenericMilestone>;
const heatedCutterElfMilestones = [
createMilestone(() => ({
display: {
requirement: "Jack Level 1",
effectDisplay: '"Fahrenheit 451" affects "Heated Cutters" twice.'
shouldEarn: () => heatedCutterElfTraining.level.value >= 1
createMilestone(() => ({
display: {
requirement: "Jack Level 2",
effectDisplay: "Coal gain is raised to the ^1.05"
visibility: () => showIf(heatedCutterElfMilestones[0].earned.value),
shouldEarn: () => heatedCutterElfTraining.level.value >= 2
createMilestone(() => ({
display: {
requirement: "Jack Level 3",
effectDisplay: "Jack and Joy now buy max."
visibility: () => showIf(heatedCutterElfMilestones[1].earned.value),
shouldEarn: () => heatedCutterElfTraining.level.value >= 3
createMilestone(() => ({
display: {
requirement: "Jack Level 4",
effectDisplay: jsx(() => (
Oil gain is multiplied by <Sqrt>total elf levels</Sqrt>.
visibility: () =>
showIf(heatedCutterElfMilestones[2].earned.value && main.day.value >= 13),
shouldEarn: () => heatedCutterElfTraining.level.value >= 4
createMilestone(() => ({
display: {
requirement: "Jack Level 5",
effectDisplay: "Unlock an elf that autobuys oil-using machines."
visibility: () =>
showIf(heatedCutterElfMilestones[3].earned.value && main.day.value >= 13),
shouldEarn: () => heatedCutterElfTraining.level.value >= 5,
onComplete() {
main.days[3].recentlyUpdated.value = true;
] as Array<GenericMilestone>;
const heatedPlanterElfMilestones = [
createMilestone(() => ({
display: {
requirement: "Mary Level 1",
effectDisplay: `"Tillamook Burn Country" affects "Heated Planters" twice.`
shouldEarn: () => heatedPlanterElfTraining.level.value >= 1
createMilestone(() => ({
display: {
requirement: "Mary Level 2",
effectDisplay: "Metal gain is raised to the 1.1."
visibility: () => showIf(heatedPlanterElfMilestones[0].earned.value),
shouldEarn: () => heatedPlanterElfTraining.level.value >= 2
createMilestone(() => ({
display: {
requirement: "Mary Level 3",
effectDisplay: "Mary and Faith now buy max."
visibility: () => showIf(heatedPlanterElfMilestones[1].earned.value),
shouldEarn: () => heatedPlanterElfTraining.level.value >= 3
createMilestone(() => ({
display: {
requirement: "Mary Level 4",
effectDisplay: "Double automatic tree planting speed"
visibility: () =>
showIf(heatedPlanterElfMilestones[2].earned.value && main.day.value >= 13),
shouldEarn: () => heatedPlanterElfTraining.level.value >= 4
createMilestone(() => ({
display: {
requirement: "Mary Level 5",
effectDisplay: jsx(() => (
Auto smelting speed is multiplied by <Sqrt>total XP/1e6</Sqrt>.
visibility: () =>
showIf(heatedPlanterElfMilestones[3].earned.value && main.day.value >= 13),
shouldEarn: () => heatedPlanterElfTraining.level.value >= 5
] as Array<GenericMilestone>;
const fertilizerElfMilestones = [
createMilestone(() => ({
display: {
requirement: "Noel Level 1",
effectDisplay: jsx(() => (
Log gain is multiplied by <Sqrt>total elf levels</Sqrt>.
shouldEarn: () => fertilizerElfTraining.level.value >= 1
createMilestone(() => ({
display: {
requirement: "Noel Level 2",
effectDisplay: `"The Garden Tree's Handbook" affects "Fertilized Soil" twice`
visibility: () => showIf(fertilizerElfMilestones[0].earned.value),
shouldEarn: () => fertilizerElfTraining.level.value >= 2
createMilestone(() => ({
display: {
requirement: "Noel Level 3",
effectDisplay: "Divide the coal drill cost by ln(Total logs + e)"
visibility: () => showIf(fertilizerElfMilestones[1].earned.value),
shouldEarn: () => fertilizerElfTraining.level.value >= 3
createMilestone(() => ({
display: {
requirement: "Noel Level 4",
effectDisplay: jsx(() => (
Reduce oil refinery cost by (Plastic amount)<sup>2</sup>
visibility: () =>
showIf(fertilizerElfMilestones[2].earned.value && main.day.value >= 13),
shouldEarn: () => fertilizerElfTraining.level.value >= 4
createMilestone(() => ({
display: {
requirement: "Noel Level 5",
effectDisplay: "Unlock an elf that autobuys metal machines"
visibility: () =>
showIf(fertilizerElfMilestones[3].earned.value && main.day.value >= 13),
shouldEarn: () => fertilizerElfTraining.level.value >= 5,
onComplete() {
main.days[3].recentlyUpdated.value = true;
] as Array<GenericMilestone>;
const smallfireElfMilestones = [
createMilestone(() => ({
display: {
requirement: "Joy Level 1",
effectDisplay: "Small Fire synergy counts bonfires at reduced rate."
shouldEarn: () => smallfireElfTraining.level.value >= 1
createMilestone(() => ({
display: {
requirement: "Joy Level 2",
effectDisplay: "Raise ash gain to the 1.1"
visibility: () => showIf(smallfireElfMilestones[0].earned.value),
shouldEarn: () => smallfireElfTraining.level.value >= 2
createMilestone(() => ({
display: {
requirement: "Joy Level 3",
effectDisplay: "Coal drill is 2x more powerful"
visibility: () => showIf(smallfireElfMilestones[1].earned.value),
shouldEarn: () => smallfireElfTraining.level.value >= 3
createMilestone(() => ({
display: {
requirement: "Joy Level 4",
effectDisplay: "Metal gain is boosted by heavy drills"
visibility: () =>
showIf(smallfireElfMilestones[2].earned.value && main.day.value >= 13),
shouldEarn: () => smallfireElfTraining.level.value >= 4
createMilestone(() => ({
display: {
requirement: "Joy Level 5",
effectDisplay: "Raise Industrial Crucible's effect to the 1.1"
visibility: () =>
showIf(smallfireElfMilestones[3].earned.value && main.day.value >= 13),
shouldEarn: () => smallfireElfTraining.level.value >= 5
] as Array<GenericMilestone>;
const bonfireElfMilestones = [
createMilestone(() => ({
display: {
requirement: "Faith Level 1",
effectDisplay: "Multiply bonfire efficiency by 5."
shouldEarn: () => bonfireElfTraining.level.value >= 1
createMilestone(() => ({
display: {
requirement: "Faith Level 2",
effectDisplay: "Raise ash gain to the 1.1"
visibility: () => showIf(bonfireElfMilestones[0].earned.value),
shouldEarn: () => bonfireElfTraining.level.value >= 2
createMilestone(() => ({
display: {
requirement: "Faith Level 3",
effectDisplay: "Coal drill is 2x more powerful"
visibility: () => showIf(bonfireElfMilestones[1].earned.value),
shouldEarn: () => bonfireElfTraining.level.value >= 3
createMilestone(() => ({
display: {
requirement: "Faith Level 4",
effectDisplay: "Oil gain is boosted by heavy drill drills"
visibility: () => showIf(bonfireElfMilestones[2].earned.value && main.day.value >= 13),
shouldEarn: () => bonfireElfTraining.level.value >= 4
createMilestone(() => ({
display: {
requirement: "Faith Level 5",
effectDisplay: "Raise Industrial Crucible's effect to the 1.1"
visibility: () => showIf(bonfireElfMilestones[3].earned.value && main.day.value >= 13),
shouldEarn: () => bonfireElfTraining.level.value >= 5
] as Array<GenericMilestone>;
const kilnElfMilestones = [
createMilestone(() => ({
display: {
requirement: "Snowball Level 1",
effectDisplay: "Multiply kiln efficiency by 5."
shouldEarn: () => kilnElfTraining.level.value >= 1
createMilestone(() => ({
display: {
requirement: "Snowball Level 2",
effectDisplay: "Raise ash gain to the 1.1"
visibility: () => showIf(kilnElfMilestones[0].earned.value),
shouldEarn: () => kilnElfTraining.level.value >= 2
createMilestone(() => ({
display: {
requirement: "Snowball Level 3",
effectDisplay: "Coal drill is 2x more powerful"
visibility: () => showIf(kilnElfMilestones[1].earned.value),
shouldEarn: () => kilnElfTraining.level.value >= 3
createMilestone(() => ({
display: {
requirement: "Snowball Level 4",
effectDisplay: "Plastic gain is boosted by heavy extractors"
visibility: () => showIf(kilnElfMilestones[2].earned.value && main.day.value >= 13),
shouldEarn: () => kilnElfTraining.level.value >= 4
createMilestone(() => ({
display: {
requirement: "Snowball Level 5",
effectDisplay: "Raise Industrial Crucible's effect to the 1.1"
visibility: () => showIf(kilnElfMilestones[3].earned.value && main.day.value >= 13),
shouldEarn: () => kilnElfTraining.level.value >= 5
] as Array<GenericMilestone>;
const paperElfMilestones = [
createMilestone(() => ({
display: {
requirement: "Star Level 1",
effectDisplay: "Book cost is divided by total books bought."
shouldEarn: () => paperElfTraining.level.value >= 1
createMilestone(() => ({
display: {
requirement: "Star Level 2",
effectDisplay: "Pulp requires 10x less ash"
visibility: () => showIf(paperElfMilestones[0].earned.value),
shouldEarn: () => paperElfTraining.level.value >= 2
createMilestone(() => ({
display: {
requirement: "Star Level 3",
effectDisplay: "Book cost scaling 5x -> 4x"
visibility: () => showIf(paperElfMilestones[1].earned.value),
shouldEarn: () => paperElfTraining.level.value >= 3
createMilestone(() => ({
display: {
requirement: "Star Level 4",
effectDisplay: "Double all elf xp gain"
visibility: () => showIf(paperElfMilestones[2].earned.value && main.day.value >= 13),
shouldEarn: () => paperElfTraining.level.value >= 4
createMilestone(() => ({
display: {
requirement: "Star Level 5",
effectDisplay: "Gain 5 free books for all prior elves that are at level 5 or above."
visibility: () => showIf(paperElfMilestones[3].earned.value && main.day.value >= 13),
shouldEarn: () => paperElfTraining.level.value >= 5
] as Array<GenericMilestone>;
const boxElfMilestones = [
createMilestone(() => ({
display: {
requirement: "Bell Level 1",
effectDisplay: jsx(() => (
Every box buyable adds <Sqrt>level</Sqrt> levels to same-row box buyables.
shouldEarn: () => boxElfTraining.level.value >= 1
createMilestone(() => ({
display: {
requirement: "Bell Level 2",
effectDisplay: "Box gain ^1.1"
visibility: () => showIf(boxElfMilestones[0].earned.value),
shouldEarn: () => boxElfTraining.level.value >= 2
createMilestone(() => ({
display: {
requirement: "Bell Level 3",
effectDisplay: "All box buyables scaling bases -1"
visibility: () => showIf(boxElfMilestones[1].earned.value),
shouldEarn: () => boxElfTraining.level.value >= 3
createMilestone(() => ({
display: {
requirement: "Bell Level 4",
effectDisplay: "Unlock a second row of box buyables"
visibility: () => showIf(boxElfMilestones[2].earned.value && main.day.value >= 13),
shouldEarn: () => boxElfTraining.level.value >= 4,
onComplete() {
main.days[5].recentlyUpdated.value = true;
createMilestone(() => ({
display: {
requirement: "Bell Level 5",
effectDisplay: "Unlock another row of box upgrades"
visibility: () => showIf(boxElfMilestones[3].earned.value && main.day.value >= 13),
shouldEarn: () => boxElfTraining.level.value >= 5,
onComplete() {
main.days[5].recentlyUpdated.value = true;
] as Array<GenericMilestone>;
const clothElfMilestones = [
createMilestone(() => ({
display: {
requirement: "Gingersnap Level 1",
effectDisplay: "Multiply all primary dye colors by ln(cloth + e)."
shouldEarn: () => clothElfTraining.level.value >= 1
createMilestone(() => ({
display: {
requirement: "Gingersnap Level 2",
effectDisplay: jsx(() => (
Multiply all cloth actions' effectiveness by log<sub>10</sub>(dye sum + 10)
visibility: () => showIf(clothElfMilestones[0].earned.value),
shouldEarn: () => clothElfTraining.level.value >= 2
createMilestone(() => ({
display: {
requirement: "Gingersnap Level 3",
effectDisplay: "Double all dye colors and cloth actions, but reset all dyes."
visibility: () => showIf(clothElfMilestones[1].earned.value),
shouldEarn: () => clothElfTraining.level.value >= 3,
onComplete() {
(["red", "yellow", "blue", "orange", "green", "purple"] as const).forEach(
dyeColor => {
dyes.dyes[dyeColor].amount.value = 0;
dyes.dyes[dyeColor].buyable.amount.value = 0;
createMilestone(() => ({
display: {
requirement: "Gingersnap Level 4",
"Raise secondary dyes' first effects to the 1.1 but reset primary dyes"
visibility: () => showIf(clothElfMilestones[2].earned.value && main.day.value >= 13),
shouldEarn: () => clothElfTraining.level.value >= 4,
onComplete() {
(["red", "yellow", "blue"] as const).forEach(dyeColor => {
dyes.dyes[dyeColor].amount.value = 0;
dyes.dyes[dyeColor].buyable.amount.value = 0;
createMilestone(() => ({
display: {
requirement: "Gingersnap Level 5",
effectDisplay: "Unlock another row of focus upgrades"
visibility: () => showIf(clothElfMilestones[3].earned.value && main.day.value >= 13),
shouldEarn: () => clothElfTraining.level.value >= 5,
onComplete() {
main.days[12].recentlyUpdated.value = true;
] as Array<GenericMilestone>;
const coalDrillElfMilestones = [
createMilestone(() => ({
display: {
requirement: "Peppermint Level 1",
effectDisplay: "The coal drill exponent is increased from 2 to 2.5"
shouldEarn: () => coalDrillElfTraining.level.value >= 1
createMilestone(() => ({
display: {
requirement: "Peppermint Level 2",
effectDisplay: "Coal boosts its own gain"
visibility: () => showIf(coalDrillElfMilestones[0].earned.value),
shouldEarn: () => coalDrillElfTraining.level.value >= 2
createMilestone(() => ({
display: {
requirement: "Peppermint Level 3",
effectDisplay: "The coal drill cost is 10x cheaper"
visibility: () => showIf(coalDrillElfMilestones[1].earned.value),
shouldEarn: () => coalDrillElfTraining.level.value >= 3
createMilestone(() => ({
display: {
requirement: "Peppermint Level 4",
effectDisplay: "Unlock 3 coal upgrades"
visibility: () =>
showIf(coalDrillElfMilestones[2].earned.value && main.day.value >= 13),
shouldEarn: () => coalDrillElfTraining.level.value >= 4,
onComplete() {
main.days[2].recentlyUpdated.value = true;
createMilestone(() => ({
display: {
requirement: "Peppermint Level 5",
effectDisplay: "Well depth boosts coal gain an additional half time"
visibility: () =>
showIf(coalDrillElfMilestones[3].earned.value && main.day.value >= 13),
shouldEarn: () => coalDrillElfTraining.level.value >= 5
] as Array<GenericMilestone>;
const metalElfMilestones = [
createMilestone(() => ({
display: {
requirement: "Twinkle Level 1",
effectDisplay: "Schools multiply metal gain per ore"
shouldEarn: () => metalElfTraining.level.value >= 1
createMilestone(() => ({
display: {
requirement: "Twinkle Level 2",
effectDisplay: "Each Twinkle level multiplies auto smelting speed by 1.25"
visibility: () => showIf(metalElfMilestones[0].earned.value),
shouldEarn: () => metalElfTraining.level.value >= 2
createMilestone(() => ({
display: {
requirement: "Twinkle Level 3",
effectDisplay: "Auto smelting multi is tripled."
visibility: () => showIf(metalElfMilestones[1].earned.value),
shouldEarn: () => metalElfTraining.level.value >= 3
createMilestone(() => ({
display: {
requirement: "Twinkle Level 4",
effectDisplay: "All metal machines are 10x cheaper"
visibility: () => showIf(metalElfMilestones[2].earned.value && main.day.value >= 13),
shouldEarn: () => metalElfTraining.level.value >= 4
createMilestone(() => ({
display: {
requirement: "Twinkle Level 5",
effectDisplay: jsx(() => (
<Sqrt>Well depth</Sqrt> divides metal machine costs
visibility: () => showIf(metalElfMilestones[3].earned.value && main.day.value >= 13),
shouldEarn: () => metalElfTraining.level.value >= 5
] as Array<GenericMilestone>;
const oilElfMilestones = [
createMilestone(() => ({
display: {
requirement: "Cocoa Level 1",
effectDisplay: "The depth boost to oil gain is better"
shouldEarn: () => oilElfTraining.level.value >= 1
createMilestone(() => ({
display: {
requirement: "Cocoa Level 2",
effectDisplay: "Total oil gained boosts drill power"
visibility: () => showIf(oilElfMilestones[0].earned.value),
shouldEarn: () => oilElfTraining.level.value >= 2
createMilestone(() => ({
display: {
requirement: "Cocoa Level 3",
effectDisplay: "Double drill power and oil gain"
visibility: () => showIf(oilElfMilestones[1].earned.value),
shouldEarn: () => oilElfTraining.level.value >= 3
createMilestone(() => ({
display: {
requirement: "Cocoa Level 4",
effectDisplay: "Plastics are produced 5x faster but cost 5x as much oil"
visibility: () => showIf(oilElfMilestones[2].earned.value && main.day.value >= 13),
shouldEarn: () => oilElfTraining.level.value >= 4
createMilestone(() => ({
display: {
requirement: "Cocoa Level 5",
effectDisplay: "Unlock another row of oil upgrades"
visibility: () => showIf(oilElfMilestones[3].earned.value && main.day.value >= 13),
shouldEarn: () => oilElfTraining.level.value >= 5,
onComplete() {
main.days[8].recentlyUpdated.value = true;
] as Array<GenericMilestone>;
const heavyDrillElfMilestones = [
createMilestone(() => ({
display: {
requirement: "Frosty Level 1",
effectDisplay: "Oil boosts Star and Bell's xp gain"
shouldEarn: () => heavyDrillElfTraining.level.value >= 1
createMilestone(() => ({
display: {
requirement: "Frosty Level 2",
effectDisplay: "Oil pumps are 10x cheaper"
visibility: () => showIf(heavyDrillElfMilestones[0].earned.value),
shouldEarn: () => heavyDrillElfTraining.level.value >= 2
createMilestone(() => ({
display: {
requirement: "Frosty Level 3",
effectDisplay: "Oil burners act like there are ^1.5 of them"
visibility: () => showIf(heavyDrillElfMilestones[1].earned.value),
shouldEarn: () => heavyDrillElfTraining.level.value >= 3
createMilestone(() => ({
display: {
requirement: "Frosty Level 4",
effectDisplay: jsx(() => (
Heavy drill drill's ln is now log<sub>2.5</sub>
visibility: () =>
showIf(heavyDrillElfMilestones[2].earned.value && main.day.value >= 13),
shouldEarn: () => heavyDrillElfTraining.level.value >= 4
createMilestone(() => ({
display: {
requirement: "Frosty Level 5",
effectDisplay: "Unlock another row of paper upgrades"
visibility: () =>
showIf(heavyDrillElfMilestones[3].earned.value && main.day.value >= 13),
shouldEarn: () => heavyDrillElfTraining.level.value >= 5,
onComplete() {
main.days[4].recentlyUpdated.value = true;
] as Array<GenericMilestone>;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Milestone display
const currentShown = persistent<string>("Holly");
const currentElfDisplay = jsx(() => {
const elf = Object.values(elfTraining).find(
training => training.name === currentShown.value
if (elf == null) {
console.warn("This should not happen.", currentShown.value);
return "";
return (
{currentShown.value}'s milestones: {elf.displayMilestone()}
const cutterElfTraining = createElfTraining(elves.elves.cuttersElf, cutterElfMilestones);
const planterElfTraining = createElfTraining(elves.elves.plantersElf, planterElfMilestones);
const expandersElfTraining = createElfTraining(elves.elves.expandersElf, expanderElfMilestones);
const treeElfTraining = [cutterElfTraining, planterElfTraining, expandersElfTraining];
const heatedCutterElfTraining = createElfTraining(
const heatedPlanterElfTraining = createElfTraining(
const fertilizerElfTraining = createElfTraining(
const coalElfTraining = [
const smallfireElfTraining = createElfTraining(
const bonfireElfTraining = createElfTraining(elves.elves.bonfireElf, bonfireElfMilestones);
const kilnElfTraining = createElfTraining(elves.elves.kilnElf, kilnElfMilestones);
const fireElfTraining = [smallfireElfTraining, bonfireElfTraining, kilnElfTraining];
const paperElfTraining = createElfTraining(
createMultiplicativeModifier(() => ({
multiplier: () => Decimal.add(oil.oil.value, 1).log10(),
description: "Frosty Level 1",
enabled: heavyDrillElfMilestones[0].earned
const boxElfTraining = createElfTraining(
createMultiplicativeModifier(() => ({
multiplier: () => Decimal.add(oil.oil.value, 1).log10(),
description: "Frosty Level 1",
enabled: heavyDrillElfMilestones[0].earned
const clothElfTraining = createElfTraining(elves.elves.clothElf, clothElfMilestones);
const plasticElfTraining = [paperElfTraining, boxElfTraining, clothElfTraining];
const coalDrillElfTraining = createElfTraining(
const metalElfTraining = createElfTraining(elves.elves.metalElf, metalElfMilestones);
const oilElfTraining = createElfTraining(elves.elves.oilElf, oilElfMilestones);
const heavyDrillElfTraining = createElfTraining(
const row5Elves = [coalDrillElfTraining, heavyDrillElfTraining, oilElfTraining];
const row6Elves = [metalElfTraining];
const elfTraining = {
const day12Elves = [
const day13Elves = [
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update
globalBus.on("update", diff => {
if (main.day.value < day) return;
for (const elf of Object.values(elfTraining)) {
const times = Math.floor(elf.amountOfTimesDone.value);
if (times >= 1) {
elf.amountOfTimesDone.value -= times;
if (Decimal.lt(elf.level.value, schools.amount.value))
elf.exp.value = Decimal.mul(elf.elfXPGainComputed.value, times).add(
focusTime.value = Math.max(focusTime.value - diff, 0);
focusCooldown.value = Math.max(focusCooldown.value - diff, 0);
if (Decimal.eq(focusTime.value, 0)) {
focusTargets.value = {};
const speed = focusUpgrade5.bought.value ? 2000 : 1000;
let stoppedAt = 1 - Math.abs(Math.sin((Date.now() / speed) * 2));
if (focusUpgrade4.bought.value) {
stoppedAt = 1 - (1 - stoppedAt) ** 2;
focusMulti.value = Decimal.pow(focusMaxMulti.value, stoppedAt);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Focus
const focusMulti = persistent<DecimalSource>(1);
const focusTargets = persistent<Record<string, boolean>>({});
const focusCooldown = persistent<number>(0);
const focusTime = persistent<number>(0);
const focusMaxMultiModifiers = createSequentialModifier(() => [
createMultiplicativeModifier(() => ({
multiplier: 2,
description: "Focus Upgrade 1",
enabled: focusUpgrade1.bought
createAdditiveModifier(() => ({
addend() {
return Decimal.add(dyes.dyes.orange.amount.value, dyes.dyes.purple.amount.value)
description: "Colorful Focus",
enabled: oil.row3Upgrades[2].bought
]) as WithRequired<Modifier, "revert" | "description">;
const maximumElvesModifier = createSequentialModifier(() => [
createAdditiveModifier(() => ({
addend: 1,
description: "Focus Upgrade 2",
enabled: focusUpgrade2.bought
createAdditiveModifier(() => ({
addend: 1,
description: "Focus Upgrade 6",
enabled: focusUpgrade6.bought
const cooldownModifiers = createSequentialModifier(() => [
createAdditiveModifier(() => ({
addend: -5,
description: "Focus Upgrade 3",
enabled: focusUpgrade3.bought
const focusMaxMulti = computed(() => focusMaxMultiModifiers.apply(10));
const maximumElves = computed(() => maximumElvesModifier.apply(3));
const cooldown = computed(() => cooldownModifiers.apply(15));
const focusMeter = createBar(() => ({
direction: Direction.Right,
width: 566,
height: 50,
style: `border-radius: 4px 4px 0 0`,
borderStyle: `border-radius: 4px 4px 0 0`,
fillStyle: () => ({
background: focusTime.value > 0 ? color : "#7f7f00",
animation: focusTime.value > 0 ? "1s focused-focus-bar linear infinite" : "",
opacity: focusTime.value > 0 ? focusTime.value / 10 : 1,
transition: "none"
progress: () =>
Decimal.sub(focusMulti.value, 1).div(Decimal.sub(focusMaxMulti.value, 1)).toNumber(),
display: jsx(() => (
{focusTime.value > 0 ? (
{" "}
to {Object.keys(focusTargets.value).join(", ")} for{" "}
) : (
})) as GenericBar;
const focusButton = createClickable(() => ({
display: {
title: "Focus",
description: jsx(() => (
Motivate elves to focus, multiplying {formatWhole(maximumElves.value)} random
elves' XP gain by up to {format(focusMaxMulti.value)}x for 10 seconds, equal to
the focus bar's effect.
{Decimal.gte(focusCooldown.value, 0) ? (
<br />
Reroll cooldown: {formatTime(focusCooldown.value)}
) : (
style: {
width: "300px"
canClick: () => Decimal.eq(focusCooldown.value, 0),
onClick() {
focusCooldown.value = Decimal.fromValue(cooldown.value).toNumber();
focusTime.value = 10;
elf => unref(elf.visibility) === Visibility.Visible
function rerollFocusTargets(range: number, count: DecimalSource) {
let x = 0;
focusTargets.value = {};
const newCount = Decimal.min(count, range);
while (newCount.gt(x)) {
const elf = Object.values(elfTraining)[Math.floor(Math.random() * range)];
const roll = elf?.name ?? "";
if (!focusTargets.value[roll] && unref(elf.visibility) === Visibility.Visible) {
focusTargets.value[roll] = true;
const focusUpgrade1 = createUpgrade(() => ({
display: {
title: "Focus Booster",
description: "Multiplies the maximum experience multiplier from focus by 2"
resource: trees.logs,
cost: 1e25
const focusUpgrade2 = createUpgrade(() => ({
display: {
title: "Focus Buffer",
description: "Increase elves affected by focus by 1"
resource: trees.logs,
cost: 1e28
const focusUpgrade3 = createUpgrade(() => ({
display: {
title: "Focus Upgrader",
description: "Focus can now be rerolled every 10 seconds"
resource: trees.logs,
cost: 1e31
const upgrades = [focusUpgrade1, focusUpgrade2, focusUpgrade3];
const focusUpgrade4 = createUpgrade(() => ({
display: {
title: "Focus Improver",
"The bar moves slower when it's closer to the right and faster when it's closer to the left"
resource: trees.logs,
visibility: () => showIf(elfTraining.clothElfTraining.milestones[4].earned.value),
cost: 1e34
const focusUpgrade5 = createUpgrade(() => ({
display: {
title: "Focus Focuser",
description: "The bar moves 2x slower"
resource: trees.logs,
visibility: () => showIf(elfTraining.clothElfTraining.milestones[4].earned.value),
cost: 1e35
const focusUpgrade6 = createUpgrade(() => ({
display: {
title: "Focus Doubler",
description: "Focus applies to an additional elf."
resource: trees.logs,
visibility: () => showIf(elfTraining.clothElfTraining.milestones[4].earned.value),
cost: 1e36
const upgrades2 = [focusUpgrade4, focusUpgrade5, focusUpgrade6];
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Schools
const schoolCost = computed(() => {
const schoolFactor = Decimal.pow(10, schools.amount.value);
const nerfedSchoolFactor = Decimal.pow(4, schools.amount.value);
let woodFactor = Decimal.pow(2e4, Decimal.pow(schools.amount.value, 0.75));
if (Decimal.gte(schools.amount.value, 4)) {
woodFactor = woodFactor.div(1e3);
const coalFactor = Decimal.pow(2000, schools.amount.value);
return {
wood: woodFactor.mul(1e21),
coal: coalFactor.mul(1e32),
paper: coalFactor.mul(1e18),
boxes: woodFactor.mul(1e13),
metalIngots: nerfedSchoolFactor.mul(1e12),
cloth: schoolFactor.mul(1e4),
plastic: nerfedSchoolFactor.mul(1e6),
dye: Decimal.add(schools.amount.value, 1).mul(10000)
const schools = createBuyable(() => ({
display: jsx(() => (
<h3>Build a School</h3>
You gotta start somewhere, right? Each school increases the maximum level for
elves by 1, maximum of {main.days[advancedDay - 1].opened.value ? 5 : 3}{" "}
You have {formatWhole(schools.amount.value)} schools, which are currently
letting elves learn up to level {formatWhole(schools.amount.value)}.
{Decimal.lt(schools.amount.value, unref(schools.purchaseLimit)) ? (
Costs {format(schoolCost.value.wood)} logs, {format(schoolCost.value.coal)}{" "}
coal, {format(schoolCost.value.paper)} paper,{" "}
{format(schoolCost.value.boxes)} boxes,{" "}
{format(schoolCost.value.metalIngots)} metal ingots,{" "}
{format(schoolCost.value.cloth)} cloth, {format(schoolCost.value.plastic)}{" "}
plastic, and requires {format(schoolCost.value.dye)} of red, yellow, and
blue dye
) : null}
canPurchase(): boolean {
return (
schoolCost.value.wood.lte(trees.logs.value) &&
schoolCost.value.coal.lte(coal.coal.value) &&
schoolCost.value.paper.lte(paper.paper.value) &&
schoolCost.value.boxes.lte(boxes.boxes.value) &&
schoolCost.value.metalIngots.lte(metal.metal.value) &&
schoolCost.value.cloth.lte(cloth.cloth.value) &&
schoolCost.value.plastic.lte(plastic.plastic.value) &&
schoolCost.value.dye.lte(dyes.dyes.blue.amount.value) &&
schoolCost.value.dye.lte(dyes.dyes.red.amount.value) &&
schoolCost.value.dye.lte(dyes.dyes.yellow.amount.value) &&
Decimal.lt(schools.amount.value, unref(schools.purchaseLimit))
onPurchase() {
trees.logs.value = Decimal.sub(trees.logs.value, schoolCost.value.wood);
coal.coal.value = Decimal.sub(coal.coal.value, schoolCost.value.coal);
paper.paper.value = Decimal.sub(paper.paper.value, schoolCost.value.paper);
boxes.boxes.value = Decimal.sub(boxes.boxes.value, schoolCost.value.boxes);
metal.metal.value = Decimal.sub(metal.metal.value, schoolCost.value.metalIngots);
cloth.cloth.value = Decimal.sub(cloth.cloth.value, schoolCost.value.cloth);
plastic.plastic.value = Decimal.sub(plastic.plastic.value, schoolCost.value.plastic);
this.amount.value = Decimal.add(this.amount.value, 1);
purchaseLimit() {
if (main.days[advancedDay - 1].opened.value) return 5;
return 3;
visibility: computed(() => showIf(teaching.bought.value)),
style: "width: 600px"
})) as GenericBuyable;
const classroomCost = computed(() => {
let v = classrooms.amount.value;
if (Decimal.gte(v, 50)) v = Decimal.pow(v, 2).div(50);
if (Decimal.gte(v, 200)) v = Decimal.pow(v, 2).div(200);
const classroomFactor = Decimal.add(v, 1).pow(1.5);
return {
wood: classroomFactor.mul(1e21),
paper: classroomFactor.mul(1e18),
boxes: classroomFactor.mul(1e13),
metalIngots: classroomFactor.mul(1e12)
const classroomEffect = computed(() => {
return Decimal.add(classrooms.amount.value, 1).pow(0.9);
const classrooms = createBuyable(() => ({
display: jsx(() => (
<h3>Build a Classroom</h3>
Hopefully it makes the school a bit less boring. Multiplies elves' XP gain by{" "}
(Classrooms + 1)<sup>0.9</sup>.
You have {formatWhole(classrooms.amount.value)} classrooms, which are currently
multiplying elves' XP gain by {format(classroomEffect.value)}
Costs {format(classroomCost.value.wood)} logs,
{format(classroomCost.value.paper)} paper, {format(classroomCost.value.boxes)}{" "}
boxes, {format(classroomCost.value.metalIngots)} metal ingots
canPurchase(): boolean {
return (
classroomCost.value.wood.lte(trees.logs.value) &&
classroomCost.value.paper.lte(paper.paper.value) &&
classroomCost.value.boxes.lte(boxes.boxes.value) &&
onPurchase() {
trees.logs.value = Decimal.sub(trees.logs.value, classroomCost.value.wood);
paper.paper.value = Decimal.sub(paper.paper.value, classroomCost.value.paper);
boxes.boxes.value = Decimal.sub(boxes.boxes.value, classroomCost.value.boxes);
metal.metal.value = Decimal.sub(metal.metal.value, classroomCost.value.metalIngots);
this.amount.value = Decimal.add(this.amount.value, 1);
visibility: computed(() => showIf(classroomUpgrade.bought.value)),
style: "width: 600px"
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Modifiers
const [generalTab, generalTabCollapsed] = createCollapsibleModifierSections(() => [
title: "Elves affected by Focus",
modifier: maximumElvesModifier,
base: 3
title: "Maximum Focus Effect",
modifier: focusMaxMultiModifiers,
base: 10
title: "Focus Cooldown",
modifier: cooldownModifiers,
unit: " secs",
base: 15
title: "Global XP Gain",
modifier: globalXPModifier,
unit: " XP"
title: "Holly XP Gain per Action",
modifier: cutterElfTraining.elfXPGain,
base: 0.1,
unit: " XP"
title: "Ivy XP Gain per Action",
modifier: planterElfTraining.elfXPGain,
base: 0.1,
unit: " XP"
title: "Hope XP Gain per Action",
modifier: expandersElfTraining.elfXPGain,
base: 0.1,
unit: " XP"
title: "Jack XP Gain per Action",
modifier: heatedCutterElfTraining.elfXPGain,
base: 0.1,
unit: " XP"
title: "Mary XP Gain per Action",
modifier: heatedPlanterElfTraining.elfXPGain,
base: 0.1,
unit: " XP"
title: "Noel XP Gain per Action",
modifier: fertilizerElfTraining.elfXPGain,
base: 0.1,
unit: " XP"
title: "Joy XP Gain per Action",
modifier: smallfireElfTraining.elfXPGain,
base: 0.1,
unit: " XP"
title: "Faith XP Gain per Action",
modifier: bonfireElfTraining.elfXPGain,
base: 0.1,
unit: " XP"
title: "Snowball XP Gain per Action",
modifier: kilnElfTraining.elfXPGain,
base: 0.1,
unit: " XP"
title: "Star XP Gain per Action",
modifier: paperElfTraining.elfXPGain,
base: 0.1,
unit: " XP"
title: "Bell XP Gain per Action",
modifier: boxElfTraining.elfXPGain,
base: 0.1,
unit: " XP"
title: "Gingersnap XP Gain per Action",
modifier: clothElfTraining.elfXPGain,
base: 0.1,
unit: " XP"
const showModifiersModal = ref(false);
const modifiersModal = jsx(() => (
onUpdate:modelValue={(value: boolean) => (showModifiersModal.value = value)}
header: () => <h2>{name} Modifiers</h2>,
body: generalTab
watchEffect(() => {
if (main.day.value === day && day12Elves.every(elf => elf.level.value >= 3)) {
} else if (
main.day.value === advancedDay &&
day13Elves.every(elf => elf.level.value >= 5)
) {
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Return
return {
minWidth: 700,
focusMultiplier: focusMulti,
display: jsx(() => (
{main.day.value === day
? `Get all elves to level 3.`
: main.day.value === advancedDay && main.days[advancedDay - 1].opened.value
? `Get all elves to level 5.`
: `${name} Complete!`}{" "}
style="display: inline-block;"
onClick={() => (showModifiersModal.value = true)}
Check Modifiers
<br />
{renderCol(schools, classrooms)}
{renderGrid([teaching, classroomUpgrade, advancedUpgrade])}
<Spacer />
{Decimal.gt(schools.amount.value, 0) ? (
<br />
Click on an elf to see their milestones.
<br />
<br />
{renderGrid(upgrades, upgrades2)}
<br />
<Spacer />
) : (
export default layer;