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import{_ as e,c as a,o as s,a4 as t,ao as o}from"./chunks/framework.Bq2gx8C2.js";const g=JSON.parse('{"title":"Hello!","description":"","frontmatter":{"title":"Hello!","prev":false,"next":false},"headers":[],"relativePath":"","filePath":""}'),n={name:""},l=t('<div class="h-card"><h1 id="hello">Hello!</h1><p>I&#39;m Anthony, or <span class="p-name">The Paper Pilot</span>, and welcome to my <a href="/garden/digital-gardens">digital garden</a>!</p><a href="/" class="u-url u-uid"><img class="u-photo hero" src="'+o+'"></a><p>I have a variety of interests, from game development to the fediverse to digital gardens themselves! This is a public website collecting all my (public) thoughts and projects all in one place. There are a lot of pages here, that link to each other wiki-style. I suggest starting your browsing with one of the recommended pages that most closely aligns with your own interests 😃.</p><h2 id="about-me">About me</h2><div class="p-note"> I&#39;m a software developer living in <span class="p-locality">Dallas</span>, <span class="p-region">Texas</span><span class="p-country-name" style="display:none;">USA</span> with my wife and baby son. I work at <span class="p-org h-card"><span class="p-name">Topaz Labs LLC</span><span class="p-role" style="display:none;">Software Developer</span></span>, where I develop their flagship product Topaz Photo AI. I have many hobbies and interests - check out <a href="/now">/now</a> for a list of what I&#39;m currently working on. Reach out to me via my socials or <a class="u-email" href=""></a>. </div></div>',1),i=[l];function r(p,c,h,d,m,_){return s(),a("div",null,i)}const u=e(n,[["render",r]]);export{g as __pageData,u as default};