160 lines
4.1 KiB
160 lines
4.1 KiB
var tmp = {}
// Tmp will not call these
var activeFunctions = [
"startData", "onPrestige", "doReset", "update", "automate",
"buy", "buyMax", "respec", "onComplete", "onPurchase", "onPress", "onClick", "masterButtonPress",
"sellOne", "sellAll",
var noCall = doNotCallTheseFunctionsEveryTick
for (item in noCall) {
function setupTemp() {
tmp = {}
tmp.pointGen = {}
tmp.displayThings = []
setupTempData(layers, tmp)
for (layer in layers){
tmp[layer].resetGain = {}
tmp[layer].nextAt = {}
tmp[layer].nextAtDisp = {}
tmp[layer].notify = {}
tmp[layer].canReset = {}
tmp[layer].activeChallenge = {}
tmp[layer].prestigeButtonText = {}
function setupTempData(layerData, tmpData) {
for (item in layerData){
if (layerData[item] == null) {
tmpData[item] = null
else if (layerData[item] instanceof Decimal)
tmpData[item] = layerData[item]
else if (Array.isArray(layerData[item])) {
tmpData[item] = []
setupTempData(layerData[item], tmpData[item])
else if ((!!layerData[item]) && (layerData[item].constructor === Object)) {
tmpData[item] = {}
setupTempData(layerData[item], tmpData[item])
else if (isFunction(layerData[item]) && !activeFunctions.includes(item)){
tmpData[item] = new Decimal(1) // The safest thing to put probably?
} else {
tmpData[item] = layerData[item]
function updateTemp() {
if (tmp === undefined)
updateTempData(layers, tmp)
for (layer in layers){
tmp[layer].resetGain = getResetGain(layer)
tmp[layer].nextAt = getNextAt(layer)
tmp[layer].nextAtDisp = getNextAt(layer, true)
tmp[layer].notify = shouldNotify(layer)
tmp[layer].canReset = canReset(layer)
tmp[layer].activeChallenge = player[layer].activeChallenge
tmp[layer].prestigeButtonText = prestigeButtonText(layer)
tmp.pointGen = getPointGen()
tmp.displayThings = []
for (thing in displayThings){
let text = displayThings[thing]
if (isFunction(text)) text = text()
function updateTempData(layerData, tmpData) {
for (item in layerData){
if (Array.isArray(layerData[item])) {
updateTempData(layerData[item], tmpData[item])
else if ((!!layerData[item]) && (layerData[item].constructor === Object)) {
updateTempData(layerData[item], tmpData[item])
else if (isFunction(layerData[item]) && !activeFunctions.includes(item)){
Vue.set(tmpData, item, layerData[item]())
function updateChallengeTemp(layer)
updateTempData(layers[layer].challenges, tmp[layer].challenges)
function updateBuyableTemp(layer)
updateTempData(layers[layer].buyables, tmp[layer].buyables)
function updateClickableTemp(layer)
updateTempData(layers[layer].clickables, tmp[layer].clickables)
var DIR_MARGINS = ["margin-bottom", "margin-top", "margin-right", "margin-left"]
function constructBarStyles(layer){
if (layers[layer].bars === undefined)
for (id in layers[layer].bars){
if (id !== "layer") {
let bar = tmp[layer].bars[id]
if (bar.progress instanceof Decimal)
bar.progress = bar.progress.toNumber()
bar.progress = (1 -Math.min(Math.max(bar.progress, 0), 1)) * 100
bar.dims = {'width': bar.width + "px", 'height': bar.height + "px"}
let dir = bar.direction
bar.fillDims = {'width': (bar.width + 0.5) + "px", 'height': (bar.height + 0.5) + "px"}
if (dir !== undefined)
bar.fillDims['clip-path'] = 'inset(0% 50% 0% 0%)'
if(dir == UP){
bar.fillDims['clip-path'] = 'inset(' + bar.progress + '% 0% 0% 0%)'
else if(dir == DOWN){
bar.fillDims['clip-path'] = 'inset(0% 0% ' + bar.progress + '% 0%)'
else if(dir == RIGHT){
bar.fillDims['clip-path'] = 'inset(0% ' + bar.progress + '% 0% 0%)'
else if(dir == LEFT){
bar.fillDims['clip-path'] = 'inset(0% 0% 0% ' + bar.progress + '%)'
function setupBarStyles(layer){
if (layers[layer].bars === undefined)
for (id in layers[layer].bars){
let bar = tmp[layer].bars[id]
bar.dims = {}
let dir = bar.direction
bar.fillDims = {}