211 lines
11 KiB
211 lines
11 KiB
addLayer("s", {
name: "school",
symbol: "S",
color: schoolColor,
branches: [ 'e', 'c' ],
row: 2,
position: 2,
resource: "enrollments",
baseResource: "experience",
infoboxes: {
lore: {
title: "school",
body: `With all this <span style="color: ${experienceColor}">programming experience</span>, you think you finally have what it takes to go to college. It'll take a lot of <span style="color: ${cashColor}">cash</span>, and require a lot of <span style="color: ${experienceColor}">experience</span> to get accepted, but the payoff for a formal education should maybe probably help you make games faster.<br/><br/>` +
`Each class has very powerful effects, but costs an exorbitant amount of <span style="color: ${cashColor}">cash</span>. Enrolling in multiple colleges helps you take further advantage of this knowledge.<br/><br/>` +
`Additionally, the more classes you take the more you should be able to write quick automation scripts to push out <span style="color: ${updatesColor}">builds</span> and such automatically!`
resetDescription: "Apply to another college for ",
startData() { return {
unlocked: false,
best: new Decimal(0),
points: new Decimal(0),
classes: new Decimal(0),
time: new Decimal(0),
"auto-update": false,
"auto-upgradehardware": false,
"auto-experience": false,
"auto-cash": false
layerShown() { return player[this.layer].unlocked || (player.r.total.gte(1) && player.f.best.gte(1)) },
type: "static",
requires: new Decimal(1e6),
base: new Decimal(8),
baseAmount() { return player.e.points },
exponent: 1.2,
gainMult() {
mult = new Decimal(1)
if (hasUpgrade("g", 22) && !inChallenge("d", 11)) mult = mult.div(upgradeEffect("g", 22))
if (hasUpgrade("l", 14)) mult = mult.div(upgradeEffect("l", 14))
return mult
gainExp() {
return new Decimal(1)
roundUpCost: true,
effect() {
return new Decimal(1).add(new Decimal(0.05).mul(player.s.points))
effectDescription() {
return `which raise your class effects to the ^${format(this.effect())} power.`
doReset(resettingLayer) {
if (['t', 'd', 'l'].includes(resettingLayer)) {
layerDataReset(this.layer, ["auto-both", "auto-cash", "auto-experience", "auto-update", "auto-upgradehardware"])
const buyablesAmount = layers.d.effect()
setBuyableAmount("s", 11, buyablesAmount)
setBuyableAmount("s", 12, buyablesAmount)
setBuyableAmount("s", 21, buyablesAmount)
setBuyableAmount("s", 22, buyablesAmount)
resetsNothing() { return hasMilestone("d", 2) },
hotkeys: [
key: "s",
description: "Press S to apply for college",
onPress() { if (canReset(this.layer)) doReset(this.layer) }
tabFormat: [
["infobox", "lore"],
["display-text", () => `You've taken a total of ${player.s.classes.add(layers.d.effect().times(4))} classes`],
update(diff) {
if (hasMilestone("s", 1) && player.s["auto-update"] && canReset("u")) {
player.s.time = player.s.time.add(diff)
if (player.s.time.gte(new Decimal(1).div(buyableEffect("s", 21)))) {
if (hasMilestone("s", 2) && player.s["auto-upgradehardware"]) {
while (buyBuyable("c", 11)) { }
if (hasMilestone("s", 4)) {
if (hasMilestone("d", 1)) {
if (player.s["auto-both"] && (canReset("e") || canReset("c"))) {
if (hasMilestone("s", 5)) {
const mul = player.s.time.div(new Decimal(1).div(buyableEffect("s", 21))).sqrt()
addPoints("e", getResetGain("e").mul(mul))
addPoints("c", getResetGain("c").mul(mul))
} else doReset("e")
} else {
if (player.s["auto-experience"] && canReset("e")) {
if (player.s["auto-cash"] && canReset("c")) {
player.s.time = new Decimal(0)
shouldNotify() {
if (!player.s.best.gt(0)) return false
return canAffordPurchase("c", layers[this.layer].buyables[11], layers[this.layer].buyables[11].cost()) ||
canAffordPurchase("c", layers[this.layer].buyables[12], layers[this.layer].buyables[12].cost()) ||
canAffordPurchase("c", layers[this.layer].buyables[21], layers[this.layer].buyables[21].cost()) ||
canAffordPurchase("c", layers[this.layer].buyables[22], layers[this.layer].buyables[22].cost())
buyables: {
rows: 2,
cols: 2,
11: {
title: "CS 1337 Computer Science",
cost() { return getBuyableAmount("s", 11).sub(layers.d.effect()).add(6).pow10() },
display() { return `Each class additively raises the effectiveness of experience on productivity to the power of +.025<br/><br/>Currently: ^${format(this.effect())}<br/><br/>Next upgrade cost: ${format(this.cost())} cash` },
canAfford() { return player.c.points.gte(this.cost()) && player.s.best.gte(1) },
effect() { return getBuyableAmount("s", 11).pow(layers.s.effect()).mul(0.025).add(1) },
buy() {
if (!hasUpgrade("l", 14) || inChallenge("d", 21)) player.c.points = player.c.points.sub(this.cost())
setBuyableAmount("s", 11, getBuyableAmount("s", 11).add(1))
player[this.layer].classes = player[this.layer].classes.add(1)
12: {
title: "CS 2305 Discrete Math",
cost() { return getBuyableAmount("s", 12).sub(layers.d.effect()).mul(2).add(8).pow10() },
display() { return `Each class divides the productivity slowdown modifier exponent by 1.05<br/><br/>Currently: ^${format(this.effect())}<br/><br/>Next upgrade cost: ${format(this.cost())} cash` },
canAfford() { return player.c.points.gte(this.cost()) && player.s.best.gte(1) },
effect() { return new Decimal(1).div(new Decimal(1.05).pow(getBuyableAmount("s", 12))) },
buy() {
if (!hasUpgrade("l", 14) || inChallenge("d", 21)) player.c.points = player.c.points.sub(this.cost())
setBuyableAmount("s", 12, getBuyableAmount("s", 12).add(1))
player[this.layer].classes = player[this.layer].classes.add(1)
21: {
title: "CS 3354 Software Engineering",
cost() { return getBuyableAmount("s", 21).sub(layers.d.effect()).mul(3).add(9).pow10() },
display() { return `Each class additively speeds this layer's automation milestones by 50%<br/><br/>Currently: x${format(this.effect())}<br/><br/>Next upgrade cost: ${format(this.cost())} cash` },
canAfford() { return player.c.points.gte(this.cost()) && player.s.best.gte(1) },
effect() { return new Decimal(.5).mul(getBuyableAmount("s", 21).pow(layers.s.effect())).add(1) },
buy() {
if (!hasUpgrade("l", 14) || inChallenge("d", 21)) player.c.points = player.c.points.sub(this.cost())
setBuyableAmount("s", 21, getBuyableAmount("s", 21).add(1))
player[this.layer].classes = player[this.layer].classes.add(1)
22: {
title: "CS 4352 Human Computer Interactions",
cost() { return getBuyableAmount("s", 22).sub(layers.d.effect()).mul(4).add(10).pow10() },
display() { return `Each class increases the effect of upgrading hardware by +.05<br/><br/>Currently: +${format(this.effect())}<br/><br/>Next upgrade cost: ${format(this.cost())} cash` },
canAfford() { return player.c.points.gte(this.cost()) && player.s.best.gte(1) },
effect() { return getBuyableAmount("s", 22).pow(layers.s.effect()).mul(0.05) },
buy() {
if (!hasUpgrade("l", 14) || inChallenge("d", 21)) player.c.points = player.c.points.sub(this.cost())
setBuyableAmount("s", 22, getBuyableAmount("s", 22).add(1))
player[this.layer].classes = player[this.layer].classes.add(1)
milestones: {
0: {
requirementDescription: "1 class taken",
effectDescription: "Retain all Update upgrades",
done() { return player[this.layer].classes.add(layers.d.effect().times(4)).gte(1) }
1: {
requirementDescription: "3 classes taken",
effectDescription: "Automatically reset Update layer",
done() { return player[this.layer].classes.add(layers.d.effect().times(4)).gte(3) },
toggles: [["s", "auto-update"]],
unlocked() { return player[this.layer].classes.add(layers.d.effect().times(4)).gte(1) }
2: {
requirementDescription: "5 classes taken",
effectDescription: "Automatically buy Upgrade Hardware every second",
done() { return player[this.layer].classes.add(layers.d.effect().times(4)).gte(5) },
toggles: [["s", "auto-upgradehardware"]],
unlocked() { return player[this.layer].classes.add(layers.d.effect().times(4)).gte(3) }
3: {
requirementDescription: "7 classes taken",
effectDescription: "Retain Cash Revenue upgrades",
done() { return player[this.layer].classes.add(layers.d.effect().times(4)).gte(7) },
unlocked() { return player[this.layer].classes.add(layers.d.effect().times(4)).gte(5) }
4: {
requirementDescription: "9 classes taken",
effectDescription: "Automatically reset Experience and Cash layers every second<br/>(Recommended to only do 1 at a time)",
done() { return player[this.layer].classes.add(layers.d.effect().times(4)).gte(9) },
toggles() { return hasMilestone("d", 1) ? [["s", "auto-both"]] : [["s", "auto-experience"], ["s", "auto-cash"]] },
unlocked() { return player[this.layer].classes.add(layers.d.effect().times(4)).gte(7) }
5: {
requirementDescription: "25 classes taken",
effectDescription: "Experience and Cash layers reset nothing, and the previous milestone can reset multiple times per tick, with diminishing returns",
done() { return player[this.layer].classes.add(layers.d.effect().times(4)).gte(25) },
unlocked() { return player[this.layer].classes.add(layers.d.effect().times(4)).gte(9) }