233 lines
9.9 KiB
233 lines
9.9 KiB
import fs from "fs";
import path from "path";
import wordCounting from "word-counting";
import { walk } from "./utils/fs-utils.js";
import util from 'node:util';
import child_process from 'node:child_process';
const exec = util.promisify(child_process.exec);
function toSlug(string: string) {
return string.toLowerCase().replaceAll(' ', '-');
(async () => {
const blockRefs: Record<string, string> = {};
const blockLinks: Record<string, string> = {};
const indices: string[] = [];
await walk("./garden-output/logseq-pages", (dir, file, resolve) => {
const filePath = path.resolve(dir, file);
const data = fs.readFileSync(filePath).toString();
const slug = path.basename(file, ".md").replaceAll('___', '/').replaceAll(/%3F/gi, '')
.replace('what-is-content-', 'what-is-content');
for (const match of data.matchAll(/(.*)\n\s*id:: (.*)/gm)) {
const text = match[1];
const id = match[2];
const link = `/garden/${slug}#${id}`;
blockLinks[id] = link;
blockRefs[id] = `[${text}](${link})`;
if (data.match(/index: "true"/g)) {
const pageLinks: Record<string, string> = {};
const taggedBy: Record<string, string[]> = {};
const tagged: Record<string, string[]> = {};
const referencedBy: Record<string, string[]> = {};
// Walk through the pages to make sure we get the canonical name page (pre-slug)
// The logseq-export README made it sound like even the title property is transformed sometimes
await walk("./Garden/pages", (dir, file, resolve) => {
const filePath = path.resolve(dir, file);
let data = fs.readFileSync(filePath).toString();
if (data.match(/public::/g) == null) {
const startPrivate = data.indexOf("- private");
if (startPrivate > 0) {
data = data.slice(0, startPrivate);
const name = path.basename(file, ".md").replaceAll('___', '/');
const slug = toSlug(name).replaceAll(/%3F/gi, '').replaceAll('\'', '-');
const link = `/garden/${slug}`;
pageLinks[name.replaceAll(/%3F/gi, '?')] = link;
for (const match of data.matchAll(/alias:: (.*)/g)) {
match[1].split(", ").forEach(page => (pageLinks[page] = link));
for (const match of data.matchAll(/tags:: (.*)/g)) {
match[1].split(", ").forEach(page => {
const pageSlug = toSlug(page);
taggedBy[pageSlug] = [...(taggedBy[pageSlug] ?? []), name];
tagged[slug] = [...(tagged[slug] ?? []), page];
await walk("./Garden/pages", (dir, file, resolve) => {
const filePath = path.resolve(dir, file);
let data = fs.readFileSync(filePath).toString();
if (data.match(/public::/g) == null) {
const name = path.basename(file, ".md").replaceAll('___', '/');
const slug = toSlug(name).replaceAll(/%3F/gi, '').replaceAll('\'', '-');
if (!indices.includes(slug)) {
for (const match of data.matchAll(/\[\[([^\[\]]*)\]\]/g)) {
const pageSlug = pageLinks[match[1].replaceAll(/%3F/gi, '?')];
referencedBy[pageSlug] = [...(referencedBy[pageSlug] ?? []),
name.replaceAll(/%3F/gi, '?')];
Object.keys(referencedBy).forEach(page => {
referencedBy[page] = Array.from(new Set(referencedBy[page]));
// Move everything from ./garden-output/logseq-assets into ./public/garden
fs.mkdirSync("./content/garden", { recursive: true });
await walk("./garden-output/logseq-pages", async (dir, file, resolve) => {
const filePath = path.resolve(dir, file);
let data = fs.readFileSync(filePath).toString();
// Count word counts with a special set of transformations that should make it more accurate
const strippedData = data.replace(/---\n[\S\s]*\n---/gm, '').replaceAll(/.*::.*/g, '')
.replaceAll(/\[([^\]]*)\]\(.*\)/g, '$1');
const wc = wordCounting(strippedData).wordsCount;
data = data.replace(/---\n\n/gm, `wordCount: ${wc}\n---\n\n`);
data = data.replace(/public: .*\n/, '');
data = data.replace(/slug: .*\n/, '');
data = data.replace(/alias: .*\n/, '');
const contentPath =
path.resolve("./content/garden", path.relative("./garden-output/logseq-pages", file));
const firstCommit =
exec(`git log -n 1 --diff-filter=A --format="%H,%at" -- "${contentPath}"`)
.then(output => output.stdout)
.catch(err =>
console.warn(`Error calculating first commit for ${contentPath}:\n${err}`));
const lastCommit =
exec(`git log -n 1 --diff-filter=M --format="%H,%at" -- "${contentPath}"`)
.then(output => output.stdout)
.catch(err =>
console.warn(`Error calculating last commit for ${contentPath}:\n${err}`));
const [hash, timestampString] = (await firstCommit)?.trim().split(",") ?? ["", ""];
const timestamp = parseInt(timestampString);
data = data.replace(/---\n\n/gm,
`published:\n hash: ${hash}\n timestamp: ${timestamp * 1000}\n---\n\n`);
if (await lastCommit) {
const [hash, timestampString] = (await lastCommit)!.trim().split(",");
const timestamp = parseInt(timestampString);
data = data.replace(/---\n\n/gm,
`edited:\n hash: ${hash}\n timestamp: ${timestamp * 1000}\n---\n\n`);
// Replace youtube embeds
data = data.replaceAll(
/{{video https:\/\/(?:www\.)?youtube\.com\/watch\?v=(.*)}}/g,
'<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/$1" title="" frameBorder="0" allowFullScreen />');
// Replace internal links
data = data.replaceAll(
// Replace block links
data = data.replaceAll(
(_, id) => blockRefs[id]);
// Remove id:: lines
data = data.replaceAll(
/(#+) (.*)\n\s*id:: (.*)/gm,
(_, h, title, id) => `<h${h.length} id="${id}">${title}</h${h.length}>\n`);
data = data.replaceAll(
/(.*)\n\s*id:: (.*)/gm,
'<span id="$2">$1</span>');
// Fix internal links with spaces not getting mapped
data = data.replaceAll(
(_, page) => `[${page}](${pageLinks[page]})`);
// Fix internal asset links
data = data.replaceAll(
// Fix logseq block links
data = data.replaceAll(
(_, block) => `${blockLinks[block]})`);
// Fix logseq page links
data = data.replaceAll(
(_, page) => `${pageLinks[page.replaceAll('%20', ' ')]})`);
// Wrap images
data = data.replaceAll(
(_, title, src) => `:postsCard{image="${src}" alt="${title}"}`)
// Add tags and references
const title = path.basename(file, ".md");
if (title in tagged) {
data = data.replace(/tags: \[.*\]\n/, '');
data = data.replaceAll(
`tags:\n${tagged[title].map(tag =>
` ${tag}: ${pageLinks[tag]}`).join("\n")}\n---\n\n`);
if (title in taggedBy) {
data = data.replaceAll(
`taggedBy:\n${taggedBy[title].map(page =>
` ${page}: ${pageLinks[page]}`).join("\n")}\n---\n\n`);
// TODO show context on references? Perhaps in a `::: info` block?
const pageTitle = data.match(/title: "(.+)"/)?.[1] ?? "";
if (pageLinks[pageTitle] in referencedBy) {
data = data.replaceAll(
`referencedBy:\n${referencedBy[pageLinks[pageTitle]].map(page =>
` ${page}: ${pageLinks[page]}`).join("\n")}\n---\n\n`);
// Fix links to /now
data = data.replace('NOW', '/now')
data = data.replaceAll('___', '/');
const folders = path.relative(dir, file).split('___');
const filename = folders.splice(folders.length - 1, 1)[0];
fs.mkdirSync(path.resolve("./content/garden", ...folders), { recursive: true });
const fd = fs.openSync(path.resolve("./content/garden", ...folders, filename), "w+");
fs.writeSync(fd, data);
// Move everything from ./garden-output/logseq-assets into ./public/garden
fs.mkdirSync("./public/garden", { recursive: true });
await walk("./garden-output/logseq-assets", (dir, file, resolve) => {
fs.copyFileSync(path.resolve(dir, file), path.resolve("./public/garden",
// For what is content, remove the - at the end
// Save favorites to assets
const favorites = (fs.readFileSync("./Garden/logseq/config.edn").toString()
.matchAll(/:favorites \["([^\]]+)"\]/g).next()?.value as string)[1]?.split("\" \"")
.map(page => ({ text: page, link: `/garden/${page.toLowerCase().replaceAll(' ', '-')}` }));
const fd = fs.openSync("./assets/favorites.json", "w+");
fs.writeSync(fd, JSON.stringify(favorites));