This commit is contained in:
18 changed files with 367 additions and 14 deletions
@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit e1134cd832d2eefe776ba6525830ccb55d4b28aa
Subproject commit 3b02ad93eebf7ee0e710ad7f63ca9b610bbf10da
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changes = changes.replaceAll(/\/, '');
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@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
alias: "Police Abolition"
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title: "Abolitionism"
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<h1 class="p-name">Abolitionism</h1>
<p>1493 words, ~8 minute read. <span v-html="data[`site/${}`]" /></p>
<details><summary>Referenced by:</summary><a href="/garden/anarchism/">Anarchism</a><a href="/garden/consensus-democracy/">Consensus Democracy</a></details>
I'm a supporter of the police abolition movement, which calls for police and prisons to be abolished. It argues that there are many inherent problems with policing and incarcerating people that cannot be fixed with just further training or restrictions - the entire system must be entirely abolished. In this way, it is a more extreme version of the police reform or defund the police movements. The movement also posits that there are alternatives to policing and incarceration that can be more effective at reducing crime.
## What is police abolition?
Just to make sure we're all on the same page as to what police abolition means and involves, I'll be using some definitions from [Critical Reach](
> The **prison industrial complex (PIC)** is a term we use to describe the overlapping interests of government and industry that use surveillance, policing, and imprisonment as solutions to economic, social and political problems.
> **PIC abolition** is a political vision with the goal of eliminating imprisonment, policing, and surveillance and creating lasting alternatives to punishment and imprisonment.
I'll generally just say police or prison abolition, but I'm still referring to pieces of PIC abolition.
## Why abolish police?
There are a variety of reasons for abolishing the police, from its controversial origins to its pervasive discrimination to its overall lack of effectiveness. Ultimately though, I would argue this movement stems from anarchistic principles and values. Anarchism posits that no person should hold power over another (a simplification sufficient for this document), which would include the use of force or imprisonment. Anarchists argue the State has no right to exist, let alone that it has no right to call it's violence legitimate. From this premise, any form of policing or incarceration is unjust. However, let's explore additional problems within the specific context of the US:
### Origins of policing
The initial implementation of the police in the US was inspired both by the systems they experienced across the pond as well as the bands of [slave catchers]( that were present at the time. The fact policing and incarceration as concepts had to be invented and introduced to people who were already existing just fine is telling enough, and the fact they were introduced to bring slaves back to their owners is even more telling. These origins have ingrained racism into the entire system, and they are still evident today when looking at racial profiling, incarceration rates, etc.
Throughout their history police have, in practice, protected "property" (which slaves were considered to be at the time), not people. In a broader sense, they were a tool of the capitalist elite. That's why the Supreme Court [ruled]( that police do not actually have an obligation to protect nor serve citizens and why early cops were also [strike breakers](
While the origins of an institution don't necessarily dictate how it is structured and operated hundreds of years later, they do give insight into how the institution was designed and what purposes/roles it was actually filling. Today, thanks to various forms of "[copaganda](" in media, there's rhetoric that people should support and appreciate the police, that they are fair and effective and protect us from crime and villainy. As we'll continue to describe, I think the police are much more similar to their roots than the fiction they're portrayed as.
### Discriminating against the poor
The police are designed to reinforce the capitalist status quo; the "law and order" they uphold is less so to do with ensuring life is fair and safe for all, but rather to keep the working class in check so the capitalist class are safe and secure. This is most evident by looking at how many laws primarily affect the poor and how rarely laws are enforced when the perpetrator is a capitalist.
> "The law, in its majestic equality, forbids rich and poor alike to sleep under bridges, to beg in the streets, and to steal their bread."
[Anatole France](
Property crime lead to over [750,000 arrests]( in 2019. Wage theft, which according to a 2014 study may account for up to [$50 Billion]( stolen, is a civil matter that doesn't lead to any arrests. In fact, white collar misdeeds are _often_ not classified as criminal offenses - that's why after the 2008 housing market crash that devastated millions, only [1 banker was arrested]( and it was for something relatively trivial compared to the actual crash.
Even when it _is_ a criminal offense, white collar crime is [rarely punished]( A lot of societal elites get away with [horrendous misdeeds]( essentially out in the open. In fact, prosecuting the rich is so out of the norm that a rookie cop [arresting Justin Timberlake]( caused a kerfuffle online because of just how much people like Justin aren't _supposed_ to get arrested.
> As a side note, there's a double standard here where rich are treated differently from poor people when they're the perpetrator of the crime, but not when they're the victim. If you look online for opinions on whether stealing from the rich to give to the poor is actually justified, you'll get a fairly overwhelming response that "theft is theft" and the context within which the theft occurred is not relevant. I think it's important to keep in mind the context of how the rich have rigged the system to consolidate wealth in the hands of as few as possible, and the impact that has had on society. On other issues, people are just fine dealing with nuance, like how violence is justified when it's self defense. I believe our society has been deliberately shaped to have the value that the victim being poor vs rich shouldn't matter, specifically because it benefits the rich.
### Racism
The PIC has not shaken off the racism ingrained within its roots. Arrests [are not proportional]( to actual crime rates, disproportionately affecting people of color - _including_ when [the cops themselves]( are black. Additionally, laws have been introduced throughout the history of the US that were explicitly designed to affect minorities, like the Jim Crow laws or the entirety of [Nixon's war on drugs]( (a victimless "crime").
The police are an active threat to black people, who are [3x as likely]( to be shot and killed from the police without presenting a threat. That makes cops people to be avoided and who cannot be relied upon in an emergency. Even calling the police yourself is a risk.
### Cost
The government spends [hundreds of billions]( of dollars on the incarceral system, an absolutely profound amount of money that could make enormous differences had it been put to social services instead.
The prison system has [for profit private prisons]( with [minimum occupancy clauses]( that cost taxpayers money if we don't arrest enough people. This is a gross financial incentive to arrest more people, and it disincentivizes actual rehabilitation. These contribute to the US' [incredibly high recidivism rates](
### Ineffectiveness at stopping crime
Most crimes performed are out of necessity, not malice. For example, few would be stealing baby formula or bread if it weren't for our economic system introducing artificial scarcity to keep prices going up.
America has the highest incarceration rate in the world, for a variety of the reasons mentioned in this document. Yet, the fear of punishment and imprisonment does not seem to have the effect of discouraging crime. Indeed, [increasing incarceration does not decrease crime](
### Criminal officers
Officers themselves perpetrate [a lot of crime]( (and I suspect there's a lot of police crimes that doesn't get reported), including [1/3 of all murders that involve a stranger](, and are typically protected by a corrupt system with the [strongest union]( in the nation (often attributed to the union serving the interests of capital, rather than workers like labor unions). In particular, officers have [incredibly high rates]( of interspousal conflicts. Therefore, [abolitionism is the only solution to gender-based violence](
## How to abolish police
There are many ways to reduce the need of police until it's eventually zero. Immediately, perpetratore of victimless crimes should be let out of prison. You can also reduce most root causes of crime, rather than spending the money on incarcerating the perpetrators
### Crime reduction
Abolitionists still want to ensure public safety, just not through policing and incarceration. They believe, since most crime is not born of malice, that improving society by ensuring everyone's needs are met would evaporate the majority of crimes as well - at least as many as are prevented by the current system. Police are incredibly over funded, enough to buy things like [surplus tanks]( from the US military. That money can instead go to social programs that would solve the root causes that lead to crimes.
Societies can and will find alternative ways of preventing any specific crime. An often used example is if you have a drunk friend who is about to drive home, you typically will help get them a ride (driving yourself if you're sober, or calling them a cab or uber otherwise) rather than calling the police on them. Abolitionism finds policing as only required by those who lack the political imagination to find other solutions - basically, cure the diseases rather than treat the symptoms. At a systemic level, drunk driving can be reduced or eliminated by improving public transit.
### Dangerous incidents
With the police abolished, there are likely to still be cases where an individual is a danger to themselves or others. For these situations, there are ideas on how to resolve it without state sanctioned violence, that typically focus on local communities setting up alternative resources. Mobile crisis teams are one such alternative, although not without similar concerns regarding their authority to forcibly incarcerate people in mental health hospitals. There are a lot of alternatives out there, but they're typically specific to local communities and don't really have a "one size fits all" solution. Here's an [article]( about a couple such initiatives, and [this article linked earlier]( also discusses some specific local initiatives.
Another criticism of _prison_ abolitionism specifically is [What do you do with the murderers and rapists?](, but as that article describes: we already don't incarcerate many murderers and rapists, especially the significant amount of murderers and rapists who are also officers. It argues the incarceral system already fails in this regard, and focuses on punishing the perpetrator rather than helping the victims, which is something we could do without incarceration.
## Further reading
I have not finished reading it yet myself, but I recommend [We Do This ‘Til We Free Us]( by Mariame Kaba based on [this NBC article on the book and author](
[How police make up the law]( by Philosophy Tube is a very well produced look at how police got their de facto supreme authority, and it's implications. They have several other videos on the police I recommend, and any other videos they've made :).
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@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
alias: "Democracy, Egalitarianism, Anarchist, Democratic, Egalitarian, Anarchistic"
public: "true"
slug: "anarchism"
title: "Anarchism"
prev: false
next: false
<script setup>
import { data } from '../../';
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<h1 class="p-name">Anarchism</h1>
<p>966 words, ~5 minute read. <span v-html="data[`site/${}`]" /></p>
<details><summary>Referenced by:</summary><a href="/garden/individualism/">Individualism</a><a href="/garden/local-communities/">Local Communities</a><a href="/garden/representative-democracy/">Representative Democracy</a></details>
I'm not a full-blown anarchist, but closely align to anarchist values and would like to see them influence policy. Anarchists believe that states are inherently immoral, and societies should be structured to have as minimal of a hierarchy as possible. This entails focusing on [Local Communities](/garden/local-communities/ and spreading power as thinly as possible, to avoid the possibility of individuals becoming corrupt and abusing their power.
Anarchism is anti-authoritarian, and explicitly denounces any use of violence to enforce rules, thus requiring [Police Abolition](/garden/abolitionism/ By similar logic, anarchists tend to oppose imperialism and capitalism and the respective hierarchies they create. There are those who consider themselves "anarcho-capitalists" without realizing (or are ignoring) the hierarchies created by wealth inequality. These are incompatible views, and the person is likely actually authoritarian.
Democracy is a form of electoralism that is typically compatible with Anarchism, although some definitions of anarchism disallow any form of rules, even when agreed upon unanimously. There are different forms of democracy, with [Direct Democracy](/garden/direct-democracy/ and [Consensus Democracy](/garden/consensus-democracy/ being the most popular variants that are compatible with anarchism. The US government is a [Representative Democracy](/garden/representative-democracy/, which is NOT anarchistic. Representatives abstract policy making from the views of the people. If we're supposed to vote on the representative that will most closely vote to how we feel on all issues, then the theoretical perfect representative would just be ourselves - and at that point, we should just be voting on the issues directly. Therefore if striving for anarchism, you should not use a representative democracy as in its theoretical ideal its still only just as good as any other variant of Democracy, and in practice will be much worse.
Anarchistic organizations can still appoint roles to people. For example, if a nation like America were to be made anarchistic, it would likely maintain some roles of the President, such as that of Commander-In-Chief. It is primarily the law making and enforcing that would need to be democratized, and of course making sure those appointed roles are elected democratically.
Anarchism relies on the idea that there are enough individuals motivated to systemically fix problems that they will do so without direct personal gain (beyond the problem being solved), and that others will not block those efforts, even if the policy won't help them in particular. I believe this would and does hold true. I believe our society being filled with greedy individuals is primarily caused by our society rewarding greed. Without the profit motive and returning to a culture of collaboration and mutual aid, greed would for the most part become a non-factor in policy making. Those who are already at the top of the hierarchy don't want to lose their position, and have thus been propagandizing that hierarchies are necessary/inevitable, and even just. This concept gets discussed in [The Alt-Right Playbook: Always a Bigger Fish](
Democracies where the people vote on individual issues are often criticized by citing the US' current low turnout rates during elections. I believe the rates are more indicative of a lack of faith in electoralism, and in any case its not a reason to be alarmed that policies would be dictated by a minority of the population. The low turnout can work in favor of direct and consensus democracies, as it means it only takes a few motivated individuals to improve society or block proposals that would worsen it. The fact getting engaged in politics takes time and effort means you're less likely to see people blocking policies in bad faith out of contrarianism. In theory, any consolidation of power would also negatively affect most people, which would motivate them to block the proposal. That makes anarchism very stable.
In contrast to [Neoliberalism](/garden/neoliberalism/, anarchism calls for systemic solutions to problems, rather than reliance on individual charity. In America, charity has never been sufficient to end hunger or homelessness. Anarchists and leftists believe we need systemic issues to these problems, such as making food, shelter, and healthcare freely accessible to all. Technology has made it trivial to provide for everyone. In America, there is more food waste than it would take to feed all the hungry, and enough vacant houses to shelter all the homeless. The scarcity is artificial, created by those at the top of the hierarchy.
Places of work can also be democratized! Typical American corporations are very hierarchical, with a few hands at the top having ultimate say over the company - what it does, how much it pays its employees, who it fires, etc. Worker's co-operatives are alternatives to corporations that are entirely worker owned and operated, with a flat hierarchy. This makes technology work in employees' favor, rather than owners' (since the employees are the owners). For example, lets say some technological innovation made employees twice as productive. Under a capitalist structure, the owners would have no reason to increase compensation based on the increased production, and in fact would be discouraged from doing so. They'd likely either use the increased productivity to sell more products, or half the workforce to cut down on significant expenditures. Under a socialist structure, the needs and desires of the employees are most important, so workers are likely to either see increased compensation due to their increased productivity, or reduced hours without a reduction in compensation. The co-operative could still decide to also just utilize the increased productivity without reducing hours nor increasing compensation, but the decision to do so would have been consensually made by the workers themselves, not their boss.
China recently enacted a [policy]( to make all of its corporations operate democratically, with a "Employee Assembly" made up of up to 100 workers, that can decide on things like firing supervisors or, in big companies, appointing 1/3 of the board of directors. That goes a long way in democratizing the remaining private businesses in China.
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@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
public: "true"
slug: "art-is-never-complete"
title: "Art is Never Complete"
prev: false
next: false
<script setup>
import { data } from '../../';
import { useData } from 'vitepress';
const pageData = useData();
<h1 class="p-name">Art is Never Complete</h1>
<p>92 words, ~1 minute read. <span v-html="data[`site/${}`]" /></p>
<details><summary>Referenced by:</summary><a href="/garden/guide-to-incrementals/what-is-content/">Guide to Incrementals/What is Content?</a></details>
> Art is never finished, only abandoned.
> \- Leonardo Da Vinci
This quote intrigues me and feels quite relatable. I've struggled with perfectionism (and in fact it's a large theme in Kronos), something Leonardo famously did as well. This quote feels like an exit ticket to getting out of perfectionist thinking - if art is _never_ finished, then when its "done" (abandoned) is arbitrary. Perhaps that's why Leonardo left so many WIPs behind in his journal - if the point at which you abandon them is arbitrary, then why not abandon projects early?
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@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
public: "true"
slug: "consensus-democracy"
title: "Consensus Democracy"
prev: false
next: false
<script setup>
import { data } from '../../';
import { useData } from 'vitepress';
const pageData = useData();
<h1 class="p-name">Consensus Democracy</h1>
<p>162 words, ~1 minute read. <span v-html="data[`site/${}`]" /></p>
<details><summary>Referenced by:</summary><a href="/garden/anarchism/">Anarchism</a></details>
A form of democracy similar to [Direct Democracy](/garden/direct-democracy/ but with higher requirements for passing policies, typically requiring unanimity or near-unanimity. This helps reduce (although doesn't eliminate) the possibility of a majority group oppressing a minority group.
Consensus democracy encourages and requires innovative solutions to problems (similar to how [Police Abolition](/garden/abolitionism/ and pragmatic compromises. However, this can make them susceptible to "design by committee" and can make policies impossibly difficult to pass for large groups of people.
Since consensus democracy doesn't scale well, larger governments could be structured as a federation of smaller governments. The smaller governments still use consensus democracy, but the federation only adopts policies that a super-majority of the smaller governments have agreed upon. Alternatively, the federation could specifically ask the local governments for policy proposals, then use [Direct Democracy](/garden/direct-democracy/ to decide whether to approve it or not, still requiring a super-majority.
For policies that still are unable to pass federally, local governments could form coalitions that organize larger-scale initiatives between several districts. For example, this could empower efforts like transit systems between districts.
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@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
alias: "Mob Rule, Tyranny of the Majority"
public: "true"
slug: "direct-democracy"
title: "Direct Democracy"
prev: false
next: false
<script setup>
import { data } from '../../';
import { useData } from 'vitepress';
const pageData = useData();
<h1 class="p-name">Direct Democracy</h1>
<p>40 words, ~0 minute read. <span v-html="data[`site/${}`]" /></p>
<details><summary>Referenced by:</summary><a href="/garden/anarchism/">Anarchism</a><a href="/garden/consensus-democracy/">Consensus Democracy</a></details>
A form of democracy where every voter gets to vote on every issue directly, and the majority rules. This form of voting is often criticized for having no safe guards to prevent a majority group from oppressing a minority group.
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ import { useData } from 'vitepress';
const pageData = useData();
<h1 class="p-name">Fedi v2</h1>
<p>1835 words, ~10 minute read. <span v-html="data[`site/${}`]" /></p>
<p>2566 words, ~14 minute read. <span v-html="data[`site/${}`]" /></p>
<details><summary>Referenced by:</summary><a href="/garden/social-media/">Social Media</a><a href="/garden/the-indieweb/signature-blocks/">The IndieWeb/Signature Blocks</a><a href="/garden/weird/">Weird</a></details>
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ The pick a server problem is such a problem because not only do you have to pick
[ATProto]( by bluesky offers a version of federation built for a handful of large instances, but allowing smaller servers to be spun up that can implement custom sorting algorithms, views, etc. This fixes a couple of the problems where you're unable to change certain things dictated by the servers, but doesn't quite go far enough - and of particular note, you still have to associate your identity with a specific server.
## Identity
<span id="66527b3e-58af-41c4-8345-5c0951e42f54"><h2>Identity</h2></span>
The new fediverse should have a fully [Decentralized Identity](/garden/federated-identity/, where it's completely attached to the client rather than any server(s). This means you don't have to pick a server, worry about your chosen server going down, or that yout identity will become associated with an undesired community. It can properly allow you to engage in your variety of interests without having to associate any as core enough to attach your identity to.
@ -60,6 +60,8 @@ The protocol should be fairly content agnostic, and allow arbitrary metadata on
The signature of the message acts as the de facto ID of that message, for replying purposes. Edits and reactions would be handled by "replying" to a message with a metadata flag indicating what the message actually represents. Edit messages should typically be ignored if they're not from the same author as the original message. We should assume some servers will always make an edit history fully public. Reactions should just be replies without any actual body, and a tag for what the reaction is - either binary image data or a code representing an emoji, like "+1" or "laughing". Upvotes and downvotes could be implemented via reactions.
Edit replies could be sent by people other than the original poster as well. Perhaps some clients would trust edits from a list of identities, but the original poster could also reply to an edit message with an "accepted" message as a form of officially accepting/endorsing that edit suggestion. Clients could also potentially include a list of "proposed edits" that haven't been accepted.
Groups/communities could also be specially flagged messages, effectively allowing for subreddit-style content. Posting to the community is just replying to the message. Subscribing to that community is just subscribing to that message. The original message creator can send edits to update stuff like the description of the community. Perhaps they can also send a message detailing other identities to trust for editing or moderating the community.
A bot could fairly easily be setup to make [IndieWeb](/garden/the-small-web/ posts and web mentions use this protocol. Indeed, this protocol is very POSSE-friendly because you could have your original content on the website, and the messages can be spread across the network while allowing clients to verify it was untampered with and definitely came from that website. I plan on writing a proposal for IndieWeb posts to include [The IndieWeb/Signature Blocks](/garden/the-indieweb/signature-blocks/ to enable this. Within this framework, Fedi v2 would not just be a other social media silo. It would be the source of truth, fully controlled by the author. Even if the author cross posts to other social media (silos), we'd effectively still be the original copy.
@ -73,3 +75,46 @@ Anyone can spin up their own bots that just automatically send out delete reques
## Success
I believe the main benefits of this new fediverse are mostly going to apply to the techy power users who will appreciate the increased control over their identity and browsing experience. As far as the general public goes, I think the main benefit will be verified authorship and guaranteeing lack of tampering. Specifically, I think this will appeal to notable figures who have to be wary of concerns like that. Reddit and Twitter could edit your content or stifle it in the algorithm, or any other sort of malicious actions. So I think success of this platform will mostly come from seeing notable figures switching to it, and treating is as the source of truth (even if they cross post it to other platforms for increased outreach). Ideally, they even host their messages on their own website.
## Component Definitions
The agentic fediverse is currently being designed such that messages are entities in a Entity-Component relationship. Component schemas can then be formally defined and then implemented in clients, without the need of a centralized authority releasing formal spec bumps. In theory _anyone_ could propose a new schema.
Here's some initial ideas for components I currently plan on proposing and perhaps even implementing:
- **Community** (placeholder name): Marks that replies to this message should be displayed like a collection of threads, reddit-style.
- **Delete**: Marks that this message is a deletion request to the message its a reply to.
- Can be used to delete specific components in the parent message.
- **Edit**: Marks that this message is an edit request to the message its a reply to.
- Can be used to edit specific components in the parent message.
- **Accept**: Marks that any requests in the message this message is a reply to were accepted.
- Takes an optional schema property to identify which specific request component of the parent message was accepted.
- **Reaction**: Marks that this message is a reaction to the message its a reply to.
- **Ascii**: Describes a text component to be rendered.
- **Unicode**: Describes a text component to be rendered.
- **Image**: Describes an image component to be rendered. (Or perhaps specific file formats should have their own schemas)
- **Audio**: Describes an audio component to be rendered. (Or perhaps specific file formats should have their own schemas)
- **Video**: Describes a video component to be rendered. (Or perhaps specific file formats should have their own schemas)
- **Topics**: Describes a list of topics/tags this message is relevant to, for use in client searching and filtering.
- **Editors**: Describes a list of identities who have the power to edit this message, or accept edit requests to this message.
- **Deleters**: Describes a list of identities who have the power to delete this message, or accept deletion requests to this message.
- **No Discovery**: Marks that this message should not be included in any global feeds or search results. Servers should only send it to servers and clients that subscribe to messages like this one.
### Chatting
The agentic fediverse could theoretically also implement chat rooms, bringing advantages (like divorcing identity from servers) that current decentralized chat protocols like matrix don't offer.
Here are some of the components that could be used to represent a chat room:
- **Chat room**: Marks that replies to this message should be shown as messages in a chat room.
- **Bridge**: Marks that this _identity_ is a bridge for an account on another service. Implies that the verification of authorship may not be preserved.
### Games
The agentic fediverse could support sharing games using a Game component that includes a url or raw html required to play a game. In theory they could even support "cloud saves" by signing a message of their save data that only they can decrypt and sending it as a reply to the game message. Clients could handle displaying the game alongside the usual filtering and sorting features.
## Local identity and contact management
If I have multiple apps that use the agentic fediverse (e.g. one for reddit like content, one for Twitter, discord, Google drive, etc.), I'd like to easily have them all use the same identity(s), as well as a shared contact list (so I know the person I saw do something on one app is the same as the person that did something on another app).
To that end, there should be an app/program that manages your identities and contacts on that device. It sets up your initial identity, any cloud backups, etc., and the other apps talk to it as needed. That could be sending it individual messages to sign or asking for a key that can be used to do limited functionality.
Contacts could be signed such that they're only readable by us, and then sent over the network so I can have multiple devices that keep their contact list synced between them
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ import { useData } from 'vitepress';
const pageData = useData();
<h1 class="p-name">Guide to Incrementals/What is Content?</h1>
<p>2092 words, ~11 minute read. <span v-html="data[`site/${}`]" /></p>
<p>2272 words, ~12 minute read. <span v-html="data[`site/${}`]" /></p>
<details><summary>Referenced by:</summary><a href="/garden/digital-gardens/">Digital Gardens</a><a href="/garden/incremental-social/">Incremental Social</a><a href="/garden/kronos/">Kronos</a><a href="/garden/my-personal-website/">My Personal Website</a><a href="/garden/social-media/">Social Media</a></details>
@ -54,6 +54,15 @@ So, what's the problem? Even if this trend is justified and easy to implement, t
A recent example is [Really Grass Cutting Incremental](, an incremental game about cutting grass (although I'm really criticizing the Roblox game it's based on). Except, it doesn't _continue_ to be about cutting grass. After you buy enough upgrades to increase your grass cutting and level up sufficiently you "prestige", an abstract term that in this case means you reset all your progress to get some currency to buy upgrades that do the same things as the original upgrades, but these won't reset on future prestiges. You'll eventually be able to "crystallize", which means you reset all your progress to get some currency to buy upgrades that do the same things as the original upgrades (and a couple of new ones) and won't reset on future crystallizes. Fine. You'll progress a bit, complete some challenges, and finally get to... grasshop? Grasshopping is this mechanic where you reset all your progress to get some resource that _isn't_ for buying upgrades - this time you just unlock different modifiers on everything based on their amount. You may have gotten the point by now, but there are also "steelie" resets which give you steel for some reason, before unlocking a factory with various machines - none of which are directly tied to cutting grass, and start gathering things like oil and reset for rocket parts and reset to go to space and so on and so on. Throughout all of this there is absolutely no narrative justification or throughline for the direction the game is going, or why cutting grass is still relevant when we're collecting things like rocket parts. I may be going a little hard on GCI, but it is far from alone.
## Ending the Game
Incremental games do not often have a planned out narrative or ending,, such that each content update is approached as its own unit of narrative and gameplay. This prevents content updates from wrapping up the game nicely - it always has to leave something open for another content layer; be it another mechanic, reset layer, etc. This cycle will continue until the updates just stop, at which point the game will just have an unsatisfying conclusion that will never get the next thing it was supposed to be leading into. This reminds me of a Leonardo Da Vinci quote about how [Art is Never Complete](/garden/art-is-never-complete/
> Art is never finished, only abandoned.
> \- Leonardo Da Vinci
For what its worth, there are exceptions here (including several of [My Projects](/garden/my-projects/ I believe this practice is actually fairly reasonable, considering how many incremental game developers are learning game design and programming - keeping the scope small and expanding if it still interests you is a great way to keep learning without letting things like perfectionism or sunk cost fallacies get in the way.
## Tips for Developers
If you're a developer, by this point you should have a pretty decent idea of how to create "true" content in your game. Here are some other specific tips I'd suggest:
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@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
public: "true"
slug: "individualism"
title: "Individualism"
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next: false
<script setup>
import { data } from '../../';
import { useData } from 'vitepress';
const pageData = useData();
<h1 class="p-name">Individualism</h1>
<p>194 words, ~1 minute read. <span v-html="data[`site/${}`]" /></p>
<details><summary>Referenced by:</summary><a href="/garden/local-communities/">Local Communities</a><a href="/garden/neoliberalism/">Neoliberalism</a></details>
Individualism is a value system centered around independence and self sufficiency. It argues for taking care of oneself before others, and that it's wrong for people to be forced to take care of others before their selves, i.e. via wealth redistribution. This value system is antithetical to the [Anarchist](/garden/anarchism/ values of community and mutual aid. I personally am against individualism and see it as against humans nature of cooperation. We're a social people and have for our entire existence relied upon each other.
As a personal anecdote, I'm a recent parent and the whole "it takes a village" adage makes a lot of sense, and has made me hyper aware of how individualism has made it very hard to raise a kid these days. There's no 3 generations living in a house anymore, and suburbs are spread out and isolating, preventing strong [Local Communities](/garden/local-communities/ from forming. To sum up, the "village" doesn't exist anymore.
Hyper individualism is a modern invention, not a "good ole traditional value" we should all aspire to. It was explicitly created by capitalist values, and replaced pre-existing value systems that prioritized co-operation.
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@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
public: "true"
slug: "local-communities"
title: "Local Communities"
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<script setup>
import { data } from '../../';
import { useData } from 'vitepress';
const pageData = useData();
<h1 class="p-name">Local Communities</h1>
<p>302 words, ~2 minute read. <span v-html="data[`site/${}`]" /></p>
<details><summary>Referenced by:</summary><a href="/garden/anarchism/">Anarchism</a><a href="/garden/individualism/">Individualism</a></details>
Strongly connected local communities are important to have. They satisfy our social needs for in-person connections, and help organize mutual aid. These needs cannot be sufficiently satisfied exclusively by online friends/communities - of particular note, new parents need help raising their kid.
Historically, society has had these strongly connected local communities, via the way society was organized (i.e. tribes, multi-generational households, etc.) or through entities that focused on community (i.e. local churches). Churches in particular would ensure everyone meets up regularly to see each other, connect, and catch up. They'd host community events and services throughout the year, and mobilize the community during emergencies.
The religious aspect of churches was never a requirement for the benefits they contributed to their local communities, and in fact there are mega-churches today that do not confer these benefits despite retaining the religious aspect.
There are several reasons for why local communities have since weakened. The car has weakened them by making the people physically more spread out and reducing the number of "third places". The internet created a convenient alternative whose communities were not immediately recognized as insufficient imitations of in person communities. Newer generations trend towards irreligiousness, making churches decreasingly popular. Combined, these changes have led to a cultural shift towards [Individualism](/garden/individualism/ and [Neoliberalism](/garden/neoliberalism/ that has further cemented our weakened local communities.
The way to "fix" our local communities and make them more strongly connected is to support multi-generational households, increasing population density, and using or creating entities that can replace the community-building role of the church. Such alternatives could be community centers or HOAs. HOAs get a bad reputation due to their tendency to attract those who want power to micro-manage the community, but there are ways to organize them to mitigate that issue (see [Anarchism](/garden/anarchism/
@ -15,6 +15,8 @@ const pageData = useData();
<p>72 words, ~0 minute read. <span v-html="data[`site/${}`]" /></p>
<details><summary>Referenced by:</summary><a href="/garden/guide-to-incrementals/what-is-content/">Guide to Incrementals/What is Content?</a></details>
<details><summary>Tagged by:</summary><a href="/garden/advent-incremental/">Advent Incremental</a><a href="/garden/babble-buds/">Babble Buds</a><a href="/garden/capture-the-citadel/">Capture the Citadel</a><a href="/garden/dice-armor/">Dice Armor</a><a href="/garden/game-dev-tree/">Game Dev Tree</a><a href="/garden/incremental-social/">Incremental Social</a><a href="/garden/kronos/">Kronos</a><a href="/garden/opti-speech/">Opti-Speech</a><a href="/garden/planar-pioneers/">Planar Pioneers</a><a href="/garden/profectus/">Profectus</a><a href="/garden/v-ecs/">V-ecs</a></details>
I like making games and tools!
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@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
public: "true"
slug: "neoliberalism"
title: "Neoliberalism"
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<script setup>
import { data } from '../../';
import { useData } from 'vitepress';
const pageData = useData();
<h1 class="p-name">Neoliberalism</h1>
<p>133 words, ~1 minute read. <span v-html="data[`site/${}`]" /></p>
<details><summary>Referenced by:</summary><a href="/garden/anarchism/">Anarchism</a><a href="/garden/local-communities/">Local Communities</a></details>
Neoliberalism is a conservative political philosophy that emphasizes [Individualism](/garden/individualism/ and is resistant to change/progress. It became popular with the advent of President Raegan and his sweeping changes to the US economy and government (replacing the comparatively socialist polices of the New Deal and the Great Society), and affects both the Republican and Democratic US political parties.
I believe neoliberalism primarily affected the boomer generation and generation x. This lines up with [trends in protest participation](, which dipped during that time (by birth cohort) and picked back up starting with Millenials. The government is still largely controlled by those generations and still very neoliberal, despite increasingly progressive and left-leaning youth demographics.
Neoliberalism often supports ideas like meritocracies, calling them fair and just. However, by ignoring the context surrounding people's abilities and socioeconomic status, meritocracies end up merely reinforcing the current status quo - and if the current status quo is unfair or unjust, so too will be the meritocracy. Needless to say, we do not currently live in a society where the status quo is fair and just.
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@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
public: "true"
slug: "representative-democracy"
title: "Representative Democracy"
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<script setup>
import { data } from '../../';
import { useData } from 'vitepress';
const pageData = useData();
<h1 class="p-name">Representative Democracy</h1>
<p>51 words, ~0 minute read. <span v-html="data[`site/${}`]" /></p>
<details><summary>Referenced by:</summary><a href="/garden/anarchism/">Anarchism</a></details>
A form of democracy where people vote for representatives who then vote on the actual issues. The US has a representative democracy. By virtue of representatives not perfectly reflecting the views of their constituents, and by forming a hierarchy of power, this is a form of Democracy that is not [Anarchistic](/garden/anarchism/
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ import { useData } from 'vitepress';
const pageData = useData();
<h1 class="p-name">The Beginner's Guide</h1>
<p>70 words, ~0 minute read. <span v-html="data[`site/${}`]" /></p>
<p>144 words, ~1 minute read. <span v-html="data[`site/${}`]" /></p>
<details><summary>Referenced by:</summary><a href="/garden/davey-wreden/">Davey Wreden</a></details>
@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ The game broadly comments on the relationship between creators and consumers, an
Important analyses:
- [Art for No One](
- undefined
- [The Artist is Absent: Davey Wreden and The Beginner's Guide](
- [Errant Signal - The Beginner's Guide (Spoilers)](
- [Davey Wreden's reflections]( after replaying it for the first time since finishing it, almost a decade ago
- I'm overall happy to hear he's in a different place from when he made the game. There's a part of me that wonders what if we'd gotten more games like TBG, but it may have detracted from the brilliance of TBG, and I don't want him to have to be a tortured artist for our pleasure
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