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import{_ as e,c as a,o as t,d as r}from"./app.99998402.js";const s="/assets/screenshot.3bf794a2.png",o="/assets/babblemmscreenshot.7646b6c2.png",g=JSON.parse('{"title":"Babble Buds","description":"","frontmatter":{"title":"Babble Buds"},"headers":[{"level":2,"title":"Engine","slug":"engine","link":"#engine","children":[]},{"level":2,"title":"Babble Movie Maker","slug":"babble-movie-maker","link":"#babble-movie-maker","children":[]}],"relativePath":"projects/babble/","lastUpdated":1669877232000}'),n={name:"projects/babble/"},i=r('<h1 id="babble-buds" tabindex="-1">Babble Buds <a class="header-anchor" href="#babble-buds" aria-hidden="true">#</a></h1><p><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer">Babble Buds Homepage</a></p><p>Source Code:</p><ul><li><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer">Babble Buds</a></li><li><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer">Babble Movie Maker</a></li><li><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer">babble.js</a></li><li><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer">babble.cs</a></li></ul><p>Babble buds is a free, open-source virtual puppet show software. It is heavily based on the non-public software called &quot;Puppet Pals&quot;, used in URealms Live. The software is written in javascript using React, a rendering library called PIXI.js, and electron.</p><p>Users can create puppets with different faces for different emotions, and then use the puppet on a stage where you and other users can each make your respective puppets move, change emotions, and &quot;babble&quot; at each other. The stage has a green screen feature and can be popped out, which gives the users tons of possibilities in terms of using the program for a role-playing live stream, faux video chatting with friends, game development, or whatever else you want!</p><p>Users can connect to the public server and create private rooms so that they and their friends can see each other&#39;s puppets and use the software however they please. For the security conscious, you can also use the server&#39;s source code to self-host your private server.</p><p><img src="'+s+'" alt="Babble Buds Screenshot"></p><h2 id="engine" tabindex="-1">Engine <a class="header-anchor" href="#engine" aria-hidden="true">#</a></h2><p>The engine originally made to make the Babble Buds program was separated into a separate engine called <code>babble.js</code>, so that projects created in Babble Buds can be used in other projects. For example, a game can create puppets in Babble Buds and then use them for cutscenes or player agency inside of the game. Additionally, it has been ported to C# (called <code>babble.cs</code>) for use with Unity, for the same kinds of purposes. You can check out <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer">Tower Offense</a> for a pixi.js game using Babble Buds puppets for the cutscenes, or <a href="./../dice/">Dice Armor</a> for a unity game using Babble Buds puppets for the cutscenes.</p><h2 id="babble-movie-maker" tabindex="-1">Babble Movie Maker <a class="header-anchor" href="#babble-movie-maker" aria-hidden="true">#</a></h2><p>Babble Movie Maker is a cutscene editor for Babble Buds puppets. You open a babble buds project in it, and you can add actors to a stage and have them move and change expressions, etc., on a timeline. You can then use the cutscene in a game using <code>babble.js</code> or <code>babble.cs</code>, or export the cutscene into a video file. There is even support for defining custom commands with custom fields, so that if you&#39;ve expanded upon the default actions provided in <code>babble.js</code> or <code>babble.cs</code>, you can still use Movie Maker to create your cutscenes.</p><p><img src="'+o+'" alt="Babble MM Screenshot"></p>',13),b=[i];function c(l,p,d,h,u,f){return t(),a("div",null,b)}const v=e(n,[["render",c]]);export{g as __pageData,v as default};