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synced 2025-02-07 18:41:36 +00:00
A few small improvements.
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 27 additions and 142 deletions
@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ Key:
and layers are sorted in alphabetical order.
- branches: **optional**, an array of layer ids. On a tree, a line will appear from this layer to all of the layers
in the list. Alternatively, an entry in the array can be a pair consisting of the layer id and a color
in the list. Alternatively, an entry in the array can be a 2-element array consisting of the layer id and a color
value. The color value can either be a string with a hex color code, or a number from 1-3 (theme-affected colors)
- nodeStyle: **optional**, a CSS object, where the keys are CSS attributes, which styles this layer's node on the tree
@ -11,8 +11,8 @@ addLayer("c", {
buyables: {}, // You don't actually have to initialize this one
beep: false,
color:() => "#4BDC13",
requires:() => new Decimal(10), // Can be a function that takes requirement increases into account
color: "#4BDC13",
requires: new Decimal(10), // Can be a function that takes requirement increases into account
resource: "lollipops", // Name of prestige currency
baseResource: "candies", // Name of resource prestige is based on
baseAmount() {return player.points}, // Get the current amount of baseResource
@ -42,14 +42,14 @@ addLayer("c", {
return "which are boosting waffles by "+format(eff.waffleBoost)+" and increasing the Ice Cream cap by "+format(eff.icecreamCap)
milestones: {
0: {requirementDescription:() => "3 Lollipops",
0: {requirementDescription: "3 Lollipops",
done() {return player[this.layer].best.gte(3)}, // Used to determine when to give the milestone
effectDescription:() => "Unlock the next milestone",
effectDescription: "Unlock the next milestone",
1: {requirementDescription:() => "4 Lollipops",
1: {requirementDescription: "4 Lollipops",
unlocked() {return hasMilestone(this.layer, 0)},
done() {return player[this.layer].best.gte(4)},
effectDescription:() => "You can toggle beep and boop (which do nothing)",
effectDescription: "You can toggle beep and boop (which do nothing)",
toggles: [
["c", "beep"], // Each toggle is defined by a layer and the data toggled for that layer
["f", "boop"]],
@ -64,11 +64,11 @@ addLayer("c", {
rows: 2,
cols: 12,
11: {
name:() => "Fun",
name: "Fun",
completionLimit: 3,
challengeDescription() {return "Makes the game 0% harder<br>"+challengeCompletions(this.layer, this.id) + "/" + this.completionLimit + " completions"},
unlocked() { return player[this.layer].best.gt(0) },
goal:() => new Decimal("20"),
goal: new Decimal("20"),
currencyDisplayName: "lollipops", // Use if using a nonstandard currency
currencyInternalName: "points", // Use if using a nonstandard currency
currencyLayer: this.layer, // Leave empty if not in a layer
@ -86,14 +86,14 @@ addLayer("c", {
rows: 2,
cols: 3,
11: {
title:() => "Generator of Genericness",
description:() => "Gain 1 Point every second.",
cost:() => new Decimal(1),
title: "Generator of Genericness",
description: "Gain 1 Point every second.",
cost: new Decimal(1),
unlocked() { return player[this.layer].unlocked }, // The upgrade is only visible when this is true
12: {
description:() => "Candy generation is faster based on your unspent Lollipops.",
cost:() => new Decimal(1),
description: "Candy generation is faster based on your unspent Lollipops.",
cost: new Decimal(1),
unlocked() { return (hasUpgrade(this.layer, 11))},
effect() { // Calculate bonuses from the upgrade. Can return a single value or an object with multiple values
let ret = player[this.layer].points.add(1).pow(player[this.layer].upgrades.includes(24)?1.1:(player[this.layer].upgrades.includes(14)?0.75:0.5))
@ -103,8 +103,8 @@ addLayer("c", {
effectDisplay() { return format(this.effect())+"x" }, // Add formatting to the effect
13: {
description:() => "Unlock a <b>secret subtab</b> and make this layer act if you unlocked it first.",
cost:() => new Decimal(69),
description: "Unlock a <b>secret subtab</b> and make this layer act if you unlocked it first.",
cost: new Decimal(69),
currencyDisplayName: "candies", // Use if using a nonstandard currency
currencyInternalName: "points", // Use if using a nonstandard currency
currencyLayer: "", // Leave empty if not in a layer "e.g. points"
@ -124,9 +124,9 @@ addLayer("c", {
22: {
title:() => "This upgrade doesn't exist",
description:() => "Or does it?.",
cost:() => new Decimal(3),
title: "This upgrade doesn't exist",
description: "Or does it?.",
cost: new Decimal(3),
unlocked() { return player[this.layer].unlocked }, // The upgrade is only visible when this is true
@ -138,9 +138,9 @@ addLayer("c", {
doReset(this.layer, true) // Force a reset
respecText:() => "Respec Thingies", // Text on Respec button, optional
respecText: "Respec Thingies", // Text on Respec button, optional
11: {
title:() => "Exhancers", // Optional, displayed at the top in a larger font
title: "Exhancers", // Optional, displayed at the top in a larger font
cost(x=player[this.layer].buyables[this.id]) { // cost for buying xth buyable, can be an object if there are multiple currencies
if (x.gte(25)) x = x.pow(2).div(25)
let cost = Decimal.pow(2, x.pow(1.5))
@ -224,7 +224,7 @@ addLayer("c", {
display() {
return format(player.points) + " / 1e10 points"
unlocked:() => true,
unlocked: true,
tallBoi: {
@ -242,7 +242,7 @@ addLayer("c", {
display() {
return formatWhole((player.points.div(1)).min(100)) + "%"
unlocked:() => true,
unlocked: true,
flatBoi: {
@ -257,7 +257,7 @@ addLayer("c", {
progress() {
return player.c.points.div(50)
unlocked:() => true,
unlocked: true,
@ -348,7 +348,7 @@ addLayer("f", {
boop: false,
clickables: {[11]: "Start"} // Optional default Clickable state
color:() => "#FE0102",
color: "#FE0102",
requires() {return new Decimal(10)},
resource: "farm points",
baseResource: "candies",
@ -357,7 +357,7 @@ addLayer("f", {
exponent: 0.5,
base: 3,
roundUpCost: true,
canBuyMax:() => true,
canBuyMax() {return hasAchievement('a', 13)},
gainMult() {
return new Decimal(1)
@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ addLayer("f", {
masterButtonText() {return (getClickableState(this.layer, 11) == "Borkened...") ? "Fix the clickable!" : "Does nothing"}, // Text on Respec button, optional
11: {
title:() => "Clicky clicky!", // Optional, displayed at the top in a larger font
title: "Clicky clicky!", // Optional, displayed at the top in a larger font
display() { // Everything else displayed in the buyable button after the title
let data = getClickableState(this.layer, this.id)
return "Current state:<br>" + data
@ -453,121 +453,6 @@ addLayer("f", {
// This layer is mostly minimal but it uses a custom prestige type and a clickable
addLayer("f", {
startData() { return {
unlocked: false,
points: new Decimal(0),
boop: false,
clickables: {[11]: "Start"} // Optional default Clickable state
color:() => "#FE0102",
requires() {return new Decimal(10)},
resource: "farm points",
baseResource: "candies",
baseAmount() {return player.points},
type: "custom", // A "Custom" type which is effectively static
exponent: 0.5,
base: 3,
roundUpCost: true,
canBuyMax:() => true,
gainMult() {
return new Decimal(1)
gainExp() {
return new Decimal(1)
row: 1,
layerShown() {return true},
branches: ["c"], // When this layer appears, a branch will appear from this layer to any layers here. Each entry can be a pair consisting of a layer id and a color.
tooltipLocked() { // Optional, tooltip displays when the layer is locked
return ("This weird farmer dinosaur will only see you if you have at least " + this.requires() + " candies. You only have " + formatWhole(player.points))
midsection: [
"blank", ['display-image', 'https://images.beano.com/store/24ab3094eb95e5373bca1ccd6f330d4406db8d1f517fc4170b32e146f80d?auto=compress%2Cformat&dpr=1&w=390'],
["display-text", "Bork bork!"]
// The following are only currently used for "custom" Prestige type:
prestigeButtonText() { //Is secretly HTML
if (!this.canBuyMax()) return "Hi! I'm a <u>weird dinosaur</u> and I'll give you a Farm Point in exchange for all of your candies and lollipops! (At least " + formatWhole(tmp[this.layer].nextAt) + " candies)"
if (this.canBuyMax()) return "Hi! I'm a <u>weird dinosaur</u> and I'll give you <b>" + formatWhole(tmp[this.layer].resetGain) + "</b> Farm Points in exchange for all of your candies and lollipops! (You'll get another one at " + formatWhole(tmp[layer].nextAtDisp) + " candies)"
getResetGain() {
return getResetGain(this.layer, useType = "static")
getNextAt(canMax=false) { //
return getNextAt(this.layer, canMax, useType = "static")
canReset() {
return tmp[this.layer].baseAmount.gte(tmp[this.layer].nextAt)
// This is also non minimal, a Clickable!
clickables: {
rows: 1,
cols: 1,
masterButtonPress() { // Optional, reset things and give back your currency. Having this function makes a respec button appear
if (getClickableState(this.layer, 11) == "Borkened...")
player[this.layer].clickables[11] = "Start"
masterButtonText() {return (getClickableState(this.layer, 11) == "Borkened...") ? "Fix the clickable!" : "Does nothing"}, // Text on Respec button, optional
11: {
title:() => "Clicky clicky!", // Optional, displayed at the top in a larger font
display() { // Everything else displayed in the buyable button after the title
let data = getClickableState(this.layer, this.id)
return "Current state:<br>" + data
unlocked() { return player[this.layer].unlocked },
canClick() {
return getClickableState(this.layer, this.id) !== "Borkened..."},
onClick() {
switch(getClickableState(this.layer, this.id)){
case "Start":
player[this.layer].clickables[this.id] = "A new state!"
case "A new state!":
player[this.layer].clickables[this.id] = "Keep going!"
case "Keep going!":
player[this.layer].clickables[this.id] = "Maybe that's a bit too far..."
case "Maybe that's a bit too far...":
player[this.layer].clickables[this.id] = "Borkened..."
player[this.layer].clickables[this.id] = "Start"
style() {
switch(getClickableState(this.layer, this.id)){
case "Start":
return {'background-color': 'green'}
case "A new state!":
return {'background-color': 'yellow'}
case "Keep going!":
return {'background-color': 'orange'}
case "Maybe that's a bit too far...":
return {'background-color': 'red'}
return {}
// This layer is mostly minimal but it uses a custom prestige type and a clickable
addLayer("a", {
startData() { return {
Add table
Reference in a new issue