<spanclass="line"><spanstyle="--shiki-light:#24292E;--shiki-dark:#E1E4E8;">}</span></span></code></pre></div><p>Features can be functions or constant. These features will be called when each particle is made, with an <code>id</code> argument, which is assigned based on which of the <code>amount</code> particles being spawned this is. <strong>All of these are optional</strong>, with a default value.</p><p>All distances are in pixels and angles are in degrees, with 0 being up and going clockwise.</p><ul><li><p>time: The amount of time, in seconds, that the particle will last. Default is 3.</p></li><li><p>fadeOutTime: The amount of seconds that fading out at the end should take (part of the total lifetime). Default is 1.</p></li><li><p>fadeInTime: The amount of seconds that fading in should take (part of the total lifetime). Default is 0.</p></li><li><p>image: The image the particle should display. <code>""</code> will display no image. Default is a generic particle.</p></li><li><p>text: Displays text on the particle. Can use basic HTML.</p></li><li><p>style: Lets you apply other CSS styling to the particle.</p></li><li><p>width, height: The dimensions of the particle. Default is 35 and 35.</p></li><li><p>color: Sets the color of the image to this color.</p></li><li><p>angle: The angle that the particle should face. Default is 0.</p></li><li><p>dir: The initial angle that the particles should move in, before spread is factored in. Default is whatever angle is.</p></li><li><p>spread: If there are several particles, they will be spread out by this many degrees, centered on dir. Default is 30.</p></li><li><p>rotation: The amount that the (visual) angle of the particle should change by. Default is 0.</p></li><li><p>speed: The starting speed of the particle. Default is 15.</p></li><li><p>gravity: The amount the particle should accelerate downwards. Default is 0.</p></li><li><p>x, y: The starting coordinates of the particle. Default is at the mouse position.</p></li><li><p>offset: How far from the start each particle should appear. Default is 10.</p></li><li><p>xVel, yVel: Set initially based on other properties, then used to update movement.</p></li><li><p>layer: When changing tabs, if leaving the <code>layer</code> tab, this particle will be erased.</p></li><li><p>You can add other features to particles, but you must impliment their effects yourself.</p></li></ul><p>Function features: These stay as functions and are for more advanced things. They are optional.</p><ul><li>update(): Called each tick. Lets you do more advanced visual and movement behaviors by changing other properties.</li><li>onClick(), onMouseOver(), onMouseLeave(): Called when the particle is interacted with.</li></ul><p>Other useful things that are not features of the particle object:</p><ul><li>setDir(particle, dir), setSpeed(particle, speed): Set the speed/direction on a particle.</li><li>clearParticles(check): Function to delete particles. With no check, it deletes all particles. Check is a function that takes a particle, and returns true if that particle should be deleted.</li><li>You can use Vue.delete(particles, this.id) to make a particle delete itself.</li><li>mouseX and mouseY are variables that track the mouse position.</li><li>sin(x), cos(x), tan(x): functions that do these operations, with x in degrees. (Instead of radians).</li><li>asin(x), acos(x), atan(x): functions that do these operations, with the returned value in degrees. (instead of radians).</li></ul></div></div></main><footerclass="VPDocFooter"data-v-39a288b8data-v-d4a0bba5><!--[--><!--]--><!----><navclass="prev-next"aria-labelledby="doc-footer-aria-label"data-v-d4a0bba5><spanclass="visually-hidden"id="doc-footer-aria-label"data-v-d4a0bba5>Pager</span><divclass="pager"data-v-d4a0bba5><!----></div><divclass="pager"data-v-d4a0bba5><aclass="VPLink link pager-link next"href="/garden/my-personal-website"data-v-d4a0bba5><!--[--><spanclass="desc"data-v-d4a0bba5>Next page</span><spanclass="title"data-v-d4a0bba5>My Personal Website</span><!--]--></a></div></nav></