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import{_ as e,o as a,c as t,Q as o}from"./chunks/framework.1169fbc9.js";const b=JSON.parse('{"title":"The-Modding-Tree","description":"","frontmatter":{},"headers":[],"relativePath":"public/kronos/docs/!general-info.md","filePath":"public/kronos/docs/!general-info.md","lastUpdated":1664930814000}'),n={name:"public/kronos/docs/!general-info.md"},r=o('<h1 id="the-modding-tree" tabindex="-1">The-Modding-Tree <a class="header-anchor" href="#the-modding-tree" aria-label="Permalink to "The-Modding-Tree""></a></h1><p>Making a game in The Modding Tree mostly involves defining parameters or functions on objects. If you aren't following the <a href="./getting-started">getting started guide</a>, you should start by <a href="./main-mod-info">setting up your basic mod info</a> in <a href="/js/mod.js">mod.js</a>. It's important to set a mod id to ensure saving works properly.</p><p>Beyond that, the main way to add content is through creating layers, often in <a href="/js/layers.js">layers.js</a>. You can add new layers by calling <code>addLayer(layername, layerdata)</code>. There is an example of a basic layer in <a href="/js/layers.js">layers.js</a> showing the recommended method. It is just an example and can be freely deleted. You can also use it as a reference or a base for your own layers.</p><p>Most of the time, you won't need to dive deep into the code to create things, but you still can if you really want to, for example to add new Vue components in <a href="/js/components.js">components.js</a>.</p><p>The Modding Tree uses <a href="https://github.com/Patashu/break_eternity.js" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer">break_eternity.js</a> to store large values. This means that many numbers are <code>Decimal</code> objects, and must be treated differently. For example, you have to use <code>new Decimal(x)</code> to create a <code>Decimal</code> value instead of a plain number, and perform operations on them by calling functions. e.g, instead of <code>x = x + y</code>, use <code>x = x.add(y)</code>. Keep in mind this also applies to comparison operators, which should be replaced with calling the <code>.gt</code>, <code>.gte</code>, <code>.lt</code>, <code>.lte</code>, <code>.eq</code>, and <code>.neq</code> functions. See the <a href="https://github.com/Patashu/break_eternity.js" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer">break_eternity.js</a> docs for more details on working with <code>Decimal</code> values.</p><p>Almost all values can be either a constant value, or a dynamic value. Dynamic values are defined by putting a function that returns what the value should be at any given time.</p><p>All display text can use basic HTML elements (But you can't use most Vue features there).</p><p>While reading this documentation, the following key will be used when describing features:</p><ul><li>No label: This is required and the game may crash if it isn't included.</li><li><strong>sometimes required</strong>: This is may be required, depending on other things in the layer.</li><li><strong>optional</strong>: You can leave this out if you don't intend to use that feature for the layer.</li><li><strong>assigned automagically</strong>: This value will be set automatically and override any value you set.</li><li><strong>deprecated</strong>: This feature is not recommended to be used, because newer features are able to achieve the same thing in a better, easier way.</li></ul><h2 id="table-of-contents" tabindex="-1">Table of Contents <a class="header-anchor" href="#table-of-contents" aria-label="Permalink to "Table of Contents""></a></h2><h3 id="general" tabindex="-1">General <a class="header-anchor" href="#general" aria-label="Permalink to "General""></a></h3><ul><li><a href="./getting-started">Getting Started</a>: Getting your own copy of the code set up with Github Desktop.</li><li><a href="./main-mod-info">Main mod info</a>: How to set up general things for your mod in <a href="/js/mod.js">mod.js</a>.</li><li><a href="./basic-layer-breakdown">Basic layer breakdown</a>: Breaking down the compon