<p>I'd make this image larger using width: 100%, but imagemap doesn't work with percentage-based coordinates and you'd have to use javascript to make it work... or just use absolutely positioned anchor tags. </p>
<li>BS in Computer Science at University of Texas at Dallas</li>
<li>React JS</li>
<p>These are the courses I have taken or am taking on my path to getting a MS in Computer Science (Computer Interaction track) at the University of Texas at Dallas.</p>
<p>This is the part where I use Javascript (even though most of this could be done with CSS)!</p>
<pclass="instruction">Hover over the image to activate the mouse enter/leave events:</p>
<pclass="instruction">Press 'F' to play a sequence of fade animations:</p>
<pclass="instruction">Press 'A' down to play a sequence of non-fade animations:</p>
<imgid="target"class="target"src="https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/439/882/4f7.png"alt="This is how lil kids look when they cough"title="its a meme you dip"/>
<span>Psst... I made </span><aclass="link"href="http://thepaperpilot.org/toweroffense/">this game</a><span> with some friends. I did all the HTML, CSS, and Javascript coding (although I did use the pixi.js library instead of rendering directly to a canvas)</span>