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import{d as o}from"./chunks/";import{M as n,q as s,Q as e,K as r,u as a,ag as i,p as l}from"./chunks/framework.Sr2_9k8k.js";const c=e("h1",{class:"p-name"},"Orchard",-1),h=["innerHTML"],d=i('<hr><details><summary>Referenced by:</summary><a href="/now/index">/now</a></details><details><summary>Tags:</summary><a href="/garden/my-projects/">My Projects</a></details><p>This is an app I&#39;m designing and at least building a mock for. I&#39;d like it to either get built directly into <a href="/garden/commune/">Commune</a> or integrate with it. The purpose of the app is to organize and grow a <a href="/garden/network-of-knowledge/">Network of Knowledge</a> (or <a href="/garden/digital-gardens/">Digital Garden</a>) sorted by topic. It achieves this through a concept called message gardening, the process of converting casual conversations into formal, referenceable stores of knowledge.</p><p>The problem I have that I&#39;m trying to solve is having a lot of conversations about various topics stretching back far into the past and across many platforms. I often want to review something I said on a given topic and find it difficult to do so. This app would make it far easier to retrieve my notes on any topic. It&#39;s different than a traditional note-taking app because it works with conversations directly, which is how my &quot;notes&quot; on a topic initially start out as. As a secondary effect, this will also fix some of the issues described in the <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer">chat glue</a> comic. I&#39;d like it to eventually support even more of the ideas proposed in that comment, like replies and reactions to parts of a message.</p><p>The main way you interact with the app is by conversing. As you converse in your group chats and DMs, which are technically through matrix but can bridge to other platforms like discord, you can specify topic changes. These will break the conversation up into pieces, and each piece gets added to each of the topics it was about (with links to the convo from before and after that one). If a piece was about multiple topics it forms a link between those topics and considers them in some way related. These links are represented as lines in the topics graph, and cause the topics to be physically closer within the graph. Topics can use slashes to indicate hierarchy, which will also place them next to each other in the graph.</p><h2 id="non-conversation-notes" tabindex="-1">Non-conversation notes <a class="header-anchor" href="#non-conversation-notes" aria-label="Permalink to &quot;Non-conversation notes&quot;"></a></h2><p>In addition to including conversations, I want to support freeform notes that also discuss one or more topics. Through leaf&#39;s compositional structure, in theory any entity should be able to be added to the network.</p><p>Another type of non-conversation note could be excerpts from online articles, which could be automatically cited.</p><p>When allowing these kinds of notes, users should be encouraged to split notes as small as possible. This allows us to avoid needing something like <a href="/garden/garden-rss/">Garden-RSS</a> by just showing that a note has updated, and showing the new content.</p><h2 id="communal-networks" tabindex="-1">Communal Networks <a class="header-anchor" href="#communal-networks" aria-label="Permalink to &quot;Communal Networks&quot;"></a></h2><p>By integrating with commune on the server side, the network could be maintained by the entire community, allowing any (trusted) members to mark topic changes. This has the benefit of making maintenance easier on any individual, but also it means users wanting to catch up on the conversations can now do so via the graph, ignoring any conversations that don&#39;t mention any topics that user doesn&#39;t particularly care about.</p><h2 id="federation" tabindex="-1">Federation <a class="header-anchor" href="#federation" aria-label="Permalink to &quot;Federation&quot;"></a></h2><p>Allow clients to &quot;follow&quot; those communal networks