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import{d as r}from"./chunks/";import{M as o,q as i,Q as e,K as s,u as t,ag as n,p as l}from"./chunks/framework.Sr2_9k8k.js";const h=e("h1",{class:"p-name"},"A Plea to Organize",-1),c=["innerHTML"],u=n('<hr><p>If you take one message from this letter, let it be this: <strong>Organize!</strong> Seek out a local mutual aid group via <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer">Mutual Aid Hub</a> or join a progressive political organization like the <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer">DSA</a>. Whether you&#39;re providing aid, receiving it, or working alongside fellow progressives, solidarity is our strongest tool.</p><p>The following is both a call to action and a guide for building a socialist movement that will not only resist but overcome the regressive forces steering our nation.</p><h2 id="the-democrat-party-has-betrayed-you" tabindex="-1">The Democrat Party has Betrayed You <a class="header-anchor" href="#the-democrat-party-has-betrayed-you" aria-label="Permalink to &quot;The Democrat Party has Betrayed You&quot;"></a></h2><blockquote><p>The US is also a one party state but with typical American extravagance, they have two of them.<br> -Julius Nyerere</p></blockquote><p>Trump&#39;s victory isn&#39;t simply a failure of the American electorate—it highlights the absence of a true progressive candidate. The Democrat Party, despite its claims, hasn&#39;t delivered on key progressive issues. From the <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer">civil rights movement</a> to <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer">women&#39;s suffrage</a> to <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer">gay rights</a>, change has always come from grassroots struggle, not the political elites. The Democrat party&#39;s consistent move rightward has betrayed working-class interests, serving capitalist agendas instead.</p><p>While the Biden administration touts economic recovery, <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer">public sentiment doesn&#39;t match</a>. Wage stagnation, unaffordable housing, and unaddressed inflation expose the gap between their rhetoric and the lived experiences of most Americans. Despite popular support and a government trifecta, his administration failed to raise the national minimum wage or fix it to inflation. They&#39;ve failed to institute or expand price controls on food or rent. They passed the inflation reduction act of 2022, but it was not enough.</p><p>Harris&#39; platform was not even <em>socially</em> progressive, as evidenced by their <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer">non-action on trans rights</a>. Harris dodging a question a month before the election about protecting trans rights by saying &quot;<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer">follow the law</a>&quot;, despite the law currently being transphobic and actively getting worse in many states. She then took a transmedicalist stance on trans rights, saying she only supported gender-affirming care when a doctor deemed it &quot;medically necessary&quot;.</p><p>Harris campaigned on unity, which to her meant courting Republican figures, most notably Dick Cheney and his daughter <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer">Liz Cheney</a>. This underscores the Democrats&#39; strategy: appeal to the right, even at the expense of progressive values. This is why &quot;pushin