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import{d as i}from"./chunks/";import{M as o,q as n,Q as e,K as r,u as a,ag as d,p as s}from"./chunks/framework.Sr2_9k8k.js";const l=e("h1",{class:"p-name"},"Social Media",-1),c=["innerHTML"],m=d('<hr><details><summary>Referenced by:</summary><a href="/garden/commune/">Commune</a><a href="/garden/decentralized-moderation/">Decentralized Moderation</a><a href="/garden/decentralized-social-media/">Decentralized Social Media</a><a href="/garden/digital-locality/">Digital Locality</a><a href="/garden/fediverse/">Fediverse</a><a href="/garden/filter-bubbles/">Filter Bubbles</a><a href="/garden/moderation/">Moderation</a></details><p>Social media is how we interact with people online. It&#39;s also increasingly becoming how we discover and discuss news and ideas. It&#39;s incredibly important, but flawed. A lot of pages in this digital garden criticize and attempt to solve these flaws.</p><p>Traditional social media is centralized, meaning you have to trust the central authority to be acting in your best interests. It also means you likely won&#39;t have control over the moderation rules, sorting methods, filters, or other aspects of the platform. Traditional social media is also overrun by entities trying to accumulate wealth in the &quot;attention economy&quot;, meaning feeds are littered with influencers, advertisers, and scams. It&#39;s not a safe place to be and its not conducive to health conversations.</p><p><a href="/garden/fediverse/">Federated Social Media</a> is partially <a href="/garden/decentralized/">Decentralized</a>, and includes services like Mastodon or Lemmy. These require self hosting, leading to it being a federation of smaller centralized authorities. Most people still won&#39;t have control over the platform, but may find a platform that&#39;s more tolerable to them. However, the process of doing so greatly increases the barrier of entry into the network, and stifles their adoption.</p><p>I personally advocate for a full decentralized social media, called the <a href="/garden/fedi-v2/">Agentic Fediverse</a> . It should give full agency to the individual, and perhaps even introduce the concept of <a href="/garden/digital-locality/">Digital Locality</a>.</p>',6),v=JSON.parse('{"title":"Social Media","description":"","frontmatter":{"alias":"Social Web","public":"true","slug":"social-media","title":"Social Media","prev":false,"next":false},"headers":[],"relativePath":"garden/social-media/","filePath":"garden/social-media/"}'),h={name:"garden/social-media/"},y=Object.assign(h,{setup(f){const t=o();return(u,p)=>(s(),n("div",null,[l,e("p",null,[r("222 words, ~1 minute read. "),e("span",{innerHTML:a(i)[`site/${a(t).page.value.relativePath}`]},null,8,c)]),m]))}});export{v as __pageData,y as default};