
736 lines
27 KiB

const fs = require('fs');
const { parse } = require("csv-parse");
const readline = require('node:readline');
const { stdin: input, stdout: output } = require('node:process');
const { preparePost, encodeString, getAvatar, getActionDescription, processLinkPreview, getMediaUrl, linkify, sanitize } = require("./utils");
const { google } = require('googleapis');
const OAuth2 = google.auth.OAuth2;
const YTMusic = require("ytmusic-api");
const SCOPES = [
const TOKEN_DIR = "./";
const TOKEN_PATH = TOKEN_DIR + 'youtube_token.json';
const YOUTUBE_SVG = `<svg role="img" viewBox="0 0 24 24" xmlns=""><title>YouTube</title><path d="M23.498 6.186a3.016 3.016 0 0 0-2.122-2.136C19.505 3.545 12 3.545 12 3.545s-7.505 0-9.377.505A3.017 3.017 0 0 0 .502 6.186C0 8.07 0 12 0 12s0 3.93.502 5.814a3.016 3.016 0 0 0 2.122 2.136c1.871.505 9.376.505 9.376.505s7.505 0 9.377-.505a3.015 3.015 0 0 0 2.122-2.136C24 15.93 24 12 24 12s0-3.93-.502-5.814zM9.545 15.568V8.432L15.818 12l-6.273 3.568z"/></svg>`;
1: "entertainment",
2: "entertainment",
10: "music",
15: "entertainment",
17: "entertainment",
18: "entertainment",
19: "blogs",
20: "gaming",
21: "blogs",
22: "blogs",
23: "comedy",
24: "entertainment",
25: "news",
26: "education",
27: "education",
28: "science",
29: "politics",
30: "movies",
31: "television",
32: "entertainment",
33: "movies",
34: "comedy",
35: "education",
36: "entertainment",
37: "blogs",
38: "entertainment",
39: "entertainment",
40: "entertainment",
41: "entertainment",
42: "entertainment",
43: "television",
44: "entertainment"
let createdPosts = 0;
/** @type import('googleapis').youtube_v3.Youtube */
let service;
let unavailable_urls = new Set();
// Load client secrets from a local file.
fs.readFile('youtube_credentials.json', function processClientSecrets(err, content) {
if (err) {
console.log('Error loading client secret file: ' + err);
// Authorize a client with the loaded credentials, then call the YouTube API.
authorize(JSON.parse(content), process);
* Create an OAuth2 client with the given credentials, and then execute the
* given callback function.
* @param {Object} credentials The authorization client credentials.
* @param {function} callback The callback to call with the authorized client.
function authorize(credentials, callback) {
const clientSecret = credentials.installed.client_secret;
const clientId = credentials.installed.client_id;
const redirectUrl = credentials.installed.redirect_uris[0];
const oauth2Client = new OAuth2(clientId, clientSecret, redirectUrl);
// Check if we have previously stored a token.
fs.readFile(TOKEN_PATH, function(err, token) {
if (err) {
getNewToken(oauth2Client, callback);
} else {
oauth2Client.credentials = JSON.parse(token);
* Get and store new token after prompting for user authorization, and then
* execute the given callback with the authorized OAuth2 client.
* @param {google.auth.OAuth2} oauth2Client The OAuth2 client to get token for.
* @param {getEventsCallback} callback The callback to call with the authorized
* client.
function getNewToken(oauth2Client, callback) {
const authUrl = oauth2Client.generateAuthUrl({
access_type: 'offline',
scope: SCOPES
console.log('Authorize this app by visiting this url: ', authUrl);
const rl = readline.createInterface({ input, output });
rl.question('Enter the code from that page here: ', function(code) {
oauth2Client.getToken(code, function(err, token) {
if (err) {
console.log('Error while trying to retrieve access token', err);
oauth2Client.credentials = token;
* Store token to disk be used in later program executions.
* @param {Object} token The token to store to disk.
function storeToken(token) {
try {
} catch (err) {
if (err.code != 'EEXIST') {
throw err;
fs.writeFile(TOKEN_PATH, JSON.stringify(token), (err) => {
if (err) throw err;
console.log('Token stored to ' + TOKEN_PATH);
async function process(auth) {
service ='v3');
if (fs.existsSync("./cache/videos-unavailable.json")) {
unavailable_urls = new Set(JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync("./cache/videos-unavailable.json").toString()));
console.log(`Loaded ${unavailable_urls.size} unavailable URLs`);
YOUTUBE_THUMBNAIL_URL = await getMediaUrl("");
// Comments
const posts = fs
.pipe(parse({ columns: true, skip_empty_lines: true }));
for await (const { "Comment ID": commentId, "Channel ID": channelId, "Comment Create Timestamp": timestampDate, "Price": price, "Parent Comment ID": parentCommentId, "Video ID": videoId, "Comment Text": commentJson } of posts) {
const comment = JSON.parse(commentJson);
let timestamp = new Date(timestampDate).getTime();
const permalink = `${videoId}&lc=${commentId}`;
const video = await getVideo(videoId, auth);
if (video.error || video.snippet == null) {
const tag = VIDEO_CATEGORIES[video.snippet.categoryId];
let parentInfo;
if (parentCommentId) {
const parentComment = await getComment(parentCommentId, auth);
if (!parentComment.error) {
const { textDisplay, authorDisplayName, authorProfileImageUrl, authorChannelUrl, publishedAt } = parentComment;
parentInfo = {
content: `<div class="img-container"><div class="description">${linkify(sanitize(textDisplay))}</div></div>`,
published: new Date(publishedAt).getTime(),
url: `${videoId}&lc=${parentCommentId}`,
author: {
name: authorDisplayName,
url: `${authorChannelUrl}`,
photo: authorProfileImageUrl
if (!parentInfo) {
const channel = await getChannel(video.snippet.channelId, auth);
if (channel.error) {
parentInfo = {
content: await processLinkPreview({
url: `${videoId}`,
images: [video.snippet.thumbnails?.high?.url ?? ''],
title: video.snippet.title,
description: video.snippet.description
published: new Date(video.snippet.publishedAt).getTime(),
url: `${videoId}`,
author: {
name: channel.title,
url: channel.customUrl ?
`${channel.customUrl}` :
photo: channel.thumbnails?.high?.url ?? ""
const replies = await getReplies(commentId, auth);
if (replies.error) {
let path;
for (timestamp--; path == null || fs.existsSync(path);) {
path = `./site/reply/${getTimestampPath(++timestamp)}`;
fs.mkdirSync(path, { recursive: true });
const fd = fs.openSync(path + "/", "w+");
fs.writeSync(fd, preparePost(`---
kind: reply
title: I wrote a comment on a video by ${video.snippet.channelTitle ?? ""}
published: ${timestamp}
next: false
prev: false
tags: [${encodeString(tag, 2)}]
<div class="post">
${getActionDescription({ timestamp, kind: "reply" })}
<div class="content-container u-in-reply-to">
${await getAvatar({,
syndications: [{ type: YOUTUBE_SVG, url: parentInfo.url }],
timestamp: parentInfo.published,
tags: [tag]
<div class="content e-content">${parentInfo.content}</div>
<div class="content-container">
${await getAvatar({
syndications: [{ type: YOUTUBE_SVG, url: permalink }],
<div class="content e-content">
<div class="img-container">
<div class="description">${linkify(sanitize(comment.text))}</div>
${(await Promise.all( reply => `
<div class="content-container u-comment h-cite">
${await getAvatar({
author: {
name: reply.authorDisplayName,
url: reply.authorChannrlUrl,
photo: reply.authorProfileImageUrl
timestamp: new Date(reply.publishedAt).getTime(),
syndications: [{ type: YOUTUBE_SVG, url: `${videoId}&lc=${}` }]
<div class="content e-content">
<div class="img-container">
<div class="description">${linkify(reply.textDisplay)}</div>
if (createdPosts % 100 === 0) {
console.log(`Created ${createdPosts} youtube activity posts (currently commenting)`);
// Favorites
let nextPageToken;
do {
const favorite_videos = await service.playlistItems.list({
playlistId: "FLg1YH1wAWH7JF2-64XYio0A",
part: "snippet",
maxResults: 50,
pageToken: nextPageToken
}).catch(err => {
if (err.status === 403) {
console.log("Failed to retrieve videos - Forbidden", JSON.stringify(err.response));
return 403;
} else if (err.status === 404) {
console.log("Failed to retrieve videos - Not Found", JSON.stringify(err.response));
return 404;
} else if (err.status === 400) {
console.log("Failed to retrieve videos - Bad Request", JSON.stringify(err.response));
} else {
console.log("Failed to retrieve videos", err.status, JSON.stringify(err.response));
return err.status;
if (typeof favorite_videos === "number") {
await Promise.all( video => {
// Don't save video to file because its missing properties like categoryId
await likeVideo({ videoId: video.snippet.resourceId.videoId, auth, kind: "favorite" });
nextPageToken =;
} while (nextPageToken);
// Liked songs
const liked_songs = fs
.pipe(parse({ columns: true, skip_empty_lines: true }));
const ytmusic = new YTMusic();
await ytmusic.initialize();
for await (const { "Song URL": permalink, "Song Title": title, "Album Title": album, "Artist Names": artists } of liked_songs) {
const songId = permalink.match(/https:\/\/music\.youtube\.com\/watch\?v\=(.*)/)[1];
const song = await getSong(songId, ytmusic);
const lastModified = song.formats[0]?.lastModified ?? song.adaptiveFormats[0]?.lastModified;
if (!lastModified) {
// TODO Try searching for the song (and dedupe) (and handle this case in getSong)
let timestamp = new Date(parseInt(lastModified.slice(0, -3))).getTime();
const channel = await getChannel(song.artist.artistId, auth);
if (channel.error) {
let url;
if (channel.customUrl) {
if (channel.customUrl.startsWith('https')) {
url = channel.customUrl;
} else {
url = `${channel.customUrl}`;
} else {
url = `${song.artist.artistId}`;
const author = {
name: channel.title,
photo: channel.thumbnails?.high?.url ?? ""
const content = `<div class="img-container">
<img src="${await getMediaUrl(song.thumbnails[song.thumbnails.length - 1].url)}" />
<div class="description">
<a class="u-url" href="${permalink}"><h2><img src="" />${title}</h2></a>
let path;
for (timestamp--; path == null || fs.existsSync(path);) {
path = `./site/bookmark/${getTimestampPath(++timestamp)}`;
fs.mkdirSync(path, { recursive: true });
const fd = fs.openSync(path + "/", "w+");
fs.writeSync(fd, preparePost(`---
kind: bookmark
title: ${encodeString(title, 2)}
published: ${timestamp}
next: false
prev: false
tags: ["music"]
<div class="post">
${getActionDescription({ timestamp, kind: "bookmark" })}
<div class="content-container u-in-reply-to">
${await getAvatar({,
syndications: [{ type: YOUTUBE_SVG, url: permalink }],
tags: ["music"]
<div class="content e-content">${content}</div>
if (createdPosts % 100 === 0) {
console.log(`Created ${createdPosts} youtube activity posts (currently bookmarking songs)`);
// Liked videos
nextPageToken = undefined;
const allLikedVideos = new Set(JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync("./youtube-export/liked_videos.json").toString()));
console.log(`Loaded ${allLikedVideos.size} bookmarked videos`);
do {
const liked_videos = await service.playlistItems.list({
playlistId: "LL",
part: "snippet",
maxResults: 50,
pageToken: nextPageToken
}).catch(err => {
if (err.status === 403) {
console.log("Failed to retrieve videos - Forbidden", JSON.stringify(err.response));
return 403;
} else if (err.status === 404) {
console.log("Failed to retrieve videos - Not Found", JSON.stringify(err.response));
return 404;
} else if (err.status === 400) {
console.log("Failed to retrieve videos - Bad Request", JSON.stringify(err.response));
} else {
console.log("Failed to retrieve videos", err.status, JSON.stringify(err.response));
return err.status;
if (typeof liked_videos === "number") {
let hasInsertedNone = true; => {
if (!allLikedVideos.has(video.snippet.resourceId.videoId)) {
console.log("Found newly bookmarked video", `${video.snippet.resourceId.videoId}`);
hasInsertedNone &= !allLikedVideos.has(video.snippet.resourceId.videoId);
// Don't save video to file because its missing properties like categoryId
// Early exit if a page had all duplicates
if (hasInsertedNone) {
nextPageToken =;
} while (nextPageToken);
const fd = fs.openSync("./youtube-export/liked_videos.json", "w+");
fs.writeSync(fd, JSON.stringify(Array.from(allLikedVideos)));
for await (const videoId of allLikedVideos) {
await likeVideo({ videoId, auth, kind: "bookmark" });
console.log(`Created ${createdPosts} posts.`);
/** @returns {import('googleapis').youtube_v3.Schema$CommentSnippet} */
async function getComment(commentId, auth) {
const commentCachePath = `./cache/comment-${commentId}.json`;
if (fs.existsSync(commentCachePath)) {
const comment = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(commentCachePath).toString());
if (Object.keys(comment).length > 0) {
return comment;
if (unavailable_urls.has(commentId)) {
return { error: "Unavailable" };
console.log("Querying comment", commentId);
const comment = await service.comments.list({
part: "snippet",
id: [commentId]
}).catch(err => {
if (err.status === 403) {
console.log("Failed to retrieve comment - Forbidden", commentId, JSON.stringify(err.response));
return 403;
} else if (err.status === 404) {
console.log("Failed to retrieve comment - Not Found", commentId, JSON.stringify(err.response));
return 404;
} else if (err.status === 400) {
console.log("Failed to retrieve comment - Bad Request", commentId, JSON.stringify(err.response));
} else {
console.log("Failed to retrieve comment", commentId, err.status, JSON.stringify(err.response));
return err.status;
if (typeof comment === "number") {
return { error: comment };
const snippet = comment?.data.items[0]?.snippet;
if (snippet == null) {
console.log("Could not parse comment", JSON.stringify(comment?.data));
return { error: "Could not parse comment" };
const fd = fs.openSync(commentCachePath, "w+");
fs.writeSync(fd, JSON.stringify(snippet));
return snippet;
/** @returns {import('googleapis').youtube_v3.Schema$CommentSnippet[]} */
async function getReplies(commentId, auth) {
const commentCachePath = `./cache/replies-${commentId}.json`;
if (fs.existsSync(commentCachePath)) {
return JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(commentCachePath).toString());
console.log("Querying replies", commentId);
const comments = await service.comments.list({
part: "snippet",
parentId: [commentId]
}).catch(err => {
if (err.status === 403) {
console.log("Failed to retrieve replies - Forbidden", commentId, JSON.stringify(err.response));
return 403;
} else if (err.status === 404) {
console.log("Failed to retrieve replies - Not Found", commentId, JSON.stringify(err.response));
return 404;
} else if (err.status === 400) {
console.log("Failed to retrieve replies - Bad Request", commentId, JSON.stringify(err.response));
} else {
console.log("Failed to retrieve replies", commentId, err.status, JSON.stringify(err.response));
return err.status;
if (typeof comments === "number") {
return { error: comments };
const snippets = comments? => ({ ...item.snippet, id: }));
if (snippets == null) {
console.log("Could not parse replies", JSON.stringify(comments?.data));
return { error: "Could not parse replies" };
const fd = fs.openSync(commentCachePath, "w+");
fs.writeSync(fd, JSON.stringify(snippets));
return snippets;
/** @returns {import('googleapis').youtube_v3.Schema$Video} */
async function getVideo(videoId, auth) {
const videoCachePath = `./cache/video-${videoId}.json`;
if (fs.existsSync(videoCachePath)) {
const video = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(videoCachePath).toString());
if (Object.keys(video).length > 0 && video.snippet.categoryId != null) {
return video;
if (unavailable_urls.has(videoId)) {
return { error: "Unavailable" };
console.log("Querying video", videoId);
const video = await service.videos.list({
part: "snippet",
id: [videoId]
}).catch(err => {
if (err.status === 403) {
console.log("Failed to retrieve video - Forbidden", videoId, JSON.stringify(err.response));
return 403;
} else if (err.status === 404) {
console.log("Failed to retrieve video - Not Found", videoId, JSON.stringify(err.response));
return 404;
} else if (err.status === 400) {
console.log("Failed to retrieve video - Bad Request", videoId, JSON.stringify(err.response));
} else {
console.log("Failed to retrieve video", videoId, err.status, JSON.stringify(err.response));
return err.status;
if (typeof video === "number") {
return { error: video };
const item = video?.data.items[0];
if (item == null) {
console.log("Could not parse video", JSON.stringify(video?.data));
return { error: "Could not parse video" };
const fd = fs.openSync(videoCachePath, "w+");
fs.writeSync(fd, JSON.stringify(item));
return item;
/** @returns {import('googleapis').youtube_v3.Schema$ChannelSnippet} */
async function getChannel(channelId, auth) {
const channelCachePath = `./cache/channel-${channelId}.json`;
if (fs.existsSync(channelCachePath)) {
const channel = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(channelCachePath).toString());
if (Object.keys(channel).length > 0) {
return channel;
if (unavailable_urls.has(channelId)) {
return { error: "Unavailable" };
console.log("Querying channel", channelId);
const channel = await service.channels.list({
part: "snippet",
id: [channelId]
}).catch(err => {
if (err.status === 403) {
console.log("Failed to retrieve channel - Forbidden", channelId, JSON.stringify(err.response));
return 403;
} else if (err.status === 404) {
console.log("Failed to retrieve channel - Not Found", channelId, JSON.stringify(err.response));
return 404;
} else if (err.status === 400) {
console.log("Failed to retrieve channel - Bad Request", channelId, JSON.stringify(err.response));
} else {
console.log("Failed to retrieve channel", channelId, err.status, JSON.stringify(err.response));
return err.status;
if (typeof channel === "number") {
return { error: channel };
if (!channel?.data.items?.length) {
return { error: "Could not find channel" };
const item = channel?.data.items[0]?.snippet;
if (item == null) {
console.log("Could not parse channel", JSON.stringify(channel?.data));
return { error: "Could not parse channel" };
const fd = fs.openSync(channelCachePath, "w+");
fs.writeSync(fd, JSON.stringify(item));
return item;
async function getSong(songId, ytmusic) {
const songCachePath = `./cache/song-${songId}.json`;
if (fs.existsSync(songCachePath)) {
const song = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(songCachePath).toString());
if (Object.keys(song).length > 0) {
return song;
console.log("Querying song", songId);
const song = await ytmusic.getSong(songId)
.catch(err => {
console.log("Failed to retrieve song", songId, JSON.stringify(err));
return err;
if (song instanceof Error) {
return { error: song };
const fd = fs.openSync(songCachePath, "w+");
fs.writeSync(fd, JSON.stringify(song));
return song;
async function likeVideo({ videoId, auth, kind }) {
const permalink = `${videoId}`;
const video = await getVideo(videoId, auth);
if (video.error || video.snippet == null) {
let timestamp = new Date(video.snippet.publishedAt).getTime();
const tag = VIDEO_CATEGORIES[video.snippet.categoryId];
const channel = await getChannel(video.snippet.channelId, auth);
if (channel.error) {
const author = {
name: channel.title,
url: channel.customUrl ?
`${channel.customUrl}` :
photo: channel.thumbnails?.high?.url ?? ""
const content = `<div class="img-container">
<img src="${await getMediaUrl(video.snippet.thumbnails?.high?.url ?? '')}" />
<div class="description">
<a class="u-url" href="${videoId}"><h2><img width="30px" height="30px" src="${YOUTUBE_THUMBNAIL_URL}" />${video.snippet.title}</h2></a>
<div>${linkify(video.snippet.description.replaceAll(/\n/g, '<br />'))}</div>
let path;
for (timestamp--; path == null || fs.existsSync(path);) {
path = `./site/${kind}/${getTimestampPath(++timestamp)}`;
fs.mkdirSync(path, { recursive: true });
const fd = fs.openSync(path + "/", "w+");
fs.writeSync(fd, preparePost(`---
kind: ${kind}
title: ${encodeString(video.snippet.title, 2)}
published: ${timestamp}
next: false
prev: false
tags: [${encodeString(tag, 2)}]
<div class="post">
${getActionDescription({ timestamp, kind })}
<div class="content-container h-cite u-${kind === 'favorite' ? 'like' : 'bookmark'}-of">
${await getAvatar({,
syndications: [{ type: YOUTUBE_SVG, url: permalink }],
tags: [tag]
<div class="content e-content">${content}</div>
if (createdPosts % 100 === 0) {
console.log(`Created ${createdPosts} youtube activity posts (currently ${kind}ing videos)`);
function markLinkUnavailable(url) {
const fd = fs.openSync("./cache/videos-unavailable.json", "w+");
fs.writeSync(fd, JSON.stringify(Array.from(unavailable_urls.keys())));