<spanclass="line"><spanstyle="--shiki-light:#24292E;--shiki-dark:#E1E4E8;"> }</span></span></code></pre></div><p>Each upgrade should have an id where the first digit is the row and the second digit is the column. Individual upgrades can have these features:</p><ul><li><p>title: <strong>optional</strong>, displayed at the top in a larger font It can also be a function that returns updating text. Can use basic HTML.</p></li><li><p>description: A description of the upgrade's effect. <em>You will also have to implement the effect where it is applied.</em> It can also be a function that returns updating text. Can use basic HTML.</p></li><li><p>effect(): <strong>optional</strong>, A function that calculates and returns the current values of any bonuses from the upgrade. Can return a value or an object containing multiple values.</p></li><li><p>effectDisplay(): <strong>optional</strong>, A function that returns a display of the current effects of the upgrade with formatting. Default behavior is to just display the a number appropriately formatted. Can use basic HTML.</p></li><li><p>cost: A Decimal for the cost of the upgrade. By default, upgrades cost the main prestige currency for the layer.</p></li><li><p>unlocked(): <strong>optional</strong>, A function returning a bool to determine if the upgrade is visible or not. Default is unlocked.</p></li><li><p>onPurchase() - <strong>optional</strong>, this function will be called when the upgrade is purchased. Good for upgrades like "makes this layer act like it was unlocked first".</p></li></ul><p>By default, upgrades use the main prestige currency for the layer. You can include these to change them (but it needs to be a Decimal):</p><ul><li><p>currencyDisplayName: <strong>optional</strong>, the name to display for the currency for the upgrade</p></li><li><p>currencyInternalName: <strong>optional</strong>, the internal name for that currency</p></li><li><p>currencyLayer: <strong>optional</strong>, the internal name of the layer that currency is stored in. If it's not in a layer (like Points), omit. If it's not stored directly in a layer, instead use the next feature.</p></li><li><p>currencyLocation: <strong>optional</strong>, if your currency is stored in something inside a layer (e.g. a buyable's amount), you can access it this way. This is a function returning the object in "player" that contains the value (like player[this.layer].buyables)</p></li><li><p>style: <strong>Optional</strong>, Applies CSS to this upgrade, in the form of an object where the keys are CSS attributes, and the values are the values for those attributes (both as strings)</p></li><li><p>layer: <strong>Assigned automagically</strong>. It's the same value as the name of this layer, so you can do player[this.layer].points or similar</p></li><li><p>id: <strong>Assigned automagically</strong>. It's the "key" which the upgrade was stored under, for convenient access. The upgrade in the example's id is 11.</p></li></ul></div></div></main><footerclass="VPDocFooter"data-v-39a288b8data-v-d4a0bba5><!--[--><!--]--><!----><navclass="prev-next"aria-labelledby="doc-footer-aria-label"data-v-d4a0bba5><spanclass="visually-hidden"id="doc-footer-aria-label"data-v-d4a0bba5>Pager</span><divclass="pager"data-v-d4a0bba5><!----></div><divclass="pager"data-v-d4a0bba5><aclass="VPLink link pager-link next"href="/garden/my-personal-website"data-v-d4a0bba5><!--[--><spanclass="desc"data-v-d4a0bba5>Next page</span><spanclass="title"data-v-d4a0bba5>My Personal Website</span><!--]--></a></div></nav></footer><!--[--><!--]--></div></div></div><!--[--><!--]--></div></div><!----><!--[--><footerclass="vp-doc"data-v-f6fd5357><divdata-v-f6fd5357>CC 2024 The Paper Pilot. <arel="license"href="https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/"data-v-f6fd5357>CC BY-NC-SA 4.0</a>.</div><divdata-v-f6fd5357>Any and all opinions listed here are my own and not representative of my employers; future, past and present.</div><divdata-v-f6fd5357><ahref="https://resume.i