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import{d as t}from"./chunks/";import{M as n,q as s,Q as e,K as r,u as a,ag as o,p as d}from"./chunks/framework.Sr2_9k8k.js";const l=e("h1",{class:"p-name"},"Individualism",-1),m=["innerHTML"],u=o('<hr><details><summary>Referenced by:</summary><a href="/garden/anarchism/">Anarchism</a><a href="/garden/local-communities/">Local Communities</a><a href="/garden/neoliberalism/">Neoliberalism</a></details><p>Individualism is a <a href="/garden/neoliberalism/">Neoliberal</a> value system centered around independence and self sufficiency. It argues for taking care of oneself before others, and that it&#39;s wrong for people to be forced to take care of others before their selves, i.e. via wealth redistribution. This value system is antithetical to the <a href="/garden/anarchism/">Anarchist</a> values of community and mutual aid. I personally am against individualism and see it as against humans nature of cooperation. We&#39;re a social people and have for our entire existence relied upon each other.</p><p>As a personal anecdote, I&#39;m a recent parent and the whole &quot;it takes a village&quot; adage makes a lot of sense, and has made me hyper aware of how individualism has made it very hard to raise a kid these days. There&#39;s no 3 generations living in a house anymore, and suburbs are spread out and isolating, preventing strong <a href="/garden/local-communities/">Local Communities</a> from forming. To sum up, the &quot;village&quot; doesn&#39;t exist anymore.</p><p>Hyper individualism is a modern invention, not a &quot;good ole traditional value&quot; we should all aspire to. It was explicitly created by capitalist values, and replaced pre-existing value systems that prioritized co-operation.</p>',5),_=JSON.parse('{"title":"Individualism","description":"","frontmatter":{"public":"true","slug":"individualism","title":"Individualism","prev":false,"next":false},"headers":[],"relativePath":"garden/individualism/","filePath":"garden/individualism/"}'),c={name:"garden/individualism/"},y=Object.assign(c,{setup(p){const i=n();return(h,f)=>(d(),s("div",null,[l,e("p",null,[r("195 words, ~1 minute read. "),e("span",{innerHTML:a(t)[`site/${a(i).page.value.relativePath}`]},null,8,m)]),u]))}});export{_ as __pageData,y as default};