
262 lines
14 KiB

addLayer("f", {
name: "fame",
symbol: "F",
color: fameColor,
branches: [ 'c' ],
row: 2,
position: 3,
resource: "fame",
baseResource: "cash",
infoboxes: {
lore: {
title: "fame",
body: `You've started accumulating a name for yourself. Some people even recognize your name, and check out your new releases. The more <span style="color: ${fameColor}">fans</span> you have, the more quickly you attract more. Time to take advantage of that!<br/><br/>` +
`By creating social media accounts you can harness your <span style="color: ${fameColor}">fan base</span> for all sorts of benefits! In fact, you may as well create some alt accounts while you're at it: the more the merrier, when <span style="color: ${fameColor}">fame</span> is involved!`
resetDescription: "Elevate your social status by ",
startData() { return {
unlocked: false,
best: new Decimal(0),
points: new Decimal(0),
fans: new Decimal(1)
layerShown() { return player[this.layer].unlocked || },
type: "static",
requires: new Decimal(2500),
base: new Decimal(4),
baseAmount() { return player.c.points },
exponent: 1.25,
gainMult() {
mult = new Decimal(1)
if (hasUpgrade("g", 23) && !inChallenge("d", 11)) mult = mult.div(upgradeEffect("g", 23))
if (hasUpgrade("l", 12)) mult = mult.div(upgradeEffect("l", 12))
return mult
gainExp() {
return new Decimal(1)
roundUpCost: true,
canBuyMax() { return true },
effect() {
return {
doubleFrequency: player[this.layer].points.gte(1) ? new Decimal(60).div(player[this.layer].points.mul(layers.g.effect())).div(buyableEffect("f", 11).add(1)) : new Decimal("infinity"),
productivityMult: player[this.layer].fans.mul(layers.g.effect()).clampMin(10).log10(),
fanMult: buyableEffect("f", 11),
cashMult: buyableEffect("f", 12),
expMult: buyableEffect("f", 13),
upgMult: buyableEffect("f", 14)
effectDescription() {
return player[this.layer].points.lessThan(1) ? "" : `which double your amount of fans every ${format(this.effect().doubleFrequency)} seconds.`
doReset(resettingLayer) {
if (['d', 'l', 'g'].includes(resettingLayer)) {
layerDataReset(this.layer, hasMilestone("g", 2) && !inChallenge("d", 11) ? [ 'milestones', 'upgrades' ] : [])
if (hasMilestone("g", 0) && !inChallenge("d", 11)) player[this.layer].fans = new Decimal(1000)
if (hasMilestone("g", 1) && !inChallenge("d", 11)) {
setBuyableAmount("f", 11, new Decimal(1))
setBuyableAmount("f", 12, new Decimal(1))
setBuyableAmount("f", 13, new Decimal(1))
setBuyableAmount("f", 14, new Decimal(1))
resetsNothing() { return challengeCompletions("d", 22) > 0 },
hotkeys: [
key: "f",
description: "Press F to elevate your social status",
onPress() { if (canReset(this.layer)) doReset(this.layer) }
tabFormat: [
["infobox", "lore"],
["display-text", function() {
const { productivityMult, fanMult, cashMult, expMult, upgMult } = layers.f.effect()
let text = `<br/>You currently have ${format(, 4)} fans, which currently:`
text += `<br/>Multiplies productivity by ${format(productivityMult)}x`
if (getBuyableAmount("f", 11).gte(1)) text += `<br/>Multiplies fan gain by ${format(fanMult)}x due to discord`
if (getBuyableAmount("f", 12).gte(1)) text += `<br/>Multiplies cash gain by ${format(cashMult)}x due to patreon`
if (getBuyableAmount("f", 13).gte(1)) text += `<br/>Multiplies experience gain by ${format(expMult)}x due to twitch`
if (getBuyableAmount("f", 14).gte(1)) text += `<br/>Multiplies update gain by ${format(upgMult)}x due to github`
return text
["display-text", () => `Your best fame is ${}`],
update(diff) {
if (player[this.layer].points.gte(1)) {
const freq = this.effect().doubleFrequency
if (
player[this.layer].fans = player[this.layer].fans.mul(new Decimal(2).pow(new Decimal(diff).div(freq)))
if (hasUpgrade("l", 12) && !inChallenge("d", 21))
[11, 12, 13, 14].forEach(id => {
if (layers.f.buyables[id].canAfford()) layers.f.buyables[id].buy()
buyables: {
rows: 1,
cols: 4,
11: {
title: "Discord",
cost() { return getBuyableAmount("f", 11).add(1) },
display() { return getBuyableAmount("f", 11).gte(1) ? `Each alt account raises your discord effect on fan gain to the ^1.1 power.<br/><br/>Next upgrade cost: ${this.cost()} fame` : `Create a discord, boosting your fan gain the more fans you have<br/><br/>Unlock cost: ${this.cost()} fame` },
canAfford() { return player[this.layer].points.gte(this.cost()) },
effect() {
if (getBuyableAmount("f", 11).lte(0)) return new Decimal(1)
let effect = new Decimal(1.1).pow(getBuyableAmount("f", 11).sub(1)).mul(player[this.layer].fans.clampMin(10).log10().pow(0.3)).mul(layers.g.effect()).add(1)
if (hasUpgrade("f", 14) && hasUpgrade("g", 12) && !inChallenge("d", 11)) effect = effect.mul(upgradeEffect("f", 14))
return effect
buy() {
if (!hasUpgrade("l", 12) || inChallenge("d", 21)) player[this.layer].points = player[this.layer].points.sub(this.cost())
setBuyableAmount("f", 11, getBuyableAmount("f", 11).add(1))
12: {
title: "Patreon",
cost() { return getBuyableAmount("f", 12).add(1).mul(2) },
display() { return getBuyableAmount("f", 12).gte(1) ? `Each alt account raises your patreon effect on cash gain to the ^1.1 power.<br/><br/>Next upgrade cost: ${this.cost()} fame` : `Create a patreon, boosting your cash gain the more fans you have<br/><br/>Unlock cost: ${this.cost()} fame` },
canAfford() { return player[this.layer].points.gte(this.cost()) },
effect() {
if (getBuyableAmount("f", 12).lte(0)) return new Decimal(1)
return new Decimal(1.1).pow(getBuyableAmount("f", 12).sub(1)).mul(player[this.layer].fans.clampMin(10).log2().sqrt()).mul(layers.g.effect()).add(1)
buy() {
if (!hasUpgrade("l", 12) || inChallenge("d", 21)) player[this.layer].points = player[this.layer].points.sub(this.cost())
setBuyableAmount("f", 12, getBuyableAmount("f", 12).add(1))
13: {
title: "Twitch",
cost() { return getBuyableAmount("f", 13).add(1).mul(2) },
display() { return getBuyableAmount("f", 13).gte(1) ? `Each alt account raises your twitch effect on experience gain to the ^1.1 power.<br/><br/>Next upgrade cost: ${this.cost()} fame` : `Create a twitch where you stream development and get instant feedback, boosting your experience gain the more fans you have<br/><br/>Unlock cost: ${this.cost()} fame` },
canAfford() { return player[this.layer].points.gte(this.cost()) },
effect() {
if (getBuyableAmount("f", 11).lte(0)) return new Decimal(1)
return new Decimal(1.1).pow(getBuyableAmount("f", 13).sub(1)).mul(player[this.layer].fans.clampMin(10).log2().pow(0.25)).mul(layers.g.effect()).add(1)
buy() {
if (!hasUpgrade("l", 12) || inChallenge("d", 21)) player[this.layer].points = player[this.layer].points.sub(this.cost())
setBuyableAmount("f", 13, getBuyableAmount("f", 13).add(1))
14: {
title: "Github",
cost() { return getBuyableAmount("f", 14).add(1).mul(3) },
display() { return getBuyableAmount("f", 14).gte(1) ? `Each alt account raises your github effect on update gain to the ^1.1 power.<br/><br/>Next upgrade cost: ${this.cost()} fame` : `Add a link in the game to the github repo, boosting your update gain the more fans you have<br/><br/>Unlock cost: ${this.cost()} fame` },
canAfford() { return player[this.layer].points.gte(this.cost()) },
effect() {
if (getBuyableAmount("f", 11).lte(0)) return new Decimal(1)
return new Decimal(1.1).pow(getBuyableAmount("f", 14).sub(1)).mul(player[this.layer].fans.clampMin(10).log10().pow(0.25)).mul(layers.g.effect()).add(1)
buy() {
if (!hasUpgrade("l", 12) || inChallenge("d", 21)) player[this.layer].points = player[this.layer].points.sub(this.cost())
setBuyableAmount("f", 14, getBuyableAmount("f", 14).add(1))
upgrades: {
rows: 1,
cols: 4,
11: {
title: "Create p2p botnet",
description() { return `Include malware in a game to use your players to pirate textbooks, increasing experience gain based on number of fans.` },
currencyDisplayName: "updates",
currencyInternalName: "points",
currencyLocation() { return player.u },
cost: new Decimal(15000),
unlocked() { return hasUpgrade("g", 12) && !inChallenge("d", 11) },
effect() { return }
12: {
title: "Use botnet for scalping",
description() { return `Use your botnet to buy limited supply items before legitimate buyers, increasing cash gain based on number of fans.` },
currencyDisplayName: "updates",
currencyInternalName: "points",
currencyLocation() { return player.u },
cost: new Decimal(20000),
unlocked() { return hasUpgrade("g", 12) && !inChallenge("d", 11) },
effect() { return }
13: {
title: "Use botnet for distributed processing",
description() { return `Use your botnet to automatically analyze your games with deep learning, increasing refactoring gain based on number of fans.` },
currencyDisplayName: "updates",
currencyInternalName: "points",
currencyLocation() { return player.u },
cost: new Decimal(30000),
unlocked() { return hasUpgrade("g", 12) && !inChallenge("d", 11) },
effect() { return }
14: {
title: "Use botnet for social media manipulation",
description() { return `Use your botnet to automatically like posts on social media, increasing fan gain based on number of fans.` },
currencyDisplayName: "updates",
currencyInternalName: "points",
currencyLocation() { return player.u },
cost: new Decimal(50000),
unlocked() { return hasUpgrade("g", 12) && !inChallenge("d", 11) },
effect() { return }
milestones: {
0: {
requirementDescription: "1 best fame",
effectDescription: "Retain the first equipment upgrade",
done() { return player[this.layer].best.gte(1) }
1: {
requirementDescription: "2 best fame",
effectDescription: "Retain the second equipment upgrade",
done() { return player[this.layer].best.gte(2) }
2: {
requirementDescription: "3 best fame",
effectDescription: "Retain the third equipment upgrade",
done() { return player[this.layer].best.gte(3) },
unlocked() { return hasMilestone("f", 0) }
3: {
requirementDescription: "4 best fame",
effectDescription: "Retain the fourth equipment upgrade",
done() { return player[this.layer].best.gte(4) },
unlocked() { return hasMilestone("f", 1) }
4: {
requirementDescription: "5 best fame",
effectDescription: "Retain the fifth equipment upgrade",
done() { return player[this.layer].best.gte(5) },
unlocked() { return hasMilestone("f", 2) }
5: {
requirementDescription: "6 best fame",
effectDescription: "Retain the sixth equipment upgrade",
done() { return player[this.layer].best.gte(6) },
unlocked() { return hasMilestone("f", 3) }
6: {
requirementDescription: "7 best fame",
effectDescription: "Retain the seventh equipment upgrade",
done() { return player[this.layer].best.gte(7) },
unlocked() { return hasMilestone("f", 4) }
7: {
requirementDescription: "8 best fame",
effectDescription: "Retain the eighth equipment upgrade",
done() { return player[this.layer].best.gte(8) },
unlocked() { return hasMilestone("f", 5) }